Abbildungen der Seite

riate. The SYMPTOMS-Violent vomitings, convulsions, palsy of the limbs, distressing pains in the abdomen, hiccup, alteration of the countenance, and very early death, when baryta, or any of its combinations, which are very energetic poisons, have been taken. The TREATMENT-A weak solution of Epsom or Glauber's salt should be drunk plentifully, to produce vomiting, and decompose the poison, which it renders inert by forming an insoluble sulphate. Large draughts of well water alone, or made sour by sulphuric acid, may be drunk freely, if above not procurable.

NITRE, OR SALTPETRE, OR SAL PRUNELLA.-The SYMPTOMS are-Cardialgia, nausea, painful vomiting, purging, convulsions, syncope, pulse feeble, extremities cold, with tearing pains of the stomach and bowels, difficult respiration, a kind of intoxication, and death. TREATMENT-See Arsenic. MURIATA OF AMMONIA, OR SAL AMMONIAC.-SYMPTOMS-Excessive vomitings, with convulsions and general stiffness of the muscles, great pain in the bowels, early alteration of features, and death. The TREATMENTVomiting to be rendered easy by large draughts of warm sugared water, and if not occasioned by the poison, should be excited by the finger. The consequent nervous symptoms to be calmed by anodynes and antispasmodics, and inflammatory ones counteracted by the usual means. The TESTS-Muriate of ammonia is soon volatilized if placed on hot coals; if rubbed with quick-lime, it gives out the odour of hartshorn. A solution of it in water is precipitated white upon the addition of nitrate of silver.

IODINE: Iodide of Potassium and Sodium. The SYMPTOMS-Strong burning sensation, with constriction in throat, nausea, and bilious vomiting, heartburn, and slight salivation, pain in the eyeballs, and obscure vision, palpitation, tremor, and occasionally paralysis. The TREATMENT-Mucilaginous drinks, and large emollient clysters. Administer cold mucilage of starch to combat iodine: add a little weak solution of chlorine if the salts of iodine have been taken in excess.-The TESTS-Iodine exists in scales of a greyish black colour, and becomes a violet-coloured gas at about 120 deg, it is sparingly dissolved by water, which tinges raw starch of a purple hue; it stains the skin brown, which soon vanishes; it destroys vegetable colours like dilute chlorine, and has nearly the same odour. Iodide of potassium affects bichloride of mercury as described under that head, and yields, with acetate of lead, a bright yellow precipitate.


These consist firstly of Irritating Poisons, viz. :-Monk's hood, Pasque Flower, Wake robin, Bryony, Ipecacuanha, Celandine, Virgin's Bower, Meadow Saffron, Scammony, Bitter Apple, Laburnum (seeds), Mezereon, Spurge Laurel, Stavesacre, Euphorbium, Crown Imperial, Hedge Hyssop, Marsh Pennywort, Black Hellebore, Bear's Foot, Savine, Cardinal Flower, Eleterium, Daffodil, Hemlock Dropwort, Water Hemlock, Louse Wort, Butter Cups, Water Crowfoot, Lesser Spearwort, Yellow Rhododendron, Poison Oak, Purging Nut, Spurred Rye, Wall Pepper, House Leek, Squill, Gamboge, White Hellebore, Hearts' Ease.-The TREATMENT-If vomiting had been occasioned by the poison, and the efforts are still continued, they may be rendered easier by large draughts of warm water, or thin gruel; but if symptoms of insensibility have come on without vomiting, it ought to be immediately excited by the sulphate of zine, or some other active emetic substance, and after its operation a sharp purgative should be given. After as much as possible of the poison is got rid of, a very strong infusion of coffee, or vinegar diluted with water, may be given with advantage. Camphor mixed with æther may be taken frequently, and if insensibility be considerable, warmth, friction, and blisters may be employed.

Secondly of Narcotic Poisons: Mountain Tobacco, Bane Berries, Fool's Parsley, Birth Wort, Deadly Nightshade, Water Hemlock, Common Hemlock, Thorn Apple, Foxglove, Lentil, Henbane, Strong Scented Lettuce, Camphor, Common Laurel, Darnel, Coculus Indicus, Tobacco, Opium, Herb Paris, Woody Nightshade, Crow Fig. The TREATMENTThe stomach to be effectually evacuated, by giving four or five grains of tartar emetic, or from ten to twenty of the sulphate of zinc, and repeating it every quarter of an hour, till the full effect is produced. These means may be assisted by tickling the throat with a feather, or the finger. Large and strong clysters of soap dissolved in water, or of salt and gruel, should be speedily administered, to clear the bowels and assist in getting rid of the -poison, and active purgatives may be given after the vomiting has ceased. When as much as possible of the poison has been expelled, the patient may drink, alternately, a tea-cupful of strong hot infusion of coffee, and vinegar diluted with water. If the drowsiness, which is sometimes extreme, and the insensibility, bordering on apoplexy, be not remedied by these means and by the tepid bath, blood may be taken from the jugular vein, blisters may be applied to the neck and legs, and the attention roused by every means possible. If the heat declines, warmth and friction must be perseveringly used. Vegetable acids are on no account to be given before the poison is expelled, and it is desirable that but little fluid of any kind should be given, as it promotes the diffusion and absorption of the poison.

