Abbildungen der Seite

Race, natural disposition; II. iv. 160.
Rack, distort; IV. i. 65.

Ravin down, ravenously devour; I.
ii. 128.

Rebate, make dull; I. iv. 60.
Received, understood; II. iv. 82.
Refell'd, refuted; V. i. 94.
Remission; "apt r." = a ready pardon,
readiness to forgive; V. i. 502.
Remonstrance, demonstration; V. i.

Remorse, pity; II. ii. 54; V. i. 100.
Remove, absence; I. i. 44.
Renouncement, renunciation of the
world; I. iv. 35.
Resolve, inform; III. i. 192.
Respected, misapplied by Elbow and
Pompey (= suspected); II. i. 164,

Restrained, forbidden; II. iv. 48.
Retort, "to refer back (to Angelo
the cause in which you appealed
from Angelo to the Duke)"; V.
i. 303.

Salt, lustful; V. i. 405.

Satisfy your resolution, sustain your
courage; III. i. 170.
Saucy, wanton; II. iv. 45.

Scaled, weighed (or perhaps "strip-
ped" as of scales, unmasked;
"foiled" has been suggested as
an emendation); III. i. 264.

Scope, power; I. i. 65; licence; I.
ii. 126; I. iii. 35.
Scruple, very small quantity; I. i.
38; doubtful perplexity; I. i. 65.

Secondary, subordinate; I. i. 47.
Sects, classes, ranks; II. ii. 5.
See=Rome; III. ii. 233.
Seeming, hypocrisy; II. iv. 150.
Seldom when, i.e. 'tis seldom that;
IV. ii. 89.

Serpigo, a dry eruption on the skin;
III. i. 31.

Several, different; II. iv. 2.
Shears; "there went but a pair of
shears between us," i.e. " we are
both of the same piece"; I. ii. 28.

Sheep-biting, thievish; V. i. 358.
Shield, forefend; "Heaven s. my
mother play'd my father fair,"
i.e. "God grant that thou wert
not my father's true son "; III.
i. 141.

Shrewd, evil, mischievous; II. i.

Sicles (the Folios

" sickles"),

shekels; II. ii. 149.
Siege, seat; IV. ii. 101.
Sith, since; I. iii. 35.
Smack, have a taste, savour; II. ii.

Snatches, repartees; IV. ii. 6.
Sort and suit, rank and service (i.c.
suit-service, due to a superior
lord); IV. iv. 18.

Soul, with special s.," i.e. with
special liking; I. i. 18.
Spare, forbear to offend; II. iii. 33.
Splay (so first Folio; Steevens
"spay"), to castrate; II. i.

Stage, to make a show of; I. i. 69.
Stagger, waver, hesitate; I. ii.

Starkly, stiffly, as if dead; IV. ii.

Stays upon, waits for; IV. i. 47.
Stead, be of service to; I. iv. 17.
Stead up, to supply; III. i. 258.
Stew, cauldron; V. i. 321.
Story, subject of mirth; I. iv. 30.
Straitness, strictness; III. ii. 271.
Stricture, strictness; I. iii. 12.
Succeed, inherit; II. iv. 123.
Sufferance, suffering; III. i. 80.
Sweat; the plague was popularly
known as "the sweating sick-
ness"; I. ii. 82.

Sweetness, self-indulgence; II. iv.


Swinged, whipped; V. i. 130.

Tax, accuse; II. iv. 79.
Temporary meddler, one who meddles
with temporal matters; V. i.

[graphic][merged small]

Terms; "the technical language of
the courts. An old book called
Les Termes de la Ley was in Shake-
speare's days, and is now, the
accidence of young students in
the law" (Blackstone); I. 1. 11.
Tickle, unstable; I. ii. 171.
Tick-tack, a sort of backgammon
(used equivocally); I. ii. 191.
Tilth, tillage; I. iv. 44.
Tithe, seed to be sown; tenth of the
harvest (probably an error for
"tilth," i.e. land to be sown);
IV. i. 76.

Touches, vices; III. ii. 25.
Touse, pull, tear; V. i. 313.
Trade, custom, established habit;
III. i. 149.

Transport, remove from one world

to another; IV. iii. 70. Trick, fashion; V. i. 509. Trot, a contemptuous name, applied properlyto an oldwoman; III.ii.52.

[merged small][graphic][merged small]

Vain, " for v."=in vain, to no purpose; II. iv. 12.

Vantage, "denies thee v.," i.e. "will
avail thee nothing"; V. i. 417.
Vastidity, vastness; III. i. 69.
Veil full purpose, to cover his full p.;
IV. vi,



Viewless, invisible; III. i. 124.
Virtuous, beneficial; II. ii. 168.

Voice, "in my v." = "in my name ";
I. ii. 180.

Vouch, affirmation; II. iv. 156.
Vulgarly, publicly; V. i. 160.

Warp, deviate; I. i. 15.
Warped, crooked, wry, unnatural;
III. i. 142.

Wear, fashion; III. ii. 78.

Weeds, "weed is a term still commonly applied to an ill-conditioned horse" (Collier); emendations proposed; "steeds," "wills"; I. iii. 20.

Who which; I. ii. 190.
Widow, to give as jointure; V. i.


Tub, the sweating-tub, used as a
cure for certain diseases; III.

Tun-dish, funnel; III. ii. 182.

From Holme's Academy of Armory (1688).

Unfolding, releasing from the fold or
pen; IV. ii. 213.

Ungenitured (?), impotent (perhaps
" unbegotten"); III. ii. 184.
Ungot, not begotten; V. i. 142.
Unpitied, unmerciful; IV. ii. 13.
Unpregnant, unready, inapt; IV. iv.


