... A fertile state one county in one year recently produced crops valued a million dollars in excess of the crop production of New Hampshire ... Arkansas is not wholly an agricultural state. She possesses valuable timber stands, important oil reserves, coal deposits, iron ore, manganese and phosphates, with numerous other manufacturing materials. She has producing, and great potential, hydropower facilities. She has even a genuine diamond mine... the only one in North America. These resources are now being used. Industry is moving Arkansas-way. This state already possesses large paper mills, ... ... With her multiplicity of cheap power resources hydro-electric, natural gas, oil, coal and lignites with excellent water and rail facilities, with 73% white population, Arkansas can support an industrial center comparable to the celebrated Ruhr Valley. For years, Caldwell & Company has been closely allied with Southern progress and has helped in the financing of the many developments extending southward. Suggestions for investors who may be interested in sound, attractive Southern securities will be made upon request. "We bank on the South" 310 UNION STREET, NASHVILLE, TENN. ROGERS CALDWELL & CO., INC., 150 Broadway, New York NO of Rocks Hotel, Pari For Tariff apply to HOTEL CECIL, LTD., 425, Fifth Ave., New York, or the principal travel agencies. EMPIRE HOTELS The South-Western Hotel, da Southampton. The Empire Em Hotel, Bath The Valley Lynton, N. Devon The Granville Hotel, Rams gate, Kent Bushey Hall Hotel, Bushey, Herts, near London Bailey's Hotel, London, S.W.7 The South Kensington Hotel, London, S.W.7 The benefits of perfect organl sation-so essential to real comfort-are felt immediately "Empire Hotel." Illustrated Tariffs of any of the above Hotels will be sent post free on application to: EMPIRE HOTELS, LTD., 425, Fifth Avenue, New York, or the principal travel agencies. C A60 L Tis Sac 85 L in cooperation with AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY Red Star Line, No. 1 Broadway, New York; American Express Company, 65 Broadway; or offices or agents of either company. Preat Lakes, Canada California-North West-Parks-Europe UNIVERSAL TOURS LEHRENKRAUSS TRAVEL AGENCY 359 Fulton Street, BROOKLYN, Ν. Υ. NORWAY MEDITERRANEAN Cruise, ss "Lancastria,” June 30 52 days, $600-$1300; Lisbon, Spain, Tangier, Algiers, Italy, Riviera, Sweden, Norway, Scotland, Berlin, (Paris, London). Short Cruise, omitting Norway, $475. Jan. 16 Round the World Cruise, $1000 up Jan. 30 Mediterranean Cruise, 66 days, $600 пр Frank C. Clark, Times Bldg., N. Y. SOUTHRICA! TOURIST AMERICA! |