General Observations.-The principal object in the treatment of persons under the influence of narcotic poison is, to rouse the sensibility so as to render the stomach alive to the irritation of emetics, and the action of other stimulants. Late experience has proved that this is best effected by re..peatedly dashing cold water over the head and neck, whilst the rest of the body is kept dry and warm. Applying the liquor ammonia to the nostrils by means of a feather, sprinkling the pubes dolochi prurientis over the neck, breast, and hands, and the application of a mustard plaster over the Estomach, have been attended with good effects. When opium has been taken, it is of great consequence to keep the patient moving about while the somnolency lasts, and where it is so great as to impede respiration very much, artificial inflation may on may be attempted. The cautious injection

of one grain of tartar emetic into the veins might, in an extreme case, produce vomiting when other means failed. Orfila found that a decoction of galls precipitated the active principles of opium from its infusion, so that it might be useful as an antidote. In all cases of severe poisoning where vomiting has not come on, or is not easily produced, recourse should be had to the stomach-pump, taking care not to use too forcible suction. A very simple and efficacious substitute for this instrument has been recommended by Mr. Bryce of Edinburgh. To the oesophagus tube he attaches a long tin tube, having a bladder filled with warm water at the other end. By raising the bladder above the patient's head, the fluid passes into the stomach; and by depressing it below the stomach it acts as a syphon, and abstracts the contents of it. In passing the tube down, let it be kept in contact with the back part of the esophagus, and bent as much as possible to avoid irritating the larynx. Vide Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, vol. xxiii. 416. POISONOUS MUSHROOMS.-These are: Agaricus muscarius, fly agaric Agaricus piperatus, pepper agaric; Agaricus necator, deadly agaric; Agaricus bulbosus, bulbous agaric; Agaricus chantarellus, champignon; Agaricus semiglobatus, glutinous agaric.-Observations: Poisonous mushrooms may be distinguished from the edible ones by their botanical characters, and by the following criteria: The former grow in wet shady places, have a nauseous odour, are softer, more open and porous; having a dirty-looking surface, sometimes a gaudy colour, or many very distinct hues, particularly they have been covered with an envelope; they have soft bulbous stalks, grow rapidly, and corrupt very quickly. The TREATMENT-The stomach and bowels to be first cleared by an emetic of tartarized antimony, followed by frequent doses of Glauber's or Epsom salt, and large stimulating clysters. After the poison is evacuated, æther may be administered with small quantities of brandy and water, but if inflammatory symptoms manifest themselves, such stimuli should be omitted, and other appropriate means had recourse to.


POISONOUS FISH.-These are: Old Wife, Sea Lobster, Land Crab, Yellow-billed Sprat, Gray Snapper, Hyne Dolphin, Blue Parrot Fish, Conger Eel, Mussel, Bottle Fish, Barracuda, Grooper, Rock Fish, King Fish, Bonetta, Porgee, Tunny Blower.-The TREATMENT-An emetic to be speedily administered, or in the absence of it, vomiting, excited by tickling the throat with the finger, and taking large draughts of warm water. After full vomiting, an active purgative should be given to remove any of the noxious matter that may have found its way into the intestines. Vinegar and water may be drunk after the above remedies have operated, and the body may be sponged with the same. Water made very sweet with sugar, to which æther may be added, may be drunk freely as a corrective, and a very weak solution of alkali has been recommended to obviate the effects of the poison. If spasms ensue, after evacuations, laudanum, in considerable doses, is necessary. If inflammation should occur, the means for removing it must be employed.

POISONOUS SERPENTS.-These are: The Viper, Black Viper, Rattlesnake, Indian serpents. The TREATMENT-A moderately tight ligature is to be applied above the bite; next let the bitten part be removed with the knife, and the wound left to bleed after being well washed with warm water; the actual cautery, lunar caustic, or butter of antimony, may be then applied freely to it, and afterwards covered with lint, dipped in equal parts of olive oil and spirits of hartshorn. The ligature to be removed if the inflammation be considerable. Warm diluting drinks, and small doses of ammonia or hartshorn, to cause perspiration, the patient to be well covered in bed, and a little warm wine given occasionally. If gangrene be threatened, wine may be given more freely, and the bark should be had recourse to. Arsenic, the principal ingredient in the Tanjore Pill, has been strongly recommended. Excision is seldom necessary for the bite of the viper in this country. The application of a cupping-glass immediately after the bite, or sucking the wound, might be serviceable.


VENOMOUS INSECTS.-Scorpion, Hornet, Wasp, Bee, Gnat, Gadfly. In general the sting of these insects causes only a slight degree of swelling; but occasionally the symptoms are more violent, and sickness and fever are produced by the intensity of the pain.-Hartshorn and oil may be rubbed on the affected part, and a piece of rag moistened in the same, or in salt and water, may be kept upon it till the pain is removed. A few drops of hartshorn may be given frequently in a little water, and a glass or two of wine may be taken. The sting may, in general, be removed by making strong pressure over it with the barrel of a small watch key.

SALIVA OF MAD DOG.-Hydrophobia is more easily prevented than cured; indeed it is doubtful if ever it has been cured. Mercury, arsenic, opium, musk, camphor, acids, wine, vegetable and mineral alkali, oil, various herbs, and many other remedies, whose effects are quite opposite, have been employed, but none can be relied on. Large blood-lettings, the warm and cold bath, and almost all other remedial agents have been tried without success. The bitten part should be completely cut out, even after it has healed, if the symptoms have not yet come on; the part should then be immersed in warmwater, or washed with it as long as it will bleed, and after the most persevering ablution, caustic should be applied to every part of the surface, and then the wound covered with a poultice, and suffered to heal by granulations.

PHOSPHORUS.-The TREATMENT: Vomiting should be excited by large draughts of water mixed with magnesia, and oil or fatty substances should be avoided.

