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the sympathy and good wishes of their former pastor, Richard Edleston, Esq., of Heywood, and concluded his address by stating that Mr. O'Mant, as the fully appointed minister of the Society, would preside over the meeting. Mr. O'Mant having accepted this office, and briefly alluded to his position, went on to say that he had been desired to give some details of his religious history. This was not with him a favourite topic, but there were occasions when it became a duty to speak of ourselves. It was well known that he had left the Baptist ministry for that of the New Church. His early education was in high Calvinism. The system was sustained by a severe logic, and in bis early life exercised a powerful influence over him. As he was approaching manhood he met with men who denied the truth of religion. It did, they said, for women and children, but was useless for men. This set him thinking and examining his theology. It did not, however, destroy his faith, and a few years after found him employed as a village preacher, and earnestly devoted to the work. From this work he proceeded to College, reading and doubting. Here questions were proposed to the professors, who replied that it was not the place of young men to ask questions, but to receive instruction, and directed them to books for the solution of their difficulties. Swedenborg's books were in the library of the College, being classed among literary curiosities, such as Hindoo and Chinese literature and other writings only read by oriental scholars and mystics. After he left College he read other books, particularly the books of Mr. Maurice and others of the Broad Church, German theology, the system of Comte, and others. It was during his second pastorate that his attention was directed to Swedenborg. In his flock was a poet of high merit, Gerald Massey, who lent him "Heaven and Hell" and Wilkinson's "Life of Swedenborg." He admired many things in these books, and was particularly charmed with the style of the latter, but could not accept Swedenborg's intercourse with the spiritual world. For nine or ten years his mind oscillated between high Calvinism at the one extreme and atheism at the other. A principal means of the success of During this season he frequently suffered the ministry, is the warm sympathy deep distress. To persons so circum- and earnest co-operation of the members stanced the doctrines of the New Church of the Society. This sympathy must be

are a new evangel. They open to the mind a knowledge of the truth, and save from deep distress and anxiety. To him the light first dawned upon his mind by the reading of Noble's "Appeal," which was put into his hands by one of his deacons at Kimbolton. The deacon was not a receiver of the doctrines, but regarded the book as a literary curiosity. Here he found a consistent and harmonious system of Christian theology, and from this he proceeded to the study of Swedenborg, who shows clearly what we are and what we are to become, and expounds to us the knowledge of God in a way to satisfy the requirements of the soul. Having received the doctrines of the New Church he did not conceal them. Several members of the New Church had been aided in their inquiries by his instructions, among others Mr. Ashby of Derby, who has entered the New Church ministry. The members of his church at Kimbolton were tolerant, and he remained with them until the path of duty pointed to his present field of labour.

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After an appropriate selection of music, the Rev. R. Storry addressed the meeting on the purpose of the Christian ministry and the evidences and means of its success. The purpose of the ministry, said the speaker, is to build up the city and temple of God in the world, to feed the flock of Christ, and to promote the spiritual culture, growth, and beauty of those committed to our charge. The evidence of success was not always seen in increased numbers, though to this external evidence we ought not to be indifferent. Still the true evidence of the success of the ministry was seen in the Christian life and conversation of the members of the Church and congregation. In this connection the speaker read an extract from a recent charge of one of the bishops, who said "It is not always a full church which is the proof of a fruitful ministry, nor what is called a hearty service the evidence of a praying people. The test must be the life. When that is worldly, selfish, self-indulgent, or uncharitable, the pleasure felt in public worship may be itself but worldliness and self-indulgence in another shape."

builded upon an utter rejection from the mind of all jealousy and distrust of the minister, and extended to every particular of his work.

LONDON (Camberwell).—The South London Chronicle of April 15th gives the following notice of a remarkable service for children at Camberwell:"In the April number of the quarterly Chronicle, published for the information of worshippers at the New Jerusalem Church, Flodden Road, Camberwell, it was announced that the ordinary morning service on Sunday last would be expressly adapted for the benefit of the young. The attendance of young people on that occasion was very large, and as the seniors also mustered in a goodly number, the building was well filled.

