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I give and bequeath to my loveing Brother, Mr Henry Chapman, Alderman, one portugue of golde, and to my ever good friend, Mr. Francis Anderson, Alderman, two Angells in tokens of my good will, ordeyning them the supvisors of this my last Will and Testament. And all the residue of my money, substance, goods, and chattells and possessions, whatsoever of my propertie, kind or qualitie soever the same be, my debts and legacies aforesaid being paid, with my funerall, I whollie give to my sonne, Henry Chapman, whom of this my present last Will and Testament I constitute and appointe to be my full and sole Executor, giving also and bequeathing to the same Henrie, my sonne, and his heires, all and singular, my lands, tents and hereditaments whatsoever. And I doe by these presents renounce and foresake all former Wills, legacies and bequests whatsoever by me, in wise heretofore made, given or bequeathed, desiring and entreating hereby my said loving brother, and my said friend, Mr. Francis Anderson, to extend their endeavours to see this my last Will and Testament executed according to my true meaning and the tenor of these presents above expressed, as my trust is in them. Memorandum: that my will and mynd is, and I ordaine by these presents, that all the said legacies of money with all bequests above limitted and bequeathed to my said sone, Matthew Chapman, Marie Bonner, my daughter, and Elizabeth Kirkley and Agnes. Chapman shall be in full payment and satisfaction of their child's parts or porcons of all my goods and chattells, and not otherwise. This Codicill was made by the said testator 29 October, 1606. Witnesses, H. Chapman, Fran. Anderson, Willm. Bonner, Mich. Kirkley. Proved, 1606.


May, 1605. In the name of God, Amen, I, Alison Sheraton, late wife of Willm. Sheraton, of Elwick, deceased, in the parish. of Harte. To be buryed within the pish church of Harte aforesaid, with my mortrary dewe and accustomed according to the Lawes of this Realm. I do gyve and bequeth to my youngest sonne, James Sheraton, the one half of all my goods movable and unmovable, my Iron band whealer, my fether bedd, and my coffer without clothes. I give and bequeath to my sonne, Robt. Sheraton, the table in the forehowse and one Read Cowe, and to his wyfe my next best cote. I give to my eldest sonne, Willm. Sheraton, one oxe called bowehorne, And to his wyfe my newe furr chist. I give to John Done, son of Jerrard Done my sonin-ley, one cawell and one counter in the forehowse. And to Katheryne, my daughter, the said Jerrard Done, his wife, my best black cote, and the worste my two Read petticots, together with all my lynen clothes. To Richard Pension's children, every

one of them, a sheep hogge.

The residue of all my goods I give unto my sonns, Christopher Sheraton and James Sheraton, whom I make executors. Witnesses, James Watson, Edward

INVENTORY, 797. 198. 8d. Proved, 1605.


June 7, 1605. In the name of God, Amen, I, Thomas Hodgson, of Coldhirst, within the Countie of Durham yeoman. To be buried in the parish churchyard of Hamsterley. I give unto my brother, Willm. Hodgson, three swarmes of bees and my whipp . . . to be delivered at the feast of St. Michael next coming, if it shall please God to call me to his mercye. I do owe unto Thomas Hodgson, my brother William Hodgson his sonne, one sword, one rucke of haye, one coffer, which was my mother's, with the lynen clothes therein. I give unto Christopher Stevenson one stacke of haye. I do give unto my unckell, John Stephenson, one litle rucke of hay. I do give unto the daughter of Christopher Stevenson my presser and a red petticote that was my mother's. I geve to Leonard Wind 3s. 4d. The rest of all my goods, both movable and unmoveable, I doe give to my brother, Christopher Hodgson, my debts and funnerall expences discharged, whom I doe make my executor. Witness, Peter Hodgson. Proved, 1605, 2 November.


July 13, 1605. In the name of God, I, Richard Liddell, of the townshipp of Westmerrington, within the pish of St. Andrew, Awckland, husbandman. To be buryed within the pish Church of St. Andrew, Awckland. I give to Elizabeth, my wife, the third part of my farmhold in West merrington, and the other two parts of my farmeholde to my Brother, Anthonie Liddell, for better bringing up of my foure children during the yeares that is to come and unexpired in my lease thereof, and my will is that before the lease be runn, if my eldest sonne Francis, be livinge, that he shall renew the said Lease in his owne name. And if he be not livinge, then that my younger sonne, Charles, shall renew it in his owne name. My Will is that if my wife be liveing at the renewing of the aforesaid lease, that she shall paie the third part

11605, July 12, Thoms Hodgson of Coldhirst, bur. Hamsterley Regs, 1612, April 5, Christopher Hodgson, clearke, bur., ibid.

