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THE holy ordinance of the Supper is think you of Christ? Do your thoughts designed for those who have known the naturally and affectionately revert to him? love of Christ experimentally; whose Do your desires go out after him? Is it hearts have been touched, melted, sub- your earnest endeavour to do his will and dued by it. That speculative knowledge to keep his commandments? Where is which enlightens but does not warm, is of your resemblance to the Saviour? John no avail. He cannot be truly known himself points out the proper evidence of without being loved. But it is only divine love in his first Epistle, 4th chapter, at teaching that communicates this know- the 16th verse," And we have known and ledge, as is intimated in the prayer of St. believed the love that God hath to us. Paul, recorded in the 3d chapter to the God is love; and he that dwelleth in love Ephesians, where, after all he had de- dwelleth in God, and God in him. Herein clared of the glory and grace of Christ, he is our love made perfect, that we may have applies to God himself to bestow the know- boldness in the day of judgment; because ledge of his love. "I bow my knees unto as he is, so are we in this world. There the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, that is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth he would grant you according to the riches out fear: because fear hath torment. He of his glory, to be strengthened with that feareth is not made perfect in love. might, that ye may be able to comprehend, We love him, because he first loved us. with all saints, what is the breadth and If a man say, I love God, and hateth his length, and depth and height, and to brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth know the love of Christ, which passeth not his brother whom he hath seen, how knowledge." For though the saints know can he love God whom he hath not seen? something of this love, yet how much And this commandment have we from remains unknown, incomprehensible even him, that he who loveth God love his by the angels of heaven! My brethren, brother also."


this is a matter of feeling, not of specula- Secondly, The words indicate an extion. You know not this love if you do perimental knowledge of the purifying not return it. Love awakens love. And efficacy of the blood of Christ. how does love show itself? In the thoughts Apostle, simple, pure, holy, as his life that still revert to the beloved object,-in might seem, was yet conscious in his own the desires that continually go out after experience, of the defilement of sin. For him,-in hearty endeavours to do his will, though it may seem paradoxical, the more -in an instinctive and almost unconscious holy any one is, he is the more affected imitation of him, I ask, then, "What with a sense of his sins. Having higher