Rev. E. Whitehead, after referring to the occasion of the meeting, went on to say that the institution of the Christian ministry is a wise thing, and as much required in our times as in any past age of the Church. Business people find, now-a-days, that it is a matter of straining and effort to get through their work. At the end of a week's work they find that they want some help to enable them to face the duties of their position. Public worship, and instruction in spiritual things, are felt to be a "Mr. Austin, the minister of the necessity. And you cannot provide for church, occupied the pulpit, and at the this want out of the fragments of time outset explained that he did not purpose that hard-working people can spare to use on this occasion the ordinary after the duties of their employment printed liturgy, and further, that all his have been performed. The thing must remarks would be addressed especially have a man's whole strength, his whole to his young friends, although what he time, his whole energy. It is, therefore, said might at the same time be profitable a wise and a profitable arrangement to to their elders. He then called upon have a man entirely occupied with the children and the choir to sing 'The searching out the things of God that he Pilgrims,' one of the striking American may minister to your spiritual wants. compositions which are fast becoming Mixing as you do with the rough world, naturalized in this country. Mr. Austin and seeing, as you do, so much of its then delivered a short address on the crooked ways, it is well to have the duty and advantage of attending public right standard placed before you from worship, after which a second musical time to time, lest you should glide into piece, Sweet rest in heaven,' was sung. the habit of thinking the world's An address on the uses of prayer followed, standard high enough. Surrounded as which, though well suited to its youthyou are all the week by the smoke and ful audience, would not have been wholly clouds of earth, it will be refreshing to unworthy the attention of Professor you to meet a man every Sabbath whose Tyndall had he been present, as a preduties take him into another atmosphere. face to a most appropriate prayer and Your minister comes and goes among the Lord's prayer. Two lessons from you, breathing the very air of heaven: the Bible were then read, the repetition and you will feel that to be a new, of the Ten Commandments intervening. thing. The division of labour enables The well-known piece, 'The old, old him to attend to the ministry of the Word, and you, on your part, have the satisfaction of feeling that you have done the best you can do for the instruction of yourselves, your children, and your neighbours in those great principles which, we believe, will regenerate the world and bring heaven down to earth. Interesting addresses were after wards given by Mr. Atkinson, Mr. Padgett, Mr. Landrick, and Mr. Hamor Backhouse, all of whom expressed on the part of the Society their gratitude to act charitably to all men. for the services of their former pastor, "A hymn apposite to the sermon was Mr. Edleston, and their warm interest then sung, and the service concluded in the present position and prospects of with the benediction."

the Society.

story,' was then sung, and Mr. Austin delivered a short discourse upon the narrative of our Lord washing the disciples' feet (John xiii. 4-15). Having clearly explained those points of Eastern usage involved in the story, he proceeded to deduce in a manner strictly adapted to the capacities of his youthful auditory some of the lessons taught in his text. These were, he said, that every one should strive by God's help to be useful, to be humble, to be spiritually clean, and

The Society has also instituted a series

of monthly teachers' tea-meetings, which are not limited, as the title might imply, to the teachers in the Sunday School, but are open to all intending visitors. Tea is provided at 4.30 P.M., and whilst partaking of it, friends enjoy the luxury of cultivating the social faculties. At its close, the chair is taken by Mr. S. Lewin, the superintendent, and in accordance with previous arrangement, an essay is read by some gentlemen on an appropriate topic, after which, opportunities for questions and comments are afforded.

and novels or books of adventure usurped its place in his esteem. Then, attending a Sunday School, he was instructed as to his own sinful state, as to God's consequent wrath against him, and as to the horrible punishments of hell— and finding in the Bible statements which seemed to harmonize with these teachings, he actually came to hate the book. A further change in his ideas was that wrought by his receiving the doctrine of the vicarious sacrifice-the idea that being absolutely incapable of becoming righteous himself, he must needs rely upon the righteousness of another-and also the doctrine that the Almighty elects some men to eternal life, leaving the rest to eternal damnation. The speaker having touched upon the doubts raised in his own mind from time to time about the soundness of these doctrines, even when he held, and moreover publicly expounded them, closed his remarks by adverting to the benefits which he had already derived from his brief connection with the New Church. Not the least of these was the restoration to him of his childhood's delight in the Bible, and his childhood's idea of God's love. Casting away the false notion that God is a respecter of persons, his sympathies now embraced the whole human race, and, renouncing all the more or less erroneous doctrines founded upon fragments of the mere letter of the Word, he intended henceforth to strive to advance in the perception of its spirit, whence alone true light can be obtained, and further to endeavour to spread the knowledge of these heavenly doctrines among his fellow-men.

