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all parties that the court majorities were gradually diminished, till at last they were fairly beat down upon several great national questions. Among those now brought forward was one for leave to bring in heads of an habeas corpus bill by Mr. Bradstreet, Recorder of Dablin, who observed, that the liberty of Ireland was insecure till an habeas corpus act should take place the same as in England. Sir Lucius O'Bryen called the attention of the house to their freedom of trade with Portugal, where goods of Irish manufacture were stopped and not permitted to be sold. Mr. Yelverton also gave notice, that after the recess he should move for leave to bring in heads of a bill to regulate the transmission of bills from that kingdom to England. This was intended to remedy part of the legislative evil arising from the operation of Poyning's law, a detailed character of which we gave in the early part of the first volume, and which, as long as it continued, must retain the nation in a state of servile dependency upon England. The necessity of this partial measure, however, was soon removed by a more comprehensive enactment."

During this session Mr. Grattan made a motion for bringing in heads of a bill to explain, amend, and limit an act to prevent mutiny and desertion in the army, which was seconded by Mr. Flood; but it was negatived by a large majority, though some of the ministerial members on this occasion sided with the oppostion. The next effort of this

indefatigable patriot related to the finances of Ireland, in which he stated, that their debt, including annuities, amounted to 2,667,6001. "which," he observed, "had not been accumulated by directing the artillery of their arms against a foreign enemy, but by directing the artillery of the treasury against their constitution: it was a debt of patronage and prostitution." He concluded by moving for a committee to examine the expences of the nation, and to consider of such retrenchments as should seem necessary. The motion was lost however. In this session likewise (on the 13th Dec. 1781,) Mr. Gardiner intimated his intention of bringing forward a bill for the relief the Roman Catholics, which he hoped to model in such a shape that it would meet with the concurrence of all parties, a thing devoutly to be wished in such a measure. the day of the adjournment Mr. Gardiner ob+ served, that as many members had expressed their anxiety to know the purport of his intended bill for the relief of the Roman Catholics, and as the house had given no orders for printing it, he would have it printed and distributed at his own expence, that gentlemen might have have an opportunity of maturely considering it during the recess.


This was according done, and on the 31st Jan. 1782, he gave notice of his intention to bring in heads of a bill for the relief of the Roman Catholics in Ireland. Leave was given, and on the 5th Feb. Mr. Gardiner being indisposed, Mr.

Dillon presented it. A debate ensued, in the course of which Mr. Fitzgibbon stated his alarm. at what he considered to be the tendency of the bill, and advised that a delay should take plaće, that due time might be afforded for considering it in all its bearings. This was acceded to, and after it was committed, an early day was fixed for its further consideration.

The volunteers now began to take a more decided part in the political transactions of the day. They had arms in their hands, and in their minds they had indefinite but enthusiastic notions of liberty. They assumed a leading station in the affairs of Ireland, and their history is altogether so curious that the history of their transactions shall be given here with some minuteness. The officers of the southern battalion of Lord Charlemont's Armagh regiment was the first that gave movement to the important proceedings of the volunteer army. They met, and came to the following resolutions, which they published throughout the province of Ulster and in Dublin *.

"First Ulster regiment, commanded by the Earl of Charlemont.

At a full meeting, holden at Armagh on Friday the 28th day of December, 1781, of the

* These resolutions, which were their first, deserve to be commemorated, as they gave rise to all their future opera

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officers and delegates of the southern battalion of the said regiment, consisting of eleven companies, pursuant to adjournment,

"FRANCIS EVANS, Esq. in the chair,

"The following resolutions were unanimously agreed to, and ordered to be printed in all the newspapers, and published within the province of Ulster, and in the Volunteer Journal of the city of Dublin:

"Resolved, That with the utmost concern we behold the little attention paid to the constitutional rights of this kingdom by the majority of those whose duty it is to establish and preserve the


"Resolved, That to avert the impending danger from the nation, and to restore the constitution to its original purity, the most vigorous and effectual methods must be pursued to root out corruption and court influence from the legislative body.

"Resolved, That to open a path towards the attaining this desirable point it is absolutely requisite that a meeting be held in the most central town in the province of Ulster, which we conceive to be Dungannon, to which said meeting every volunteer association of the said province is most earnestly requested to send delegates, then and there to deliberate on the present alarming situation of public affairs, and to determine on and publish to their country what may be the result of said meeting.

"Resolved, That as many real and lasting advantages may arise to this kingdom from said intended meeting being held, before the present session of parliament is much further advanced, Friday, the 15th day of February next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, is hereby appointed for the said meeting at Dungannon as aforesaid.

Resolved, That as at said meeting it is highly probable the idea of forming brigades will be agitated and considered, the several corps of volunteers who send delegates to said meeting are requested to vest in them a power to associate with some one of such brigades as may be then formed,

"FRANCIS EVANS, Chairman."

It may easily be supposed, that in the present temper of the Irish nation, and under circumstances such as existed when the preceding resolutions were issued, the meeting convened by them would be numerously attended. The castle took the alarm, but found it impossible to do any thing to check the evil they dreaded; nor was it government alone that felt uneasy. Persons of all descriptions and all parties manifested their deep concern in the event. But astonishment and regret were equally vain: the day approached: it arrived: the meeting was formed at DunganIt consisted of the representatives of 143 corps of the volunteers of Ulster. Colonel William Irvine took the chair. They were all per



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