ALCOHOL.-The TREATMENT: A powerful emetic of white vitriol, or tartar emetic should be got into the stomach as soon as possible, and if the 2.13 #acogitonah Dul. W gimigon 2461b od of MM

person has lost the power of swallowing, a flexible catheter or tube should be the means of conveying it there. The vomiting should be encouraged as much as possible with warm water, and large active clysters of salt and water should be thrown up. The patient should be placed erect, and if the countenance and other appearances are not improved after these means have been used, the jugular vein may be opened, and cold wet cloths applied to the head, particularly if the body is hotter than natural. If the extremities become cold, warmth and friction should be perseveringly used.

CANTHARIDES.-The SYMPTOмs are: Nauseous odour of the breath, acrid taste, burning heat in the throat, stomach, and belly, frequent vomitings,


Chancellor. The Most noble Arthur



often bloody, with copious bloody stools; excruciating pain in the stomach; painful and obstinate priapism, with heat in the bladder, and strangury or retention of urine; frightful convulsions, delirium, and death. The TREATMENT: Vomiting to be excited by drinking sweet oil, sugar and water, milk, or linseed tea very freely. Emollient clysters should be administered; and if symptoms of inflammation of the stomach, kidney, or bladder, supervene, they must be subdued by appropriate treatment. Camphor dissolved in oil may be rubbed over the abdomen and on the thighs, and the warm bath should be had recourse to.

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Senior Proctor.-Rev. Osborne Gordon,
M.A., Student of Christ Church .... 1846
Junior Proctor.-Rev. Thomas Chaffers,
M.A., Brasenose College
Examiners in Literis Humanioribus.-
-Rev. Thomas Frederick Henney,
M.A., Fellow of Pembroke College;
Rev. Chas. Daman, M.A., Oriel Coll.;
Rev. John Ernest Bode, M.A., Student
of Christ Church College; Wm. Edw.
Buckley, M.A., Fellow of Brasenose


Duke of Wellington, D.C.L., &c. .... 1834
High Steward.-Right Hon. William
Courtenay, Earl of Devon .....
Vice-Chancellor.-B. P. Symons, D.D.
Warden of Wadham College.....
Pro-Vice-Chancellors.-The Rev. Edw.
Hawkins. D.D., Provost of Oriel Col-
lege. The Rev. Philip Wynter, D.D.,
President of St.John's College. The
Rev. John Radford, D.D., Rector of
Lincoln College. The Rev. Fred.
Chas. Plumtre, D.D., Master of Uni-
versity College.

[blocks in formation]

Burgesses of the University.-Thomas
G. B. Estcourt, D.C.L., Corpus
Sir R. H. Inglis, Bt., D.C.L., Ch. Ch. 1829
Deputy High Steward.-Hon. John Chet-
wynd Talbot, M.A.

Curators of the Theatre.-Benj. Parsons
Symons, D.D., Warden of Wadham
College. Philip Wynter, D.D., Pre-
sident of St. John's College.
Curators of the University Galleries.—





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Reg. Past. Theol.-C. A. Ogilvie, D.D. 1842
Regius Hebrew.-Rev. E. Bouverie Pu-



Rural Economy.-C. G. B. Daubeny,
M.D., F.R.S.




Boden Professor of Sancrit.-Horace
Hayman Wilson, Esq., M.A., of
Exeter College......


Reader in Logic.-Richard Michell, B.D.,
Lincoln College


Music.-W. Crotch, Mus. Doc..


Pub. Orator.-Rev. Wm. Jacobson, M.A.,
Vice-Princip., Magd. Hall......
Keeper of Bodlein Library.-Rev. B.
Bandinel, D.D.....







Under Librarians.-S. Reay, B.D.
Rev. Henry Octavius Coxe, M.A.,
Worcester College

Keep. of the Archives.-P. Bliss, D.C.L. 1826
Keeper of Ashmole's Museum.-P. B.


Duncan, M.A.
Radcliffe Lib.-J. Kidd, M.D., F.L.S. 1834
University Counsel. - - Richard Bethell,
M.A., Q.C.
Solicitor.-Baker Morrell, Esq.
Coroner.-G. V. Cox, M.A., Superior
Bedel of Medicine and Arts.
Proctors in the University Court.-Rev. J.
W.Hughes, M.A., Trinity College; Rev.
H. Cary, M.A., Worcester College.
Organist.-S. Elvey, D. Mus.
Divinity Clerk.-John Pater
Bailiff-William Perkins
Marshal.-Thomas Blakeman Brown
Registrar.-P. Bliss, D.C.L., F.S.A., St.

