Readings in American Government and PoliticsMacmillan, 1914 - 638 Seiten |
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Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
administration adopted amendment appeal appointed Articles Articles of Confederation assembly authority ballot BENJAMIN RUGGLES Benning Wentworth bill candidates caucus chosen citizens commerce Commission committee common Confederation Congress assembled Constitution convention corporation council courts Cuba declared delegates Democratic Democratic party direct districts duties election electors equal established exercise favor federal foreign Fourteenth Amendment gerrymander Governor granted hereby House of Representatives interests judges judicial jurisdiction justice land lative lature legislative legislature liberty majority ment municipal natural-born citizen necessary nomination number of votes opinion Oregon passed person petition political party practice prescribed President presidential electors principle privileges purpose question reason regulation Republican Republican party resolution respective rule Secretary secure Senate session statute suffrage Supreme territory thereof tion treaties Union United United States Senator vested Vice-President voters Whigs whole number York
Beliebte Passagen
Seite 21 - States shall be divided or appropriated ; of granting letters of marque and reprisal in times of peace, appointing courts for the trial of piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and establishing courts for receiving and determining finally appeals in all cases of captures, provided that no member of Congress shall be appointed a judge of any of the said courts.
Seite 224 - Measures; 6 To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States...
Seite 609 - No bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed. 4. No capitation, or other direct, tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the census or enumeration hereinbefore directed to be taken.1 5. No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any State.
Seite 25 - The committee of the States, or any nine of them, shall be authorized to execute in the recess of Congress, such of the powers of Congress as the United States in Congress assembled, by the consent of nine States, shall from time to time think expedient to vest them with...
Seite 363 - States may exercise the right to intervene for the preservation of Cuban independence, the maintenance of a government adequate for the protection of life, property, and individual liberty, and for discharging the obligations with respect to Cuba imposed by the treaty of Paris on the United States, now to be assumed and undertaken by the government of Cuba.
Seite 26 - AND WHEREAS it hath pleased the Great Governor of the World to incline the hearts of the legislatures we respectively represent in congress, to approve of, and to authorize us to ratify the said articles of confederation and perpetual union.
Seite 43 - But the most common and durable source of factions has been the various and unequal distribution of property. Those who hold and those who are without property have ever formed distinct interests in society.
Seite 24 - ... place appointed, and within the time agreed on by the United States in Congress assembled ; but if the United States in Congress assembled shall, on consideration of circumstances, judge proper that any State should not raise men, or should raise a smaller number than its quota, and that any other State should raise a greater number of men than the quota thereof, such extra number shall be raised, officered...
Seite 21 - ... in proportion to the value of all land within each state, granted to or surveyed for any person, as such land and the buildings and improvements thereon shall be estimated, according to such mode as the United States in Congress assembled shall from time to time direct and appoint.
Seite 26 - All bills of credit emitted, moneys borrowed, and debts contracted, by or under the authority of congress, before the assembling of the United States, in pursuance of the present confederation, shall be deemed. and considered as a charge against the United States, for payment and satisfaction whereof, the said United States, and the public faith, are hereby solemnly pledged.