Abbildungen der Seite

as instruct their understandings; a service in which "old men and children, young men and maidens" can join in the praises of the Lord, and enjoy in fulness the meetings of His Church.

time to making known the doctrines of the Church, and promoting the worship of the Lord. She may be justly regarded as the actual Deaconess of the New Church in Paris, although without the title. Madame Keller would willingly work at Sunday School teaching if a School were commenced, but the difficulty of procuring a proper room for the purpose seems to be, at present, insurmountable.

At present our Parisian brethren want organization. They are too much like what John Wesley called the Dissenters of his day, "A rope of sand." They have, I believe, no Pastor, no Treasurer, no Secretary, no Committee of Manage ment, no properly constituted Church If it would not be presuming too far, I Society. There is, however, a living would recommend our Colonial and germ- -a right seed-amongst them, Foreign Mission Committee to put but it requires watering, sunning, and themselves in direct communication developing. with our Paris brethren, and I would They need a separate room for suggest that our brethren in Paris worship, where the writings of the should heartily accept their co-operaChurch might be kept, and a Sunday tion. The noble French nation now School commenced. The one in which fully recognizes the practical character they meet is a moderate-sized sittingroom, kindly lent by Dr. Poisson for the occasion, and it is, as might be naturally expected, not especially calculated to promote devotional feelings.

of Englishmen, and the members of the New Church in France would do well to take advantage of our English experience in the propagation of our holy faith. Much has been done by them in the translation and printing of the works of Swedenborg, but little in the formation of congregations. Hence the writings of the Church have themselves few readers, and the families of those readers are but little interested in the writings. To realize the fact that the New Church is not a mere system of philosophy for the few, but a religion for

services in which the Lord Jesus Christ is openly worshipped as the only God of heaven and earth, and the heavenly doctrines of the New Jerusalem are taught to all comers. H. BATEMAN.

They need property in common, provided by the weekly, or other contributions, of members and fellowworshippers. Some need to feel more strongly the duty of attending the worship of the Lord themselves, and of making the doctrines known to others, and drawing them into the Church. Surrounded as they are by watchful priests belonging to a well-organized the many, we must have public services, system, they lose the children of their brethren to the worshippers of the Virgin Mary in greater numbers than they make converts to the Lord. The zeal of a few is, however, remarkable, and worthy of all commendation. Two of our little congregation came, I was BIRMINGHAM.-The Manual of this informed, on both Sundays, a distance Society gives the following notice of the of twelve French leagues-say thirty progress of their new church, which is miles-to join in the services. Others now approaching completion:"The came from more or less distant parts of scaffolding in nearly removed from the Paris. Amongst these were Mr. and spire, which now stands out clear and Mrs. Hanau, a lady and gentleman bold, a graceful object, visible from a closely connected by the marriage of considerable distance in every direction. their daughter with the munificent Mr. The finial and weather-cock are of eleIungerich, who has given thousands of gant design, made chiefly in copper, well copies of some of the more important gilt, and forming a really beautiful writings of Swedenborg to the Pro- finish to the spire. The top-stone was testant clergymen of America. They laid by Mr. W. H. Haseler, on Monday have also amongst their most intelligent the 21st of August, and is 110 feet from and warm-hearted fellow-worshippers the ground level, the finial rises about Madame Keller. This lady has trans- 8 feet above the spire, making 118 feet lated Mr. Giles' Man as a Spiritual total height. A lightning conductor, Being into the French language, and fixed in the most approved manner, is devotes a considerable portion of her carried down and into the ground at a

distance from the base. The finish of the roof will soon permit of carrying on the various works at the entrance, which have waited so long. The columns are now ready for painting, and the tiles are ordered for the chancel floor. Altogether, we now see our way to a very near completion in a month, towards which happy result, Mr. Bloore promises his utmost efforts."

