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ing, with a clear sky and bright sun, they all assembled. After singing and prayer, an address was given, founded on the 697th hymn, which they had so sweetly and generally sung. The name of Jesus, and the promises that

"To Him shall endless prayer be made,

And praises throng to crown his head," furnished ample materials for observations, which were listened to with great attention. Sixty-three Collectors then came forward, on their names being called over, and presented their little bags, made expressly for the purpose by our Spanish girls at the Mission-school, and with which each Collector was provided when the collecting-cards were issued. Great interest was excited to know the sum-total, as some fears were entertained in consequence of the unusually inclement weather of the Christmas week; but our young people seemed greatly relieved and gratified to find that they had nearly equalled themselves on a former occasion, and that they had replenished our treasury with the sum of

£12. Os. 3d. sterling. It was found difficult on this occasion to apply the principle of exclusivism; and no fewer than one hundred and five children and young people sat down to tea-cake and bread and butter, to the excellence of which they did full justice. At the conclusion they were again urged, from the uncertain issue of the year on which we had entered, with regard to all there, and from gratitude for the many special mercies they had received during the year just concluded, to give their hearts to Jesus, of whom they had heard, and earnestly to seek his favour and a new heart; and then, if we lived, we should all be useful and happy, and if God were pleased to take any of us from his church on earth, we should sit down in the kingdom of our Father above, and enjoy for ever the pleasures at his right hand. They were then commended to God in earnest prayer, and we all parted thankful for the gratifications and profit which our Christmas and New-Year's festivities and services had afforded us.


NEW SOUTH WALES.-Extract of a Letter from the Rev. D. J. Draper, dated Sydney, June 18th, 1846.

I DO myself the pleasure of reporting on the state of this Circuit, and of my own employments since I wrote last. I stated that it was my intention to visit Goulbourn, a town about one hundred and thirty miles south-west from Sydney, at an early period. This I have now done, and am highly gratified by the appearance of things there. Considered geographically, the town is of great importance, as being the centre of several small towns or villages, all of which will assuredly increase in population every year. There are six or seven of these at various distances from Goulbourn, say from twelve to forty miles, at several of which some Methodists reside. It is also on the high road from Sydney to Port- Philip, and is at present scarcely inferior to Bathurst in population, whilst, in the general style of building and appearance of the place, it is superior to it. Several persons who were formerly connected with our body, have resided there for some time past; and about eighteen months ago a few of them formed themselves into a class, and opened a small place for prayermeetings. I received several letters from them, requesting me to visit them;

and I intended doing so some time since, but was prevented.

About six months since a person who had been a Local Preacher, went to reside in the neighbourhood, and began to preach. A considerable number of persons identified themselves with the infant cause; and although there have been some irregularities, yet, on the whole, good has been done. Their requests for a visit having become more urgent, I determined to delay no longer. Previously to my going, we applied to the Government for some land in the township, which was granted; and I had the pleasure, when in Goulbourn, of selecting a fine spot in the town containing two acres; namely, one acre for a chapel, half an acre for a school-house, and half an acre for a Minister's dwelling. This land will be secured to us in the usual way.

I arrived there on Friday, the 8th of May, and was glad to find that two young men, Local Preachers from the Paramatta Circuit, had just arrived to establish themselves in business there. This I consider most providential, as it afforded me an opportunity of setting a considerable part of the machinery of

Methodism in motion. I found that a place belonging to one of our friends had been fitted up as a temporary chapel, and would contain about one hundred and forty persons. I met the class on Sunday morning at nine, and gave tickets to six, and notes on trial to four


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Besides these, there are several in the neighbourhood who are really menbers of the society, although they have no opportunity of meeting in class. In the afternoon and evening I preached to a "house full inside and out." The Lord gave me liberty to word with boldness. On Monday I visited the members in their houses, and in the evening held a prayer-meeting, at which I endeavoured to explain the nature and design of Methodism. I was led to this because of the presence of many who knew nothing of "that way." On Tuesday evening I preached again to a large congregation. Indeed the most marked attention and respect were paid me by all parties in the town; and I cannot but hope that good was done by my visit. One circumstance I might name, as showing the feeling which was induced. I stayed at a respectable inn whilst in the town, none of our friends having accommodation; and when I asked for my bill, received a polite note from my host, stating that he was happy that I had come to Goulbourn, aud nothing was charged to me, accompanying this with an invitation to his house as often as I chose on the same terms.

