as though it wer in the best forme before any Curiet at my very death, and this I dowe because I am sickly and sometimes wake, and my saviore may call sudenly. I have made this my last Will and the Rather because if this come before the ordinary, I trust he will see my said sone have his rights by this my only gifte by this my Will, if I dowe no waye reforme it at any time heirafter. Witnesses, Thomas Morland, Thomas Burrell and others. Proved, 1613. JOHN HUTTON.1 Feb. 20, 1611. I, John Hutton, pson of Gatesheade. To be buried in the pish of Gateshead at the will and pleasure of my Executors. I give unto my wife, Florence (which she gave me for a token), 57. in gould as a token. I give unto her two gownes, two kirtles, two petticots and a velvet hat (which I bought for my wife, Elizabeth) for a legacie. I give unto her, for a legacie, the syde saidle which I bought last at London, with all the furniture that belongs to it. I give to my sister, Margaret Blackburne, one little peece of East Countrey plate for a token, in full satisfaction that is dew to her out of my goodes. To my sonne, Henry Farniside, 37. 6s. 8d. To James Farniside, a New Mr of Artshood and 40s. I give to Edward Miller, my sister's daughter's sonne, 107. To Jacob Farniside, Edwyne Nicholson, Willm. Cooke, my wive's children, and to every one of their wyves, a french crowne apeece for a token. Unto everie of my servants, their waige and 5s. apeece more. I give to Thomas Cuthbert, notarie public, a french crowne for a token. The residue of all my goodes, moveable and unmoveable, my debts, legacies and funeral expenses (saving the tenn poundes given by me to Edward Miller), I give and bequeath unto my said wife, Florence, and James Cole, of Newcastle, yeoman, to be equally divided among them, the said James Cole paying out of his part He matriculated from Jesus College, Cambridge, Michs., 1565, B.A., 1569/70, M A., 1573, Fellow, 1571-5, ordained deacon and priest, 8 June, 1584, Rector of Gateshead, 1595-1612. Preb. of Southwell, 1601-12, bur. at Gateshead, 10 March, 1611/12. He mar., firstly, Elizabeth, dau. of Laurence Dodsworth, rector of Gateshead, and widow of William Blythman (will dated 1603, proved 1606), 14 Nov., 1609, at Gateshead, and bur. there, 27 Jan., 1610/11. He mar., secondly, Florence (bur., 10 June, 1633, at St. Nich., Newcastle), widow of James Farnisyde. Rector of Whickham (bur., 10 Dec., 1610). His stepchildren James Farnisyde, bapt.. 12 Aug., 1589. at Whickham, B.A., from St. John's College, Cambridge, 1611/12, Vicar of Long Benton, 1621, until his death in 1628; Henry Farnisyde, bapt., 29 June, 1591, at Whickham; Mary, mar. at Whickham, 19 Nov., 1609, Edwin Nicholson; Jane, bapt., 24 Aug., 1583, mar. at Whickham, 2 Nov., 1607, William Cooke; Jacob Farnisyde, mar. Isabel, dau. of John Gray, draper, 24 Jan., 1608/9, at St. Nich., Newcastle, and was bur. there, 22 April, 1623 of my goods the sume of 107., which I have given to Edward Miller, and do require the said James Cole to take the tuicon and keeping of the said Edward Miller, with the said sum of 107. into his handes, and until he come to be bounde a prentice or otherwise. And I doe make my wife, Florence, and James Cole, executors. I doe give unto Janie Cole, the wife of Nicholas Cole, and Elizabeth Rand, the wife of Willm. Rand, either of them, a booke thone called, learne to lyve, and the other, learne to dye, for a token. Witnesses, Jacob Ferneside, Edwin Nicholson, Thomas Cuthbert, Mergerie Lamb. Proved, 28th March, 1612. ROBERT SMYTH.1 April 1, 1612. In the name of God, Amen, I, Robert Smyth, of the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, in the County of the same towne, Tallow Chandler. To be buried in the parish church of St. John's in Newcastle at the discretion of my executors hereafter named, and to the poor of the said parish I doe give and bequeathe 10s. to be distributed at the discretion of the Churchwardens. And as touching the ordering, setling and disposing of my lands and goods wherewith the Lord in this life hath blessed and endued me, I doe give and bequeath as following: Whereas heretofore I, the said Robert Smyth, by my Deed indented, dated the third daie of June, in the 44th yeare of the reign of our lawful sovereign, Lady Queen Elizabeth, confirmed unto John Cliborne, late of Newcastle aforesaid, Scryvener, deceased, and Thomas Marley, of the same towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, Feltmaker, their heires and assigns for ever All those two burgages or tenements, with there appurtenances, then late in the several tenures or occupations of me, the said Robert and John Swynborne, gentleman, lying and being in a street in Newcastle