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HARROGATE.-On Thursday evening, 13th July, says a correspondent, I had the pleasure of being present at an open-air lecture delivered by the Rev. W. O'Mant of Leeds, upon one of the Strays immediately opposite the Prospect Hotel. The lecture had not been announced in the usual manner by the circulation of printed handbills through the town, but hastily by the town bellman a short time before the lecture commenced. The proceeding had a pleasing spice of novelty about it. At the commencement of the lecture a hymn was sung, which in itself attracted several persons to the spot. The number gradually increased, till Mr. O'Mant was surrounded by a very attentive and numerous audience. The subject of the lecture was "Swedenborg. The lecturer gave a brief outline of Swedenborg's life from his birth, and rapidly, but not the less effectively, touched upon many of the leading doctrines contained in his writings, which for the most part were well received by the audience. Discussion was invited at the close of the lecture; one or two of the friends present availed themselves of this to ask a question or two, but the chief part of the discussion was maintained by a minister present, who tried hard to ridicule the idea of Heaven presented by the lecturer as that of Swedenborg; but I think he, upon reflection (as he appeared to be an earnest man), would find himself prepared to receive far more of the unorthodox idea of the life beyond, than on that evening at least he seemed prepared to admit. Earnest inquirers after truth never seek in vain. At the close of the discussion which followed the lecture, a number of tracts were given away to those who asked for them, and these were not few.

Some books containing the teachings of Swedenborg, some written by himself, and others by able ministers of the New Church of recent date, were also sold.

I have hopes this lecture will be

followed by many others, for I think they will do much to spread the doctrines far and wide, and for such an object I think the Harrogate friends were happy in the choice of their lecturer, as Mr. O'Mant seems specially adapted to expound them with clearness and firmness, as well as to deal bravely and courteously with his opponents.

Lectures have since been given by Mr. O'Mant and also by Mr. Rendell. Hundreds of tracts have been distributed and scores of books sold. Several persons have been so much interested, and have read so diligently, that they are about to organize meetings, and to have a Sunday service as soon as they can make the necessary arrangements. As a proof of their earnestness, they have defrayed the local expenses of some of the lectures. As when the first lectures were delivered last winter there were no readers of the writings in the town, the success of the effort is exceedingly encouraging. Attention is called to an advertisement on the cover of this magazine. An opening has been provided for a zealous and well-informed person who shall conduct the Sunday services, and at the same time follow an occupation now open to him. It is believed that in this way the success attained may be maintained and the little Society gain strength.


LIVERPOOL.-On Wednesday evening, 13th September, a Social Meeting was held in the Schoolroom, Bedford Street, for the purpose of hearing some details of the proceedings at the late Conference from the Society's minister and representatives. About eighty friends sat down for tea and social intercourse, which passed very pleasantly. tables being cleared, the minister, the Rev. R. Goldsack, took the chair, and, in his opening address, explained the object of the meeting, and referred generally to the uses, advantages, and pleasures of Conference, and particularly to the several subjects of importance discussed at the late meeting, viz., Education, the Holy Supper, and the proposal for a new Hymn Book, adding his own views thereon. Mr. Horn gave a running account of each day's proceedings, as well as a description of Accrington and the Church there. Mr. Sheldon followed, and in an interesting and earnest address, gave his reasons for

estimating Conferences at a high value. He mentioned with satisfaction the growing desire for a rite analagous to Confirmation, and believed it would have a beneficial effect on young people of an age to understand its meaning. He understood its purpose to be, to confirm in what is good and true, and therefore it must be of use. Mr. Craigie addressed the meeting at some length, and bore testimony to the business-like manner in which the various important matters were discussed and settled at Conference. During the evening some excellent music, vocal and instumental, was given by Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pixton and friends, which greatly added to the charm and enjoyment of a very pleasant and profitable evening.

LONGTON.-The following is the report of the Committee appointed by the Conference to manage the Tideswell Bequest, left for the assistance of this Society: It affords us pleasure to report that the Longton Society is improving, and that increased interest is evident. During the past year Rev. E. Madeley, whose services are always appreciated, has paid the Longton friends a visit. Your Committee have endeavoured to make arrangements with Rev. Walter Bates, of Melbourne, to pay the Society a monthly visit. He has been able to go ten times since our last report. Mr. S. Henshall has been there as usual, and conducted the service on two Sundays, and has gone his rounds to the following towns :-Burslem, Tunstall, Hanley, Newcastle, and Stoke, selling the New Church works. The Society therefore is, we think, in a healthier state than formerly; and through the kindness of Mr. E. Ford of Lawn we have been able to pay all expenses. All which is respectfully submitted, J. BROADFIELD.

MIDDLESBOROUGH.-The little church at this place has been cheered and encouraged by a few visits from our esteemed friend, Mr. Joseph Bormond, of the South London Church, who for several Sundays in succession occupied our pulpit. On Sunday, July 23rd, his morning subject was "Reverence," from Mark x. 17, where the young man is represented as running to Jesus, kneeling to Him, and calling Him Good Master. This was shown to contrast with the

feelings and actions of many in the present day, with whom irreverence for the Sabbath and irreverence for Divine worship are predominating vices; who neither reverence law nor order, nor the commands of the Lord, but spend their time in killing time. "God gives us time," said the preacher "and we weave it into life in such colours as we please, and wear it as we may."