I have pledged myself to do all in my power to secure them a Missionary at the District-Meeting, and shall be deeply grieved if this fine opening, as well as others, must remain without a Wesleyan Missionary. O that you saw as we see the importance of sending out young men to this colony! A few hundred pounds expended now would yield a rich return in every respect a few years hence. There is now in Goulbourn regular preaching, a class, prayer-meetings, and a Sabbath-school; and I do hope it will not be long before they will have a Missionary.

At Whitsuntide our Sunday-school

Anniversary was held, and proved a very interesting time. Sermons were preached on the Sunday in the chapels, and very liberal collections made. The examination of the children was satisfactory. On Monday morning the children of all the schools assembled in York-street chapel, which they nearly filled. I addressed them for a short time on the im portance of their being early satisfied with the mercy of God. After the service they received some refreshments in the school-room; and at half-past five a public tea-meeting was held, to which about three hundred persons were admitted by ticket. The whole of the proceeds were devoted to the school. The sum thus realized was about £13. At seven o'clock a public Meeting was held in the chapel, which was well attended. Several very interesting addresses were delivered; and at the close of the Meeting £11. 11s. was collected; the entire proceeds of the Anniversary being upwards of £50. The number of children in the Sydney Sunday-schools is now nine hundred and seventy-five, with one hundred and six Teachers. This is a large increase during the past year.

Thank God, the state of the work here is encouraging. We have peace in all our borders. We have commenced the June quarterly visitation of the classes, and are highly gratified so far. I think the "Yearly Collection" in this Circuit will be about £34, but cannot yet state the precise amount.

The Hay-street chapel is fast approaching completion, and will be opened in a few weeks. Mr. Lawry is now in Sydney, and I hope will be detained until it is ready, that he may help us at the opening,

I trust you will send out some men to assist in the work. It is a most serious matter that we have so few when we are aware of the great want of ministerial help that exists. The people in almost all parts of the colony are looking to us to supply them with the means of grace, and it is very painful to be obliged to refuse them. Do have compassion upon us, and help us yet more !


SEPT. 17th, 1846.-At Scarrington, in the Bingham Circuit, Mrs. Elizabeth Whyman, aged eighty-eight. She had been a consistent member of the Methodist society for fifty-two years.

She continued firm in her adherence to Methodism, though considerably opposed in the early part of her religious course; was exemplary for her constant attendance on the means of

grace, till within a few weeks of her death; and was a liberal supporter of the cause of God. Her end was very peaceful. Some of her last words were, "Christ is precious!

'I long to behold him array'd,

With glory and light from above.'

Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly! Weep not for me, but welcome death!" W. B.

Nov. 21st.-Mr. Thomas Gee, of Darley, in the Derby Circuit. About seven years ago he gave his heart to God, and his hand to his people. From that time he was an exemplary and consistent follower of Christ. As a Leader, Local Preacher, husband, and confidential servant, he was greatly esteemed. His death was sudden, and took place under painful circumstances. In London on business, he was proceeding along the street, when he was taken ill ; and, being removed to his lodgings, he lingered three days, and then peacefully breathed his soul into the hands of his Redeemer, aged forty-four years. J. S.

Nov. 29th.-At Walsall, aged sixty, Mrs. Marshall. She was early in life conducted to the house of God by her parents, where she heard a faithful ministry. As she grew up, her mind became deeply impressed with the value of her soul, and the importance of religion. Being conscious that she was a sinner, she sought pardon with tears, and obtained the blessing through faith in Christ. She immediately entered into covenant with God, and became devoted to his service. In her affliction she was sensible of her approaching end, and was often employed in blessing and praising God. When labouring under severe pain she said,

"When my sorrows most increase,

Let thy strongest joys be given :
Jesus, come with my distress,
And agony is heaven."

The last words she was heard to speak were, "Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly;" and her happy spirit took its flight to the paradise of God. J. B.

Nov. 29th.-At Davenham, in the Northwich Circuit, Mr. Thomas Kinsey, aged fifty-two. Twenty years ago he experienced the saving power of divine truth; eighteen, he was a member of the Wesleyan society; and twelve, a faithful and useful Local Preacher and ClassLeader. He was truly an upright man and consistent Christian, manifesting in his conduct the reality of the religion he professed. His disposition was kind; he seemed always to desire to benefit all with whom he had to do. He patiently endured a long affliction of eighteen months; and experienced, with but little interruption, communion with God through the whole period. His whole confidence was reposed on the merits of Christ, and through him he obtained the final victory. T. E.

