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strangers is removed, he again lapses into imbecility, | against the evidence of all the subscribing wit- |
exhibits moroseness, peevishness, and want of self-nesses.-Lowe v. Jolliffe, 1 Sir W. Bl. Rep., 365.
control, and, though the Commission may have re-
lieved him from collateral guidance, he may get
into most absurd and wicked and indiscreet scrapes,
or may even commit suicide. In every action and
wish he forms a complete contrast to his previous
habits and character; a perfect metamorphosis or
change has more or less gradually occurred; he is
no longer the same man.

Now, such a person requires some restraint, but not confinement; a judicious butler may be often sufficient to check any indiscretion, but the distribution of property should never be left to the disposition of caprice, of whim, of imbecility; and, while a jury should decide as to the degree of incapacity necessitating interference, the medical man should properly direct the degree of necessary restraint.

Idiots, lunatics, and those of unsound mind are incapable of making wills, and if made by such persons they are not valid; but if a rational will is dictated by a person, even though generally supposed to be an idiot, this is considered to afford strong evidence that he is not idiotic.

Proofs of partial insanity will defeat a will, as in the case of Mr. Greenwood, who laboured under the delusion that his brother had given him a potion to destroy him, he therefore disinherited this brother; the fact being, that when in delirium from fever he had received some medicine from his brother's hand. Mr. Greenwood permanently retained the delusion he had assumed in delirium, and a verdict against the will was obtained in the Court of Common Pleas. On a second trial, by advice of the Judge, the jury, however, found in favour of the will. A compromise was subsequently effected.

A person having written a testamentary paper when in sound mind, and subsequently becoming insane, although he may not have signed such a will, yet it is considered valid, because the supervening insanity is held to be sufficient to account for the non-execution of such a paper.

The act of suicide three days after instructions had been given for a will did not invalidate it, there being no evidence of the insanity of the deceased at or during the time of giving the instructions.

In some cases of habitual intemperance the mental powers become much enfeebled, so as to impair the judgment and prevent the individual from thinking or reasoning correctly upon any question. In other instances, the reason is only affected when under the influence of inebriety. Of course any will made when a man is actually drunk, if this be proved, would necessarily be held invalid; but should the habitual drunkard be considered fit or capable of such testamentary right? If he be constantly intoxicated he must be incapable; but if locked up, in some instances, the right might be generally, but not always, safely accorded to him.

In England there is no power to interfere in these drunken cases, but in the State of New York, such a person's property is placed under the care of the Chancellor, and, should the drunkard feel aggrieved, the circumstances are referred to the opinion of six freeholders, and the case is decided by their verdict. Could not such a law be with advantage introduced into this country? With respect to drunkenness invalidating a will, if a will be made and signed in a state of inebriety, it is invalid, but as soon as the excitement has passed away, and sober reason returns, it may be exe


If a man become from age so imbecile that he cannot remember his own name, he cannot make a will; nor can a drunkard, if by habitual intemperance he be deprived of the use of his understanding and reason; but, if when sober, reason returns, he can then dispose of his property.

All persons, but especially medical men, should be aware that any one who attests a will should have some knowledge of the testator, as one who signs his name as witness to a will, certifies by that act that he considered the testator of sound mind. A will, however, may be valid though both the attesting witnesses depose to the incapacity of the deceased.-Le Breton v. Fletcher, 2 Hagg. Ec. Rep., 568. And a will may be established even

for me here to enter into the various points upon
It is impossible, and it would be also unnecessary,
which a will may be disputed, and I shall merely
been set aside where the testator was not proved
content myself with stating, that several wills have
pally benefited had been comparative strangers;
to have been insane, but where the persons princi-
in the relation to each other of client and at-
or, what is worse, had even in some instances stood

of Sir Henry Halford, is, in many respects, so in-
The following case, which came under the notice
structive, that I consider no apology necessary for
giving it in somewhat lengthy detail.

provision for the natural children, with sufficient

correctness; but he stated that he had left a namewhereas he had left him five thousand pounds only, sake, though not a relation, ten thousand pounds, and there he paused. After which, Sir Henry his real property, when these legacies should have thought it proper to ask him, to whom he had left estate should be vested after his death, if he died been discharged; in whom did he intend that his sure," was the reply. Who is your heir-at-law? without children? "In the heir-at-law, to be "I do not know," was the answer.

laboured, according to Shakspeare's test, under his Thus he "gambolled" from the matter, and madness still. This gentleman died intestate of also his friend, was throughout strictly honourable. course; and the conduct of his solicitor, who was (To be continued.)


following letter:—
We have received with this contribution the

shire, about thirty-five years of age, sent for his
A gentleman of considerable fortune, in Oxford-
solicitor to make his will. He was in habits of
he wished to add £500 a year to his mother's
strict friendship with him, and stated that
jointure, if she got well, she being then, to
the knowledge of the solicitor and himself only,
confined as a lunatic; he wished, also, to make a
trifling legacies; and then, if he died childless,
provision for two natural children; to leave a few
[To the Editor of the Medical Times.]
pressed his gratitude, but added, that he could not
to make him, the solicitor, his heir. His friend ex-
SIR, A new edition of Baron Liebig's work on
accept such a mark of his good opinion, until he will agree with me in saying, it is of the utmost
Animal Chemistry is announced for publication,
and the first part has made its appearance. You
was convinced that it was his deliberate judgment importance that every theory upon this subject
communicated to him six months afterwards.
so to dispose of his property, and that decision ought to be carefully examined. With a view to
deranged, and continued in such a state of excite-heat. Should it be suitable to the columns of the
In about six weeks time, the gentleman became tinguished writer's views on the sources of animal
this end, I send you herewith a paper on this dis-
ment for a whole month, during which time he was
visited constantly by Sir Henry Halford and Sir
[The non-restraint system had not then been con-
George Tuthill, as to require coercion every day.
sidered practicable, or I am convinced the late
among the first to have exercised and advocated so
excellent Sir Henry Halford would have been
philanthropic and so humane a change.]

