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manner, for which I do give unto the said William Ray the onehalf of my land and messuages in Hawkwell during my sonn's minortie. I give unto my wife, Agnes Newton, fower kine, tenne ewes and tenne sheepe hoggs. I give to my sister, Jane Newton, my land in Hawkwell if it shall please god to call away my sone, Arthur, by death, before he comes of age, to enable him to dispose of the same, conditionally that shee marry with a Newton to keep it in the name. To John Bell, of Dewly House, one loade of rye and one loade of oatts, being Newcastle measure. To Jane Newton. my sister, 13s. 4d. To Isabell Stawper, my sister, two ewes. То John Bell, my uncle's sone, one browne whye. To Mr. Mathew Newtone, of Stockfield Halle, one black hawked oxe. To Thomas Thompson, my godesone, two ewe hoggs. To either of my men servants, one ewe hogge. To young William Ray, one black nagge. To Pervicall Dicksone, one bay fillie. If my wife prove to be with childe to mee, then I do give the one halfe of my goods not bequeathed unto the said child. I make my said sone, Arthur, my sole Executor, and William Dixsone, my brother-in-law, Supervisor of this my Will.

INVENTORY, amounted to 50l. 12s. 6d.


Sept. 22, 1612. I, Railph Watson, of Thorpthewles, in the parish of Grindon, in the Countie of Durham, yeoman. To be buryed within my said pishe church of Grindon. I give to the poore people and neadie of my said pish of Grindon, 20s. I give unto every godchild that I xpenned, 7d. a peece. I give unto my wellbeloved wyfe, Ann Watson, an acre of winter corne and al other of waire corne yearly during hir life, which said acres are to be appointed by two indefferent men to be chosen for that purpose by my said wife and my sonne William, one of my executors, and continually from time [to time] duringe all the life of my said wife shall be plowed, manured, harrowed, and repeied by my said sonne William, or his assigns for the use, benefitt, comodotye and pfitt of my said wife, of his owne proper costs and charges in and after the best manner of husbandrie according to the use and custome of the towne and countrie, she only findinge and preparing seede for the sowinge of those acrees at all tymes when they are to be sowen and laying it upon the groundes, and my will is that my said sonne or his assignes in tyme of harvest when hir corne shall be ready and at all tymes during hir lyfe shall take lead and carrye home at hir appointmente unto the staggarthes or barne, now upon my farme, where it maie be in saftye, all such corne

1 He was bur. at Grindon, 23 Oct., 1612, his widow being bur. beside him, 27 Mch., 1615.

and Grayne as shall grow and increase upon the same acrees, and shall also allowe unto hir sufficiente barne roome for the threstinge of the same in dewe and convenieyent tyme and season. I give unto my said wyfe my wheat racke standinge a litle above the back barne and two bushles of Rie. I doe give unto my wife foure of my best milke kyne to go and depasture from time to time during hir lifetime upon the best pastures in somer belonging my farme, and in winter to goe to the best winter groundes belonging the same to be foothered and fedd. My will is that my sonne, William, shall, during hir lyfe, deliver or cause to be delivered one foother or wagneload of Cooles, she paieing for it at the pitt, and one foother or wagneload of whinnes. I give unto my dawghter, Margaret Watson, three score of good tenn poundes and god's blessing on myne. Unto the said Annie Watson, my wife, and Margaret Watson, my dowghter, all my household stuff and implements of husbandry. I give unto John Burdon, my sonne-in-law, 10s. I give to my daughter Katherine's two children, Rowland Burdon and Robt. Burdon, three ewes and their lambes. I give unto my daughter Elizabeth's children, Tobias and George Readheed, either of them a cowe. I give the rest of my goods to my sons, William Watson and John Watson. Witnesses, Francis Green, William Bambrough.




Nov. 4, 1612. I, Thomas Applebye of East Rainton. To be buryed in the Church or Churchyarde where it shall please god to call me. I give to James Jackson, sonne of Thomas Jackson, my land and rent thereof in Northumberland lyeing in Thornton. give unto Elizabeth Ranson my black why. To every one of my sisters' three children a yow and a lambe. I give to Mergery Applebye, in Newcastle, 30s. I give to Robt. Atkinson, 47. То Railph Atkinson, 47. I give to Robt. Jackson, 31. 6s. 8d. James Atkinsone, 31. 6s. 8d. I give to the poore of Houghton parish, 40s. To Thomas Jackson, 10s. To Jane Jackson, his daughter, 5s. (My debts that I owe.) I owe unto Anthony Surrell, of Newbottle, 157. 8s. Unto John Chilton, shoemaker, of Durham, 61. To William Ingledew, 137. 6s. 8d. To Edward Nickson, shoemaker, for fower payre of shooes. To James Atkinson, upon a bond, 57. (Debts owen to me.) Mr. John Heeth, of Ramside, doth owe me 607. Edward of Weston doth owe to me 107. 5s. Thomas Pearesonn, of Hart, doth owe to me 117. Mrs. Forser, of Harbress, 117. Robt. Wheateley, of Chester, 87. 13s. 4d. Bernard Arkle, of West Herington, 107. 13s., and what els that

