Abbildungen der Seite

Saltzburgh, Paffau, Bechtoldfgaden, and all the former poffef fions of the ci-devant republic of Venice."

This propofal not having been accepted by the Directory, the Count offered his fecond propofition, wherein he once more demanded the ceffion of the remainder of the ancient Venetian dominions, together with the three Roman legations, and the dutchy and fortrefs of Mantua, &c. and infifted on the treaty of Bafle being refcinded, and that neither Pruffia nor the House of Orange would receive any indemnification in Germany. Upon this condition Auftria relinquished her claim of being indemnified by a part of the German territory.

Neufchateau declared this propofition to be altogether inadmiffible; in confequence of which, Count Cobenzel made a third propofition, which was in fubftance as follows: "Auftria, as well as Pruffia, is to relinquish all pretenfions of being indemnified by any part of the German territory. Such German ftates as have loft their all, are to be indemnified; and for this purpose the fecularization of ecclefiaftical poffeffions is to be reforted to, but only as far as it is indifpenfably neceflary for that object. Auftria demands in return the country of the Grifons, the Valteline, the rest of the ancient Venetian poffeffions, the dutchy and fortrefs of Mantua, and as much of the Cifalpine territory, as is neceffary for the safety of the frontiers, &c. As to Pruffia, the is to receive no indemnification for the territory ceded on the left bank of the Rhine, at least not in Franconia, &c."

Neufchateau paid great attention to this project, infifting however on the preservation of the treaty of Bafle; but at length he received dispatches from the Directory, feverely cenfuring his conduct, in giving Cobenzel fo much hopes, and directing him to declare, That the French government could neither difpofe of the country of the Grifons, nor of the Cifalpine territory, &c.; that the fubfifting treaties with Baaden, Wirtemberg, Caffel, and Deux Ponts, obliged the French republic to favour their indemnification, &c.; that for this purpofe eccle fiaftical poffeffions must be fecularized, and France would not prevent the King of Pruffia from feeking his indemnification in Weftphalia, &c."

In confequence of this declaration, the negotiations were fufpended for a confiderable time; and upon Neufchateau's urging the termination of the bufinefs, Count Cobenzel offered as an excufe the existence of an important correfpondence between Berlin, Vienna, and Petersburgh, throwing out at the fame time loofe hints of a close connexion being formed between Auftria and Pruffia, fo that not only Neufchateau, but also the Directory, grew uneafy and diftruftful. Count Lehrbach, whom Cobenzel had already introduced to Neufchateau, on offering the third propofition, appeared at Seltz, and made the following fourth


and laft propofition, viz. "France may poffefs herself of Piedmont. Auftria agrees to cede all her poffeffions in Upper Suabia, by which the Elector of Cologne and the Elector Palatine are to be indemnified; Deux Ponts being the prefump tive heir of the latter, is not to receive any indemnification, &c. Wirtemberg is to be indemnified by a part of the Austrian poffethions in Upper Suabia, &c. The King of Pruffia fhall be permitted to fecularize the bithopric of Hildefheim for his indemnification (which has already been offered him on the part of the Imperial court); nor will Auftria object to France endeavouring to obtain for the Swifs republic the Thurgaw, or fome part of Upper Suabia. Auftria demands in return that the reft of the ancient Venetian dominions be ceded to her, together with the Valteline, the dutchy of Mantua, and a part of the Tufcan and Cifalpine territory, &c.

"The King of Sardinia fhall be indemnified by the Roman territory, and a part of Cifalpinia; but Naples is also to receive as much of the ancient ecclefiaftical state as is neceffary to render her frontiers more fafe and convenient.

"The three Roman Legations and Lucca are to be allotted to the Grand Duke of Tufcany by way of indemnification, &c. "The point relative to the Batavian dominions is to be adjufted by Pruffia, &c.

"No fort of exchange fhall be fuffered to take place between Pruffia and Batavia, in regard to the dutchy of Bergues, &c."