aforesaid, called the Iron Markett, to have and to hold the said two burgages or tenements, with their appurtes, unto the said John Cliborne and Thomas Marley, and their heires for ever, to the uses and behoofe in the said Deed limitted My will and mind is that the said two burgages or tenements, with their appurtenes, in the said Deed specified, shall remayne continuous, and be unto the use and behoofe in the said deed limitted, and to no other use, intent or purpose. Whereas also I, the said Robert Smyth, by another Poll Deed or writinge of assignment, bearing date the 21 day of September, 1610, I have given, granted and assigned and sett over to Ann and Dorithye Smith, my daughters, all my right, estate by the terme of yeares to come, claime and 1 The testator mar. for his second wife, Christobell Thompson, 25 Nov., 1595, at St. John's, Newcastle, where he was bur. 19 April, 1612, and his son Rowland was mar. 14 Feb., 1612/13, to Alice Shafto. demand whatsoever, which I, the said Robert Smith, have everie right, or ought to have, of and in or to all the tythe corne and the clayme and other tythes within the fields and tenements of Litle Thrickleby, in the County of York. Wherefore, the yearly rent of twenty markes is to me due, or to be paid out of or for the said tythe, my will and mynd also is, and the said yearlie rent of twenty markes, and other rents dew for the said tythes as aforesaid, shall contynue, and be unto the use of the said Ann and Dorrithie, my daughters, according to the said assignment. And further, my Will and mynd is that my sonne, Rowland Smyth, shall be paid by my executors hereafter named the sume of 1001. by 10l. a yeare out of my goods and chattells, according to the lymitacon of one Deed by me heretofore made to the said Rowland, bearinge date the 20 daie of September, 1610, in full discharge of his, the said Rowland's, filliall pt and porcon of all and singuler my lands, tenements, woods and chattells whatsoever. And whereas heretofore I have purchased to me and myne heires for ever, certain lands in Firley, in the pish of Bedall, within the County of Yorke, of Thomas Jackson, of Baulke, in the said County of York, gentleman, my will and mynd is also that the same lands and the issues and profitts thereof shall remayne, contynew, according to the same are lymitted in one Deed or writing, which Deed is nowe in the custodie of Cuthbert Harrison, my brother-in-law. I give and bequeath unto my unckle, John Smyth, of Chester, for a legacy, 31. I give to my Aunt, Elizabeth Smith, 20s. I give to my sister, Sibill, wife of John Browne, in Gateside, 20s. I give to my sister, Elizabeth, wife of Robert Ranson, of Whickham, 20s. I give to my sister, Margaret, wife of John Wheldon, 20s. I give to my brother-in-law, Edward Harrison, of the City of Durham, clarke, my best gray horse, now going at Plawsworth. I give to my brother-in-law, Cuthbert Harrison, 20s. I give unto my brother-in-law, George Harrison, 20s. I give unto my brother in lawe, Richard Harrison, of Durham, 20s. I give and bequeath to my daughter, Dorothie Smith, her heirs and assignes for ever my house in Westgate, in Newcastle aforesaid, which I purchased of Mr. Harden, of Hollinsyde. And if it shall happen the said Dorothie to dye before she come to the age of sixteene yeares, or be married, then my will and mynd is that the said house and appurtenances shall remaine and come to my daughter, Anne Smyth, hir heires and assigns for ever. I give the rent to me dew and payable out of the burgage or tenement now in the occupation of Thomas Ewbank, haberdasher, unto my said daughter, Ann. I give to my said daughter, Ann, my Bay Mare. I give for a remembrance to my frend, Thomas Ewbank, 10s., and to his wife, other 10s. I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Thompson, daughter unto Christobell Thompson, some tymes my wife, 227., to be paid to the said Elsabeth, her executors or assigns, at Pentecost next coming, within three monthes next after my decease, upon condicon that upon receipt thereof that she, the said Elsabeth, her executor or assigns, shall sealle and deliver unto me the said Robert for my Executor, one generall acquittance or release of all her filiall pt or porcon of the goods and chattells of Bartram Thompson, her father, deceased, and Christobell, her mother. And my will and mynd is that Anne my now wife, shall receive and take for the use of my said daughters, Dorothie and Ann, the said yearlie rent of twenty markes a yeare, issuing out of and for the said tythes of litle Thrick by aforesaid, until they, the said Dorothie and Anne, be of lawful yeares or otherwise be lawfully married. The residue of all my Goodes and Chattells