Abbildungen der Seite

which he had used Sir R. Peel had paid a deserved compliment to his honourable friend; but the House and the country would look beyond that compliment, and would see, in Mr. Cobden, not only a great improver of our commercial code, but also a great result of Parliamentary reform-that reform, which was the source of Sir R. Peel's recent power, and which had enabled him, though he had opposed it, to pride himself on having carried his present policy through the House of Commons.

Mr. Hume congratulated Sir Robert Peel and the country on the successful termination of the free-trade struggle. He considered that Sir Robert had rendered such a service to his country as would redound for ever to the honour of his name. When he came into office he found the country engaged in war; and he was sure that no consolation would be greater to him than that when he left office he left it at peace with all the world. He had also by his great measure afforded fair and ample scope for the employment of capital

and industry, and for which he deserved as much or more credit than any predecessor in office. When this measure was properly carried out it would confer the greatest benefits on the civilized world. Mr. Hume therefore regretted, that at this moment circumstances should compel the right hon. baronet to resign the helm of power; and he was sure that his retirement was the source of regret and a matter of sympathy with millions. ("Hear, hear!") No one ever left power carrying with him so much of the sympathy of the people. ("Hear, hear!") He would venture to say, that those honourable gentlemen who were now opposed to him on this great question, would before many years elapsed regret the course which they had taken, and would become converts to the system he advocated. ("Hear, hear !") individually felt the greatest gratitude to Sir Robert Peel for the manner in which he had carried out this great measure.


Sir Robert Peel's motion was then agreed to.


Formation of Lord John Russell's Administration-Programme of the principal Offices-The new Ministers vacate their seats, and are elected with scarcely any opposition-Debate in the House of Commons on the policy of the new Government-Observations of Mr. Evelyn Denison upon its construction-Mr. T. Duncombe urges Lord John Russell to make an explicit statement of the principles on which he is prepared to act-Speech of Lord John Russell in answer-Remarks of Mr. B. Osborne, Mr. B. Escott, Mr. Wakley, Mr. Newdegate, Mr. Ward, Mr. Horsman, and other Members-The Sugar DutiesTemporary Bills for their continuance-Lord John Russell proposes Resolutions for a Permanent Settlement of the Question on the 20th of July-Details of his plan-Remarks of Mr. Goulburn, Lord George Bentinck, and Mr. Hume-The Debate is adjourned to the 27th of July-On the Motion that the House go into Committee on the Resolutions, Lord George Bentinck proposes an Amendment hostile to the Ministerial scheme-Speeches of Lord George Bentinck, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Robert Inglis, Lord Sandon, Mr. G. Berkeley, Sir J. Hogg, Sir Robert Peel, Sir T. Acland, Mr. P. Miles, Mr. Borthwick, the Marquis of Granby, Mr. Hume, Mr. Bernal, Mr. E. Denison, Mr. Barclay, Mr. Disraeli, and Lord John Russell-The Amendment is rejected by 265 to 135-Various Amendments on the Resolutions are proposed and withdrawn-The Earl of Clarendon moves the First Reading of the Bill in the House of Lords-Lord Stanley moves that the Bill be read a first time that day three months-Lord Denman and Lord Brougham speak against the Bill on Anti-Slavery grounds-The Marquis of Lansdowne, Earl Grey, and other noble Lords support it, and the First Reading is carried without a Division-The Second Reading is opposed by the Bishop of Oxford, who moves an Amendment, which is seconded by the Bishop of London-The Marquis of Lansdowne vindicates the Measure, and the Bill is affirmed on a Division by 28 to 10.


FEW days after the proceedings in Parliament narrated in the last chapter, the construction of Lord J. Russell's VOL. LXXXVIII.

Administration was made known to the public. The distribution of the principal offices of State was as follows:


[blocks in formation]

Master-General of the Ordnance-
Marquis of Anglesey.

The return of the Members of the new Administration for the seats which they had vacated by the acceptance of office having taken place almost without opposition, the House of Commons met again for the despatch of business on the 16th of July. At the commencement of the sitting Sir James Graham made some observations relative to certain Bills of the late Government, which had gone through some of their stages. Certain of these Bills he proposed to withdraw; others, among which was a Bill for amending the law relating to the removal of the poor, he hoped would be taken up by the Government. Lord John Russell expressed his intention of proceeding with this Bill immediately. He afterwards made a short statement of the

Government plan of proceeding

with business generally.

On the 20th he would state the Government plan with respect to the Sugar Duties, and then adjourn the consideration of it for a few days. As only a fortnight would elapse from the 20th till the expiration of the Sugar Duties, he should at the same time propose a short Bill, similar to the last Bill, for the With respect to other Bills, Gocontinuance of the Sugar Duties. vernment intended to proceed in the present Session with the Poor Removal Bill, omitting the part respecting Union Settlements, which would be postponed till next Session for mature deliberation, the Drainage Bill, the Irish Ejectment Bill, and the Irish Leases Bill. As to the other Bills for the improvement of Ireland, Mr. Labouchere would be prepared to give all necessary explanation. Of the Bills in the House of Lords, he hoped to see the Small Debts Bill and the Religious Opinions Bill passed into law this Session. Other Bills of less importance he hoped to be able to go on with.

