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QUEEN MAB,-continued.

And in this state she gallops, night by night,
Through lovers' brains, and then they dream of love:
On courtiers' knees, that dream on court'sies straight:
O'er lawyers' fingers, who straight dream on fees:
O'er ladies' lips, who straight on kisses dream;
Which oft the angry Mab with blisters plagues,
Because their breaths with sweetmeats tainted are.
Sometimes she gallops o'er a courtier's nose,
And then dreams he of smelling out a suit:
And sometimes comes she with a tithe-pig's tail,
Tickling a parson's nose as he lies asleep,
Then dreams he of another benefice:
Sometimes she driveth o'er a soldier's neck,
And then dreams he of cutting foreign throats,
Of breaches, ambuscadoes, Spanish blades,
Of healths five fathom deep; and then anon
Drums in his ear; at which he starts, and wakes;
And, being thus frighted, swears a prayer or two,
And sleeps again.


O, dear discretion, how his words are suited!
The fool hath planted in his memory

An army of good words: and I do know
A many fools, that stand in better place,
Garnish'd like him, that for a tricksy word
Defy the matter.

R. J. i. 4.

M.V. iii. 5.

To see this age! A sentence is but a cheverill glove to a good wit; how quickly the wrong side may be turn'd outward! T. N. iii. 1.

This is a riddling merchant for the nonce. H. IV. PT. 1. ii. 3. How every fool can play upon the word! I think, the best grace of wit will shortly turn into silence; and discourse grow commendable in none only but parrots.


M. V. iii. 5.

Jove's lightnings, the precursors
O' the dreadful thunder-claps, more momentary
And sight-out-running were not.


T. i. 2.

How now, how now, mad wag? What, in thy quips,
and thy quiddities?
H. IV. PT. I. i. 2.

But then I sigh, and, with a piece of scripture,
Tell them, that God bids us do good for evil.


And thus I clothe my naked villany
With old odd ends, stol'n forth of holy writ;
And seem a saint when most I play the devil.
In religion,

What damned error, but some sober brow
Will bless it, and approve it with a text,
Hiding the grossness with fair ornament?

The devil can cite scripture for his purpose.
An evil soul, producing holy witness,
Is like a villain with a smiling cheek;
A goodly apple rotten at the heart:

O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!

R. III. i. 3.

M. V. iii. 2.

M. V. i. 3.

O thou hast damnable iteration; and art, indeed, able to corrupt a saint. H. IV. PT. 1. i. 2.



These are the youths that thunder at a play-house, and fight for bitten apples.

The cankers of a calm world.

H.VIII. v. 3.

H. IV. PT. I. iv. 2.

I'll not march through Coventry with them, that's flat.

[blocks in formation]

Lost in the labyrinth of thy fury.

T.C. ii. 3.

He's in his fit now, and does not talk after the wisest.

In rage, deaf as the sea, hasty as fire.

Darkness and devils!

Saddle my horses; call my train together.

When one so great begins to rage, he's hunted
Even to falling.

The fiery Tybalt, with his sword prepar'd;
Which, as he breath'd defiance to my ears,
He swung about his head, and cut the winds,
Who, nothing hurt withal, hiss'd him in scorn.

T. ii. 2.

R. II. i. 1.

K. L. i. 4.

A. C. iv. 1.

R. J. i. 1.


Did you ever hear such railing?

A. Y. iv. 3.

Why, what a monstrous fellow art thou, thus to rail on one, that is neither known of thee, nor knows thee.

Why, what an ass am I!-This is most brave;
That I, the son of a dear father, murder'd,
Prompted to my revenge by heaven and hell,
Must, like a whore, unpack my heart with words,
And fall a cursing, like a very drab,

A scullion!

K. L. ii. 2.

H. ii. 2.

I shall sooner rail thee into wit and holiness; but, I think, thy horse will sooner con an oration, than thou learn a prayer without book.

Rails on our little state of war

Bold as an oracle: and sets Thersites,
(A slave, whose gall coins slander like a mint,)
To match us in comparisons with dirt.

T. C. ii. 1.

T. C. i. 3.

AND REPROOF, WHEN WORTHY, OR UNWORTHY, OF REGARD. There is no slander in an allowed fool, though he do nothing but rail; nor no railing in a known discreet man, though he do nothing but reprove. T. N. i. 5.