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Rev. E. Cardwell, D.D., Principal of
Regius Greek.-Rev. T. Gaisford, D.D. 1811
St. Alban Hall; Rev. Lewis Sneyd; Reg. Civil Law.-J. Phillimore, D.C.L. 1809
M.A., Warden of All Souls' Coll., Reg Med.-J. Kidd, M.D., F.R.S..... 1822
Rev. H. Wellesley, Vice-Principal of
Reg. Eccl. Hist.-Robt. Hussey, B.D... 1842
New Inn Hall.
Reg. Mod. Hist.-J. A. Cramer, D.D. 1842
Assessor.-John Robert Kenyon, D.C.L.,
Reg. Bot.-C. G. B. Daubeny, M.D.,
All Souls' College
Margaret Divinity.-G. Faussett, D.D..
Colleges and Halls, and present Heads of
Saville's Astron.-William Fishburn Don-
kin, M.A., University Col.......... 1842
University, Frederic Charles Plumptre, Radcliffe Observer.-Manuel John John-
D.D., Master
son, M.A., Magdalen Hall..... 1839
Balliol, R. Jenkyns, D.D., Master...... Sav.'s Geom.-B. Powel M.A., F.R.S. 1827
Merton, R. Marsham, D.C.L., Warden
Natural Philosophy.-Rev. G. Leigh
Exeter, Joseph Loscombe Richards,
Cooke, B.D., Corpus Christi Col... 1810
D.D., Rector
Moral Philosophy. Rev. J. Matthias
Oriel, Edw. Hawkins, D.D., Provost 1828 Wilson, M.A., Corpus Christi Col... 1846
Queen's, John Fox, D.D., Provost ... 1827 Camden's Hist.-Edw. Cardwell, D.D.,
New College, David Williams, D.C.L.,
Lincoln Coll., J. Radford, D.D., Rector 1834
All Souls', L. Sneyd, M.A., Warden.. 1827
Magdalen, M. J. Routh, D.D., Pres... 1791
Brasennose, R. Harington, D.D., Princ. 1842
Corpus Christi, James Norris, D.D.,

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Clerk of the Schools.-G. Purdue; Virger, Ri. chard Norris




Chancellor.-Duke of Northumberland,
K.G., LL.D., F.R.S., St. John's Col-
High Steward.-Lord Lyndhurst, LL.D.,




Vice Chancellor..Henry Philpott, B.D.,
Catherine Hall..


Counsel-Thomas Starkie, M.A., Downing.
John Cowling, M.A., St. John's.
Commissary. John Hildyard, M.A., St.

Principal of St. Alban Hall..
Laud's Arabic.-Stephen Reay, B.D.,
St. Alban Hall...
Lord Almoner's Arabic.-J. D. Mac-
bride, D.C.L.
Experimental Philosophy. - Rev. R.
Walker, M.A., Wadham College.... 1839
Lee's Anatomy.-Henry Wentworth Ac-
land, M.A., All Souls
Poetry.-Rev. J. Garbett, B.D., Bra-






Viner's Common Law.-John R. Ken-
yon, D.C.L., All Souls' Coll... ... 1843
Lord Lichfield's Clinical Medicine.-J.
A. Ogle, M.D., F.R.S...
Anglo-Saxon.-Rev. Wm. Edw. Buck-
ley, M.A., Brasennose College...... 1844
Aldrich's Anatomy.-Henry Wentworth
Ackland, M.A., All Souls' Coll...... 1845
Aldrich's Medicine.-J. A. Ogle, M.D.,
Aldrich's Chemistry.-C. G. B. Daubeny,
M.D., F.R.S.
Mineralogy. Rev. W. Buckland, D.D.,
Geology.- S F.R.S...
Political Economy. Travers Twiss,
1843 D.C.L., University College ....

New-Inn Hall, J. A. Cramer, D.D.,
Principal (Dean of Carlisle) .... 1831
St. Alban Hall, Edward Cardwell, D.D. 1831
St. Edmund Hall, William Thompson,
D.D., Principal ....


1840 Assessor.-W. Hunt, M.A., King's ... 1805 Auditors.-Rev. Robert Phelps, D.D., Sidney; Rev. Prof. Corrie, B.D., Catherine Hall; J. C. Adams, St. John's Colleges and Halls, and present Heads of Colleges.

St. Peter's, William Hodgson, D.D.,


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Elected. Corpus Christi, J. Lamb, D.D., Master.. 1822 Common Law. King's, G. Thackeray, D.D., Provost .. 1814 Downing 1823 Queen's, Joseph King, LL.D., President 1832 Political Econ.-G. Pryme, Esq., M.A. 1830 Catherine Hall, H. Philpott, B.D., Master 1846 Medicine.-W.W. Fisher, M.D., Downing Jesus, Wm. French, D.D., Master .... 1820 | Mineralogy.-W. H. Miller, M.A., St. Christ's, John Graham, D.D., Master 1830


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UNIVERSITY OFFICERS. Public Orator-Thomas Crick, B.D. St.


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Christian Advo. Thomas Worsley,
M.A., Downing
Hulsean Lecturer.-R. C. Trench, M.A.,
Librarian.-Jos. Power, M.A., Clare 1845
Registrar.-J. Romilly, M.A., Trinity.. 1832
Esquire-Bedels.-H. Gunning, M.A... 1789
G. Leapingwell, M.A...
W. Hopkins, M.A.



Chancellor.-The Earl of Burlington.
Vice Chancellor. — John G. Shaw Lefevre,


The Bishop of Durham; the Bishop of
Norwich; the Bishop of St. David's;
George B. Airy, Esq., Astronomer Royal;
Andrew Amos, Esq.; Neil Arnott, Esq.,
M.D.; John Austin, Esq.; John Bacot,
Esq.; Captain Beaufort, R.N.; Archibald
Billing, Esq., M.D.; William Thos. Brande,
Esq.; Sir James Clark, Bart., M.D.; Sir
Philip Crampton, Bart., M.D.; William
Empson, Esq.,; Michael Faraday, Esq.,
D.C.L.; Sir Steph. Love Hammick, Bart.;
Rev. Professor Henslow, M.A.; Thomas
Hodgkin, Esq., M.D.; Rev. Joseph H.
Jerrard, D.C.L.; Francis Kiernan, Esq.;
Charles Locock, Esq., M.D.; Sir John
Wm. Lubbock, Bart.; Sir James M'Grigor,
Bart., M.D.; Richard Rainy, Pennington,
Esq.; Jones Quain, Esq., M.D.; John
Ridout, Esq.; P. M. Roget, Esq., M.D.;
Nassau Wm. Senior, Esq.; James Walker,
Esq.; Henry Warburton, Esq., M.P.
Registrar-R. W. Rothman, Esq., M.D.
Clerk to the Senate.-Mr. H. Moore.