The South London Observer of April 22 gives the following report of the social meeting of this Society, which took place on Good Friday :-"Tea was provided in the schoolroom, of which upwards of seventy friends partook, the numbers being [considerably increased at the subsequent meeting. Mr. Austin, the minister of the Society, took the chair in the church at seven o'clock, having on either side of him several members of his own and of other London New Church congregations. A hymn having been sung, and prayer offered, the chairman made a few remarks prefatory to the evening's proceedings, including a graceful reference to the absence, caused by dangerous illness, of Mr. Skelton, the highly esteemed president of the weekly theological discussions. Mr. Austin then proceeded to introduce the various speakers, who addressed the meeting upon interesting topics. The most noteworthy of these utterances was that of a gentleman who has but recently, and that mainly through the agency of the discussion meetings, espoused the doctrines of the New Jerusalem Church. His speech, delivered with evident emotion, was received with marked attention and interest by his hearers. Commencing with the assertion that the quality of LONDON (Stepney).-On Easter Mona man's religion must greatly depend day, a tea and public meeting was held upon the character of his conception of at the East London Society's Mission the nature of the Holy Scriptures, he proceeded to trace the growth of his own ideas upon that and other important religious subjects. He said that when a child he loved to read the early chapters of the Bible, the stories of Abraham, and of Joseph and his brethren. The Bible was then to him a delightful book, and God was his loving Father. To this state succeeded a condition wherein the Word of God became distasteful,

"Intermingled with the speeches were performances of sacred pieces by the choir. The proceedings terminated shortly before ten o'clock."

Hall, No. 1 Ben Jonson Road, Stepney Green; sixty-five persons sat down to tea. After tea, 'the room was cleared, and the chair taken at seven o'clock by Mr. Henry W. Iles, the Secretary. The chairman, in opening the meeting, traced the short history of the Society, and described the progress made from the time of the opening up of the East-end movement to the present moment. structive and interesting addresses were


They, their wives and children, had a delightful gathering of their own. A few other friends attended, and Dr. Bayley was in the chair.

given by Mr. Austin, Rev. John Pres- spiritual improvement of the friends land, Mr. Jobson, and several members who belong to the operative classes, of the Society. The meeting, which and they held a tea-party on Easter was the first of its kind in connection Monday. with the Society, was a thorough success, and augurs well for the prosperity of the new effort. Before the meeting separated, a vote of sympathy for Mr. Skelton, in his long and protracted illness, was passed unanimously, and hope was expressed that he would, ere long, be able to resume his able services as leader of the Society.

GOOD FRIDAY AND EASTER MONDAY AT KENSINGTON.-Besides the public services, on which opportunity is taken to give the fullest New Church explanation of the Lord's death and resurrection on the days set apart to celebrate these important events, it has been the habit at Palace Gardens Church to have a social gathering on Good Friday. So many people are at liberty on that day that the company has usually been larger than at the other general meetings. It was very numerous on this occasion.

There was an excellent array of speakers, including Mr. Braby, Mr. J. A. Bayley, who read a paper his elder brother intended to have presented in person, but who was called out of town, Mr. Herbert, Dr. Stocker, Dr. Tafel, Mr. Horncastle, and Dr. Bayley in the chair. The Rev. W. Bruce was to have been present, but was prevented by illness.

The subject consisted of the different incidents associated with the Crucifixion, and was dwelt upon in various aspects, but by all in a most edifying and effective manner.

Readings, recitations, and music, given by the working people themselves, constituted the means of interesting the meeting, and afforded a most happy evening.

About eighty were present, and all manifestly appreciated the efforts of each to add to the general good-will, and went home thoroughly pleased.

LIVERPOOL.-On Wednesday evening, May 10, a social tea-meeting was held in the schoolroom of this Society, the special object of which was to welcome the Rev. Professor R. L. Tafel, who was passing through the town en route for America. It was considered to be an excellent opportunity for the Society to testify their appreciation of the learned gentleman's great and useful labours in the Church. The meeting was well attended, and all showed their admiration of the professor by the reception he received. Tea being over, a general round of conversation ensued, after which the Rev. R. Goldsack, the minister of the Society, took the chair, and in a short appropriate address stated the object of meeting, and offered to Dr. Tafel a hearty welcome, a pleasant voyage, and a successful visit to our American brethren.

