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Excellent LAME MICHILEY CHICAGO Day of DETROIT Day at FALO CLEVELAND W.H. BLACK, Traffic Mgr. W.E. BROWN, Gen'l Agt. 110 W. Adams St., Chicago, Ill. 13 S. Division St., Buffalo,N.Y. Where-To-Go blankets the best Travel prospects ROCK ISLAND VACATION TRAVEL SO. AMER. 60 DAYS $339 SERVICE BUREAU 710 La Salle St. Station, Chicago, Ill. Name 897a RED CROSS LINE TRAVEL FRENCH BUREAU PARIS 22, Pl. de la Madeleine TOURS-All Europe Independent & Conducted 46 West 46th Street 862 Round the World Send for Illustrated Liter ure ROBERTSON Hibernian Bużel benze Ange 3. Calif. Write for book 700 Famous ALLEN PLAN Tours. AMERICA FIND real enjoyment this Magnificent scenery. 21,000 ton liners sail fortnightly Apply any Tourist Agency or MUNSON STEAMSHIP LINES 67 Wrk Flew York Write for book 700 Famous ALLEN PLAN Tours. ALLEN TOURS, Inc.. 154 Boylston St., Boston. CANADA EN ROUTE SERVICE, INC. NORTHERN ONTARIO WABI-KON CAMP A North Woods Bungalow Camp in heart of four mil lon acres of virgin forest. 1,502 Lakes. Every com- C. ort. Wonderful fishing. Boating, Bathing, and WILSON, 242 Maplewood Ave., Toronto, Ont., Can. BAY VIEW OJIBWAY HOTEL Picturesquely ing. Bklet. C.T. Meyer, Lake Pleasant, N.Y. light. Write now for rates & reservations. situated on a ine covered island in Georgian Bay. Ex- Write for booklet to H. C. Davis, Manager. Acouchiching TEMAGAMI Camp Rustic cabins in virgin forests. Wonderful ishing. Hundreds of lakes. Every comfort. Good meals and service. Booklet. J. R. McCONNELL Temagami Ontario, Canada! MASSACHUSETTS MASSACHUSETTS NEW OCEAN HOUSE-:- Swampscott, Massachusetts Travel News A Digest of Travel Announcements RAILROADS STEAMSHIPS RESORTS TOURS 1 Published every month in The Quality Group Magazines HARPERS MAGAZINE SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE WORLD'S WORK A hand of service for travelers abroad "Where is your stub?" "What about your ticket?" "Why did you not have this, that or the other?" Imagine questions like these rapidly fired at you from all angles. Suppose the school French does not stand the test. And suppose our book-German, book-Italian, or whatever we are assumed to have at our command, wilts under the barrage of taxi-drivers, porters and the like? Books, tickets, guides are not much help in predicaments or in cutting red tape. But travelers have found that they need only look distressed at European frontier points, railway stations to bring the Helpful Hand of Service to their aid. Thousands know of it. Hundreds of thousands have used it. The Helpful Hand which comes with traveler's cheques ought to be on every intending traveler's agenda-right next to his memos about visas and the like. A Scottish shrine A small, apparently insignificant island off the West Coast of Scotland has attained world-wide prominence, yet it is no battleno castle or ground, contains monuments . . . Fingal's Cave. This masterpiece of nature's architecture is unique. It is a stupendous basaltic grotto with octagonal columns of lava, containing white, crimson and yellow stalactites and flow of water over dark red and violet coloured rocks renders it awesome, inspiring and terrifyingly beautiful. Isle of delight A thousand pleasures to choose from-an absorbing mixture of Montmartre, Mayfair and Monte Carlo-all happily united into a gorgeous, tropical playground. Life, in Cuba, is just as you want it; where you make your own rules for happiness, where you step out into a new world to discover the jollygood-fellowship of the Latin atmosphere... a revelation to the humdrum of the business world. ATLANTIC MONTHLY Travel Books For a comprehensive TRAVEL MANAGER, 285 MADISON Ave., PLEASE ENCLOSE STAMP TRAVEL NOTES of Well-Known People "First visit Ireland where they "Have 'em show you the lovely "Well, folks, in Dublin their street cars are two storied, their homes one. "It's the tea that catches the "The greatest things in Ireland Reproduced through the courtesy of Next month: Wondrous works of hills, water, trees To Egypt were given the Pyramids to Switzerland, the Alps and Yosemite resplendent scenic gra deur. Nature has a pristine love ness in the mighty gorge of the Sierra Nevadas. Its one thousand square miles of playgrounds contain precipitous cliffs six times as high as the Woolworth Building. From the grandeur of the Yosemite fall, whose first plunge is eight times the height of Niagara, we come to the falls of the Bridal Veil which les float her train of sparkling foam the slightest of winds. The log cabin of bygone times gives place to the palatial hotel. Then, the wonder of all wonders-the might, soaring and awe-inspiring, fourthousand-year-old sequoias which have the atmosphere, dignity and sublimity of a cathedral. Father Hudson The first great realization of nature and outdoors came with Easter this year. Dainty crocuses cracked open the ground, birds chirped merrily. An equally sure proof of the vernal season is the Hudson steamboat line which recommenced oper ation on the artery of the Empire State. Down where the tides and eddies flow around the Atlantic giants, these trim river yachts nose out from their berths. Up they go -skylines now on both shores, through scenery which might we rival the Rhine to the foothills of the Adirondacks and the Berkshires. |