and comfortable; but his languor and weakness
At the expiration of a month he was composed
bore a proportion to his late excitement, and it
was very doubtful whether he would live. On
him how he found himself? he answered, "Very ill,
entering his room one day, on Sir Henry asking
Sir; about to die, and only anxious to make my
will first." This could hardly be listened to under
his circumstances, and he was persuaded to forego
that wish for the present. The next day he made
the same answer to the same question, but in such

a tone and manner as to extort from common hu

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his theories on animal chemistry which I shall Medical Times, I have several other papers upon send you, after I have adapted them to the new

edition of his work.

I am, Sir, your obedient servant, ROBERT RIGG. Greenford, Middlesex, Dec., 1846.

Showing, in Opposition to the Theory of Baron
Liebig, that there must be some other Source or
Sources of Animal Heat, besides the Process of


The generation of animal heat is so important a feature in the economy of animal life, and ciple of life itself, that it has long engrossed the seems to be so intimately connected with the prinattention of chemists and physiologists.

fering widely in their general conclusions on the and ingenuity have been baffled, and, though difeven with these powerful auxiliaries, their research subject, they have all agreed in this, that the production of animal heat is the most recondite of all the functions.

been put forward on high authority; and we are A solution of this problem has, however, of late

manity, even at the probable expense of future
litigation, an acquiescence in his wish to disburden
his mind. The solicitor was sent for, and, having
been with his client the preceding evening, met Sir different views, and have called to their aid che-
Henry Halford and Sir George Tuthill at the con-mistry, electro-chemistry, and mechanics; but,
They have approached the subject with very
sultation in the morning, with a will prepared ac-
the attack of disease, as well as to those given the
cording to the instructions he had received before
preceding night. He proposed to read this to the
gentleman in the presence of the physicians, and
that they should witness the signature of it, if they
were satisfied that it expressed clearly his intentions.
It was read, and the patient answered, "Yes,"
yes," yes," distinctly to every item, as it was
with Sir George Tuthill and the solicitor, to con-
deliberately proposed to him. On going down stairs
told that "the mutual action between the ele-
sider what was to be done, Sir Henry expressed some
ments of the food and the oxygen conveyed by
regret that Sir George Tuthill and himself had, as
the circulation of the blood to every part of the
body, is the soURCE OF ANIMAL HEAT"; (a) and at
physicians, been involved in an affair which could page 35 we are told that "the heat evolved in the
in a court of law, where they would necessarily bejected in the body, is amply sufficient to explain
hardly be expected to terminate without an inquiry process of combustion, to which the food is sub-
good gentleman, under such circumstances, to make
called upon to justify themselves for permitting this
a will. It occurred to Sir Henry then to propose
to his colleague to go up again into the sick-room
to see whether their patient could re-word the
matter, as a test, on Shakspeare's authority, of
his soundness of mind.


the evaporation from the skin and lungs."
the constant temperature of the body, as well as

This theory is sanctioned by the name of Liebig,
a name entitled to great respect; but Science is
can only claim for its theory a stricter scrutiny
not a province of Faith, and the greatest name
and closer investigation. It is through the ordeal
of experiment alone that the most ingenious
theory can take its place amongst the acknow-
ledged principles of natural philosophy.
To this ordeal Baron Liebig seems ready to

My pulse as yours doth temperately keep time,
And makes as healthful music. It is not madness
That I have utter'd: bring me to the test,
And I the matter will re-word which madness
Would gambol from."-Hamlet, Act III., Scene 4.
He repeated the clauses which contained the ad-
dition to his mother's jointure, and which made | page 17.

(a) Liebig's Animal Chemistry, second edition

submit; and in a paper read before a society of physicians at Darmstadt, and which will be found in the "Lancet" of Feb. 22, 1845, he has endeavoured to show that his views of the matter are supported by the result of experiment, and by well-established facts. In order to this, he does not bring forward experiments of his own, but boldly takes up the experiments and calculations of Dulong and Despretz, which have generally been regarded, and were regarded by these gentlemen themselves, as establishing the contrary doctrine: namely, that there must exist some other source of heat in the animal organism, which lends its aid to the inspired oxygen in maintaining the temperature of the living body. For the experiments and calculations of Dulong and Despretz show that the animal body evolves from one-tenth to one-fifth more caloric than it ought to do, assuming that the combination of the oxygen with certain constituents of the body (forming carbonic acid and water) is the exclusive source of liberated heat. Whence it would follow that the simple combustion of these bodies is of itself insufficient, and is in some way aided by the animal organism in maintaining the temperature of animal bodies.