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views of the holiness of God, he feels the the saints:" and it is fit they should know more his own defilement: having larger it. The dignity is spiritual, and the sense views of the extent and spirituality of the of it is progressive. The believer is a king law, he sees the more his manifold trans--because he is one with Christ, the King of gressions. So that the most eminent saints Zion; for "God hath raised us up together are ever most ready to confess themselves with him, and hath made us sit together the greatest sinners. For the more we in heavenly places in Christ Jesus." His examine and know ourselves, we discern conquests are already begun, for he has the more our offences. But the blood learned to repel temptation, to overcome of Christ washes away the guilt of sin, the inordinate affections of the world and and, rescuing the soul from condemna- the flesh. His conquests, however, are tion, imparts a pure and grateful peace; not complete. In himself he is weak, and and, moreover, communicating the influ- if left to himself, would soon be overence of the Holy Spirit who dwells in the thrown, but his strength is in his Lord, and believing soul, it inspires all holy and when he feels himself weak, then is he heavenly affections. Now, my brethren, strong. Be not discouraged, ye who we are universally involved in moral believe in Jesus,-ye who, however faintly, pollution, covered with numberless sins, fight under the banner of your great which no tears can expunge, which no Captain. If you feel within you a holy, efforts can remove, which no waters of the spiritual ambition, an impatient sense of the ocean can wash away. The testimony of painful bondage of sin, a desire, a resoluthe Patriarch Job is emphatically true. tion, in a better strength than your own, "If I justify myself, mine own mouth to resist it-I discern in you the spirit of shall condemn me: if I say, I am perfect, a prince with God, an Israelite indeed, it shall also prove me perverse." (Job ix. who, by dint of prayers and supplications 20.) And, again, (30th verse,)" If I and tears, is sure to win the victory. wash myself with snow water, and make Once more, the words indicate an exmy hands never so clean, yet shalt thou perimental knowledge of that priestly plunge me in the ditch, and mine own sanctity which Christ confers. And here, clothes shall abhor me." There is only your access to God through Jesus Christ, one remedy, and it is found in the cross. your communion in spirit with him, your And this holy ordinance is designed for importunity in prayer, are at once the those who have washed their robes in the privilege and distinction of your character. blood of the Lamb. This is precisely the Every believer has access continually, in design of the ordinance-to set before us point of privilege, and in the general habits the great central truth of revelation, the of his mind, has daily access. Prayer is remission of sins through the sacrifice of the breath of the new man, the instinctive Christ. It exhibits the very substance of dictate of the new nature. And prayer is the gospel,-God setting forth his Son as a duty that runs parallel with our existence, a propitiation through faith in his blood. a part of the duty of every hour. And You who have come to the cross, who how encouraging the counsel; “Ask in have looked to the Saviour as the my name," and the assurance, "every one wounded Israelites to the brazen serpent, that asketh, receiveth." come, renew this exercise of faith, establish My brethren, it becomes us to look your peace by simple dependence, draw faithfully and diligently into our hearts. life from his death, joy from his sorrows, Do those know the love of Christ, who triumph from his resurrection: "for if seldom admit him into their thoughts? when we were enemies, we were recon- who feel the recollection of him an inciled to God by the death of his Son, much terruption, an annoyance, a source of more being reconciled, we shall be saved alarm? How many, when he calls, refuse by his life.' to hearken! It is not enough to acknowledge the doctrine relating to him, to call Thirdly, The words indicate an experi-him Son of God and Saviour of the mental knowledge of that royal dignity to world, and to bow at the name of Jesus. which Christ advances his people. This His language is, "give me thine heart." may seem a high attainment. The humble To each of you, he says as truly as if he believer may think it presumption to addressed you by name, "Lovest thou pretend to it. Yet "this honour have all me?" See whether you can appeal to

omniscience, saying, "Thou knowest all some men, they follow after," inquiry and things-thou knowest that I love thee." investigation being necessary to detect Have these been washed from their sins them. “Likewise also the good works in his blood, who still remain in the of some are manifest before hand; and pollution of sin; or, after a temporary, those" good works "that are not" thus partial purification, are again immersed in manifest, yet "cannot remain hid" when the mire? Let conscience speak, and it duly investigated. must condemn them. Are those "kings I invite the humble, the upright, all unto God and the Father," who still yield who love this Jesus whom we serve. But themselves the slaves of inordinate affec- those who have not felt the attractive tions, of worldly ambition and sinful power of his grace, nor yielded themselves pleasures? Are those "priests unto God," to his holy laws, are unfit to partake of who are strangers to the way that leads the sign, seeing they possess not the into the holiest, who never appear before thing signified.

the mercy-seat, to whom all the services Omniscient God, we place ourselves of spiritual worship are foreign and irk- before thee. Give us to know ourselves; some? Oh, that men would awake to give us to know the Saviour: and may discern the state of their souls, often his love be so revealed, as to constrain us manifest to every eye but their own. to love him, and to live no more to our"Some men's sins are open before hand, selves, but to him who died for us and going before to judgment," being so rose again! notorious as to require no proof: "and


