m m er ba th Ido ус 25¢ size "The best NAME OF POST-OFFICE ADDRESS pipe smoke Editor, ELLERY SEDGWICK 8 Arlington St., Boston, Mass ever made!" ALICE D. JENKINS TERESA S. FITZPATRICK NELSON J. PEABODY 8 Arlington St., Boston, Mass 14 Walnut St., Boston, Mass. Dover, Mass Worcester, Mans Brookline, Mask 8 Arlington St., Boston, Mas and other security holders, hold Known bondholders, mortgagees, 1 per cent or more of the total amount of bonds, mortgages, or securities: Boston Five Cents Savings Bank. Signed MACGREGOR JENKINS, Publisher Sworn to and subscribed before me this 20th day of March, 190% JOSEPH W. VINAL, Notary Pub (My commission expires October 9, 1 [SEAL] NE D W ITH a directorate composed of members affiliated with 525 other companies, in 79 different lines of business, and with an intimate knowledge of modern business requirements, this Company has developed banking facilities that completely meet the needs of business houses in both domestic and foreign trade. We invite you to discuss your problems with us. President, Ana conda Copper Mining Co. THOMAS W. LAMONT of J. P. Morgan & Co. CLARENCE H. MACKAY President, Commercial Cable-Postal Telegraph System RICHARD B. MELLON President, Mellon National Bank, Pittsburgh GRAYSON M.-P. MURPHY WILLIAM C. POTTER THOMAS F. RYAN CHARLES H. SABIN of G.M.-P. Murphy & Co. President Gardiner & Reed Financier LANSING P. REED of Davis Polk Wardwell EUGENE W. STETSON EUGENE M. STEVENS JOSEPH R. SWAN Chairman of the Board Vice-President President, Illinois Merchants Trust Company President, Guaranty Company of New York Pools of Unlimited Power UNOS A.C.ALLYNAND COMPANY SING ves May we send you a copy Ask for AA-284 Grouping of the electric Power Utilities into Further, these grouped Utilities supply safe and We recommend Public Utility Preferred Stocks for a portion of your investment list. A.C.ALLYN AND COMPANY 'MPRESSIVE investments in Cleveland by General Electric and other large corporations mark Cleveland's steady progress toward an even greater future. The Guardian offers complete banking service to anyone who wants to share in the remarkable growth of this city and section. GUARDIAN TRUST COMPANY CLEVELAND, OHIO RESOURCES MORE THAN $150,000,000 Many Small Investors of today who are buying regularly sound bonds and stocks with HORNBLOWER & WEEKS Members of the New York, Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, and Detroit Stock Exchanges Chicago is "moving it electrically for less". There are 2350 electric trucks on the streets and 36 public stands for recharging and "boosting" batteries. All of these stations use Commonwealth Edison Power. Commonwealth Edison Company The Central Station Serving Chicago Commonwealth Edison Company has paid 154 consecutive dividends to its stockholders. Stock listed on the Chicago Stock Exchange. Send for Year Book. THE Investors' Library "HE search for information on the part of individual investors is one of the encouraging signs of the times. The Atlantic Monthly, in connection with its Financial Adver tising Department, wishes to encourage this by the publicati of the following list of booklets, which, it is believed, s prove useful to those readers who are concerned over the pr lems of the investment of their surplus funds. It is recommended that readers write directly to the in ment houses, making request for such booklets as seem likely to be useful, or for such information as the booklets suggest. Our banker friends will be glad to be of servic Atlantic Monthly readers. "Successful Investing." An interesting booklet for im ors. Offered by William R. Compton Company, 7th and La Streets, St. Louis, Missouri. |