Baron Liebig enters with great acuteness into a critical examination of these experiments and calculations. He scrutinizes their data and their figures. He shows that some data, assumed on the authority of Lavoisier and Laplace, are to a certain degree erroneous, and that certain figures need correction; and then, after craving allowance for "possible errors of observation," he produces a corrected calculation, with the results of which he expresses his satisfaction in the following terms:-"These figures need no comment; they prove, with unquestionable certainty, that an animal placed in an appropriate apparatus evolves in a given definite space of time exactly as much heat as the same apparatus would have received had the oxygen inspired during the same space of time been combined directly in the apparatus with a certain definite proportion of carbon sufficient to form an amount of carbonic acid exactly corresponding to that exhaled in the same space of time, and with a certain definite proportion of hy. drogen sufficient to form an amount of water exactly corresponding to that which we assume to be formed in the organism by that portion of the inspired oxygen which does not form carbonic acid. And thus the question, whence the heat of the animal body proceeds, is fully answered."

In this manner has the Baron, with admirable address, wrested the weapons from the hands of his opponents, fought a manful battle, claimed a victory, and taken up his position on the enemy's ground. (a)

Now, it is not my purpose to defend the calculations of Dulong and Despretz, or to call in question the corrected calculations of Liebig. I am willing to give him the full benefit of that calculation, and even, for the present, grant his immediate conclusions: that the amount of heat evolved by the combustion of an animal compound is equal to, or not larger than, the amount of heat evolved by the oxidation of the combustible constituents of this compound. whether this first conclusion affirms or disaffirms the further and more general conclusion, namely,

that this combustion is the only source of animal heat, depends upon another question, namely, whether the heat evolved by an animal is all the heat that is required by, or produced in, the animal economy. For, if Liebig's first conclusion be true, that the heat evolved by the animal compound is just about equal to the heat which the constituents of the compound would yield in direct combustion; and, if it should further appear that the animal functions require and in juxtaposition, as shown in the two following tables :



Amount of heat evolved by the animal in a given definite space of time.

1. Rabbit 2.


Amount of heat produced by the conversion of the oxygen inspired during the same space of time into carbonic acid and water.

According to Despretz's calculation. C. 7851 23610



According to Liebig's correctJed calculation

C. 8558

hy. 100 68.5+21-9-904 107.48 100 64·9+20·9=85·8 101-74 3. 6 young rabbits 100 58.5 +236=82·1 98.71 4. Rabbit 100 68:3+184-867 101.78 5. Guinea-pig 100 69 4+19-4-88.8 104:45 100 69.6+193-889 104:53 100 54 9+25.9=80·8 98.16 100 49 6+24.5=74·1 90.31


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6. 7 Dog 8. Do. 9. Young dog 10. Cat 11. Pigeon 12. Dog 13. Cock 14 Virginia cuck 15. Owl 16. Magpie

96 81 93.10 94.52 94.43

100 485+286=74·5 | 91:30

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100 57·7+22·9=80·6 100 60 5+18.3=78.8 100 58 3+20·9=79 2


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employ a larger quantity of heat which is not evolved, but which becomes latent; then it fol. lows that such further quantity of heat must arise from some other source, and that the combustion of the animal compound is not the only source of heat.

Now, a great portion of the water contained in the food consumed by animals (all that portion, which is not carried off by excretion) escapes by evaporation. In the process of evaporation, this water receives from the animal system as much heat as would have converted the same weight of water to vapour in the ordinary way, over a lamp or a fire.

The weight of combustible matter necessary for this purpose appears from the experiments of Despretz. According to his experiment, one ounce of carbon, evolved during combustion as much heat as would raise the temperature of 105 ounces of water at 32° to 167°; that is, by 135 degrees, which is equal to 14,207 degrees of heat. It would therefore require the combustion of 7.68 parts by weight of carbon, to convert 100 parts of water at 98° (the temperature of the human body) to vapour.


These data Liebig admits as correct, gives them in his work on Chemistry, and uses them on various occasions in explaining his views. But, in his examination of the experiments of Dulong, and Despretz, he appears entirely to have overlooked the latent heat of vapour, and left it out of his calculations. He labours to show that the heat produced by the direct combustion of the constituents is equal to, or not greater than, the heat evolved by animal bodies; and thence infers that the combustion of the animal compound, unaided by the animal organism, being just suffi.. cient to supply this heat, must be the source of it. If he has not proved this, he has proved nothing -if he has proved this, he has disproved his own theory: for, if the heat supplied by the combus tion of the animal compound, telling so exactly with the amount of the heat evolved, and a large. quantity of heat is, moreover, supplied by the animal for the purpose of evaporation, which is not evolved, but becomes latent, it follows that such further supply must have some other source than the combustion of the animal compound,

(b) "Annales de Chimie et de Physique," xxvi., and we may fairly say with the Baron that his

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(a) The combustion heat of one gramme of carbon and hydrogen was calculated by Dulong at -carbon 7237° (a), hydrogen 21375°; and by Despretz-carbon 7815°, hydrogen 236402. Liebig makes it appear that the data upon which these figures were fixed are erroneous, and substitutes for the combustion heat of carbon 8558°, and for that of hydrogen 34792°, which, he says, are unquestionably far more correct and precise than those upon which Dulong and Despretz originally based their calculations. He places the results obtained by these chemists, who experimented upon different animals, the calculations according to their figures, and those figures adopted by himself,

(a) The beat in this note is represented according to the centigrade scale.

