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suffer the heart to entertain the love of sin, but sets the man on work to fear God for his mercy, and to obey all his com mandments, out of love to God, for his free gift of justification, by grace bestowed on him: "For this is the end of the "law indeed," whereby it obtaineth of a man more obedience than any other way.

The fourth thing requisite to evidence true faith is, the keeping strait communion with Christ, the fountain of all graces, and of all good works; holden forth John xv. 5. I am the vine, ye are the branches: he that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

Wherein Christ, in a similitude from a vine-tree, teacheth us,

1. That by nature we are wild barren briers, till we be changed by coming unto Christ; and that Christ is that noble vine-tree, having all life and sap of grace in himself, and able to change the nature of every one that cometh to him, and to communicate spirit and life to as many as shall believe in him: “I am the vine, (saith he,) and ye are the "branches."

2. That Christ loveth to have believers so united unto him, as that they be not separated at any time by unbelief: and that there may be a mutual inhabitation of them in him, by faith and love; and of him in them, by his word and Spirit; for he joineth these together, "If ye abide in me "and I in you," as things inseparable.

3. That except a man be ingrafted into Christ, and united to him by faith, he cannot do any the least god works of his own strength; yea, except in as far as a ma doth draw spirit and life from Christ by faith, the wor which he doth is naughty and null in point of goodness i God's estimation: "For without me (saith he) ye can de "nothing."

4. That this mutual inhabitation is the fountain and infallible cause of constant continuing and abounding in welldoing: For" he that abideth in me, and I in him, (saith "he,) the same beareth much fruit." Now, as our abiding in Christ presupposeth three things; 1st, That we have eard the joyful sound of the gospel, making offer of Chris

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to us, who are lost sinners by the law; 2d, That we have heartily embraced the gracious offer of Christ; 3d, That by receiving of him we are become the sons of God, John i. 12. and are incorporated into his mystical body, that he may dwell in us, as his temple, and we dwell in him, as in the residence of righteousness and life: so our abiding in Christ importeth other three things, (1.) An employing of Christ in all our addresses to God, and in all our undertakings of whatsoever piece of service to him. (2.) A contentedness with his sufficiency, without going out from him to seek righteousness, or life, or furniture in any case, in our own or any of the creature's worthiness. (3.) A fixedness in our believing in him, a fixedness in our employing and making use of him, and a fixedness in our contentment in him, and adhering to him, so that no allurement, no temptation of Satan or the world, no terror nor trouble, may be able to drive our spirits from firm adherence to him, or from the constant avowing of his truth, and obeying his commands, who hath loved us, and given himself for us; and in whom not only our life is laid up, but also the fulness of the Godhead dwelleth bodily, by reason of the substantial and personal union of the divine and human nature in him.

Hence let every watchful believer, for strengthening himself in faith and obedience, reason after this manner:

"Whosoever doth daily employ Christ Jesus for cleansing his conscience and affections from the guiltiness and "filthiness of sins against the law, and for enabling him to “give obedience to the law in love, he hath the evidence of "true faith in himself:

"But I (may every watchful believer say) do daily em"ploy Jesus Christ for cleansing my conscience and affections from the guiltiness and filthiness of sins against the law, and for enabling of me to give obedience to the law "in love:

"Therefore I have the evidence of true faith in myself." And hence also let the sleepy and sluggish believer reason, for his own upstirring, thus:

"Whatsoever is necessary for giving evidence of true "faith, I study to do it, except I would deceive myself and perish :


But to employ Christ Jesus daily for cleansing of my

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"conscience and affections from the guiltiness and filthiness "of sins against the law, and for enabling me to give obe"dience to the law in love, is necessary for evidencing of true "faith in me:

"Therefore this I must study to do, except I would de"ceive myself, and perish."

And, lastly, Seeing Christ himself hath pointed this forth, as an undoubted evidence of a man elected of God unto life, and given to Jesus Christ to be redeemed, "if he come "unto him," that is, close covenant, and keep communion with him, as he teacheth us, John vi. 37. saying, “All that "the Father hath given me shall come to me; and him that "cometh to me I will in no wise cast out;" let every person, who doth not in earnest make use of Christ for remission of sin, and amendment of life, reason hence, and from the whole premises, after this manner, that his conscience may be awakened:

"Whosoever is neither by the law, nor by the gospel, so "convinced of sin, righteousness, and judgment, as to make "him come to Christ, and employ him daily for remission of "sin, and amendment of life; he wanteth not only all evi "dence of saving faith, but also all appearance of his elec"tion, so long as he remaineth in this condition :

"But I (may every impenitent person say) am neither by "the law nor gospel so convinced of sin, righteousness, and "judgment, as to make me come to Christ, and employ him daily for remission of sin, and amendment of life:


"Therefore I want not only all evidence of saving faith, "but also all appearance of my election, so long as I remain * in this condition."





Con. signifies the Confession of Faith. The first number denotes the Chapter, the following figures denote the Paragraphs.

Cat. signifies the Larger Catechism, and the figures denote the numbers of the Questions.



The persons of believers are accepted as righteous in the sight of God only for the obedience and satisfaction of Christ, con. xi. 1. cat. 70. Which is imputed to them by God, and received by faith, con. xi. 1-cat. 70, 71, 72. How their good works are accepted in Christ, con. xvi. 6. Acceptance in prayer through Christ and his mediation, cat. 180.

Access. No access unto the presence of God without the Mediator Jesus Christ, con. xii. cat. 39, 55, 181. Who hath purchased for believers under the gospel, a greater boldness of access to the throne of grace, than believers under the law did ordinarily partake of, con. xx. 1. Actions. God orders and governs all the actions of his creatures by his most wise and holy providence, according to his infallible foreknowledge and immutable decree, con. v. 1. cat. 18. See Providence. Actual sins proceed from the original corruption of nature, con, vi. 4. cat. 25. See Sin.