2 The testator was bur. at St. Andrew's, Auckland, 27 Aug., 1605, his son Charles bapt. there 6 May, 1602 (godparents, Mr. Charles Wren, Thomas Lever, and Mrs. Ety Wren), was apprenticed with the Drapers Company, London, 17 October, 1617. The testator's widow was also bur. there, 12 July, 1614.

of the fine due to the lord for the renewing of the same lease, and then thereafter enioy the moitie and full halfe parte of the said whole farme during hir life naturall, paying yearly half the rent due therefor. To my sonn, Francis, one Cubbord, one Cawell, one Arke, one flanders chist, and one presser, and I also give him one fillye that is a yeare old and all my plous geare and waine gear for his legacie; And my will is that my wife and my brother, Anthonie Liddell, shall have the use of the said plowe and wayne geare during my lease of the farme unexpired. my younger sonn, Charles, a colt fole that is of my gray meare. I give to my wife all my Bees. To my two daughters, Elizabeth and Jane, all my gimmer hoggs. All the rest of my goods whatsoever, after all legacies and funeral expences, to my wife, Elizabeth, my sonne, Charles, and my two daughters, Elizabeth and Jane. I make my brother, Anthonie Liddell, and my two sonns, Francis and Charles, sole Executors of my will. I make supervisors hereof Mris. Elizabeth Wren and my brother, William Liddell, giveing unto eyther of them 10s., and I doe appoint and ordeyne Mris. Elizabeth Wren and my brother, Anthonie Liddell, to be tutors and guardians to and of my foure children untill they come to competent aidge. To my two servants, Ralph Paverell, and Gracie, mv maid, I give 12d. each. To Richard Johnson 6d. and Janet Whitfeild 6d. To every child I xpenned 12d. apeece. Witnesses, John Lax, Anthony Lax, Anthony Liddell, Ralph Lexon.


Aug. 12, 1605. In the name of Gode, Amen, I, Francis Saire, of Bernardcastell, in the Bishoprick of Durham, Mercer. To be buried in the churche of Bernardcastell so neare my former wife as conveniently may be, nothing doubting, but according to the Article of my faithe at the great day of generall Resurrection, when we shall appeare before the Judgement seate of Christ, I shall receive againe the same by the mightie panes of Christ, whereby he is able to subdue all things to him selfe, not a corruptible, mortall, weake and vile body as now it is, but an Incorruptible, Imortall, strong and pfect bodye, lik to the glorious body of my saviour Christ. I give to Mr. Barker, if he be living when I dye, or som other godlye preacher for my funerall sermon, if God so pmitt, Tenn shillings. I give towards the reparacion of the Church of Barnardcastell 10s. I give to the poore people of Barnardcastell 31. 6s. 8d., and to the poore people of Startforthe 20s. As touching Margarett, my wife, with whom I have joyned my selfe in honorable matrimonye. I doe frely give unto her the whole and full third parte forthe of all my land and