Amount of heat produced by the conversion of the oxygen inspired during the same space of time into carbonic acid and water.

According to Du long's calculation, C. 7237 H. 21375

car. hy.

According to Liebig's corrected calculation C. 8558 H.34792

100 53 5+19'4=72·9 94.9 100 49.2+19.6=68.8 90.1 100 55 1+16·4=71·5 91.7 100 55 4+20'4=75.8 98.6 100 540+19·6=73.6 95.7 100532+19'6=72·8 94.6 7. Do. 100 55 4+24.8-80-2 104-7 8. Do. 100 570+22-2-79.2 103-0 9. Windhover 100 49.3+22·2=71·5 | 97.2 10. Do. 100 54.5+24·4-78′9 104.1 11. Guinea-pig 100 65 73.7=69'4 12. Do., young 100 708+ 4·1=749 13. Do., do. 14. Rabbit

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figures need no comment.

But the subject is too important to be dismissed without further comment, I purpose, therefore, to examine some of the experiments in detail.

On referring to Despretz's description of his experiments, we find that the first, in the Table I., was made with a full-grown rabbit, which imparted 8,226 degrees of heat to the water in the vessel which surrounded it, in one hour and thirtysix minutes, during which it was furnished with 2,929 cubic inches of atmospheric air, and formed 188 cubic inches of carbonic acid; and, in addi. tion to the volume of oxygen which formed the carbonic acid, there disappeared from the experiment 60 cubic inches of oxygen, which is calculated for as having combined with hydrogen in the animal system, and formed water.

On comparing the sensible heat evolved from this rabbit during this period, with the heat generated by the combustion of as much carbon as would have given this volume of carbonic acid, and that generated by the combustion of as much hydrogen as would form water with these 60 cubic inches of oxygen, we haveHeat evolved by the rabbit in 1 hour and 36 minutes

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corrected calculation.

of the carbonic acid 63.2 Heat by the formation of water


... 31.7 Neither Despretz nor Dulong has furnished us with statistical information upon either the kind or the quantity of food consumed by the animals they experimented upon; both of which appear to me to be indispensable to a correct result. To supply this dificiency, I shall here introduce ex.

periments made upon animals of the same kind, which were continued for several days; during which the animals were supplied with their usual


The first was made with two kittens six weeks old, which were fed with skimmed milk only. During these twelve days they ate 102 fluid ounces of this milk, whose specific gravity varied from 1033 to 1035 at 60°, making the weight of milk consumed about 46,140 grains.

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Now, there being little difference, as regards the

question between one warm-blooded animal and another, let us apply to the result of this experiment Liebig's observations on an assumed case of mau and his food. At page 35, in his work on Animal Chemistry, his views upon this subject are illustrated as follows. The combustion of 13.9 ounces of carbon will yield 197,477 degrees of heat, and which is sufficient for all the purposes of a fullgrown person for twenty-four hours, and gives the following as an illustration:-"If we assume that the quantity of water vaporized through the skin and lungs in twenty-four hours amounts to 48 ounces (3 pounds), there will remain, after deducting the necessary amount of heat 145,387 degrees, which are dissipated by radiation, by heating the expired air, and in the excrementitious matters." This, he adds, on taking into account the heat generated by the combustion of the hydrogen in the food, "is amply sufficient to exQuantity plain the constant temperature of the body, as consumed. well as the evaporation from the skin and lungs." In the above experiment we have, according to 81-2 Liebig's view, 1,064 grains of carbon and 16 grains 192-4 of hydrogen, which underwent combustion in the 329-4 animal system in twelve days, and formed car43869.5 bonic acid and water; and which, according to his theory of the sources of animal heat, must have furnished all the heat which converted to vapour 33.417 grains of water, as well as that which was radiated, and which heated the expired air, &c.

A portion of this milk, sp. gr. 1034, was analysed, which gave for its constitution

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The weight of the two kittens was, at the commencement and at the conclusion of the experiment, as follows:

June 13. Grains.

No. 1...... 5985

June 25. Increase.


2...... 6205

Grains. 6492 7243

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According to the" corrected calculation," this 16 grains of hydrogen would generate as much Grains. heat by combustion, as 64 grains of carbon, 507 making the heat generated by the two equal to 1038 that of the combustion of 1,128 grains of carbon. In accordance with Liebig's view, 100 parts by weight of water, at 98°, require for its conversion into vapour the heat evolved by the combustion of 7.68 parts of carbon; this 1,128 grains would convert to vapour 14,687 grains of water: only 44 per cent. of the actual evaporation. Whence then, if Liebig's theory be correct, proceeded that heat which converted to vapour, in this case, the other 56 per cent, of the water, the heat which was radiated from the body; and that which raised the temperature of the food to that of the body, and heated the inspired air? (a)

292.9 40.4 151.8 282.5 9332.4


These experiments were made in the year 1843, when I was engaged in the inquiry into the secretion of carbon by animals. They may be depended upon for our present purpose, although they were unfit for the purpose intended, because the animals were in a restless condition while they were enclosed in the apparatus-a condition which appears to increase the power of secreting carbon. During each of the twelve days they were sepa rately placed in an apparatus, and the volume of carbonic acid accurately determined. The ave. rage volume from No. I. was 531 cubic inches, from No. II. 56.8 cubic inches, per hour.