With respect to measures to be introduced, I will not give any detailed notice at present. I will only say, that looking to the improvement of the waste lands of Ireland as a subject of the very greatest importance, we shall endeavour to introduce preparatory measures; and if it be necessary to ask the aid of Parliament for any measure of that kind, we shall be prepared to ask it in the present Session; but, at all events, we shall endeavour to make preparation for the introduction of a general plan for the settlement of the waste lands of Ireland next Session.'

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Mr. Evelyn Denison expressed his disapprobation of the arrangement for proceeding in the present Session with the Poor Removal Bill, and then proceeded to criticize the construction of the Government.

Of the constitution of the new Government he entertained great hopes hopes of the good effects which their measures were likely to produce in Ireland; but the Ministry appeared to labour under one great defect. It contained many elements of power and strength, but it wanted a just and adequate representation of the landed interest; the great towns were represented, and the lords were more than enough represented, and the Anti-Corn-Law League was represented; but he looked in vain for a powerful parliamentary representation of the landed interest. It was true that the Cabinet contained Lord Lansdowne, a nobleman of large possessions in England, and larger still in Ireland; there were also Lord Grey and Lord Morpeth; but the latter represented rather the commercial interests of the West Riding than the agricultural, and he had besides become a subscriber to the League; Earl Grey's opinions were so extreme that it was difficult to classify him. Mr. Charles Wood, the new Chancellor of the Exchequer, could not be considered an ally of the agricultural interest. He repeated, that the landed interest were not adequately represented in the new Government; and, if such a representation would be useful in ordinary times, it was peculiarly so at the time when the agricultural interest had received a rude shock.

Mr. Duncombe rose to repeat the question which he had asked Lord J. Russell on a former night,

and to ascertain what were the principles on which his Government was formed, and what was the policy which he intended to pursue? At present the House were so ignorant on that subject that nobody knew where to sit. According to all former parliamentary usage, whenever a new man was appointed Prime Minister, it was felt to be a part of his duty to explain the principles on which he intended his Government to be conducted. If the noble lord had said that he would act on the principles of Earl Grey's Administration, or of Lord Melbourne's Administration, he could have understood his meaning; but when the noble lord talked of his principles and his opinions, he puzzled him exceedingly. People asked to which of his opinions Lord John Russell intended to adhere, and at what time those opinions were expressed? He had been told that Lord John Russell had applied to Sir Robert Peel to lend him three distinguished Members of his Government; and he now asked the noble lord whether he really had applied to his great rival for that loan? He had read in the Weekly Chronicle an article to that effect very ably written, as every thing was that proceeded from the pen of the Secretary of the Admiralty (Mr. Ward); but he did not give any credit to the rumour until he had read it in The Times, which was now the Government organ, vice the Chronicle, superseded. When he saw it publicly stated that the noble lord had applied to Sir Robert Peel for the loan of these three distinguished gentlemen, and that he had been informed by Sir Robert Peel that he did not think that they would join the new Government from a fear of being ac


Lord Chancellor-Lord Cottingham.
President of the Council-Marquis of

Lord Privy Seal-Earl of Minto.
Home Office-Sir George Grey.
Foreign Office-Viscount Palmerston.
Colonial Office-Earl Grey.
First Lord of the Treasury-Lord John


Chancellor of the Exchequer Mr. C.

Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
-Lord Campbell.
Paymaster-General-Mr. Macaulay.

Woods and Forests-Viscount Morpeth.
Postmaster-General-Marquis of Clan-


Board of Trade-Earl of Clarendon.
Board of Control-Sir John Hobhouse.
Chief Secretary for Ireland-Mr. La-


Admiralty-Earl of Auckland,


Government plan of proceeding with business generally.

On the 20th he would state the Government plan with respect to the Sugar Duties, and then adjourn the consideration of it for a few days. As only a fortnight would elapse from the 20th till the expiration of the Sugar Duties, he should at the same time propose a short Bill, similar to the last Bill, for the With respect to other Bills, Gocontinuance of the Sugar Duties. vernment intended to proceed in the present Session with the Poor Removal Bill, omitting the part respecting Union Settlements, which would be postponed till next Session for mature deliberation, the Drainage Bill, the

Lord Lieutenant of Ireland-Earl of Irish Ejectment Bill, and the Irish


Commander-in-Chief-Duke of Wel


Master-General of the Ordnance-
Marquis of Anglesey.

The return of the Members of the new Administration for the seats which they had vacated by the acceptance of office having taken place almost without opposition, the House of Commons met again for the despatch of business on the 16th of July. At the commencement of the sitting Sir James Graham made some observations relative to certain Bills of the late Government, which had gone through some of their stages. Certain of these Bills he proposed to withdraw; others, among which was a Bill for amending the law relating to the removal of the poor, he hoped would be taken up by the Government. Lord John Russell expressed his intention of proceeding with this Bill immediately. He afterwards made a short statement of the

Leases Bill. As to the other Bills for the improvement of Ireland, Mr. Labouchere would be prepared to give all necessary explanation. Of the Bills in the House of Lords, he hoped to see the Small Debts Bill and the Religious Opinions Bill passed into law this Session. Other Bills of less importance he hoped to be able to go on with.

With respect to measures to be introduced, I will not give any detailed notice at present. I will only say, that looking to the improvement of the waste lands of Ireland as a subject of the very greatest importance, we shall endeavour to introduce preparatory measures; and if it be necessary to ask the aid of Parliament for any measure of that kind, we shall be prepared to ask it in the present Session; but, at all events, we shall endeavour to make preparation for the introduction of a general plan for the settlement of the waste lands of Ireland next Session.'

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