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" It is a strange thing how little, in general, people know about the sky. It is the part of creation in which nature has done more for the sake of pleasing man — more for the sole and evident purpose of talking to him, and teaching him, than in any other... "
The Irish Monthly - Seite 303
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The Methodist Quarterly Review, Band 20;Band 42

1860 - 722 Seiten
...strange thing how little in general people know about the sky. It is the part of creation in which nature has done more for the sake of pleasing man,...just the part in which we least attend to her. There is not a moment of any day of our lives when she is not producing scene after scene, picture after...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

Sharpe's London Magazine: a Journal of Entertainment and Instruction ..., Band 3

1847 - 436 Seiten
...strange thing how little in general people know about the sky. It is the pnrt of creation in which nature has done more for the sake of pleasing man,...talking to him and teaching him, than in any other of lier works, and it. is just the part in which we least attend to her. There are not many of -her other...
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The North British review

1847 - 574 Seiten
...-people, know about the s^v. I .Ji is 'the .part of creation in which nature has done mtoreiferjihe) s^ke of pleasing man, more for the sole and evident purpose...teaching him, than in any other of her works, and it is jtjist the part in which we least attend to her. There are not .-many- of f her, ; Other works in which...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

Recollections of a Literary Life: Or Books, Places and People

Mary Russell Mitford - 1851 - 592 Seiten
...creation in which nature has done more for the sake of pleasing man—more for the sole and uvident purpose of talking to him, and teaching him, than...material or essential purpose than the mere pleasing of men, is not answered by every part of their organization ; but every essential purpose of the sky might,...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

Recollections of a Literary Life: Or, Books, Places and People

Mary Russell Mitford - 1852 - 580 Seiten
...strange thing how little, in general, people know about the sky. It is the part of creation in which nature has done more for the sake of pleasing man...material or essential purpose than the mere pleasing of men, is not answered by every part of their organization ; but every essential purpose of the sky might,...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

Kidd's Own Journal, Band 3

1853 - 394 Seiten
...strange thing how little, in general, people know about the sky ! It is the part of creation in which Nature has done more for the sake of pleasing just the part in which we least attend to her. The noblest scenes of the earth can be seen and known but by few. It is not intended that man should...
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Littell's Living Age, Band 35

1852 - 644 Seiten
...thing how little, in general, people know about the sky. It is the part of creation in which Nature 1ms done more for the sake of pleasing man, more for just the part in which we least attend to her. The noblest scenes of the earth can be seen and known but by few ; it is not intended that man should...
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Pictorial Calendar of the Seasons, ...

Mary Botham Howitt - 1854 - 584 Seiten
...strange thing how little, in general, people know about the sky. It is the part of the creation in which nature has done more for the sake of pleasing man,...we least attend to her. There are not many of her dim works in which some more material or essential purpose than the mere pleasing of man is not answered...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

Art-hints: Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting

James Jackson Jarves - 1855 - 428 Seiten
...strange thing how little, in general, people know about the sky. It is the part of creation in which Nature has done more for the sake of pleasing man...material or essential purpose than the mere pleasing of men, is not answered by every part of their organisation ; but every essential purpose of the sky might,...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

Recollections of a Literary Life

Mary Russell Mitford - 1855 - 580 Seiten
...strange thing how little, in general, people know about the sky. It is the part of creation in which nature has done more for the sake of pleasing man...material or essential purpose than the mere pleasing of men, is not answered by every part of their organization ; but every essential purpose of the sky might,...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

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