Classics. Rev. Dr. Jerrard, D.C.L.; T. B.
Burcham, Esq., M.A.
Mathematics and Natural Philosophy.-Rev.
J. S Heaviside, M.A.; George B. Jerrard,
Esq., B.A.

Logic and Moral Philosophy.-Rev. Henry
Alford, M.A.; T. B. Burcham, Esq.,


Polit. Phil. and Polit. Econ.-Nassau W.
Senior, Esq., M.A.
Chemistry.-Professor Graham, F.R.S.
Botany. Rev. Professor Henslow, M.A.
French Language.-C. J. Delille, Esq.
German.-Rev. Dr. Bialloblotzky.
Hebrew Text of the Old Testament, Greek
Text of the New, and Scripture History.
Rev. W. Drake, M.A.; Rev. T. Stone,



Law and Jurisprudence.-J. T. Graves, Esq.


Medicine.-Archibald Billing, Esq., M.D.;
Alex. Tweedie, Esq., M.D.
Surgery. Sir Stephen L. Hammick, Bart.;
Cæsar Harry Hawkins, Esq.
Anatomy and Physiology.-Francis Kiernan,
Esq.; Professor Sharpey, M.D.
Physiology and Comparative Anatomy.-Pro-
fessor T. Rymer Jones.

1837 Midwifery.-Edward Rigby, Esq., M.D.

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON. President.-The Right Hon. Lord Brougham. Vice President.-The Right Hon. the Earl of Auckland.

Treasurer.-John Taylor, Esq., F.R.S.

The President; "the Vice President; "the Treasurer, William Aldam, Esq., M.P.; George Bishop, Esq.; James Booth, Esq.; *Dr. Boott; Charles Crompton, Esq.; S. Duckworth Esq.; Wm. Ewart, Esq., M. P.; The Earl Fortescue; Sir Isaac Lyon Goldsmid, Bart.; Robert Hutton, Esq.; W. Marshall, Esq., M.P.; John Remington Mills, Esq.; J. W. Mylne, Esq.; J. Lewis Provost, Esq.; *Henry Crabb Robinson, Esq.; Edward Romilly, Esq.; J. Romilly, Esq., M.P.; Edw. Strutt, Esq., M.P.; Thos. Thorneley, Esq., M.P.; Henry Warburton, Esq., M.P.; Henry Waymouth, Esq.; John Wood, Esq., (Chairman of Committee).

Auditors.-Samuel Sharpe, Esq.; T. A. Hankey,
Esq.; Martin Thackeray, Esq.; Edwin Wil
kins Field, Esq.
President.-The Earl of Auckland
Vice Presidents.-H. C. Robinson, Esq.; Sir I.
L. Goldsmid, Bart.


Greek.-Henry Malden, A.M. (Dean).
Ancient and Modern History.-Edw. S. Creasy,

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Hebrew Teacher.-Rev. David Marks.
German Teacher.-W. Wittich, Esq.
Spanish Teacher.—Sig. Gil de Sejada.


Clinical Surgery.-Robert Liston, Esq. (Dean).
Chemistry. Thos. Graham, Esq.
Surgery. Samuel Cooper, Esq.
Comparative Anatomy.-R. E. Grant, M.D.
Botany.-John Lindley, Ph. D.
Obstetric Medicine.-E. W. Murphy, M.D.
Anatomy and Clin. Surg.-R. Quain, Esq.
Anat. and Physiology.-W. Sharpley, M.D.
Clinical Medicine.-(vacant)
Materia Medica, Forensic Med., and Clin.
Med.-Anth. Todd Thomson, M.D.
Pathological Anat.-W. H. Walshe, M.D.
Medicine and Clinical Medicine.-Charles J.
B. Williams, M.D.
Secretary.- Charles C. Atkinson.


Head Master.-T. H. Key, A.M.

Note.-The Asterisks denote the Committee of Manage



Patroness. THE QUEEN. Visitor.--THE LORD ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY. Official Governors.-The Lord Chancellor, the Archbishop of York, the Bishop of London,

the Lord Chief Justice of the Queen's

Bench, the Secretary of State for the Home Department, the Speaker of the House of Commons, the Lord Mayor of London, the Dean of St. Paul's, the Dean of West


Life Governors.-The Duke of Rtland, the Duke of Northumberlaud, the Duke of Wellington, the Marquess of Bute, the Marquess of Bristol, Earl Brownlow, Earl Howe, Lord Bexley.

The Council.The Governors and Treasurer, the Earl of Dartmouth, the Earl of Ripon, the Bishops of Winchester and Lichfield, the Earl of Ellesmere, Lord Radstock, Sir L. Shadwell (Vice-Chancellor of England), Sir Benj. Collins Brodie, Br.; Hon. Mr. Justice Coleridge, Wm. Cotton, Esq.; Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P.; J. H. Green, Esq., F.R.S.; George Frere, Esq.; Right Hon. Henry Hobhouse, the Ven. Archdeacon Harrison, Sir Robert Harry Inglis, Bart., M.P.; Hon. Mr. Justice Patteson, H. Pownall, Esq.; Sir Chas. Price, Bart., Rev. Geo. Shephard, D.D.; Sir Geo. Thos. Staunton, Bart., M.P.; Rev. J. Endell Tyler, B.D.: Thomas Watson, Esq., M.D. Treasurer.-Alderman W. Thompson, M.P. Auditors.-W. S. Jones, H. Porcher, and Thos. T. Burgoyne.

