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P. 20.

Geographical limits of Assyria, according to Mr Gibbon, in his French Memoir on the Monarchy of the Medes.

1. Le nom de Syrie où Assyrie n'a point été borné à cette petite province sur les bords du Tigre dont Ninève est la capitale. Il s'étendoit, selon Strabon, depuis le fond de la Babylonie jusqu'au Pont Euxin. Les habitans de la Chaldée, de l'Aturie, de la Mesopotamie, et de la Syrie Propre, étoient les Syriens noirs où de la haute Syrie. Ceux du Pont et de la Cappadoce, plus avancés qu le premiers du cot du nord et de la Mer Méditerranée, s'appeloient les Syriens blancs ou de la basse Syrie. Plusieurs


auteurs ont regardé le fleuve Halys comme la borne occidentale du nom Syrien, mais il est constant qu'il s'étoit etendu dans la Phrygie



to VIEDinged 90191173 and 264 aetub to smit On ne peut rendre raison de ce nom comi mun qu'en supposant une domination commune à toute ces provinces. Tous les anciens ont peusé que les Assyriens de Ninève ont communiqué leur nom aux pays dans lesquels ils ont porté leurs armes victorieuses.

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THE king of Babylon planted his Jewish captives at Tel-abib, and other placently blo places on the river Chebar, which flows into the east side of the river Euphrates, at Circessium, or Carchemish, near two hundred miles north of Babylon. Ammianus calls this river Aboras, and Ptolemy, Chaboras." Its modern name is Kabour: "It is formed bylla junction of a number of little brooks, which have their source at Ras-ul-lin thirteen furlongs south-west of Merdin. The Kabour odwendada en to ebe675 70 3911 919 9W abmwoi en bol (in Newcombel bas bliw s diw

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pursues a southerly course, until it receives the Mygdonius, when it enters the Euphrates at Kerkesia, the ancient Circessium, which, in the time of Julian, was the extreme boundary of the Roman empire."-Kinneir's Geographical Memoir of Persia, p. 245.

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THE following animated picture of an Arab camp, in the vicinity of Babylon, is given by Sir Robert Kerr Porter, in his interesting account of his Travels in Persia in 1 1818:

"We next bent our


Pinent our steps to the lines of an old Arab sheik, called Mahmoud Bassam ;who, with his tribe, had adhered invariably, through all changes, to the Pashalick of Bagdad, I had met this warrior at the house of the British Res sident; and came, according to his repeated wish, to see him in a place ace more consonant with his habits-the tented field; and, as he expressed it,ɗ

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at the head of his children.'
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"As soon as we arrived in
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we were met by crowds of its inhabitants, who,

with a wild and hurrying delight, led us towards

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