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the faith even of the New Church not desirableness of their presence at the crumble away? Against this all must quarterly and annual meetings. In a fight. Virtues can only grow as they are diligently cultivated.

The Rev. P. Ramage said he looked upon the Church and the Sunday School as one. All Sunday School teachers were sub-pastors under chief pastors. They should consult their pastor in all things having for their object the welfare of the Sunday School. He thought that the services of the Church should be so arranged as that children could take a part in them. If England was to be a sober England, if England was to grow up a good England, it would be by the young growing up religious. Let them enter heartily into the work, for without heartiness there would be no success. He doubted whether a man could be regenerate without working for souls. Some might say they could not work, but he held that they might by practice come to love that which they would not otherwise do. And if they wanted to love anybody or anything, let them first work for it.

The speeches of the evening were closed by an interesting address by Rev. W. O'Mant, in which he enforced the duty, and pointed out the advantages of perseverance in the work of Sunday School teaching.

LONDON (Argyll Square).—The minister of this Society, Rev. John Presland, is occupying the Sunday evenings prior to the meeting of Conference by a course of six lectures appropriate to the season, -short, and dealing with subjects of a simple character, such as it may be agreeable and profitable to contemplate during the sultry month of July. The general subject is "Garden Thoughts," which is divided into the following particulars :— "Growth in the Garden, " Mark iv. 26-28; "Weeding the Garden," Gen. iii. 18; Pruning the Garden," John xv. 2; Watering the Garden," Isa. lviii. 11; "The Destroyers of the Garden," Joel i. 4; "The Flowers of the Garden," Matt. vi. 28, 29.



Annual Meeting of the Society.-In announcing this meeting, the Manual of the Society has the following remarks, which we commend to the thoughtful attention of the members of our several Societies:-"We earnestly press upon all the members of the Society the great

community like ours, where opinions necessarily vary, and where the judgment of the majority pronounces the law, it is obviously of the first consequence to the just recognition of the Society's desires, that all should take active interest in the conduct of its affairs; each member urging his own convictions, if they appear to him sufficiently distinctive and valuable to require expression, but in any case, giving good heed to the various arguments and opinions advanced, and voting according to his sense of what is best for the welfare of the Church. We believe that an improvement has taken place in the numbers present at our business meetings, but the attendance of members is still far from being so general as it ought to be. We require a stronger personal interest on the part of each individual, more esprit de corps, more recognition of our duties as a congregation of the Lord's New Church, responsible to Him for the faithful employment of our privileges in our own personal regeneration, and for the judicious and effective presentation to the world of the great principles we hold. Greater social friendliness among ourselves is also needed, that we may be more truly an organised form of usefulness and influence. For the promotion of such social feelings, the Tea Meeting, which precedes the business proceedings, affords excellent facilities."

The meeting took place on Wednesday. July 12th, Mr. Thomas Watson in the chair. Eleven new members were admitted, making a total of thirty-two added during the year. Twenty-five baptisms, six marriages, and six removals

into the spiritual world were reported. From the balance-sheet it appeared that £588 had been raised during the past year, and of this sum no less than £195 by means of the offertory, proving at once not only the usefulness, but also the popularity of this institution of the Church.

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the minds of all present. It was announced that Mr. Butter, the senior member, had signified his intention to invest £100, in the names of three trustees, for the benefit of the Society.

LONDON (Camden Road).-At this Church the sermon enforcing the claims of the Hospital Sunday Fund was preached on the morning of June 18 by the Rev. J. J. Thornton. The subject selected for consideration was the kindness extended by David, when he had risen to power, to Mephibosheth, the lame remaining member of the house of Saul. In it he showed that the Divine David is ever seeking to help the spiritually destitute and sick, who include all mankind, and that when He rises to power in us, when He is enthroned in our hearts, He prompts each of us to deeds of kindness, which descend to ultimates in caring for the welfare of our fellows in their physical want and illness. David did not seek to show his own kindness, did not seek in this matter to promote his personal aggrandisement. He desired to show the kindness of God to the remnant of the house of Saul; and so in like manner never ought we to forget that our natural as well as our spiritual riches are talents lent us by the Lord, which can be considered ours only so far as we use them, and use them as the Lord has directed. True happiness is only gained by each in doing all he knows how to do to secure the happiness and well-being of others. In doing this we are striving to keep the two great commandments-we are seeking to show our love to the Lord by our loving care for our neighbour; and of such conduct the Lord will say hereafter, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me." A collection, amounting to about £17, was taken up at the end of the service.


