MR. MEESON'S WILL BY H. RIDER HAGGARD, AUTHOR OF "KING SOLOMON'S MINES," "MAIWA'S REVENGE,” ETC. COPYRIGHT EDITION, CLIOTHÈQUE S. J. LEIPZIG BERNHARD TAUCHNITZ 1888. The Right of Translation is reserved. IN RECOLLECTION OF MUCH COURTESY AND KINDNESS (WITHOUT PERMISSION) DEDICATE THIS SOLEMN AND VERACIOUS NARRATIVE ΤΟ ALL MY LEARNED FRIENDS OF THE PROBATE BAR. PREFACE. A LETTER received from a member of an eminent publishing firm who seems to take Mr. Meeson very solemnly, suggests that it may be well to preface this story with a few explanatory words. I cannot begin them better than by saying that Mr. Meeson and his vast establishment exist, so far as I am aware, in the regions of romance alone. There is no class of men more exposed to unjust accusations than are publishers, unless indeed we may give the palm to gentlemen connected with the legal professions. As a matter of fact, my experience is that publishers are in the main just and frequently generous in their dealings. Perhaps I may be allowed to give an example. Some time ago I sold a book to a well-known and respected firm for a certain moderate sum of money. The book succeeded, and that firm, to my considerable astonishment, voluntarily doubled the amount that they had agreed to pay for it. Such houses as this, however, or as that with |