We may carry it thus for our pleasure, and his penance, till our very pastime, tired out of breath, prompt us to have mercy on him.

RALLYING, In Battle.

T. N. iii. 4.

With their own nobleness (which could have turn'd

A distaff to a lance,) gilded pale looks,

Part, shame, part, spirit renewed; that some, turn'd coward
But by example (O, a sin in war,

Damn'd in the first beginners!) 'gan to look
The way that they did, and to grin like lions
Upon the pikes o' the hunters. Then began
A stop i' the chaser, a retire; anon,

A rout, confusion thick: Forthwith they fly
Chickens, the way which they stoop'd eagles; slaves
The strides of victors made; and now our cowards
(Like fragments in hard voyages) became

The life of the need; having found the back-door open
Of the unguarded hearts, Heavens, how they wound!
Some, slain before; some, dying; some, their friends
O'erborne i' the former wave: ten, chas'd by one,
Are now each one the slaughter-man of twenty. Cym. v. 3.


We have been down together in my sleep,
Unbuckling helms, fisting each other's throat,
And wak'd half dead with nothing.

C. iv. 5.

[blocks in formation]


How well he's read, to reason against reading! L. L. i. 1.

[blocks in formation]


M. A. iii. 3.

'Tis in grain, Sir; 'twill endure wind and weather.


What is a man,

If his chief good, and market of his time,

Be but to sleep and feed? a beast, no more.

Sure, He, that made us with such large discourse,
Looking before, and after, gave us not

That capability and god-like reason,

To rust in us unus'd.

T. N. i. 4.

H. iv. 4.

If the balance of our lives had not one scale of reason to poise another of sensuality, the blood and baseness of our natures would conduct us to most preposterous conclusions.

Strong reasons make strong actions.

Good reasons must, of force, give place to better.
The reasons you allege, do more conduce
To the hot passion of distemper'd blood,
Than to make up a free determination
'Twixt right and wrong.

Nay, if we talk of reason,

O. i. 3. K. J. iii. 4.

J.C. iv. 3.

T. C. ii. 2.

Let's shut our gates, and sleep: Manhood and honour

Should have hare hearts, would they but fat their thoughts
With this cramm'd reason: reason and respect

Make livers pale, and lustihood deject.

Larded with many several sorts of reasons.

T. C. ii. 2.

H. v. 4.

You fur your gloves with reason: here are your reasons:
You know an enemy intends you harm:


You know a sword employ'd is perilous;
And reason flies the object of all harm.

No marvel, though you bite so sharp at reasons,
You are so empty of them.

T. C. ii. 2.

T. C. ii. 2.

Give you a reason on compulsion! if reasons were as plenty as blackberries, I would give no compulsion.

I have no exquisite reason for't, but I



An exhal'd meteor,

A prodigy of fear, and a portent

man a reason on H. IV. PT. 1. ii. 4.

have reason good T. N. ii. 3.

Of broached mischief to the unborn times. H. IV. PT. I. v. 1. REBELLION.

Hear me more plainly.

I have in equal balance justly weigh'd,

What wrongs our arms may do, what wrongs we suffer,
And find our griefs heavier than our offences.
We see which way the stream of time doth run,
And are enforc'd from our most quiet sphere
By the rough torrent of occasion:

And have the summary of all our griefs,
When time shall serve, to show in articles:
Which, long ere this, we offer'd to the king;
And might by no suit gain our audience:

When we are wrong'd, and would unfold our griefs,
We are denied access unto his person,

Even by those men who most have done us wrong.
The dangers of the days but newly gone,
(Whose memory is written on the earth
With yet-appearing blood,) and the examples
Of every minute's instance, (present now,)
Have put us in these ill-beseeming arms:
Not to break peace, or any branch of it;
But to establish here a peace indeed,
Concurring both in name and quality.
Now let it work: Mischief, thou art afoot,
Take thou what course thou wilt.

If that rebellion

H. IV. PT. II. iv. 1.

Came like itself, in base and abject routs,
Led on by bloody youth, guarded with rage,
And countenanc'd by boys, and beggary;
You, reverend father, and these noble lords,
Had not been here, to dress the ugly form
Of base and bloody insurrection.

J. C. iii. 2.

H. IV. PT. II. iv. 1.

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