The testator was bur. at Houghton-le-Spring, 6 Nov., 1612, and his widow, Jane, 25 May, 1626.

will appeare by specialtye in writinge. Anthony Cotes, of Pensher, 5s. Mr. Henry Whitheade, 10s. Mris Barbary Middleton for a load of oats, 6s. William Storie, of Washington, 10s. Mr. Robt. Davill oweth me 10s. I doe make and ordaine my wife, Jane Applebye, and James Jackson, sonne of Thomas Jacksone, joynt executors of this my will and Testament, whom I give and bequeath all the rest of my goods and chattalls, except such as is specifyed in this my will. I give to John Jackson a yowe. To Anthonye Airay, for writing this, my last Will, 3s. 4d. Witnesses, Anthony Ayray, Curate, Thomas Jackson.


Nov. 24, 1612. Will of me, John Hethe, the elder, of Kepeyere, in the County of Durham, Esquire. I doe give and bequeth to all my household servants as well men as women which have served me a yere before my deathe, and then shall be alyve and in service, to every one of them one whole yeres wages over and above the wages then due to them. Also I give and bequeth to John Booth, who was my servante, 10s. And to Elysabeth Booth, his wife, 10s., in remembrance of my good will. Also I doe give to Christopher Aireson, my Bailyfe, 10s., and to Alice, his wife, 10s. Also I doe give to Thomas Pryorman and Awdeley, his wife, to eyther of them, 5s. Also I give and bequeathe to my brother, Mr. Nicholas Hethe, fower Angells, to by him a ringe for a remembrance in token of my good will. Also I bequeathe unto my nephewe, John Heathe, of Ramside, my godsone, fyve marks for a remembrance of my good will. Also I give and bequeath unto my brother-in-law, Mr. John Kinge, 10s., and to my sister, An, his wife, 10s., in remembrance of my good will. Also I give to Thomas Billingham, sone to Richard Billingham, of Durham, Marchant, 10s. Also I doe and bequeth and forgive my daughter, Dorothy Heth, wife of my sone, John Hethe, the sume of three and fyfty shillings and fower pence, which I payd for hir to John Widdowes. Also I give to my said daughter, Dorothy Heth,

The testator, eldest son of John Heath of London after of Kepyer, was bur., 28 Jan., 1617/18, at St. Giles', Durham; he mar. Elizabeth dau. of John Parker of Norwich; she was bur., 21 Oct., 1612, at St. Giles. His brother Nicholas mar. Anne, dau. of John Topp of Shallingford, co. Berks., and was bur. at St. Giles, 16 July, 1627. His son John, born 1568, bur., 7 Jan., 1639/40, aged 71, at St. Giles, mar. Dorothy, dau. of John Blakiston of Blakiston (she was bur. at St. Giles, 19 Oct., 1631, aged 70), his son Thomas mar. Dorothy, dau. of Richard Bunny of Newlands, she was buried at St. Giles, 17 May, 1642, their son John of Gray's Inn, bapt., 30 Sept., 1604, at Pittington, bur. 7 Mch., 1664/5, at St. Giles, mar. Margaret, dau. of William Smith of Durham, 27 Oct., 1623, St. Mary-le-Bow (bur., 9 July, 1670, at St. Oswald's). His dau. Thomasine (bur. 28 Sept., 1654, at St. Oswald's) mar. Thomas Lever, 9 Nov., 1590, at St. Giles.