On deducting the excretions from the weight of the milk consumed, we have the weight of the carbon and hydrogen which entered into the constitution of the carbonic acid and the water, of the

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of the carbon and the hydrogen in the food; and this other source, whatever it be, must supply an amount of heat sufficient to convert to vapour more than half the water which passes off in that state from these animals-all that heat which is radiated by them, all that which is required to heat the expired air, and all that which is required to raise the temperature of the food to that of the body. Or, in other words, if we say with him, that "The heat evolved in the process of com

bustion to which the food is subjected in the body, is amply sufficient to explain the constant temperature of the body, as well as the evaporation from the skin and lungs"; this "constant temperature" of young kittens, which subsist upon their ordinary food, must be lower than the objects which surround them. Consequently if the cat two months old, upon which Dulong 'experimented, was fed upon skimmed milk, instead of imparting heat to the water which surrounded the apparatus in which it was confined for one hour, which was the case, it would have acted as a refrigerant, and cooled the water which surrounded

the apparatus.

Let us now apply the same dada and methods of reasoning to the first-mentioned experiment in Table I., which has been already noticed, and call in the aid of an experiment made in the month of June, upon a rabbit fed with the leaves of sowthistles and oats-a description of food these animals are fond of. This rabbit weighed at the

commencement 3.84 pounds. During the seven days it was under experiment it increased in weight to 4-02 pounds, and consumed 45,000 grains of sowthistle leaves and 1,400 grains of oats,

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The excretions weighed 14,750 grains; but owing to the vapour of water and a little ammonia which passed from them, and a small loss of urine, their weight was not accurately determined: the parts collected, however, comprised most of the carbon and hydrogen. But, that the experiment may be represented as favourably as possible for the theory under consideration, it is assumed in the following analysis that the loss of urine and vapour of water from the execretions made the whole quantity equal to 40 per cent. of the weight of the food consumed.

The 14,750 grains of excretions, when brought by drying to the state in which they were analysed, weighed 4,080 grains, constituted of— Carbon.... Hydrogen:. Nitrogen

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Hydro. 39-1 18.2


Water. 42715.6

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Total. 45000




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43511. 16605.2

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46400 18560

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It is shown in this line of difference that 883.7 grains of carbon and 9.1 grains of hydrogen underwent combustion in the animal system, in seven days, and there passed off as vapour from the skin and lungs of this rabbit at least 26,905 grains of water.

In Dulong's experiment with the kitten 1.025 grains of hydrogen would combine with the 24 cubic inches of oxygen, which disappeared, and form 9-225 grains of water during each hour. In Despretz's experiment with the rabbit, the oxygen which disappeared, on combining with hydrogen, The rabbit, on being placed at different times forms 14-422 grains of water; and the same was in an apparatus, content 5,250 cubic inches, the case with the rabbit upon which I experiformed upon an average 125 cubic inches of car-mented, during the period it was kept in a conbonic acid, and decreased the volume of oxygen fined atmosphere. If this combination went on 37 cubic inches per hour. uniformly during the experiment, day and night, the hydrogen in the food of the kittens for twelve days would hardly have been sufficient for the cat upon which Dulong experimented for forty hours; and the hydrogen in the food consumed by the rabbit in seven days would only have been sufficient for the consumption of six hours.(a)?)

The results of this experiment, as to the for mation of carbonic acid gas, and disappearance of oxygen gas, forming water, correspond as nearly as may be with the results of the first experiment given by Despretz. 195

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If the theory of animal heat contended for by Baron Liebig be correct, the combustion of the 983 7 grains of carbon and 9-1 grains of hydrogen must have generated as much heat as raised the temperature of the food to that of the body, supplied that heat which was radiated and converted to vapour 26,905 grains of water.

According to the laws of evaporation, the heat thus produced must raise the temperature of the food to that of the body first, before it can convert the 26,905 grains of water into vapour. Now, the heat generated by the combustion of 91 grains of hydrogen, according to the corrected calculation, would be equal to 36.9 grains of carbon, making the heat generated by the combustion of the carbon and the hydrogen, collectively, equal to that of 920-6 of carbon in the seven days.

According to Despretz's experiments, already referred to, the water which passed off as vapour in the seven days would require as much heat as that produced by the combustion of 2,066 grains of carbon-1,145 grains more than were present in the experiment. Hence, according to Liebig's theory, this rabbit, which Despretz kept under experiment for one hour and thirty-six minutes, during which it imparted 8,2269 of heat to the water in the vessel which surrounded it, would have cooled the water by abstracting from it 9,000° of heat, From these experiments, examined by Baron Liebig's own data and figures, it appears that the animal economy requires double the amount of heat which can be produced by the combustion of the carbon and hydrogen contained in the food. There must, therefore, be some other source from whence animals derive heat besides that of the

. combustion of these hodies.

Another feature in these experiments claims our attention. Whilst these animals were under experiment there was, in each case, removed from the atmosphere a considerable portion of oxygen, which is calculated for as having combined with hydrogen. In the experiment, by Despretz, upon the rabbit, which we have been considering, this volume of oxygen was 60 cubic inches in one hour and thirty-six minutes, and 37 cubic inches per hour in the experiment upon the rabbit made by nie. And in the experiment, by Dulong, with the kitten, this volume of oxygen was 24 cubic inches per hour.