O THOU high and lofty One that inhabitest full pardon, with conscious peace, with eternity, whose name is Holy: thou the sanctification of the Spirit and the dwellest in the high and holy place; with hope of eternal glory. We praise thee him also that is of a contrite and humble for the infinite blessings provided by everspirit, to revive the spirit of the humble lasting love: and we thank thee for those and the heart of the contrite. We adore visible symbols of thy presence and fathee as the one living and true God, the vour-those seals of thy holy covenantgreat "I AM," having life in thyself, and which, in merciful adaptation to our frail imparting it to all that live. Thou art nature, thou hast given for confirming our distinguished by a glory peculiar to thy- faith and perfecting our confidence. While self, and thou sharest it not with any man still retained his integrity, thou wast other, high in the possession of infinite pleased to plant the tree of life in the perfection, lofty in the exercise of bound- midst of the paradise of God; and when, less dominion. Eternity is the place of in consequence of man's transgression, he thy habitation-the palace thou hast built was debarred from that tree by the cherufor thyself; and thou livest and reignest bim and flaming sword, thou wast pleased in full and perpetual possession of every to furnish, in the rite of sacrifice, an intipart of it, meting out, according to thy mation of a new way of access to it,will, the days and months and years that through death to life, even through the measure the existence of created things. death of an appointed substitute-a way Thy name, thy nature, thy essence is to the attainment of eternal life. We holy, and holiness is inscribed on all thy bless thee for the Lamb slain from the dispensations. Thou dwellest with the foundation of the world, not only in the holy in heaven, filling them with sacred councils of heaven, but in the services of and ineffable delights; and with the the church on earth. And we thank humble upon earth, to comfort the thee for all the visible tokens of thy mourners in Zion, and, of thy rich bounty, presence and evidences of thy faithfulness to give them the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.

the pillar of cloud and fire that conducted the church through the sea and Blessed be the God and Father of our through the wilderness, determining its Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us movements and the place of its rest; the with all spiritual blessings in Christ-with schecinah of glory that filled the house of

the Lord; the fire that descended from him. May the Spirit of Christ be inti heaven upon the altar, to be ever cher- mately present with our spirits, taking of ished there; the incense that ascended the things that are Christ's and showing from the censer; the daily burnt-offerings, them to us. Give us to know that love with the whole service of the Levitical which passeth knowledge, that we may priesthood. And now, under the reign of be filled with all the fulness of God. May Messiah, we thank and bless thee for that that gracious Saviour who hath given spiritual feast provided by our gracious himself for us, now perfect the gift by Saviour, which at once commemorates the giving himself to us; and thus enriched great sacrifice that has secured for us all by his grace, may we, with the whole the blessings of salvation, and conveys to heart's consent, give ourselves wholly to the believing soul the present experi- him. Establish thy covenant with us for mental enjoyment of them all. The cup our everlasting covenant, that thou turn of blessing which we consecrate, is it not not away from us, and that thou put thy the communion of the blood of Christ? fear into our hearts, that we depart not the bread which we break, is it not the from thee. We wait for thy blessing; we communion of the body of Christ? thirst for thy grace, to see thy power and Grant, heavenly Father, that it may be so thy glory, as we have seen it in the saneto each one of us. May this cup be to us tuary. Let the words of our mouth, and the cup of blessing may this bread and the meditation of our heart, be acceptable this wine be both the seal of our union in thy sight, O Lord, our strength and with the Saviour, and the means of re- our Redeemer. Amen. freshing and endearing communion with

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My beloved friends and fellow communi- may say so, is preached to the eye as well cants, you have now before you the me- as the ear; and all the grace, and all the morial of the everlasting love of God our benefits, comprehended in his death, are Father, of the infinite grace of his Son, presented and made over to the faith of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and of the fellow- the believer. The place you have taken ship and communion of the Eternal Spirit. at these tables is a profession, on your You have before you the symbols and the part, that your faith rests on a crucified seals of that great sacrifice which affords Redeemer; that you regard yourselves the most illustrious evidence of divine as not your own, but as bought with a love, and the only foundation of human price, and that your desire and your purhope. Behold the Lamb of God, that pose is to glorify God with your bodies taketh away the sin of the world. See and spirits which are his. And now, as the good Shepherd giving his life for the a privilege no less than a duty, I invite sheep. His was a voluntary sacrifice; for you, in receiving the appointed symbol "no man," said he, "taketh my life from and engaging in the service prescribed by me; I lay it down of myself, and I take your Lord, to do this in remembrance of it again:" Yet was it offered in accord- him.

