Abbildungen der Seite

Formation of Lord John Russell's Administration-Programme of the prin-

cipal Offices-The new Ministers vacate their seats, and are elected with

scarcely any opposition-Debate in the House of Commons on the policy

of the new Government-Observations of Mr. Evelyn Denison upon its

construction-Mr. T. Duncombe urges Lord John Russell to make an ex-

plicit statement of the principles on which he is prepared to act

Speech of Lord John Russell in answer- Remarks of Mr. B. Osborne,

Mr. B. Escott, Mr. Wakley, Mr. Newdegate, Mr. Ward, Mr. Horsman,

and other Members-The Sugar Duties-Temporary Bills for their con-

tinuance Lord John Russell proposes Resolutions for a permanent

Settlement of the Question on the 20th of July-Details of his plan-

Remarks of Mr. Goulburn, Lord George Bentinck, and Mr. Hume—The

Debate is adjourned to the 27th of July - On the Motion that the

House go into Committee on the Resolutions, Lord George Bentinck

proposes an Amendment hostile to the Ministerial Scheme-Speeches

of Lord George Bentinck, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Robert

Inglis, Lord Sandon, Mr. G. Berkeley, Sir J. Hogg, Sir Robert Peel, Sir

T. Acland, Mr. P. Miles, Mr. Borthwick, the Marquis of Granby, Mr.

Hume, Mr. Bernal, Mr. E. Denison, Mr. Barclay, Mr. Disraeli, and Lord

John Russell-The Amendment is rejected by 265 to 135-Various

Amendments on the Resolutions are proposed and withdrawn-The

Earl of Clarendon moves the First Reading of the Bill in the House

of Lords-Lord Stanley moves that the Bill be read a first time that day

three months-Lord Denman and Lord Brougham speak against the Bill

on Anti-Slavery grounds-The Marquis of Lansdowne, Earl Grey, and

other noble Lords support it, and the First Reading is carried without

a Division-The Second Reading is opposed by the Bishop of Oxford,

who moves an Amendment, which is seconded by the Bishop of London

-The Marquis of Lansdowne vindicates the Measure, and the Bill is

affirmed on a Division by 28 to 10




announces the determination of the Government to abandon the Measure

-Distress in Ireland occasioned by the recurring failure of the Potato

Crop Lord John Russell proposes a measure for the employment of

the population in Public Works-Explanation of the Ministerial Scheme

in detail Remarks of Mr. D. Browne, Mr. Williams, Mr. Labouchere,

the Earl of Lincoln, and other Members The Public Works Bill passes

the Commons, and is introduced in the House of Lords by the Marquis

of Lansdowne-Speeches of Lord Monteagle, the Earl of Wicklow, and

other Peers-Declaration of Lord Lansdowne respecting out-door relief—

Further discussions in Parliament respecting the impending scarcity in

Ireland-Speeches of the Earls of Roden and Clarendon, and of Mr. Dillon

Browne and Mr. Labouchere-Flogging in the Army and Military Reform

-Tendency of public opinion on this subject-Captain Layard moves an

Address to the Crown praying for an Inquiry, with a view to limiting the

period of enlistment - His Speech on moving the Address - Speeches

of Mr. Fox Maule and other Members-The Motion is postponed-An

order is issued from the Commander-in-Chief limiting the Sentences of

Courts Martial to fifty lashes - Lord John Russell makes a statement

upon the subject Dr. Bowring moves a Resolution in favour of the

total abolition of flogging-Speeches of Captain Layard, Mr. B. Osborne,

Colonel Peel, Colonel Reid, Mr. Wakley, Mr. Fox Maule, and other Mem-

bers-Dr. Bowring's Motion is rejected by a large majority-Statement of

the Duke of Wellington in the House of Lords on the subject of the recent

order-Occupation of Cracow by the Austrian Government-Lord Beau-

mont moves for papers relating thereto-Speeches of the Marquis of Lans-

downe, Lord Kinnaird, and the Duke of Wellington-Mr. Hume makes a

similar Motion in the House of Commons-Speeches of Mr. Milnes and

of Lord Palmerston-Sees of St. Asaph and Bangor-Earl Powis brings

in a Bill to rescind the proposed union-Debate on the Second Reading

-Earl Grey and the Marquis of Lansdowne oppose the Bill, which is sup-

ported by the Bishops of Bangor and Oxford, and other Peers-The Bill

is carried, but withdrawn in the House of Commons by Lord Clive, upon

a statement of the intention of Government Debates on Poor Law

topics-Law of Settlement altered-The New Local Courts Bill—Parlia-

ment is prorogued by Commission on the 28th of August-The Royal

Speech-Reflections on the Session of 1846 .