Nov. 30th.-At Tiverton, Mr. John Grant, aged seventy-five. He was a member of the

Methodist society nearly fifty-one years, and one of the original Trustees of the chapel at Tiverton. His earthly pilgrimage was marked by many domestic afflictions and trials; but under all circumstances he maintained an unshaken confidence in God, and an unblemished Christian reputation. As long as his health permitted, he was a devout and constant worshipper with the people of God, and maintained an unabated interest in the general prosperity of the cause of God. During the latter years of his life, through increasing bodily infirmities, he was entirely secluded from the active duties of life, but maintained, throughout a long retirement, the same cheerful and uniform piety which distinguished his active life. His death was eminently peaceful and happy. G. H.

Nov. 30th.-At Newburn, in the Newcastleon-Tyne Circuit, Mr. John Sinclair, in the eightyfifth year of his age. He was born at Gilling, in Yorkshire, and for twenty-four years lived according to the course of this world. Through the admonitions and instructions of a friend, he was brought seriously to consider his ways, and he sorrowed long after a godly sort; but at length, by faith in Christ, obtained salvation. He joined the Methodist society, and was soon placed in the responsible offices of Leader and Local Preacher; in both of which he was useful, and in the discharge of the latter was often, in his earlier days, subjected to the persecutions of mobs. He, however, held on his way, and grew stronger and stronger; and such was his eminent Christian consistency, that all acknowledged him to be a good man. About eleven years ago he came to reside in this neighbourhood; and, to the period of his death, he was the Leader of the society in Newburn. He was a humble and zealous Christian: he delighted in the ordinances of God's house, and in his service. He triumphed over death. J. H. B.

Dec. 3d.-At Barton-upon-Humber, Leonard Watson Hunter, aged twenty-two. From his childhood he feared God, and in early life became a member of the Methodist society. With considerable information, which he acquired by reading, and with respectable talents, he gave promise of much usefulness. His attachment to Wesleyan Methodism was exemplified in his uniform piety and consistency of character, His end was sudden, being unexpected either by himself or his parents. In answer, however, to the inquiries of his father respecting the state of his mind, a short time previous to his death, he expressed his firm reliance on the Saviour for acceptance with God. C. R.

Dec. 4th.-At Northampton, Mr. Joseph Betts, aged sixty-nine. For twenty-five years he was an ornament of the Wesleyan church. His last affliction was severe; but, knowing in whom he had believed, he felt the Saviour precious, and died in sure and certain hope of a glorious immortality. S. T.

Dec. 4th.-At Delph, Saddleworth, Mrs. Lydia Shaw, aged seventy-six. She had been a member of the Wesleyan-Methodist society more than fifty years. A tried, but sincere, Christian, her

life was consistent, her attachment to religious ordinances strong, and her love to Methodism, notwithstanding opposition, unabated. Her Master called for her suddenly; but she was ready. Her end was peace. W. H. B.

Dec. 5th.-At Gorleston, in the Yarmouth Circuit, Mrs. Ruth Dawson, in the eighty-first year of her age. For many years she was an exemplary Methodist and Christian. In disposition, she was humble, meek, and diffident; her character was strongly marked by simplicity, integrity, and benevolence; and to the poor she was a tender, attentive, and liberal friend. Her affliction was protracted and painful; but strength was given proportioned to her day. Her end was sudden, but calm and peaceful.

W. B.

Dec. 5th.-At Mount-Ward, Jamaica, in the faith and hope of the Gospel, Richard Lewis, aged about seventy-five. He had been a consistent member of the Wesleyan-Methodist society about eighteen years, fourteen of which he was a Class-Leader. He loved the house of God, and was found there at a week-night service, in his usual health, only a few hours before the commencement of his sickness" unto death." After testifying that all within was " peace, and manifesting his entire resignation to the divine will, he calmly awaited his approaching end, saying, "Come, Lord! come, Lord!"