ance with the Father's will, for "this On the night on which he was betrayed, commandment," said he, "I have received he took bread, and having given thanks, of my Father." It pleased the Lord to as we have endeavoured to do in his bruise him; and by his stripes we are name, he brake and gave it to the disciples, healed. In the ordinance before us you as I do to you in the name of disciples, behold a lively representation of this great saying, "This is my body broken for you; central fact, the sum and substance of all this do in remembrance of me." This, my divine revelation, the foundation on which brethren, even Christ crucified, is the all our confidence rests and all our hopes living bread that came down from heaven. are built. Here Jesus Christ is evidently Let your prayer be, Lord, evermore set forth crucified before you. Here his give us this bread." He took also the cup blessings are exhibited, his gospel, if I and gave it to them, as I to you, saying,

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"This cup is the new testament in my earth that I desire besides thee. My blood, shed for many, for the remission heart and flesh faint and fail, but God is of sins; drink ye all of it: for as often as the strength of my heart, and my portion ye eat this bread and drink this cup, ye do for ever. My brethren, while yet on your show forth the Lord's death till he come." way to heaven, let your visits be frequent Let that death be the subject of your to the cross. It is good to be here: good, devout contemplation; that second coming not only, with Moses and Elias on the the object of your hope: and while you holy mount, to converse with Jesus conseal your covenant with the Lord, may cerning the decease he hath accomplished your communion with him be sweet: at Jerusalem, but to approach the scene, may your fellowship be with the Father to behold and see if there was any sorrow and with his Son Jesus Christ. like unto his. Here, while looking on Him whom we have pierced, let us mourn over our sins that pierced him. Here let us confirm our faith in the love of Him who hath done such great things for us. Here let us strengthen ourselves when assailed of our enemies, by contemplating Him, who through death overcame death, and him that had the power of it, even

(Here the minister paused for some minutes, while the communicants partook of the elements, and passed them from one to another. He then again addressed them.)

"Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the Sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it the devil. Here let us seek consolation knew him not." Mysterious love, of in every sorrow. "There stood by the which we can never measure the heights cross of Jesus," says the historian, "his and depths! love that assimilates all who mother, and his mother's sister, Mary the feel its attraction to him from whom it wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene. flows! The world that knew not the When Jesus saw his mother and the disSaviour, knows not the spirit, the charac- ciple standing by whom he loved, he saith ter, the principles, the aims of his followers. unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son! Their life is hid with Christ in God, His Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy spirit dwells in them, as a spirit of prayer, mother!" Thus let us stand by the cross of humility, of purity, of love. They are of Jesus, and he will cast on us a look of strangers and pilgrims on the earth: they affection, will speak in words of comfort, are citizens of heaven, from whence they will commend us to each other's care, will look for the Saviour. Here they wander say, Love one another. That cross is in the wilderness, and often pursue a the source of all our hope, and strength, solitary way, amid many privations and and consolation. For he who expired trials and sorrows; yet not without the pillar of fire and cloud, not without manna from heaven, and water from the rock. Happy art thou, O Israel, people saved of the Lord! May my inheritance be given me with the tribes of the Lord, who have God for their portion. Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none on

upon it, revived, and lives for evermore. Go then, in peace and in hope, from the table of the Lord, under the guardian care of your once crucified, but now exalted Saviour. And may he go with you, and keep you by his power unto his heavenly kingdom.*

There were five other Table Services, at which the Communicants were addressed by Mr. Grey's assistants, who, on this occasion, were the Rev. Mr. Kennedy of Perth, the Rev. Mr. Milroy of Crailing, the Rev. Dr. Manuel, formerly of London Wall, and the Rev. James Charles, lately appointed to the Scotch Church, Calcutta.

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