operations of the Church. From the Secretary's report we learn that there are now 380 sittings let, the total number of members (exclusive of junior members of whom, for reasons assigned, there was no return made) being 180, six of whom were new members. ing the year three marriages had been solemnized, and seventeen infants and seven adults had been baptized. The Advertising Committee had been authorised to spend £50, which had been raised by public and private subscription, and through their exertions additional interest had been manifested in the Church. The musical portion of the services continued, under the management of Mr. E. H. Bayley and Mr. King Hall, to present the attractive features which had done so much to draw the attention of the public in the immediate neighbourhood to the services of the Church. The amount of the collection on behalf of the London hospitals was over £51. Various gifts of church furniture were also reported. Additions had been made to the organ, and the sum of £39 expended on church repairs.

It being reported that Mr. King Hall, the esteemed organist, had been compelled to resign, and that the Society would soon lose his services, it was unanimously resolved, "That it is with extreme regret that this meeting learns that the congregation will very shortly lose the valued services of Mr. King Hall as organist. Votes of thanks were cordially adopted to the ladies and gentlemen of the choir; to Mr. Nitsch, whose business occupations prevented him from continuing to undertake the duties of secretary; and to Mr. Ottley and the gentlemen who in turn with him had officiated in the reading desk." It was also resolved, "That Messrs. E. H. Bayley, W. Robinson, and J, Gelbey, be the representatives of this Society at the General Conference.

LONDON (Palace Gardens Church, Kensington). The annual meeting of the The Rev. Dr. Bayley, in drawing the Society worshipping in the church, was proceedings to a close, made some held on July 11th, the Rev. Dr. Bayley remarks on the conduct of public wor in the chair. The proceedings com- ship. Alluding to the Responses on the menced with singing the 496th Hymn New Liturgy, he said that he should and prayer. Reports were presented by like to hear them more distinctly the Mutual Improvement Societies, repeated. He deprecated the idea of the Ladies' Benevolent Working So their being chaunted, and created some ciety, the Sunday School, and the laughter by stating that when he (Dr. Working Men's Bible Class, all of which Bayley) began to sing the prayers, in various ways seek to further the would be time enough for the congrega

tion to sing Amen. The meeting ter minated with a hymn and the benediction.

MELBOURNE (Derbyshire). We re gret to learn that Mr. Boyle, who has been for some time officiating as the leader of this Society, has tendered his resignation; and that the Society will in October next require the services of a suitable leader or minister.

SOUTHPORT.-This Society has passed through the first year in its New Church, and notwithstanding some painful drawbacks, has made progress, and holds on its way of usefulness. It has set an example of what may be done when a few earnest persons regard the endowment of a church not as all that is needful to its success, but as the means of encouraging and stimulating their endeavours to build up the Church in their midst, and extend its blessings to those around them. A singularly neat and convenient place of worship has been erected, in which the worship of the Church is conducted and the doctrines steadily taught. The services connected with the first anniversary of the opening of the church were held on Sunday, July 2nd. The attendance, though not large, was encouraging, and the collections liberal, amounting to £38. The South port Daily News of the following day gave the following account of the morning's service, which we have slightly abridged: "Yesterday the Rev. R. Storry, of Heywood, preached on behalf of the building fund of the New Church, Duke Street. The subject for meditation was the petitions, Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.' After speaking of God being represented as a father and as a king in the person of Christ, the preacher proceeded to notice the kingdom.' It was a king. dom which was to come down from heaven, and to be instituted and established upon earth. That this kingdom was instituted in the world at the time when our Lord came to the earth is evident from the teaching of the Apostles. 'The kingdom of God is not meat and drink'—that is, it was not external ordinances and outward institutions, but 'righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.' This kingdom is to come from God, and to be established in the world. The commencement of its