Unshunned, inevitable; III. ii. 62.

Unsisting, probably a misprint (in Folios 1, 2, 3) for "insisting " (the reading of Fol. 4), i.e. " persistent"; IV. ii. 92.

Untrussing, "untying the points or tagged laces which attached the hose or breeches to the doublet "; III. ii. 190.

Unweighing, injudicious; III. ii. 147. Use, practices long countenanced by custom; I. iv. 62.

Use, interest, probably with a second-
ary sense of "exertion"; I. i. 41.

Vail your regard, lower your look;
V. i. 20.


Wilderness, wildness; III. i. 142.
Woodman, one who hunts female

game; IV. iii. 166.
Wrong, "done myself w.," i.e. "put
myself in the wrong"; I. ii.

Yare, ready; IV. ii. 60.
Yield, "y. you forth to public
thanks," i.e. " yield public thanks
to you"; V. i. 7.


Zodiacs, circuits of the sun, years;
I. ii. 167.


I. i. 8, 9. There is no gap between 'sufficiency' and ' as ' in the Folios. Theobald first advanced the plausible theory that the obscurity of the passage was due to some careless omission on the part of the printers. The Camb. Ed., accepting Theobald's theory, indicates the omission by means of dots. Various attempts have been made to explain the lines,


"But that to your sufficiences your worth is abled" (Johnson); "But your sufficiency as worth is able" (Farmer); Theobald's suggestion has been adopted in the present edition.

I. i. 43. Hold therefore, Angelo;' the Duke probably says these words on tendering commission to Angelo.

I. ii. 28. There went but a pair of shears between us ;' i.e. ' we are of one piece.'

I. ii. 119. by weight the words,' so Ff., 'by weight; I' the words' Hanmer; perhaps, as Johnson conjectured, a line has dropped out.

I. ii. 120. Cp. St. Paul to the Romans ix. 15, 18: "For He saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy," and again, "Therefore hath He mercy on whom He will have mercy, and whom He will He hardeneth."

I. ii. 133.

Morality;' the Folios misprint 'mortality.'

I. ii. 149. Propagation; ' Folio 1 reads propogation, corrected in Folio 2; prorogation, procuration, preservation, have been suggested by various editors, but the text as it stands is probably correct, though not altogether clear; 'propagation' = 'increase'; perhaps the word implies 'increase of interest,' and 'for propagation' = 'that she might continue to receive the interest, which was to be hers while she remained unmarried.'

I. iii. 10. 'and witless, F2 F3 F4; F1 'witless'; Nicholson conj. a witless.'

I. iii. 27. Becomes,' added by Pope (after Davenant); Ff. omit the verb. I. iii. 43. To do in slander;' so the Folios; 'me' and 'it' have been suggested for 'in,' but no change seems necessary; 'do in '=' bring in, bring upon me.'

I. iv. 54. 'givings-out' Rowe; Ff. 'giving-out.'
I. iv. 78. 'make'; Ff. ' makes.'

II. i. 39. Some run from brakes of vice and answer none;' the line as it stands in the Folios-brakes of ice' which is kept by the Camb. ed., is obviously corrupt, and has occasioned much discussion. Shakespeare probably wrote 'brakes of vice'; brakes = 'tortures, instruments of torture' (see Glossary); ' of vice' = resulting from, or due to, vice; 'brakes of vice' is antithetical to ' a fault alone,' op. Henry VIII. I. ii. 75

"the rough brake

That virtue must go through."

The passage seems to mean: ' some escape scot-free from the penalties of vice-the rough brakes that vice ought to go through, while others are condemned for a mere fault.'

II. i. 135. An open room;' Schmidt, " public room"; perhaps it means 'open to sun, light, cheerful.'

II. ii. 79. Like man new made ;' commentators are strongly tempted to refer the words to 'new made man, i.e. Adam; Holt White paraphrased thus:-"And you Angelo, will breathe new life into Claudio, as the Creator animated Adam, by breathing into his nostrils the breath of life." Malone explains :-" You will then appear as tender-hearted and merciful as the first man was in his days of innocence, immediately after his creation." Schmidt and others, "like man redeemed and regenerated by divine grace." The lines are perhaps capable of this interpretation :And mercy will breathe within your lips, even as Mercy (i.e. God) breathed within the lips of new made man.

II. ii. 90. "Dormiunt aliquando leges, moriuntur nunquam," is a well-known maxim in law (Holt White).

II. ii. 159. Where prayers cross,' i.e. where his prayer to possess Isabella crosses with hers, "Heaven keep your honour safe!"

II. iii. 11. The flaws of her own youth;' possibly Warburton's correction "flames" should be adopted; cp.

To flaming youth let virtue be as wax,
And melt in her own fire.'-HAMLET, III. iv. 84.

II. iii. 40. O injurious love' (Folios 'love'); Hanmer's suggestion, 'law' for 'loue,' has been generally accepted; the law respited her 'a life whose very comfort' was 'a dying horror.'

II. iv. 9. Feared; probably a misprint='feared' i.e. ' seared.'

II. iv. 103. That longing have been sick for ;' Rowe suggested, 'I've been sick for;' for the omission of pronoun, cp. ' Has censured him, I. iv. 72. ΙΙ. iv. 172. Ο perilous mouths; the line is defective as it stands. (?) O pernicious mouths' (Walker), or 'these perilous' (Seymour).

III. i. 11. 'Thou art death's fool;' the phrase was possibly suggested by

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