At night the mission of Jesus was the theme, and an attentive and highly appreciative audience hung on the lips of the preacher as he pourtrayed the steps by which the Lord fulfilled his Divine mission of saving man. Mr. Bormond has continued to visit us every Sunday since then, with more or less success as to numbers, but always to teach useful lessons, and to stir up a slumbering love.

The Society is small, but has a nice room in which to meet. A considerable number of tracts and "silent missionaries" have been sent on their mission by sale and gratuitous distribution, and to many the harvest seems ripe, and waiting the sickle of the reaper. The members are anxious to make an arangement with Mr. Bormond by which they might secure his services on the Sabbath, and on one or two week-day evenings. To accomplish this would need assistance, as their means are limited, and Mr. Bormond can only enter into the engagement by relinquishing a part of his duties as a temperance lecturer.


SPIRITUALISM IN NOTTINGHAM.-For a short time the Nottingham Journal, the leading local newspaper, largely occupied with an excited correspondence on the subject of Spiritualism, as connected with a recent visit of a notorious medium to the town. In the course of the controversy the Swedenborgians, a numerous, respectable, and intelligent body, were de scribed as "Spiritualists" by one of the regular contributors to the columns of the Journal. In consequence of this the Rev. Charles H. Wilkins took up the subject on the following Sunday evening, when he delivered to a large congregation a lecture, of which a condensed report appeared in the Nottingham Journal. After a lengthened and lucid statement respecting the New Church and Swedenborg's relation to it, the preacher proceeded to point out the distinction between the experi

world as those enjoyed by Swedenborg, they could not possibly make the same glorious use of them as was made of them by one who, for nearly half a century, had trained himself, not to stammeringly repeat the uncertainly whispered communications of another, but to look at everything for himself, and give his own unvarnished account of it.

ence of Swedenborg and that of modern spiritual being under whose influence Spiritualists. This portion of his dis- they blindly cast themselves. He was course is thus reported :-"First, the able to form from personal intercourse claims of Swedenborg, and the claims of and observation some definite idea of modern mediums, are not only unrelated the character of every spirit with whom but are totally opposed. What are the he talked. They can know nothing of claims of Spiritualism? It professes to the character of any spirit to whom they be, what of necessity it must be, a mass of implicitly listen. The medium is selmiscellaneous communications, received domn a person of any considerable culture, from departed spirits, as frail and as fal- and is frequently a person who is conlible as ourselves, and who are, on their spicuously illiterate. The intellectual own confessions, capable of imparting endowments of Swedenborg were of an nothing more than the results of their own extraordinary order, and would, had he limited observation in that particular made no claims of a supernatural kind, region of the spiritual world wherein they have raised him to the very foremost dwell. Contrast with claims like these rank amongst natural philosophers. So the claims of Swedenborg. His spiri- that, even if modern mediums could tual writings, of which there are more enjoy such absolutely unparalleled opthan thirty volumes, spreading over portunities of observation in the spiritual more than twenty years, both begin and end with the plainest and most positive declaration that they are the vehicle of a Divine Revelation. It is evidently frequently supposed that Swedenborg claims to have received his communications from spirits and angels. But no mistake could be more fatal to anything like a correct understanding of the position he occupies. He did talk with angels and with spirits, and he has recorded the results of his conversations in some of the writings he has left to the world. But he distinctly affirms in regard to the system of doctrines which those writings contain, that he received them, not from any spirit, not from any angel, but through the Divine Word, from the Lord alone. "Secondly, the circumstances of Swedenborg and the circumstances of the modern medium are in no sense related, are in every true sense opposed. He declares that for thirty years he was as familiar with the other world as he was, or had ever been, with this. Every one of his spiritual senses was fully opened and fully exercised. He heard the sounds, he inhaled the odours, he handled the substances, he saw the sights of the spiritual world. He did this not fitfully but constantly. He did it not for a few months but for nearly thirty years. This is acknowledged by Spiritualists themselves. Now contrast this condition with that of modern mediums. Swedenborg walked erect in the light. They grope feebly in the dark. He looked every angel, every spirit, fearlessly in the face. They have practically no sensible perception of the

"Thirdly, as there is no relation between the claims, and as there is no relation between the circumstances, so there is no relation between the communications of these two persons, the modern medium and Emanuel Swedenborg.