Dr. Tafel, in replying, thanked the Society for the invitation to the meeting, Two recitations were admirably given and for their kind welcome and wishes, by Messrs. Brown and Fisher. After and hoped it would not be the last time the refreshment, and while the school- he should meet them. In an able and room was being cleared and re-prepared interesting address, he exhorted each for the meeting, the company adjourned member of the Church, by personal to the church, and selections from the effort, to extend its influence to Stabat Mater were given for about half all around, and so to unite their inan hour, and in the after meeting solos dividual efforts that the New Church and anthems were sung between the as a whole might shine as the bright speeches. The choir was in full at- light she really is. Mr. Craigie, in a tendance, and the music worthy of all pleasant speech, remarked that it was praise. A delightful feeling pervaded a great pleasure to himself and to all the meeting, and the enjoyment was present to meet the rev. gentleman, and experienced that is intimated in the words of the prophet, "They that feared the Lord spake often one to another." There is associated with this Society a meeting for the mutual

hoped it would not be the last time. Mr. Andrew Pixton referred to the great service Dr. Tafel has rendered the Church in rescuing from oblivion and destruction the documents concerning

Swedenborg, adding that for every Societies, he proceeded to show that great work a man is provided; and he the reality of the descent of the New believed that the work Dr. Tafel had Jerusalem was to be seen in other performed was of the highest importance directions than this, in the changed and greatest utility. A selection of tone of religious thought everywhere, in Vocal music was given during the the refusal to be satisfied with the preevening, and after a hymn and the tence of "mystery," and in the wider benediction the meeting closed. The acknowledgment that men's interests following day, Thursday, Dr. and Mrs. Tafel, Rev. S. M. Warren, and the family of Dr. Coffin sailed from the Mersey in the "City of Berlin," and a number of friends met them on the landing stage, where they embarked, to bid them farewell and God speed.

are identical. But even if the position of New Church Societies were the only measurement of our success, it is for those who have received the truth to be faithful to it in their day and generation, in the full assurance that the Lord will bless every effort that is put forth to extend the knowledge of His Name. Addresses were also given by Messrs. Lynn, Bowman, and Gregory. Several selections of sacred music were given during the evening by Mr. Gordon and other friends. The meeting was felt to be alike pleasant and profitable to the friends of the Nun Street Society, who appear to be united and earnest in their

NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE (Nun Street).On Easter Tuesday, April 18th, about seventy of the members and friends of the above Society attended a social teameeting. After tea the chair was taken by the Rev. William Ray, the pastor of the Society, who gave an interesting account of the history of the New Church in Newcastle. Opportunity work. was than taken to present a gold chain and locket and pencil-case to Miss RHODES.-On March 18th this SoJewitt, for her kindness in presiding at ciety held a tea-meeting and entertainthe harmonium at the regular meetings ment, for the purpose of raising a fund for worship. It was stated that she was for the erection of a new schoolroom. never absent, never late, an example Upwards of one hundred and thirty worthy of being followed by all those trays were given by the members, holding similar offices in our Societies. teachers, scholars, and friends. After Her father, Mr. Jewitt, in responding, tea, Thomas Isherwood, Esq., of Heyexpressed his thanks to the friends for wood, presided, and opened the meeting the testimony of their kind appreciation by referring to a similar gathering two of his daughter's service, which were to years since, when we met to raise a her a labour of love. The Rev. Joseph sum of money to clear off the debt on Deans of Brightlingsea, who happened the chapel, and now we are brought to be in Newcastle as a representative together to raise a sum towards buildat the Grand Lodge of the Independent ing a new school, and he hoped it would Order of Good Templars, next addressed be equally successful. The programme the meeting on the privileges of New Churchmen, who were permitted to know so much more than was generally known concerning the workings of the Divine Providence during this life, and of the nature of the life after death. He exhorted those present to a more diligent study of the writings of the Church-a study which tended to exalt our ideas concerning the character of the Lord and the importance of human life.

The great mission of the New Church was to unite men more closely to the Lord and to each other. Referring to the apparent slow growth of the Church, as measured by the number of those professing her doctrines and uniting themselves with our various

The speakers

consisted of glees and songs given by
the choir. Instructive and entertaining
readings were very effectively given by
Mr. F. Smith of Manchester and Miss
Mackereth of Eccles.
were Revs. W. Westall and I. Tansley,
and Messrs. J. Broadfield and T. Mac-
kereth, who urged the Society on in the
work they had before them, remarking
that it was better for a Society to have
a separate building for school purposes.
The proceeds amounted to £18, 10s. 8d.,
which, together with a donation of £5,
given by the chairman, and another of
£10, promised by Mr. Broadfield, raised
the total to the sum of £33, 10s. 8d.

The annual school sermons were preached on Sunday, May 7th, by the

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