establishment is in the restoration of each individual mind to the true order of the Lord's kingdom, which comes, in the first place, to individual souls, and by extending its influence over individual souls, and multiplying the number of its subjects, into the world at large. Swedenborg says that all the larger organs of the human body are builded up of smaller organs of the same kind. The Church of God is the same. If this kingdom is to come, it must come by the expulsion of evil passions, and by the setting up of the reign of truth. One evidence of the coming of this kingdom is in these words: Thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven.' The will of God is the salvation of man. He has created no man that He may condemn him, but that He may save him. All the agencies of His providence are directed to this purpose—to regenerate those whom He has created, and to bring them to habitations of everlasting glory. The subject (the preacher concluded) had a direct application to the great question which they had that morning before them. They had with considerable effort got a very beautiful place of worship, and continued effort was needed to secure its intended usefulness. There was one feature connected with their churches in Lancashire this summer which was refreshing and hopeful. They heard a great deal about the badness of trade, but throughout the county the New Church people had determined that nothing should interrupt the flow of their charity and the exercise of their liberality towards the Church."

GENERAL CONFERENCE.-The sixtyninth annual meeting of the General Conference is appointed to be held in the New Jerusalem Church, Abbey Street, Accrington, and to commence on Monday, the 7th instant, at seven o'clock in the evening. The Society at Alloa applies to be received into connection with Conference. The Society at Bolton applies for the ordination of Mr. G. H. Smith. The Rev. R. Goldsack intends to move:-1. That all addresses received by the General Conference from Foreign and Colonial Societies be read to the Conference; 2. That the Greek Text of the Gospels and the Latin of Swedenborg's Theological Works be added to the list of subjects for the examination

on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, price 2s. 6d. Tea will be served in the schoolroom every evening, free to Members of Conference; other friends, 6d. each.


of candidates for the ministry, but as optional subjects; 3. That there be added to the list of Ordinary Committees of the Conference, a Committee to consider the Recommendations received from Minis. ters and Leaders in reply to the President's Circular, and to report thereon to July 6th, at 44 Arundel Gardens, the General Conference. Mr. Hugh Kensington Park, London, the wife of Evans and Mr. W. Alfred Bates apply J. C. Bayley, Esq., of a daughter. for re-adoption as students, and both are recommended by the Committee of the Students' and Ministers' Aid Fund.

The Accrington Society have made the following arrangements for the Conference week:

Sunday, August 6th.-The Rev. C. H. Wilkins, of Nottingham, will preach.

Monday, August 7th.-The Committee will attend in the schoolroom, from five to seven o'clock p.m., to receive the Members of Conference, and introduce them to the friends who will entertain them. Tea will be provided. The preliminary business of Conference will begin at seven o'clock.

Tuesday, August 8th.—In the evening, at seven o'clock, Divine Service in the Church. The Sermon will be preached by the Rev. Dr. Bayley, of London. At the close of the Service the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will he administered. The offerings to be devoted to the Pension Fund.

Wednesday, August 9th.-A Social Meeting will be held in the Peel Institution, to commence at seven o'clock, to which all Members of Conference and their ladies are invited. Admission to other friends will be by ticket only (1s each). Applications for tickets to be made not later than Monday, August 7th, to Mr. J. P. Hartley, Avenue Parade, Accrington.

Thursday, August 10th.-The Annual Conference Tea Meeting will be held. The subject for consideration at the Meeting in the Church, is "The Second Coming of the Lord, and its Manifestations. The chair will be taken by the President of Conference at seven o'clock. Friday, August 11th.-The Members of Conference will be entertained at private social parties.

Sunday, August 13th.-The Rev. R. R. Rodgers, of Birmingham, will preach in the morning. The Rev. W. Bruce, of London, has been invited to preach in the evening.

Dinner will be provided at the Hargreaves Arms Hotel, near to the Church,


MR. F. SKELTON. The following notice of this esteemed and zealous member of the New Church in London appeared in the South London Observer of June 7th:-"The congregation of the New Jerusalem Church, Flodden Road, Camberwell, have just sustained a serious loss in the death of Mr. F. Skelton, whose name, in connection with the theological discussion meetings held at this church, of which he was the president, has been frequently mentioned in our colunms.