whatsoever, my debts, legacies and funeral expences being first paid and discharged, I give and bequeath unto my said wife, Ann, and to my said two daughters, Dorothie and Ann, whom I herebye ordeyne, constitute, make and appoint them my joint executors of this my last Will and Testament, revoking all former Wills, gifts and legacies whatsoever heretofore by me made, and doe publish and declare this my psent writing to be my last Will and Testament, and none other. Witnesses, George Fenwyck, Edward French, Tho. Arrowsmyth. Proved, 9 June, 1612. ROBERT WAWGHE. April 24, 1612. I, Robert Wawghe, of Chester-ley-Street, within the Countie of Durham, Yeoman. To be buryed within the pish Church of Chester aforesaid in ioyful hope of a glorious resserection. I doe give sixe shillings and eightpence yearely for ever, out of my freehold land called and knowne by the name of Rogerfield, as it is situate, lyeing and being within the limitts and towne of Chester, to be distributed to the poore of the Towne and pish of Chester by the hands of the Churchwardens of Chester aforesaid, for their time or times succesively being for ever at the two fesvall feasts, that is to say, Whitsontyde and Martymas, by even and equal porcons. I give unto Robert Frysell. my eldest daughter's sonne save one, 20s. in moneye. I give to Marinaduke Hirde, 20s. Unto Robert Hird, 20s., if he should outlive To Frances Smyth, of Hexam, my sister, 20s. in money To Robert Welch, eldest son of William Welch, 30s. in money, and to William Welch, younger sone of William Welch, the elder, 30s. I give unto William Waughe, my grandchild, 20s. trew and faithfull servante, Elsbeth Godskirk, 40s., to be paid unto her by my executors fore under named, one loade of malte, also or fourteen shillings in money. And also my Will is that she shall have that howse of myne in Chester, lying and beinge between the house of William Wels on the west, and the howse me. To my wherein I dwell. I give unto the worshipfull, and my most true and faithfull friend in this transtorie world, Thomas Chaytor, of Butterbie, Esquire, 31., for a token and remembrance of my hartie love and good will towards him. To Elsbeth Godskirk, my servant, a paire of stand bedsteads, together with the bed clothes and furniture to the same belonginge. I give to Robert Hallyman my best jackett, and to William Welch, my best black britches. To the poore, to be distributed to them at my buryall, 20s. To Robt. Hallyman, that Cloake which was his owne father's cloake in his life tyme. To Isabel Drews, ten groats. To Alice Thompson, ten grotts. I doe give sixe pounds in money, to be bestowed in a dynner to make my honest good neighbors welcome for my laste faire well to them out of this synfull worlde. doe give unto Sir Thomas Lyddall, curate of Chester, 2o. for a remembrance, and I give my worke day clothes to Robt. Hirde. And I doe constitute and ordayne Margaret Wawghe, wedow, Margarett Hallyman and Margaret Welch, executors of this my Will. Witnesses, Martyn Hallyman, Thomas Liddall, minister of God. Whereas James Wilson, and Margarie Wilson, his wife, are owne me 20s. that they borrowed. I doe forgive them the same, and doe by this my last give to her, the said Margarie Wilson, other 20s. I ROBERT WAUGHE.1 September 7, 1613. I, the aforesaid Robert Waughe, doe give unto Robert Welch, younger, 47., to be paid out of my pcell of ground called Turnar Mares, at or within twelve months of my depture. I also give unto William Welch, younger, 4l., to be paid out of Turnar Mares at the end of two yeares next ensewing after my said depture of this transtorie worlde. To John Welch, sonne of William Welch, elder, 41. out of the said Turnar Mares at the end of three yeares next ensewing after my departure out of this mortal lyfe. To Robt. Hird, 40s. in money, to be paid within three months after my decease. I give to Janet Smith, wife to Thomas Smith, of Hexam, my sister, 20s. To Isabell Lyddall, 20s. To Margarett Wawghe, 20s., and to William Wawghe, 20s., and to Robert Wawghe, younger, 20s. Witnesses of this, Thomas Lyddall, Minister, John Clayton, John Bird. 1 He was bur. at Chester-le-Street, 1 Sept., 1613; his wife Margery was also bur. there, 17 Feb., 1594/5. His dau.. Elizabeth. mar. Robert Frisell, 1 Aug., 1583, and their son Robert was bapt. 27 Oct., 1588. His Inq. per br. de Mand., taken at Durham, 23 Oct., 1613. Robert, aged 22, is his grandson, and next heir, viz. :-son of John, son of the said testator. By deed dated 14 Apl., 1612, he granted an annuity to Margaret Waughe, the mother of the said grandson. By a deed three days later he settled land for his own use for life, with remainder to William, son of his son John. |