Despretz and Dulong supposed these volumes of oxygen entered into combination with hydrogen in the animal system, and formed water; and made their calculations relating to the evolution of heat by combustion accordingly. And Liebig, in reviewing this feature of their experiments in the paper already referred to, says" With respect to his (Dulong's) supposition, viz., that that portion of the oxygen which is absorbed in the respiratory process, without forming subsequently carbonic acid, combines with hydrogen, forming water, this is not open to any objection or doubt."

On a more careful examination of this part of the subject, a question arises-Whence proceeded so much hydrogen as combined with these volumes of oxygen? To meet this question, by evidence the most favourable for the view of these physiologists, I have selected, as examples, experiments made with animals which subsisted upon food comprising the largest proportion of hydrogen of any in my possession.

So also, with respect to the carbon in the food of these animals, it would appear, from the results of Despretz's experiments and of my own, that the carbon in the food consumed during a given time would only be sufficient to keep up the formation of carbonic acid one-third of that time. Allowing for the carbon in the increased weight of the animal, the carbon in the food of the rabbit which went to the formation of carbonic acid formed only 34.5 per cent. of the weight which would have been required for the formation of carbonic acid actually formed, supposing that the animal gave off as much at all times as it did during the period Despretz kept it under experiment. The same applied to a much greater extent to the experiments with the kittens.

Consequently these animals, and particularly the kittens, must either have evolved an extraordinary large quantity of carbonic acid when kept in confined atmospheres, when compared with the quantity they give off at other times; or they must have the power of forming or secreting carbon out of other bodies.

Experiments made with tame animals favour the latter inference, and those made with wild animals (b) and birds disposejus to draw both these inferences. A cat, for example, when kept in a confined situation for two or three days, varying with the violence of the animal, without any other food than water and pure atmospheric air, will give off a volume of carbonic acid containing more carbon than is comprised in another cat of the same weight and size with it. And proportionately to the exertion of the animal is the formation of carbon, the disappearance of oxygen, the evolution of heat, and the loss in weight. Hence the volume of carbonic acid which was given off by the animals in the experiments conducted by Despretz and Dulong may be regarded as exceed ing the volume which would be given in the same time, if the animals were free.

tion of heat by the combustion of carbon and hy. drogen to be correct, the experiments of Dulong and Despretz, when examined in connection with the food consumed by the animals on which they experimented, conclusively prove that there must be some source of animal heat besides that of the combustion of the carbon and the hydrogen in the food of animals and in the animal system. That this source must, in many instances, yield an amount of heat exceeding that generated by the combustion of the carbon and the hydrogen in the food consumed. That the results of these experiments do not warrant Liebig's conclusion that that portion of the oxygen which is absorbed by the respiratory pro cess, without forming subsequently carbonic acid, combines with hydrogen, forming water, That the disappearance of inspired oxygen under violent animal exertion, the disappearance also of fat and other bodies containing hydrogen, and the evolu tion of more carbon than can be accounted for as having been in the animal system, suggest the idea that a portion of carbon is secreted, and that in this secretive process oxygen and hydrogen are employed.


In my next communication I shall show that the experiments brought forward by Baron Liebig in his work on Animal Chemistry prove most con clusively that the views on animal heal which he wishes to establish are erroneous.

Greenford, Middlesex, Nov., 1846.


Late House-Surgeon to King's College Hospital.

Whilst pursuing my medical studies in London I was particularly struck with the great number of cases of erysipelas which at different periods showed themselves in the hospitals and amongst the poorer classes in this city, and with the vast amount of surgical operations and injuries which have either proved fatal or have been retarded in their cure in consequence of an attack of this disease. But it was more particularly whilst I was the resident surgical officer to King's College Hospital that my attention was called to this fact, and my mind was directed to investigate its cause, its nature, and the means of cure and prevention.

During the last spring and summer we unfortunately had a great number of cases of erysipelas in the wards, and they were almost entirely confined to that part of the institution which was under my immediate superintendence. I have also learnt from parties connected with the other metropolitan hospitals that erysipelas has raged in some of those institutions to a great extent, and in some has proved very fatal.


The points to which I particularly wish to draw the attention of the reader are-That an import ant principle in animal economy, namely, the profession, observations on some of the more imI have, therefore, determined to lay before the latent heat of perspired vapour, has been overlooked alike by Dulong, Despretz, and Liebig, in portant points connected with the disease, and some their calculations and conclusions upon the sued, without pretending to a complete essay on remarks on the treatment which I have seen pursources of animal heat. That, although the data erysipelas, which would be a wearisome and unproand reasoning of these chemists are true to a cerfitable task, as so many excellent works and papers tain extent, their general conclusions are vitiated have been written on the subject. by this oversight. Had Baron Liebig employed the same data in examining the results of the ex periments made by Dulong and Despretz, which he employs on other occasions, he would have come to a conclusion the reverse of his present one. That, assuming our ideas as to the genera

(a) There is no reason to suppose that these animals, when under experiment, were enabled by any extraordinary influence to appropriate a larger volume of oxygen than usual to the purpose of forming water with hydrogen in the system; it is more probable that a portion of atmospheric oxygen enters into some other combination, the nature of which we are not acquainted with; and I would venture to suggest that this disappearance of atmospheric oxygen may furnish some clue to the discovery of the sources of animal heat. (b) See Medical Times, vol. xi. p. 14.

nutely the symptoms of the various forms of erysiI shall not, therefore, attempt to describe mipelas in detail, as every one possessing a moderate amount of professional knowledge must be familiar with them. I shall advert to them more particularly in the remarks I shall think fit to make, and shall illustrate them by the cases I shall bring forward.