Princ. of the Col. Rev. R. W. Jelf, D.D.
Head Master of School.-Rev. J. R. Major,

Secretary.-J. W. Cunningham, Esq.
Architect.-Sir Robert Smirke, R.A.
Librarian.-Rev. C. G. Nicolay.

THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT. Professors of Divinity.-The Rev. the Principal, the Rev. Alexander M'Caul, D.D.; the Rev. Frederick D. Maurice, M.A.; the Rev. Rich. Chevenix Trench, M.A. DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE.

Religious Instruction. The Rev. the Principal, the Rev. John Allen, M.A., Chap


The Greek and Latin Classics.-The Rev.
R. W. Browne, M A., Professor; the Rev.
J. S. Brewer, M.A., Tutor.
Mathematics.-The Rev. T. G. Hall, M.A.,
Professor; the Rev. T. A. Cock, M.A.,
T. M. Goodeve, Esq., M.A., Tutors.
English Literature and Modern
The Rev. F. D. Maurice, M.A.
Mathematics.-Same as for the pure Mathe-

Anatomy, Descriptive and Surgical.-Richard
Partridge, Esq., F.R.S., Professor; J. Simon,
Esq., F.R.S., Assistant; W. Bowman, Esq.,
F.R.S., Demonstrator.

Physiology: General and Morbid Anatomy.
R. B. Todd, Esq., M.D., F.R.S., Professor.
Chemisty, Theoretical and Practical.-W. A.
Miller, Esq., M.D., F.R.S., Professsor;
J. E. Bowman, Esq., Demonstrator.
Materia Medica and Therapeutics.-J. Forbes
Royle, Esq., M.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., Pro-


Principles and Practice of Surgery. -William Fergusson, Esq., F.R.S.E., Professor. Principles and Practice of Medicine.-George Budd, Esq., M.D., F.R.S., Professor. Midwifery, and the Diseases of Women and Children.-Arthur Farre, Esq., M.D., F.R.S.,


Botany.-Edward Forbes, Esq., F.R.S.,F.L.S.,


Forensic Medicine.-W. A. Guy, Esq., M.B.,

[blocks in formation]

Head Master.-Rev. J. R. Major, D.D. Masters.-Rev. J. Edwards, M.A.; Rev. J. Fearnley, M.A.; Rev. R. Hodgson, M.A.; Rev. W. Hayes, M.A.; Rev. G. A. Smyth, M.A.

Mathematical Master.-J. Hann, Esq. French Language.-J. Brasseur, Esq. Professor.

German Language.-Dr. Bernays, Professor. *** King's College has fourteen Schools established in connexion with it.

QUEEN'S COLLEGE, BIRMINGHAM. Principal.-Right Hon. Lord Lyttleton. Vice Principal. Rev. Jus. Thos. Law, Chan

cellor of Lichfield.

General Literature and Science.

Latin and Greek.-The Rev. G. Richards, Pembroke College, Oxon, Resident Classical


Mathematics, and Natural and Experimental
Philosophy.-The Rev. J. Taylor, St. John's
College, Cambridge, Resident Mathematical

Botany, Materia Medica, and Chemistry.

The Resident Medical Tutor.

History.-German.-J. Mayland, B.A.
French.-J. O. Flanagan.
Drawing.-Charles Docker.

[blocks in formation]


Hygiene.-John B. Melson, M.D.
Clinical Medicine and Surgery.Professors
Johnstone, Eccles, Davies, Melson, Cox,
Knowles, and Parker...

Visitor. The Lord Bishop of Durham
Governors.-The Dean and Chapter of Durham
Warden.-The Ven. Charles Thorp, D.D.,
F.R.S., Archdeacon of Durham
Proctors. Rev. Chas. T. Whitley, M.A. and
Rev. D. Melville, M.A.
Fro-Proctors. Rev. S. A. Pears, B.D., Rev.
W. G. Henderson, M.A.


Divinity and Eccles. Hist.-Rev. Henry Jenkins, D.D.

Greek and Classical Literature.-Rev. John
Edwards, M.A.
Mathematics and Astronomy.-Rev. Temp.
Chevalier, B.D.

Law-.Wm. Gray, Esq., M.A.
Hebreiv.-Rev. T. Chevallier, B.D.
History-Polite Literature.-Thos. Greenwood,
Esq., M.A.

Nat. Philos.-Rev. C. T. Whitley, M.A.
Chemistry.-J. F. W. Johnston, M.A.
Tutor.—Rev. C. T. Whitley, M.A; Rev. D.
Melville, M.A.; Rev. S. A. Pears, M.A.;
Registrar.-Rev. Temple Chevallier, B.D.
Rev. W. G. Henderson, M.A.
Librarian.-Rev. C. T. Whitley, M.A.
Observer.—Rev. R. A Thomson, B.A.
Treasurer.-W. C. Chaytor, Esq.-

The management of the University is committed, by charter, to the Warden, a Senate, and Convocation. by laymen. Twenty-five Fellowships have been founded, some tenable THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE.

Master-Charles Thorp, D.D.
Vice-Master.—Rev. C. T. Whitley, M.A.
Bursar.-Rev. William Greenwell, M.A.
Chaplains. Rev. W. Greenwell, M.A.; Rev.
L. Morgan, M.A.