Immediately after this propofition had been offered by Counts Cobenzel and Lehrbach, Neufchateau was directed by the Directory to confine his negotiation to the fole point of fatisfaction, and to declare, that as all the propofitions made on the part of the Imperial court merely tended to aggrandize Auftria at the expense of other powers, unless Count Cobenzel could and would agree to the promised fatisfaction, the conferences at Seltz fhould be broken off, which they accordingly were.

Treaty of Campo Formia.

Secret Articles, and additional Convention of the Treaty of Campa Formia, of the 20th Vendemiaire, 6th Year (October 17, 1798). Article I.

HIS Majesty the Emperor, King of Hungary and Bohemia, confents that the boundaries of the French republic' fhall extend to the under-mentioned line, and engages to ufe his influence, that the French republic fhall, by the peace to be concluded with the German Empire, retain the fame. line as its boundary: namely, the left bank of the Rhine from the confines of Switzerland, below Bafle to the branching off of

[blocks in formation]

the Nette above Andrenach; including the head of the bridge at Manheim, the town and fortrefs of Mentz, and both banks of the Nette from where it falls into the Rhine, to its fource near Bruch. From thence the line paffes by. Kenfcherade and Borley to Kerpen, and thence to Luderfdorf, Blantenheim, Marmagen, Coll, and Gemund, with all the circles and territory of these places, along both banks of the Olff to where it falls into the Roer, and along both banks of the Roer; including Heimbach, Nideggen, Durin, and Juliers, with their circles and territory; as also the places on the banks to Linnig included. Hence the line extends by Hoffern and Kylenfdalen, Papelernod, Lutersforft, Rodenberg, Haverftoo, Anderfcheid, Kaldekuchen, Vampach, Herrigen, and Grofberg, including the town of Venloo and its territory. And if, notwithstanding the mediation of his Imperial Majefly, the German Empire fhall refuse to confent to the above-mentioned boundary line of the republic, his Imperial Majesty hereby formally engages to furnish to the Empire no more than his contingent, which shall not be employed in any fortified place, or it thall be confidered as a rupture of the peace and friendship which are reftored between his Majefty and the republic.

II. His Imperial Majefty will employ his good offices in the negotiation of the peace of the Empire to obtain, 1. That the navigation of the Rhine from Hunningen to the ferritory of Holland shall be free both to the French republic and the states of the Empire on the right bank: 2. That the poffellors of territory near the mouth of the Mofelle fhall never, and on no pretence, attempt to interrupt the free navigation and paffage of fhips and other veffels from the Mofelle into the Rhine: 3. The French republic fhall have the free navigation of the Meufe; and the tolls and other impofts from Venloo to Holland shall be abolished.

III. His Imperial Majefty renounces, for himself and his fucceffors, the fovereignty and poffeffion of the county of Falkenstein and its dependencies.

IV. The countries which his Imperial Majefty takes possesfion of, in confequence of the 6th article of the public definitive treaty, this day figned, fhall be confidered as an indemnification for the territory given up by the 7th article of the public treaty, and the foregoing article. This renunciation fhall only be in force when the troops of his Imperial Majefty fhall have taken poffeffion of the countries ceded by the faid articles.

V. The French republic will employ its influence that his Majesty the Emperor fhall receive the archbishopric of Saltzburg, and that part of the circle of Bavaria which lies between the archbishopric of Saltzburg, the river 'Inn, Salza, and Tyrol ;


including the town of Wafferburg on the right bank of the Inn, with an arrondiffement of 3000 toifes.

VI. His Imperial Majefty, at the conclufion of the peace with the Empire, will give up to the French republic the fovereignty and poffeffion of the Frickthal, and all the territory belonging to the House of Austria on the left bank of the Rhine between Zurgach and Bafle, provided his Majefty, at the conclufion of the faid peace, receives a proportionate indemnification. The French republic, in confequence of particular arrangements to be made, fhall unite the above-mentioned territory with the Helvetic republic, without farther interference on the part of his Imperial Majefty or the Empire..