A great number of diseases which attack the human frame have morbid poisons circulating in the blood for their cause. Amongst the most prominent of these are continued fever and the exanthemata. The characteristics of these diseases are, that they have a certain period of incubation, are attended with more or less fever, run a certain course, and are propagated by contagion. For the most part an eruption is peculiar to them.

That we ought to class erysipelas amongst these diseases is, I think, strictly proper-that is to say, if we are to class diseases according to their symptóms

and causes; for, although erysipelas shows itself as
a local disease, the inflammation on the skin is
merely an external manifestation of an inward
complaint, and the constitutional symptoms pre-
sent those forms which are generally noticed in the
above-mentioned disorders. But it is more par-

ticularly in the idiopathic form of erysipelas, at-
tacking the head and
head and face, that we see the similarity
between it and the exanthemata,

The person who is so attacked has a rigor, followed by heat of surface; and constitutional disturbance, which lasts for some time; in a few hours a specific eruption breaks out on his face, lasts for some days, and then disappears. There is also another similarity between erysipelas and the disorders caused by these specific poisons, namely, this, that the symptoms for the most part have a tendency to assume a low form, if not during the whole of their course, at least during the greater part of it. In traumatic erysipelas there is not the same regularity in the course of the complaint. As in the idiopathic variety, therefore, we cannot so strictly liken it to the exanthemata; although we hay be certain that idiopathic and traumatic depend upon the same poison, therefore we may class all erysipelatous cases under the head of discases caused by specific poisons.

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These diseases appear as epidemics, and also spread by contagion ; so, also, we see that erysipelas rages as an epidemic, and there is very little doubt that it is propagated by contagion; and I will proceed to consider this point, as it is doubted by some, whether the disease is contagious or otherwise.

pelas, but the disease did not attack the part
which we should have expected, it attacked the
head and face, which were in a sound state. If
the disease had been part of an epidemic, and in-
fluenced by atmospheric changes alone, it is extra-
ordinary that the open sores were not affected, in-
stead of a sound part of the body. The beds were
next to each other. The probability is, that care
was taken in the dressing of the sores not to ex-
pose them to contagion, and that the poison, not
being able to attack them, was transmitted from one
patient the other through the air, and thus
showed itself on the head and face. orbing ad
About the same time another patient, who lay
nearly opposite to the one originally attacked, and
who had undergone an operation, the wounds
made in which were almost entirely healed, was
seized with the disease and died. As far as I can
recollect, there had been no cases of erysipelas in
that ward for some time before; but from this
time it was seldom free from it, until it was cleaned
out; and the most disastrous cases happened in this


My friend Mr. French, the surgeon to the St. George's and St. James's Infirmary, tells me that erysipelas never spreads in the wards, when the beds are very close together, as he takes the precaution of moving the patient away when any case occurs.

Mr. Hyde, house-surgeon to St. George's Hospital, related to me a fact which will show the contagiousness of erysipelas. Two persons came to see a friend of theirs, who was attacked with the disease in his head. They were both well at this period; within the space of one week, they were both attacked with the disease in the head and face.

Although some writers have denied, or at least doubted, the contagiousness of erysipelas, many have testified to the contrary; but Mr. Nunneley, in his excellent work on Erysipelas, well observes: I shall not multiply these facts, by quoting re"It is still an unsettled question amongst the corded cases, but shall content myself with having profession, whether erysipelas be a contagious or related what has fallen under my own observation, an infectious disease." One of the highest autho- as I shall do in every part of this essay, and my rities on the subject, Mr. Lawrence, says, "Erysi-readers can draw what inferences they wish. pelas arises from many causes, amongst which it is doubtful if contagion is to be included." Mr. Startin, in his lectures on Diseases of the Skin, published in the Medical Times, states that "his experience of five or six years has failed to satisfy him on this point." Amongst those who affirm that it is contagious are Copland, James, Elliotson, Watson, and Liston; and the cases quoted by some of them, and by others, are, I should think, almost sufficient to convince any unbiased mind; but, as a large number of facts are necesssary to settle such a point as this, I shall add some which have fallen under my own notice, for the purpose of strengthening my argument that this disease is contagious.

That erysipelas spreads as an epidemic, and is is much influenced by atmospheric changes, there can be no doubt. One state of the air produces one poison, and one another; as an instance, I may produce the existence of the diseases which have prevailed during the last twelve months. During the last winter, which was very mild, fever raged to a great extent amongst the lower orders of the metropolis; this continued for some months, and at last gave way. During the spring and ensuing summer, erysipelas was very prevalent in London, both in the public institutions and in private houses; this gave way, and now fever is raging to a great extent amongst the poorer classes, and causing a large mortality.

At the time the patients in the hospital were so much attacked with it, I noticed that several persons who had received injuries, and whose wounds were dressed by myself, were affected with it at their own homes, chiefly in a mild form.

poor woman, and that I unconsciously became the cause of her death; facts such as these are sufficient to make the most careless think, and endeavour to obviate such occurrences for the future.