"The deceased gentleman was born in or near the town of Salisbury, where his aged parents still reside, and at the time of his decease was 53 years of age. Prior to the erection of a New Church place of worship on the Surrey side of the Thames, he attended the church in Cross Street, Hatton Gardens. When, towards the end of the year 1863, a Society of the New Church (the present "Camberwell" Society) was initiated, and commenced holding public worship at a room in Newington Causeway,-removed in 1867 to the edifice in Flodden Road,Mr. Skelton became one of its earliest members. For a few years his services to the church were, as they had been at Cross Street, chiefly confined to attending its worship and assisting its funds, but shortly after the death of his wife, several years since, he commenced more active labours in the furtherance of the doctrines taught by Emanuel Swedenborg. In October 1868, a weekly meeting was commenced in the schoolroom, Flodden Road, for reading the writings of Swedenborg and conversing upon them. This gathering Mr. Skelton regularly attended, and after a while became its president, alternately with Mr. Gunton (who presided during the winter, Mr. Skelton during the summer, months), but for the past three years, and until incapaci tated by his last illness, the deceased gentleman has filled the post singlehanded.

"To these meetings representatives of Church Missionary and Tract Society, a every school of religious thought have hall in Ben Jonson Road, Stepney, was been cordially invited to come and criti- hired, and Mr. Skelton was invited to cise the doctrines of the New Jerusalem conduct the services there. This proChurch as there expounded. Especially posal he accepted, and attended to his was this invitation proffered to the pub- duties for several weeks, until he was lic during our recent local excitement struck down by the illness which caused about Messrs. Moody and Sankey, when his decease. His friends have hoped, Mr. Skelton selected, for the purpose of encouraged from time to time by reports illustrating New Church teaching, the of improvement in his condition, that more prominent doctrines of the Trans- his ailment was but temporary, but on atlantic revivalists-a course which Thursday last they were informed of an largely increased his weekly audiences. alarming change for the worse, which Of several of these discussions reports necessitated his undergoing an operaappeared in these columns, which evin- tion. This proved ineffectual, and he ced that the arguments were well sus- died early on Sunday morning last, leav tained, and the points hotly contested ing eight children to mourn his loss.” on both sides. Mr. Skelton's conduct in the chair was the subject of eulogium both from friends and foes. His position was necessarily very often a trying one, but he at all times showed a thorough acquaintance with his subject, together with a due respect for the honest opinions of others, and moreover, with very few exceptions, always succeeded in maintaining perfect harmony and order throughout the proceedings. As a mark of the respect accorded to him even by those who remained unconvinced by his arguments, he was on one occasion presented with a testimonial by the non-New Church attendants, as noted in the South London, Observer of July 11th, 1874. In addition to performing this important use to the Camberwell Society, Mr. Skelton has of late years undertaken, with great success, a large amount of preaching work in various parts of England, insomuch that scarcely a Sunday passed when he was not officiating at some New Church place of worship, his journeys for this purpose amounting in the course of a year to an aggregate of many thousand miles.

M. AUGUSTE HARLE.-The announcement of this gentleman's death on the night of the 19th June reached us just in time to admit of its being noticed in our last number. We then expressed the hope that we should be able to give some fuller account of our departed brother in the present month, and a cor. respondent, who has received a few particulars from his widow, has kindly furnished us with the following interesting narrative:

M. Auguste Harlé was born at St. Quentin, on the 29th May 1809. A Protestant of the Protestants of France, he was a member of one of those truly heroic families which have continued century after century to testify against the errors of Rome. These noble, minded men, whether persecuted by kings, harassed by priests, or treated with contumely by philosophical sceptics, have bravely stood their ground, and contended for the all-sufficiency of Holy Scripture. M. Harlé was educated almost exclusively by his father, Isaac Harlé, a most distinguished man. "Mr. Skelton has represented the Cam- the age of twelve he was taken to Paris, berwell Society at the gatherings of the there to continue his studies under the London Association of the New Church the same direction, but with the aid of ever since the formation of that body several good professors. He soon develin 1870. He was secretary of a per- oped a taste for the fine arts, especially manent sub-committee of the Association that of painting, to which, at that time, appointed to make arrangements for the he intended to devote himself. With future publication of a weekly New Church journal, but his labours in the furtherance of this idea have not yet been crowned with success.

"In the early part of the present year steps were taken for the establishment of New Church worship in the East of London. By the assistance of the New


this view he went to Italy at the age of twenty-four, there to study the old masters, and from whence he returned with a rich collection of paintings, amongst which figured several of his own compositions. His aptitude for study enabled him to obtain a complete mastery of the Italian language during

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