W. G. S.

Dec. 6th.-At Daventry, Mr. William Stanton, builder, in the fifty-fourth year of his age. On Friday, November 28th, he was at work at Norton church, when he unfortunately fell from the scaffold, and, besides fracturing his arm, received several severe internal injuries, which, after a lengthened period of acute suffering, terminated his valuable life. He had been upwards of thirty years a member of the Wesleyan society; during which period he was peculiarly useful in the management of the Sunday-school. He was an ornament to his Christian profession, and during his last painful affliction enabled to witness a good confession. W. D.

Dec. 7th.-At Holwell, in the Sherborne Circuit, Mrs. Graham, aged eighty-four. She was a member of the Wesleyan society for many years; and has left a lasting monument of her love to Methodism, and of her desire for the spiritual welfare of the neighbourhood in which she resided, in the Wesleyan chapel which was built at her sole expense. Her benevolence to the poor will cause her name to be long remembered. J. W. R.

Dec. 7th.-At Alford, Mrs. Mary Morton, aged twenty-seven. She was brought out of darkness into God's marvellous light when about seventeen years of age; at which time she was in great distress of mind on account of her spiritual danger. She sought the Lord with much penitence and prayer, came out from the world cheerfully, and openly joined the congregation of God's Israel, ardently supplicating for the inestimable blessing of forgiveness. The Lord was graciously pleased to reveal unto her a sense

of his favour; and during the whole of her life she maintained her confidence in God. She was sometimes, and especially during her last affliction, the subject of harassing temptations, but was prevented from casting away her confidence. She ever manifested a warm attachment to her Saviour, to his house, to his people, and to his word. In her affliction she mourned her long absence from the house of prayer, and regretted her inability to sit up to read the word of God, or to prostrate herself before him. She never lost sight of the efficacy of the atoning Sacrifice, and the power and faithfulness of God; and would exclaim, "How can I sink with such a prop?" When the probability of her being raised to health again was alluded to, she said, "To depart and be with Christ will be far better." R. B.

Dec. 8th.-At Taynton, St. Peter's, in the Spilsby Circuit, Mrs. Dunnington, the wife of Mr. W. Dunnington, aged forty-nine. Thirty years ago she was brought to the knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus. From that time until she finished her course, she uniformly maintained the character of a follower of Christ. Sincerity, humility, and uprightness were fully exemplified in her conduct. Her death was sudden; but she was found ready, and she entered into the "joy of her Lord." S. W.

Dec. 9th.-At Bramley, Mr. John Holdsworth. He was brought to the enjoyment of religion in the twenty-first year of his age, and received his note of admittance into the Wesleyan society from the late Rev. William Bramwell, who then travelled in the Birstal Circuit. For thirtythree years he was a useful Leader, and a successful Local Preacher, under whose plain and pointed preaching many were awakened and brought to a knowledge of the truth. Placed at the head of a large family, he had to pass through great tribulation in the course of his earthly pilgrimage; but he exemplified the excellency of Christianity by a life of strictest integrity, constant cheerfulness, and habitual prayerfulness. He was suddenly seized with sickness, which entirely prostrated his energies; and in a few short hours he passed out of time into eternity, as a shock of corn fully ready for the paradise of God, aged seventy-seven. R. M.

Dec. 9th.-At Aghalee, in the Moira and Dromore Circuit, in her fifty-second year, Jane Ruddle, who was for thirty-eight years a member of the Wesleyan church. She was a woman of severe affliction. For her support she was dependent on her Christian friends, who felt it no burden to minister to the wants of one in whom they saw the grace of God. She laboured under a great privation in never having been able to read; for though she often made the attempt, such was the state of her head, she never could succeed; but she endeavoured to supply the defect by keeping a Bible and many religious tracts, and requesting almost every visiter to read a portion. On a Sunday evening her cottage was a place of resort for young persons religiously disposed, who felt it good to read for, and converse with, her; so that, being of an inquisitive mind, and having a sound under

standing, she obtained a considerable knowledge of the Scriptures. She was of unobtrusive habits, yet a constant visiter of the sick and afflicted, when her wise advice and fervent prayers were acceptable and useful. If, as Mr. Wesley says, "cleanliness is next to godliness," she possessed it in a high degree. Her disease was such as might, in other circumstances, be offensive; but her neatness and cleanliness was such, that the most sensitive could find no ground for complaint.

Though poor and dependent, she maintained a dignity of character which commanded the respect even of those on whom she was most dependent, as never stooping to any of those meannesses too often found amongst the poor. Having ornamented religion in her life, she died in the Lord, regretted by all who knew her.