wyfe of my said sone, John Hethe, tenn Angells, for a remembrance of my good will. Also I give and bequeth to my daughter, Dorothy Heth, wife of my sone, Thomas Heth, tenn Angells. Also I give and bequethe to John Heth, eldest sone of my sonne, Thomas Heth, which is my godsonne, fower Angells. Also I give to my sonne-in-law, Mr. Thomas Lever, six Angells, to make him a ringe. Also I give and forgive to my said sonne-in-law, Mr. Thomas Lever, the hundreth pounds which he doeth owe to me which I lent to him as by his Bill will appeare. Also I give and bequeath to John Lever, eldest sonne of my said sonne-in-law, Mr. Thomas Lever, my godson, fower Angells. Also I give and bequeath to Elizabeth Lever, daughter to my said sone-in-lawe, Mr. Thomas Lever, two Angells. Also I bequeath to my cosin, George Martin, two Angells, in remembrance of my good will, and to his wyfe, my cosin, Thomazin Martin, two Angells. Also I give and bequethe to Hethe Lever, daughter to my said son-inlaw, Mr. Thomas Lever, one Angell. Also I doe give and bequethe to my daughter, Thomasin Lever, wyfe to Mr. Thomas Lever, these things followeinge, viz. All the plate which is att Little Lever in her owne possession, and all such household stuffe, linnen, pewter, brasse, beddinge, and whatsoever is myne, and is now at Little Lever which I lent to hir husband, Mr. Thomas Lever, to occupye and use as by a note of his hand subscribed by him will appeare. And whereas I have and am seazed in fee of the reversion of two closes or peels of ground, the one called Beadwell and the other Goodrigg Close, lyinge and being within the terrytoryes of Newton, nigh Durham, expectent upon a lease for fower thousand yeares, heretofore made by me to George Middletonupon which lease was reserved and is yet payable to me, my heirs and assignes during the said terme the yearly rent of 207., upon the tenth daye next after the feast day of Pentecost, and the tenth day next after the feast day of St. Martin, the Byshopp, in winter by equall porcyons at or in the house or great gaites of the house of Keepyere, betwixt the hours of one and three, in the after noone of the same tenth daye with a condicon that if the said rent be not payd accordinglye that then the saide lease be voide as by the saide lease bearing date the tenth day of December, in the three and thirtyth yere of the Reign of the late Queen Elizabeth, may appeare, Now I doe by this last Will devise and give the said resercon and rent of 207. to my daughter, Thomazin Lever, wife of Thomas Lever, of Lettle Lever, in the Countye of Lancaster, Esquire, and hir assignes, for and during her naturall life, and doe also immediately after my decease give and devise the same rent and revercon to the executors and administrators of the said Thomazin Lever for the terme of two yeares after hir death, and after the death of the said Thomazin and the said two yeares notice being left att the great gate of Keepyere, or have given unto the said Thomas Blakiston, or his heirs, of the tyme, the same

rent and resercon to remaine to Thomas Blackiston, of Newton, aforesaid, and his heirs for ever, which Thomas Blackiston hath alreadie the interest of the said longe terme and is now tenant in possession of the said closes and is to pay the said rent. Provided alwaines and upon condicon that if the said Thomas Blackiston his heirs, executors or administrators shall not well and truly pay the said rent of 207. yearly to my saide daughter, Thomazin Lever, or hir assigns, during hir lyfe, and shall not and doe not likewise within two yeares after hir death pay or cause to be payed the sum of 2407. unto such of the children of the saide Thomazin or to others, to and for their uses as the saide Thomazin shall by hir last Will and Testament nominate and appointe and if she dye, [intestate], or make any appointment, howe to whome the said 2407. shall be payed, Then if the said Thomas Blakiston and his heirs do not within the said two yeares pay or cause to be payed the said sume of 2407. to the right heires of me, the said John Heth to and for the use of the said Thomazin Lever, which shall be unpayed at the time of hir death equally to be divided amongst them, I doe will and devise and appoint that upon faile of payment of the said 2407. and the 207. rent by the said Thomas Blackiston or any part thereof, that then my right heires shall sell the inheritance of the said closes and grounds at the best price and rate can be gotten for the same, and the money and price thereof to devide, give and distribute to such of my said Daughter's children equally amongst them as were to have had the saide 2407. Also I doe give and bequeathe to my sonne, Thomas Heth, a lease I have of Edmond lese, or otherwise called Edmund leses, made by Mr. William Tempest for certain yeares yet to come if the said William Tempest shall lyve so longe as by the lease will appeare my sonne, Thomas Heth, paying the rent and observinge the covenants couteyned in the lease which I should doe, And the 407. which I lent him I doe forgive him. Also I doe give unto my said sonne, Thomas Heth, my gould ringe with my seale of Armes graven in it in cristall. And I give unto my said sonne All my household stuffe at the East Grange, called Powlton Grange, where he now dwelleth, which to me belongeth. Also I doe give to my said sonne all these things hereafter mentioned, wheresoever they be whether att Keepyere or the Grange where Dame Morland dwelt, or at the east grange, aforesaide, viz. One deepe bowle for beere of silver, one silver bowle gilt for wine, a silver salt Double gilt, without a cover being the best salt sellar except one, twelve spoones parcell gilt, one silver birker with a cover, a silver cupp chalice fashion. Also I give in plate more which he hath in his own custodye that I lent him, viz. A silver tunne for beere and a little silver tunne for wine. Also in linninge fower pare of large linnin sheetes, apare of fustion blanketts, two paire more of linning sheets. Also two pare

of new linning sheets, two pare of large linninge sheets, three

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