VH. The two contracting powers agree, that when, in the enfuing peace with the German Empire, the French republic fhall make an acquifition in Germany, his Imperial Majesty fhall receive an equivalent; and, if his Imperial Majefly fhall make fuch an acquifition, the French republic fhall in like manner receive an equivalent.

VIII. The Prince of Naffau Dietz, late Stadtholder of Holland, fhall receive a territorial indemnification; but neither in the vicinity of the Auftrian poffeffions nor in the vicinity of the Batavian republic.

IX. The French republic makes no difficulty to restore to the King of Pruffia his poffeffions on the left bank of the Rhine. No new acquifition fhall, however, be proposed for the King of Pruffia. This the two contracting powers mutually


X. Should the King of Pruffia be willing to cede to the French and Batavian republics fome fmall parts of his territory on the left bank of the Meufe, as Sevenger and other poffeffions towards the Yffel, his Imperial Majefty will ufe his influence that fuch ceffions fhall be accepted and made valid by the Empire.

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XI. His Imperial Majefty will not object to the manner in which the Imperial fiefs have been difpofed of by the French republic in favour of the Ligurian republic. His Imperial Majefty will ufe his influence, together with the French republic, that the German Empire will renounce all feudal fovereignty over the countries which make a part of the Cifalpine and Ligurian republics; as alfo the Imperial fiefs, fuch as Laniguiana, and thofe which lie between Tufcany and the ftates of Parma, the Ligurian and Lucchefe republics, and the late territory of Modena, which fiefs make a part of the Cifalpine republic.

XII. His Imperial Majesty and the French republic will, in concert, employ their influence, in the courfe of concluding the peace of the Empire, that the princes and ftates of the Empire, who, in confequence of the ftipulations of the pre


fent treaty of peace, or in confequence of the treaty to be concluded with the Empire, fhall fuffer any lofs in territory or rights (particularly the Electors of Mentz, Treves, and Cologne, the Elector Palatine of Bavaria, the Duke of Wirtemberg and Teck, the Margrave of Baden, the Duke of Deux Ponts, the Landgraves of Heffe Caffel and Darmstadt, the Princes of Naffau Saarbruck, Salm, Korburg, Lowenstein, Westheim, and WiedRunckel, and the Count De Leyn), fhail receive proportionable indemnifications in Germany, which thall be fettled by mutual agreement with the French republic.

XIII. The troops of his Imperial Majefty, twenty days after the ratifications of the prefent treaties, fhall evacuate the towns and fortreffes of Mentz, Ehrenbreiftein, Philipsburg, Manheim, Kunigstein, Ulm, and Ingolftadt, as alfo the whole territory appertaining to the German Empire, to the boundaries of the hereditary states.

XIV. The prefent fecret articles fhall have the fame force as if they were inferted word for word in the public treaty of peace this day figned, and fhall. in like manner be ratified at the fame time by the two contracting powers; which ratifications thall be exchanged in due form at Raitadt.

Done and figned at Campo Formio, the 17th of October 1797, 16th of Vendemaire, in the 6th year of the French republic,

one and indivifible.



Marquis de GALLO.

Louis Count COBENZEL.

Count MEERFELDT, Major Gen.

Provifional Treaty between his Majefy the King of Great Britain and his Majesty the Emperor of all the Ruffias. Done at St. Petersburgh the 29th (18th) of December 1798.


In the name of the most holy and indivisible Trinity.

IS Majefty. the King of Great Britain, and his Majesty the Emperor of all the Ruffias, in confequence of the alliance and friendship fubfifting between them, being defirous to enter into a concert of measures, fuch as may contribute in the most efficacious manner to oppofe the fucceffes of the French arms and the extenfion of the principles of anarchy, and to bring about a folid peace, together with the re-establishment of the balance of Europe, have judged it worthy their moft ferious confideration and earneft folicitude to endeavour, if poffible, to reduce France within its former limits, as they fubfifted before the revolution. They have, in confequence, agreed to conclude a provisional treaty i

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