R. B.

Dec. 10th.-At Thurcaston, Mr. John Toone, aged forty-eight. He was brought to a saving knowledge of God under the ministry of the Rev. Daniel Isaac, when he promptly became a member of the Wesleyan society, about twentysix years ago. He had an unblemished and unquestionable reputation of being an upright follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, and of strict integrity in his worldly calling. Religion with him was more than a name or a profession; his spiritual enjoyments and attainments were of a high order; and, by manifestation of the truth, he gained the approbation and affection of the society to which he was united. A few weeks previous to his death, two of his children died of typhus fever; and to the same malady he has fallen a victim. His end was peacefully triumphT. E.


Dec. 10th.-At Coalbrook-dale, in the Madeley Circuit, Jane, the wife of Mr. James Gething, aged seventy-eight. She received her first religious impressions under the ministry of a pious Clergyman at Shawbury, in this county, which were deepened and rendered permanent by attending the public meetings of Mrs. Fletcher in Madeley, with whom she met in class up to the time of her marriage. Soon after she commenced her Christian career, she obtained a sense of the pardon of her sins. She was diligent in attending the means of grace, and her conduct secured the love of her Christian friends. She was concerned for the salvation of her children: she took them with her to the house of God, and also into her closet, where she prayed with them, and commended them to God: of this they cherish a grateful remembrance. For the last eighteen months her strength gradually declined, so that she was able to reach the house of God but seldom. She often said, "I am not at home yet; but I soon shall be there, and I long to go." She died in peace.

J. A., 1ST.

Dec. 11th.-At Halton, in the Warrington Circuit, Mrs. Sarah Tipping, in the fifty-fifth year of her age. During the earlier portion of her life she was strictly moral, though a stranger to the power of divine grace. In 1821, while under painful affliction, she first saw herself to be a sinner, and felt the need of a personal interest in the world's Atonement; a blessing

which she sought, and happily realized. For nineteen years she maintained her integrity, walking in the fear of the Lord. She was truly a woman of a meek and quiet spirit, and given to hospitality. Her Christian graces commanded and received the love and esteem of all who knew her. Her last illness was long and severe; but in patience she possessed her soul, and she experienced throughout the faithfulness of a covenant-keeping God. Her end was not only peaceful, but eminently happy. J. T. Y.

Dec. 11th.-Mrs. Payne, of West Bromwich, aged seventy-three. She was converted to God in early life, and was a consistent member of the Wesleyan church upwards of half a century. By yielding to a constitutional timidity and diffidence of mind, she was often deprived of that clear sense of her acceptance with God, and that lively joy in the Holy Ghost, which it was her privilege to possess; but in her last affliction her faith in Jesus, as her Saviour, was greatly strengthened; and as death approached, her fears were dissipated, and she gave to her friends a cheering assurance that she was "ready to depart, and to be with Christ." A few hours before her death, she sung, with joyful confidence, the verse beginning,

"My soul, through my Redeemer's care,

Saved from the second death I feel!" Thus she died in faith," at "a good old age; and now, doubtless, "inherits the promises." J. B.

Dec. 14th.-At Natchell's-Green, Birmingham East Circuit, Mr. Joseph Yates, aged fifty-four. For many years he was greatly afflicted, and towards the end of life seldom able to attend on the public ordinances of God's house; but, under all his sufferings, he was graciously enabled humbly and devoutly to endure the will of God. He died, trusting in the merits of Christ for his acceptance with God, after having maintained for several years a conduct consistent with his Christian profession.

A. B.

Dec. 14th.-Mrs. Amy Sharpley, of the Macclesfield Circuit, aged fifty-three, wife of Mr. George Sharpley, formerly prisoner of war in Briançon prison, in France, where he introduced Methodism among the prisoners. She was converted to God when about twenty years of age, and resided at that time near Harwich, in Essex. In early life she met with much opposition, and had to encounter many difficulties; but these only made her more decided and diligent. After her marriage she removed to Macclesfield, and in all the relationships of life was most exemplary. She was greatly beloved by the members of her class, over whom she watched with much fidelity and diligence. She endured a protracted affliction with much patience, and calmly fell asleep in the Lord. Her soul thus speedily followed that of her son, Mr. Nathan Sharpley, who died November 25th, nineteen days before her, of consumption, in his twenty-third year. He had been a consistent member of the Wesleyan society six years. T. H.

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