The Students are lodged in the Castle and other adjacent buildings.

BISHOP HATFIELD'S HALL. Principal-Rev. D. Melville, M.A. Chaplain.—Rev. R. Taylor, B.A.


Chancellor -Viscount Melville
Rector-George Buist, D.D.


Principal-Sir David Brewster.
Latin-William Pyper, LL.D. AY
Greek-Andrew Alexander, A.M.
Mathematics-Thomas, Duncan, A.M.
Logic and Rhetoric-William Spalding
Moral Philosophy, &c.-James F. Ferrier
Nat. Philos.-Adam Anderson, LL.D.
Civil History-Wm. Ferrie, D.D.

Theology and Moral Philosophy.—The Rev. G. Descriptive Anatomy – John Reid, M.D.
Richards and the Rev. J. Taylor.

Medicine and Surgery.

General and Surgical Anatomy.-William
Sands Cox (Dean).
Descriptive Anatomy and Physology.-Langs-
ston Parker.

Practical Anatomy.-David Bolton.
Materia Medica and Therapeutics.-James
Johnstone, M.D., and G. B. Knowles,

Chemistry.-G. Shaw.
Medicine.-Joln Eccles, M.D.
Surgery.-Wm. Sands Cox, F.R.S. (Dean).
Ophthalmic Surgery.-Richard Middlemore,

Midwifrey-Samuel Berry.

Forensic Medicine.-John Birt Davies, M.D. Botany.-G. B. Knowles, F.L.S..

Chemistry-A. Connell

Civil Engineering-T. Duncan, A.M.; A. Anderson, LL.D.

Philosophy of the Senses-Sir D. Brewster


Principal-Robert Haldane, D.Ð.
Divinity-Robert Haldane, D.D.; Thomas T.

Eccles. Hist.-Geo. Buist, D.D.
Oriental Languages-Wm. Tennant

Chancellor-Duke of Montrose
Vice-Chancellor The Principal
Rector-Andrew Rutherford, M.P.
Dean of Faculties Alex. Maconochie A
Principal-Duncan M'Farlan, D.D.
Clerk of Senate-J. S. Reid, D.D.



Latin-Wm. Ramsay, A.M.
Greek-Edmund L. Lushington, A.M.
Mathematics-James Thomson, LL.D.
Civil Engineering-Legis D. B. Gordon
Logic-Rev. R. Buchanan, A.M.
Moral Philosophy—W. Fleming, D.D.
Nat. Philos.-W. Thomson, B.A.
Astronomy-J. P. Nichol, LL.D.
Divinity-Alexander Hill, D.D.
Church Hist.-J. S. Reid, D.D.
Oriental Languages-George Gray, D.D.
Civil Law-Allan Maconochie, Esq.
Materia Medica-John Couper, M.D.
Chemistry-Thomas Thomson, M.D.
Surgery John Burns, M.D.

Practice of Physic-Wm. Thomson, M.D.
Midwifery John M. Pagan, M.D.
Anatomy-Jas. Jeffray, M.D.

Botany-G. A. Walker Arnott, LL.D.
Institutes of Medicide-A. Buchanan, M.D.
Forensic Medicine-Harry Rainy, M.D.
Nat. Hist.-Wm. Couper, M.D.
Waltonion Lecturer, Eye-William Macken-
zie, M.D.



Chancellor-Earl of Aberdeen
Rector-Earl of Ellesmere
Principal-Wm. Jack, D.D.
Sub-Principal-H. Macpherson, M.D.
Secretary David Thomson, A.M.

Humanity—Pat. Forbes, D.D.
Greek-Hugh McPherson, M.D.
Mathematics-John Tulloch, A.M.
Moral Philosophy-H. Scott, A.M.
Nat. Phil.-David Thomson, A.M.
Divinity-Duncan Mearns, D.D.
Orient. Languages—

Medicine and Chemistry-A. Fyfe, M.D.
Civil Law-Pat. Davidson, LL.D.

University Lecturers.

Practical Religion-Duncan Mearns, D.D.
Evidences and Principles of Christian Religion
-Hercules Scott, A.M.

Murray's Sunday Lecture · John Falconer,

Materia Medica-W. Templeton, M.D.
Anatomy and Physiology-P. Redfern, M.B.
Practice of Medicine-A. Kilgour, M.D.
Surgery-David Kerr, M.D.
Midwifery-Alexander Fraser, M.D.

Institutes of Medicine-G. Ogilvie, M.D. Medical Jurisprudence-W. Ĉ. Fowler, M.D. Botany-G. Dickie, M.D.

Chancellor-Duke of Richmond and Lennox
Rector-Archibald Alison
Dean of Faculty-A. Bannerman, M.P.
Principal-Daniel Dewar. LL.D.,D.D.
Secretary-John Cruickshank, LL.D.

Humanity-John S. Blackie, A.M.
Greek-R. J. Brown, D.D.

Mathematics-John Cruickshank, LL.D.
Moral Philos. & Logic-William Martin, A.M.
Nat. Philos.-David Gray, A.M.
Divinity-W. R. Pirie, D.D.

Orient. Languages- G. G. McLean, M.D,
Medicine-J. Macrobin, M.D.
Anatomy-Alex. James Lizars, M.D.
Surgery-William Pirrie, M.D.
Civil & Nat. Hist.-W. MacGillivray, LL.D.
Chemisty-Thomas Clark, M.D.
Church History – D. Dewar, LL.D.,D.D.

