Jesus in the Minor Prophets:, 01.11.2007 - 288 Seiten On the road to Emmaus Jesus told two of His followers all the references concerning Himself in Moses and the Prophets. What were those references? In Jesus in the Minor Prophets you can examine for yourself the amazing prophecies of Jesus of Nazareth identified as the Lord of Hosts by the prophets Hosea through Malachi. Ample room for notes for personal or class study. |
Im Buch
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Seite 29
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Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
Adonay about 300 Alpha and Omega Amos angel Behold cometh Comparing Scripture desolate devour dwell earth Edom Egypt Ephraim evil Father fig tree fire glory Habakkuk Haggai hath heathen Heaven Holy Spirit Hosea hosts iniquity Jehovah or Yahweh Jerusalem Jesus Christ Jesus of Nazareth Jewish scribes started JHWH of Armies John Jonah Judah kingdom knows the vowels land Lord Adon Lord JHWH Lord JHWH)'s Lord or Adonay Luke 21 Malachi Mark 13 Matthew 24 mercy Micah mountains nations Nineveh pass perish prophesy prophet Regathering repented Revelation righteousness Romans saith the Lord saved say Jehovah say unto scribes started writing Scripture JHWH Scripture to Scripture Sins and Judgment sold for thirty started writing Lord sword temple thereof thine things thirty pieces thou hast thou shalt thy GOD Elohim Tribulation unto thee vowels or pronunciation whoredom whosoever believeth Word Zechariah Zechariah 3.9 Zephaniah Zion