Adimonition of the church, con. xxx. 4. Adoption, the nature and privileges of it, con. xii. cat. 74.

Adultery, a just ground of divorce, con. xxiv. 5, 6. Aggravations of sin, cat. 151. Amen, the meaning of it, cat. 196. Angels, God's decree concerning them, con. iii. 3, 4, cat. 13. How created, cat. 16. God's providence towards them, cat. 19. They are all employ.

ed at his pleasure in the administration of his power, mercy, and justice, ib. Not to be worshipped, con. xxi. 2. cat. 105.

Antichrist, what, con. xxv. 6. The
Pope is Antichrist, ib.
Antiquity, no pretence for using the
devices of men in the worship of
God, cat. 109.

Anxiety about the things of this life
sinful, cat. 105, 136, 142.
The Apocrypha, not being of divine
inspiration, is of no authority in the
church, con. i. 3..

Immodest Apparel forbidden, cat. 139. Ascension of Christ, con. viii. 4. cat.


Assembly. See Councils.
Publick Assemblies for the worship of
God not to be carelessly or wilfully
neglected, con. xxi. 6.

Assurance of grace and salvation attainable in this life, con. xviii. 1, 2. cat. 80. Without extraordinary revelation, con. xviii. 3. cat. 80. Upon what it is founded, con. iii. 8. xviii. 2. cat. 80. It is strengthened by good works, con. xvi. 2. Believers may want it, con. xviii. 3. cat. 80, 172. They may have it diminished and intermitted; and be deprived of comfort, and the light of God's countenance, con. xi. 5. xvii. 3. xviii. 4. cat. 81. But they are never utterly destitute of that seed of God, and life of faith and love, &c. out of which assurance may, by the Spirit, be in due time revived, con. xviii. 4. cat. 81. And by which, in the mean time, they are supported from utter

despair, ib. It is the duty of all to endeavour after assurance, con. xviii. 3. And to pray for it, cat. 194. The fruits of it; it inclines not to looseness, con. xviii. 3.

Atheism, the denying or not having a God, cat. 105.

Attributes of God, cen. ii. 1, 2, cat. 7, 8, 101.


BAPTISM, what, con. xxviii. 1, 2. cat 165. To continue to the end of the world, con. xxviii. 1. cat. 176. But once to be administered to any person, con. xxviii. 7. cat. 177. By whom, con. xxvii. 4. xxviii. 2. cat. 176. To whom, con. xxviii. 4. cat. 166. Dipping not necessary in baptism: But it may be rightly administered by sprinkling, con. xxviii. 3. Baptism not necessary to salvation, yet it is a sin to neglect it, con. xxviii. 5. The efficacy of it, con. xxviii. 6. How to be improved, cat. 167. Wherein it agrees with the Lord's supper, cat. 176. And wherein they differ, cat. 177. Believers. See Faith, Justification, Acceptance, Adoption, Sanctification, Union, Communion, Liberty, Works, Perseverance, Assurance.

Benefits which the members of the invisible church enjoy by Christ, cat. 65. The benefits of Christ's mediation, cat. 57, 58,

The Body of Christ, how present in the sacrament, con. xxix. 7. cat. 170.

The mystical Body of Christ. True believers are members of Christ's mystical body, con. xxix. 1. cat. 168. Which is the whole number of the elect that have been, are, or shall be united to Christ as their head, con. xxv. 1. What that union is, cat. 66. See Communion. The Bodies of the elect after death, and at the resurrection, con. xxxi. 2, 3, cat. 86, 87. Of the wicked, ib. Lascivious Books not to be read, cat. 139.

C CALLING. See Effectual Calling. To have a lawful calling, and to be diligent in it, is a duty, cat. 141.

Vows of Celibacy unlawful, con. xxii. 7. cat. 139.

Censures of the church, what, con. XXX. 2, 4. Their use, con. xxx. 3. Who are to be proceeded against by the censures of the church, con. xx. 4. xxix. 8. xxx. 2. They are to be managed according to the nature of the crime, and the demerit of the person, con. xxx. 4. Penitent sinners are to be absolved from censures, con. XXX. 2.

Censuring. Rash, harsh, and partial censuring sinful, cat. 145. Ceremonial law. See Law. Charity towards our neighbour, wherein it consists, cat. 135, 141, 144, 147. What contrary to it, cat. 136, 142, 145, 148. Giving and lending freely according to our abi lity, and the necessities of others, is a duty, con. xxvi. 2. cat. 141. Charms unlawful, cat. 113. Chastity, cat. 138.

Children that die in infancy, how sa ved, con. x. 3. The children of such as profess the true religion are mem. bers of the visible church, con. XXV. 2. cat. 62. And are to be baptized, con. xxviii. 4. cat. 166.

Is the

Christ, why so called, cat. 42. only Mediator between God and man,, con. viii. 1. cat, 36. Who be ing very God, of one substance, and equal with the Father, con. viii. 2. cat. 11, 36. In the fulness of time became man, con. viii. 2. cat. 36, 37. The necessity of his being God and man, cat. 38, 39, 40. He was ordained by God from eternity to be Mediator, con. viii. 1. He was sane. tified and anointed with the Holy Spirit to execute the office of Medi. ator, con. viii. 3. cat. 42. To which he was called by the Father, con viii. 3. And willingly undertook and discharged it, con. iv. 8. By his perfect obedience and sacrifice of himself, he purchased reconciliation. and eternal life for all the elect, con. viii. 5. cat. 38. To whom, in all ages, the benefits of his mediation are effectually applied, con. viii. 6, 8. Christ's offices of prophet, priest, king, cat. 43, 44, 45. See

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