Practical Religion-W. R. Pirie, D.D.
Evidences of Christ.-D. Dewar, LL.D.,D.D.
Scots Law & Conveyan.—Geo. Grubb, A.M.
Botany-Wm. MacGallivray, LL.D.
Materia Medica-W. Henderson, M.D.
Institutes of Medicine-A. Harvey, M.D.
Midwifery-Robert Dyce, M.D.
Medical Jurisprudence-F. Ogston, M.D.

Principal-John Lee, D.D.
Secretary-Blair Wilson


Latin-Jas. Pillans, A.M.

Greek-Geo. Dunbar, A.M.
Mathematics-Philip Kelland
Logic-Sir Wm. Hamilton, bart.

Moral Philos. and Pol. Econ.-J. Wilson
Nat. Philos.-Jas. D. Forbes
Rhetoric-W. E. Aytoun
Universal History-Cosmo Innes.
Practical Astronomy--Charles P. Smyth
Divinity-John Lee, D.D.

Church History-J. Robertson, D.D.
Hebrew-Alex. Brunton, D.D.
Civil Law-Archibald Swinton
Scotch Law-John Shank More
Conveyancing-Macvey Napier

Materia Medica-Robert Christison, M.D.


SPEAKER-Right Hon. Charles

Acheson, Viscount, Armagh co. 59
Lower Grosvenor street
Ackers, J. Ludlow, 2 Blandford sq.
Acland, Sir T. Dyke, bt. Devonshire

N. Waterloo Hotel, Jermyn st. Acland, Thomas Dyke, Somersetshire W. 12 Queen st. May Fair A'Court, Capt. Edw. Hen. R. N. Tamworth, 41 St. James's place Acton, Col. William, Wicklow co. 36 Jermyn street Adare, Viscount, Glamorganshire, 76 Eaton square Adderly, Charles Bowyer, Staffordshire N. 30 Portman square Aglionby, Henry Aglionby, Cockermouth, 5 Brick court, Temple Ainsworth, Peter, Bolton, 13 Portman street

Aldam, William, Leeds, 13 Henrietta
street, Cavendish squares
Alexander, Nathaniel, Antrim co.
Long's Hotelone 13
Alford, Viscount, Bedfordshire, 23
Belgrave square 1 meaque
Allix, John Peter, Cambridgeshire,
57 Montague square

Shaw Lefevre, 71 Eaton square. Anson, Lt. Cl. Hon. George, Staf fordshire S. 25 Hill street Antrobus, Edmund, Surrey E. 146 Piccadilly

Arbuthnott, Maj. Gen. Hon. H. Kincardineshire, 5 H Albany Archbold, Robert, Kildare co. 55 Jermyn street

Archdall, Capt. Mervyn, Fermanagh
co. 12 Mansion house, Albany
Arkwright, George, Leominster, D 2

Armstrong, Sir Andrew, bt. King's
co. 5 Suffolk street
Arundel and Surrey, Earl of, Arun-
del, 11 Carlton terrace
Ashley-Cooper, Hon. Ant. Hen.
Dorchester, Carlton Club
Astell, 51 William, Bedfordshire,
Old Broad street
Attwood, Matthias, Whitehaven, 27
Gracechurch street
Attwood, John, Harwich, 25 Park

[blocks in formation]

Bagot, Hon. William, Denbighshire, | Baring, Right Hon. William Bing23 St. James's square

Bailey, Joseph, Worcester, 26 Bel

grave square Bailey, Joseph, Jun. Herefordshire, 26 Belgrave square Baillie, Col. Hugh Duncan, Honiton 34 Mortimer street Baillie, Henry James, Invernessshire, 9, Lowndes street

Baillie, William, Linlithgowshire, 29
Half Moon street
Baine, Walter, Greenock, 45 Pall Mall
Baldwin, Charles Barry, Totnes, 6
Parliament street

Balfour, James Maitland, Hadding-
ton, &c. 18 Arlington street
Bankes, George, Dorsetshire, 5 Old
Palace Yard
Bannerman, Alexander, Aberdeen,
4 Berkeley street
Barclay, David, Sunderland, 8 Bel-
grave square

Barkly Hen. Leominster, 50 Eaton pl. Baring, Major Henry Bingham, Marlborough, 13 Eaton place

Austen, Col. Thos. Kent West, 78 Baring, Right Hon. Fran. Thorn

Eaton square

BaggeWm.,Norfolk W. Long's Hotel

hill, Portsmouth, 86 Eaton square Baring, Thomas, Huntingdon, 40 Charles street, Berkeley square

ham, Thetford, 12 Great Stanhope


Barnard, Edward George, Greenwich, Deptford green Barneby, John, Worcestershire E. 34 Portman square Barrington, Viscount, Berkshire, 20 Cavendish square Barron, Sir Henry Winston, bt. Waterford, 21 Cavendish square Baskerville, Thos. B. Mynors, Herefordshire, 3 Suffolk street Bateson, Thomas, Londonderry co. 3 C Albany Beckett, William, Leeds, 18 Upper Brooke street Bell, Matthew, Northumberland S. 35 Wimpole street Bell, John, Thirsk, 40 Conduit st. Bellew, Richard Montesquieu, Louth co. 1 Clifford street Benbow, Jolin, Dudley, 26 Mecklenburgh square Benett, John, Wiltshire S. Limmer's Hotel

[ocr errors]

Bennett, Philip, Suffolk W. 13
Park place, St. James's
Bentinck, Lord George, King's Lynn,
19 Cavendish square

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