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It has been considered by many, that the disease may be carried by the practitioner to his patients, and may produce affections of a different nature, as regards locality, but similar in their pathological bearings. It has been pretty well proved that puerperal peritonitis may be caused by the umconscious practitioner, who, first having dressed erysipelatous sores, has aftewards attended women inclabour, Many cases of this kind have been related, and the connection between erysipelas and puerperal fever has been distinctly shown by the best modern authorities on the latter disease, amongst whom I may mention Clarke, Fergusson, Lee, Gordon, and others. From the statements of these gentlemen, we learn that, whilst puerperal fever was raging in populous towns and lying-in hospitals, erysipelas was also prevalent in the same neighbourhoods; and we also learn that the prevailing character of the two diseases were similar, that they presented the same type, that the products of inflammation were the same, and that they required the same treatment. I bave seen cases when this most subtle poison has propagated itself from one party to a second, and has produced most fatal forms of disease; and which are similar to the original disorder only as regards the low form of the symptoms, and differing from it in there being no external inflammation. I can relate one very interesting and melancholy case of the kind. In the summer of 1845, a child was operated upon for harelip in King's College Hospital. The mother of the child, an exceedingly healthy countrywoman, was allowed to remain in the ward with it, and to

sleep in the same bed. In two or three days erysipelas attacked the child's face; the mother still nursed it and slept in the same bed with it; in a short time she was taken with febrile symptoms, which put on a very low form, similar to that which is seen in phlebitis. She died in a week, and on post-mortem examination the ovaries were inthe veins of the pelvis. If I recollect rightly, she flamed and disorganized, and pus was found îu was menstruating at this period. There was no doubt on the minds of those who saw the case and knew the history, that there was a direct communication between the erysipelas and her fatal


I attended a female who died of phlegmonous erysipelas of the thigh, accompanied with very low symptoms. A young woman who attended her, both before and after death, and washed the body, was seized with a low fever and died in a week. The mother of this young woman, who attended When erysipelas attacks one patient in the ward upon her, was taken ill and carried off in three days. of a hospital which has hitherto been healthy, how Another stout, hearty woman, who also closely often do we find it rapidly spread from one party attended the woman who had the erysipelas, was to another, and in a manner which can only be shortly afterwards attacked with fever, attended laid down to contagion? A case of erysipelas is with a peculiar eruption, from which she happily brought into a ward; a patient in the same ward An important point connected with the subject recovered. I have every reason to suppose that undergoes an operation, or is affected with some of contagion, to which I wish to call particular this deadly disease owed its origin to the erysipelas, Wound; in a few days the disease attacks him, attention, is the possibility of the practitioner's so subtle is the poison, and so many various forms and others similarly circumstanced are attacked being able to carry the disease from one patient to of disease will it produce. Very interesting is the One after the other. In the accident ward of another, and thus become unconsciously the source study and record of such cases, and very useful, as, King's College Hospital there was a patient with of death or protracted illness to his patients. I by a proper knowledge of such facts, we may with erysipelas of the leg; there were three cases of have no doubt that many, very many, cases of ery-care, I hope, be able to prevent such frightful conrecent wounds in the same ward, which had been sipelas are produced in this manner, particularly sequences to those who are engaged in the humane hitherto particularly free from erysipelas; within in the public hospitals, where a great many per- office of attending to the wants of their sick fellowforty-eight hours every one of them was attacked sons are seen by one attendant, and where, from creatures. with the disease. There were only one or two various reasons, that strict precaution to prevent isolated cases in the hospital at this time, so that it anything of the kind taking place is not properly ye hardly likely that these cases depended upon the attended to, or is forgotten. I shall not refer to MR. BROWN'S CASE OF OVARIAN DROPSY. state of the atmosphere; it is most probable that published cases, but shall content myself with rethe disease was propagated from one to the other,lating the following unfortunate case :- On the sby the nurse or other attendants; and I more morning of August 18, I went to see a man who readily believe this, as the nurse in this ward was was attacked with severe phlegmonous erysipelas not so particular as she ought to have been, in of the leg, in which I made some incisions and - preventing the means of contagion. afterwards dressed it. About four hours after this, One curious fact I noticed in the hospital during I performed a slight operation upon the lower exthe summer, which I think will help to prove the tremity of a female, who was living in an airy point. A female, labouring under an attack of ery-house near Red Lion-square. On the third day ssipelas, was admitted into the Victoria Ward. In after the operation, erysipelas appeared around the the next bed, was a young woman, with a large wound, spread up the limb, involved the deepsulcer on the leg, and phlegmonous abscesses on the seated tissues of the thigh, and terminated in five inside of the thigh; her health was much broken days, fatally. I am afraid there can be little down by privation. She was seized with erysi-doubt that the poison was carried by me to this

(To be continued.)

*(To the Editor of the Medical Times.) SIR, I regret that I have not beside me any notes of the case of " Mrs. D.," alluded to by Mr. Isaac B. Brown, in the last number of your journal -a case which I am said to have called "dropsy in a tumour." I am not even conscious of having undertaken its treatment. I conclude, therefore, that Mr. Brown's patient must have been one of the many who come to me, as they do to other physicians, for an opinion, and, unless they receive great encouragement, may seldom return again. In their peregrinations they usually fall into the hands of some of the faculty who are remarkable for the

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