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promised, for his sake, and in his name, thy kingdom of heaven to all them which suffer persecution for thy righteousness sake.

How shall we then know true visions of angels from false, true apparitions and miracles from counterfeit, but by the Scripture of God? which is the rule and true measure wherewith we must try all things; as St. John saith, Believe not every spirit; but prove them, whether they be of God: for many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby is the Spirit of God known, saith he; every spirit which confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is of God, &c. Whosoever therefore saith, that there is any thing that pacifieth the wrath of God, or obtaineth his favour and forgiveness of sins, but only Christ's death and passion, he denieth Christ to be come a Saviour in the flesh. Wherefore these angels, saints, souls of the dead, and miracles, that allow worshipping of saints by invocation and praying to them, the sacrifice of the mass for the quick and the dead, worshipping of images, pilgrimages, offerings to holy relics, to forgive sins, or to deliver the dead out of purgatory-deny Christ to be come an only Saviour by his flesh. For they make all these to be saviours from purgatory, or, at the least, coadjutors to help him in that office of salvation, and delivering those souls from sin and the pains due for the same; and so they cannot be of God, but of Antichrist.

Thus I have plainly, fully, and truly, without fraud of cloking, or colour of rhetoric and dark speech, to blind the eyes of the simple people, answered to all that I remember, which the papists do or can allege, either by writing, preaching, or reasoning, for the defence of their Unwritten Verities, whereupon they build so many detestable idolatries and heresies. And the same answers, if they be aptly applied and placed by a discreet and witty reader, will suffice for the answer to all that they ever have or can bring forth for the maintaining of their Unwritten and Uncertain Verities. And yet I will not be so much wedded to mine own wit or will, but that if they be able to answer so plainly and truly to the Scriptures, authors, and reasons rehearsed by me, as I have done to theirs; and to prove their doctrine of Unwritten Verities by as plain consent both of Scriptures, ancient doctors, and as pithy arguments, as I have done mine; and set it forth in print to the judgment of the whole world, as mine is—I shall not only acknowledge mine ignorance and error, but I shall gladly return into England, recant mine heresies, openly submitting myself to


Which is


such discipline and correction as they shall think meet for mine
offences. But if they refuse to answer my book by writing, and,
using their old trade, burn both my book and the readers thereof,
let them know they shall do nothing but cut off the head of hydra.
For for every heretic, as you call them, which you shall burn, will
arise many faithful and constant Christians: for, except the grain
or corn of wheat die, it remaineth alone; but if it die, it bringeth
forth much fruit. Wherefore I most heartily beseech the Father
of heaven, of his infinite mercy, (if you be not indurate in your
hearts with that sin, which is irremissible and shall never be for-
given in this world nor in the world to come, and resist the Holy
Ghost, impugning the truth of God of you known, and defending
and maintaining wicked doctrines, which your consciences bear
record to be idolatries and heresies,) that He will mollify your
stony hearts, and give you fleshy hearts; yea, rather, spiritual
and godly hearts to worship him truly in spirit, according to his
godly will, expressed in his holy word written. And I exhort
you which fear God, and be desirous to save your own souls,
to flee from this whore of Babylon, and from all her detestable
idolatries and heresies, not builded upon the sure rock of God's
infallible word written, but upon the qualmire of Unwritten Ve-
rities; whereupon whatsoever is builded, forthwith either sinketh
or quite overthroweth. And stand thou fast, and stay thy faith,
whereupon thou shalt build all thy works, upon the strong rock
of God's word, written and contained within the Old Testament
and the New; which is able sufficiently to instruct thee in all
things needful to thy salvation, and to the attainment of the king-
dom of heaven. To the which I beseech the Almighty Father of
heaven, of his infinite mercy and goodness, and by the merits of
his only Son, our Saviour and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, through
his Holy Spirit in us, bring us all. Amen.




Cranmer's Oaths and Protestation at his Consecration.



IN DEI NOMINE AMEN. Per præsentis publici instrumenti Processus seriem cunctis appareat evidenter et sit notum, quod anno Do- Cranmemini millesimo quingentesimo tricesimo tertio, indictione sexta, rum in regni illustrissimi metuendissimi ac invictissimi principis et do- Cranm. mini nostri supremi Henrici octavi, Dei gratia Angliæ et Franciæ Add. p. 1107. Regis, fidei defensoris, et domini Hiberniæ excellentissimi anno vicesimo quarto, mensis vero Martii die tricesimo, in domo Capitulari Collegii Regii sancti Stephani prothomartyris prope palatium Regium Westm' London' diocesis notorie situat', constitutus personaliter reverendissimus in Christo pater dominus Thomas, in Cant' Archiepiscopum (ut dicebat) electus, in mea prothonotarii Regii ac notarii subscripti, ac venerabilium virorum magistri Johannis Tregonwell legum doctoris, et Thomæ Bedyll clerici a consiliis dicti domini nostri Regis, Ricardi Gwent decretorum doctoris Curiæ Cantuar' Officialis principalis, et Johannis Cocks legum doctoris dicti reverendissimi patris audientiæ causarum et negotiorum Auditoris ac Vicarii in spiritualibus Generalis, testium in hac parte specialiter adhibitorum præsentia, protestationes quasdam fecit, legit, et interposuit, ac cætera fecit, prout in quadam papiri schedula, quam tunc ibidem in manibus suis tenuit et perlegit, plenius continebatur. Cujus quidem schedulæ verus tenor (nil addito vel dempto) de verbo ad verbum sequitur, et est talis.

IN DEI NOMINE AMEN. Coram vobis authentica persona et tes- Protestatibus fide dignis hic præsentibus, Ego Thomas in Cant' Archiepis- tion. copum electus, dico, allego, et in his scriptis palam, publice, et expresse protestor; quod cum juramentum sive juramenta ab electis in Cant' Archiepiscopos summo Pontifici præstari solita, me ante meam consecrationem aut tempore ejusdem, pro forma potius

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