goodes chattels and debts according to the lawe in that behalf, And I will that all such som and somes of money as my father in lawe, George Hutton, her father, is oweing me, shall be accepted and taken of her, in part of satisfaction and payment of the premises whereunto she hath given her consentt, And I give to her for remembrance of my good will, Three gold rings and six silver spoones, upon condicon that all the said premises before to her bequeathed shallbe to her a full payment and satisfaction of all her part, porcon and purpart, as well of all my said landes, chattells, goods and debts; as also of all the lands and tenements by me heretofore sold to any pson or psons, whereunto she hath also given me her full consentt. I give and bequeathe unto my sonne, George Sayre, All my landes, tenements and hereditaments within the Territories of Lartington, in the Countye of York, with all and singular their appurtences. And also all the lands, with theer appurtenances, which I purchased of Thomas Allen, and also one close of ground which I purchased of William Wilson as it liethe in Galgate, and also one burgage with appurtenances which I purchased of Launcelot Shepherd, and also that most Northmost of those two houses, with the appurtces, which were given to me and my brother, Ralph Saire, joyntlie by the last Will and Testament of my Kinsman, John Glenton, for which I gave to my brother, Ralphe Saire, five markes in exchange, he yielding and paying yearly forth of the same according as is mentioned in his said last Will and Testament, All which said last recited premises are situate, lieing and being in the territories of Barnard Castle aforesaid. To have and to hould All the said landes, tenements and hereditaments in Lartington and Barnardcastle aforesaid, with their appurtenances, unto my said sonne, George Saire, and the heires of his body lawfully begotton : And in default of such heires. Then I give and bequeath all the said lands, tents and hereditaments unto my sonne, John Saire, and his heirs lawfully begotten, And in defaut of such heires Then I give and bequeath all my said lands and appurtenances unto my sonne, Samuel Saire, and his heirs lawfully begotten. And in defult of such heires, Then I give my said lands and hereditaments unto my daughter, Phillis Saire, and the heirs of her body lawfully begotten. And in defalt of such heires, Then I give my said lands and tenements to my daughter, Elizabeth Saire, and the heires of her body lawfully begotten. I give and bequeath unto my said sonne George, All my estate, title and tenant right of and in all that Burgage or messuage wherein I dwell, and one messuage in Briggate, in Barnardcastle aforesaid, both of which I hold of the King's Majestye in right of his crowne, and also one house in Galgate, which I hould of his Majestye for terme of

'John Glenton's will dated 3 Dec., 1578, proved, 28 Jan., 1578/9, is printed in this Society's publications, vol. 112, pp. 80-2.

yeares. I give to my said sonne, George Saire, all that my standing bedstocke and Teaster, with all furniture thereto standing in my long great chamber in my now dwellinghouse, and also one long table in the same chamber with the frame and Buffett stooles thereto belonging, withall the sealings and bedds standing within, and as pcell of the said sealings, in and through every chamber of the said house, And also my great Iron Chimney. And my will is that the said premises shall remayne as heireloomes in the said house to my right heyres successwelye. And I give unto him also my Warlike furniture, as my steele cote, my peece and halbert, also my books and silver peece gilt and my lute. And my will is that my lands and premises so to my said sonne, George Saire, bequeathed shallbe unto him a perfect and full contentacon of all his filiall and child's porcon, part and purport of all my lands, goodes, chattells and debts. I give and bequeath to my sonne, John Saire, all that close of ground somtime devided into two closes called Brigg End Close, and two houses belonging to the same, with their appurtenances, and being in the Territories of Startforth, in the County of York to have and to hould all the said close called Briggend Close, houses and premises before mentioned, to my said sonne, John, and the heires of his body lawfully to be begotten. And in default of such heires, Then I give and bequeath the said lands and premises unto my said sonne, George Saire, and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten. And in default of such heires, then to my said sonne, Samuel Sayre, and his heirs of his body; and in defalt of such heires, then I bequeath the said lands and premises to my daughter, Phillis Saire, and the heirs lawfully begotten of her; and failing heirs, I bequeath the same to my daughter, Elizabeth Saire, and the heirs of her body lawfully begotten. I give unto my said sonne, John Saire, a hundred markes of lawful money of England. I give unto my said sonne, Samuel Saire, and his heirs for ever all that close of grounde in the parish of Startforth, which I purchased of Robert Taylor. And I will that the said Robert Taylor shall make Deeds and assurances thereof to such feofees in trust, to his use, as by the supervisors of this my Will to him shall be nominated and appointed. I also give to the said Samuel Saire six score pounds. I give and bequeath unto my said daughter, Phillis Saire, all those closes of ground in the Lordship of Starforth commonly called or known by the name of Dobbye closes, and also the close of ground and appurtenances adjoining the said Dobby closes commonly called freholdes, and also another close in the said Lordshipp called Gillbeck close, and also that burgage in Bernardcastell which I purchased of Mr. Forest, and the heires lawfully begotten of her; and failing issue to my daughter, Elizabeth Saire, and her heires lawfully begotten. I give unto my said daughter, Phillis Saire, more 1207. and a silver salt pcell gilt, six silver

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