"The communications of Spiritualism are numerous, but they are, unquestionably, fragmentary, superficial, and contradictory. There are hundreds of Spiritualists who believe there is a hell, and there are hundreds who would overwhelin the bare idea with ridicule. There are hundreds of Spiritualists who believe in the sanctity of marriage, and there are hundreds who laugh the thing to scorn. There are hundreds of Spiritualists who believe that Jesus was born of a virgin without the agency of a human father, and there are hundreds who believe that His father was a sensual priest who seduced Mary in the Temple. There are hundreds of Spiritualists who believe that in the Bible we have the very Word of God, and there are hundreds who declare that it contains nothing but the long exploded notions of ignorant and credulous men. There are hundreds of Spiritualists who believe in the existence of an all-strong, all-wise and all-loving God, and there are thousands who believe in no God at all.

"Can such teachings as these be compared with the teachings of Swedenborg? Whether you accept or reject his claims-and you may well pause before you do either-you cannot look at his system of spiritual thought with any care at all, without acknowledging that it leaves no subject untouched, that it touches no subject lightly, and that whatever it touches, is by the touch brought into harmony with everything that it has touched before. As a mere discipline for the intellect, there is nothing like a good course of Swedenborgian reading.

But the grandest thing yet remains to be said. Multitudes of Spiritualists reject the Bible altogether. Some, however, retain it still. But even these cannot carry it out of the thick darkness that has rested on it so long, into that radiant sunlight in which alone its infinite and eternal glories can stand vividly revealed. This, which all the most devout of the Spiritualists have failed to do, Swedenborg has done. It has been recently asked, by an orthodox opponent of Spiritualism, Why go to human spirits for heavenly information when we have in our hands the book, and in our hearts the spirit, of the living God?'

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"The question was well put. But I must couple it with another. Have not the deepest and devoutest students of that book been crying to the Lord for ages, not to destroy the Bible, not to give the world a new Bible, but to let the light of Heaven shine anew upon the old one? This prayer God is answering now, but He is answering it, not through the communications of Spiritualism, but through the revelation He has given in the writings of His sincere and simple-minded servant, Emanuel Swedenborg. I have spoken briefly and roughly, but I trust that I have said enough to convince you that Swedenborg is not a modern medium, and that New Churchmen are not Spiritualists."

PRESTON.-The Preston Chronicle of September 9th contains a condensed report of a meeting, held in the New Church Schoolroom, to welcome Mr. Martin, of Wigan, as the leader of the Society. Speeches were made by the chairman, Mr. Stones, who had been in connection with the Church for nearly

forty years, and by Messrs. Durham, Walmsley, Turner, and Mr. Martin. Tea was provided by the ladies, and the tables, which would accommodate 100 persons, were well filled. We give the report of Mr. Martin's address:Mr. Martin desired to thank them for the very hearty and cordial welcome which they had given him that evening. He desired also to express a hope that the same kindly sentiments and generous feelings would long continue to prevail amongst them, and that the members of the New Church in that town should be well grounded in love to the Lord and charity towards one another. It was desirable that in all their intercourse with each other that they should seek to be guided by a spirit of true charity. He urged all who were present to cultivate a spirit of brotherly love and Christian sympathy, and in every transaction of life to emulate the language of Paul in his letter to the Church at Corinth, "Though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge; and though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing." We are not unmindful of the high value and importance which ought to be attached to the possession of truth, because the great end and object of truth is to lead to that which is pure and holy. But by all means let us speak that which we conceive to be the truth in the spirit of love. Our President has informed us that Swedenborg has propounded a sublime philosophy of the future life and the nature of man as a spiritual being. But this is not all. He has also revealed to us the doctrine of life for the New Jerusalem, wherein he clearly shows us that "all religion has relation to life, and the life of religion is to do good." Swedenborg has also been the instrument in the hands of Providence for the revelation of the science of correspondences, by means of which we are enabled to unlock the sacred contents of the Divine Word, and enter into the mysteries of the kingdom of God. While, however, we claim the liberty of thinking and forming our opinions on matters of religion, let us ever be ready to extend the same freedom to those who may choose to differ from us. Surely the harvest-field of the world is large enough to afford op portunities for usefulness, without en

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