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SPAIN. Importance of the Question of the Queen's Marriage-Address of

the Senate in answer to the Royal Speech-Dissent of the Duke de Frias

in the Senate, and Senor Seijas Lozano in the Congress from their Col-

leagues-Differences between the Spanish Government and the Papal See

-Debate on the separate Address moved in the Chamber of Deputies by

Senor Seijas-Speeches of Senor Seijas and General Narvaez-Rejection

of the separate Address-Discussion on the Address proposed by the

Committee Speeches of Senor Calderon Collantes, Senor Pidal, Senor

Galiano, Senor Martinez de la Rosa, and Senor Salamanca-Address voted

in the Congress-Don Enrique, a Candidate for the Queen's hand—State-

ments by General Narvaez as to the Queen's Marriage-Manifesto by Don

Enrique, who is compelled to quit Spain-Weakness of the Ministry and

resignation of General Narvaez- Unsuccessful attempts to form a Cabinet

-Constitution of the Miraflores Ministry-Ministerial explanations in the

two Houses-Conduct of General Narvaez-Overthrow of the Miraflores

Cabinet-Narvaez forms a new Ministry-Despotic intentions of the Go-

vernment-Manifesto issued by it-Decree against the Liberty of the Press

-Ministerial difficulties, and resignation of General Narvaez-Formation

of the Isturitz Cabinet-Narvaez is obliged to leave Spain-Insurrection

in Galicia-Question of the Royal Marriages, and views of the English

and French Cabinets-Proclamations issued by the Count de Montemolin-

Protest by Don Enrique against the Queen's Marriage-Notification of the

intended Royal Marriages to the Spanish Chambers-Arrival of the Duc

de Montpensier at Madrid-His reception in Spain-Solemnization of the

Marriage of the Queen and of her sister, the Infanta, on the same day-

Don Francisco de Assis, the Queen's husband, elevated to the titular

dignity of King-Infant son of the French Ambassador created a Grandee

of Spain-Departure of the Duc and Duchesse de Montpensier for Paris-

Amnesty published by the Government-Dissolution of the Cortes and

General Election-Sudden resignation of the Isturitz Cabinet-It again

resumes office-Opening of the New Cortes, and Speech from the


break of Insurrection in the province of the Upper Minho-José Cabral,

Minister of Justice, quits Oporto for Lisbon-Resignation of the Cabral

Ministry-Castro and José Cabral take refuge on board a French man-of-

war, and afterwards sail to Cadiz-Dissolution of the Cortes-Suspension

of the Cash Payments by the Bank of Lisbon-Formation of the Palmella

Cabinet-Popular appointments made by the Ministry-Abrupt dismissal

of the Duke de Palmella and his Colleagues-New Ministry formed by

the Marquis de Saldanha-Commencement of Civil War in Portugal-

Revolutionary Leaders-Conflicts between the Insurgents and Queen's

Troops-Defeat of the Rebel Leader Sà da Bandiera near Chaves-

Valença taken from the Rebels-Das Antas besieged in Santarem, by the

Marquis Saldanha-The Duke de Palmella quits Lisbon, and goes on

board an English man-of-war. BELGIUM.-New Ministry. PAPAL STATES.—

Death of Pope Gregory XVI.-Candidates for the vacant See-Election

of Cardinal Mastei, who assumes the title of Pope Pius IX.-Sketch

of his Life-Liberal Measures of the New Pope-Popular demonstrations

of joy at his Election-Cardinal Gizzi appointed Secretary of State-New

Commercial Tariff. GREECE.-Opening of the Greek Chambers by King

Otho Royal Speech-Addresses voted in the two Houses-Extraordinary

Statement made by the Minister of Finance-Opening of the Third

Session of the Greek Parliament, and Speech from the Throne. POLAND.-

Insurrection in Silesia-Suppression by the three "Protecting Powers”-

Annexation of the Republic of Cracow to Austria-Edict of the Emperor-

Cracow taken possession of by Count Castiglione and Count Maurice de

Deyme in the name of the Austrian Government-Manifesto by Count


Mexico History of the Annexation of Texas to the States of the Union-

Causes which led to the declaration of war against Mexico-Narrative of

the successes of the American army-Question of letters of marque and

reprisal issued by the Mexican Government-Spanish privateers to be

treated as pirates-Report of the Secretary of the Treasury-Proposed

Loan-New Tariff Bill-Question of Protection Duties-Act for the

"better organization of the Treasury"-Government of the Oregon

territory-Report of the Secretary of the Navy-Report of the Postmaster

General. MEXICO.-Revolution and overthrow of General Herrera-

General Paredes becomes President of the Republic-Refusal of the

Mexican Government to receive the American Minister-The latter de-

mands his passport-War between Mexico and the United States-Santa

Anna-General Taylor advances against Matamoras-Battles of Pala

Alto, and Resaca de la Palma-Matamoras evacuated by the Mexican

troops under General Arista- Blockade of the Mexican coast by the

American fleet-Advance of the American forces into the Interior-

Appearance of Santa Anna in Mexico-Revolution and overthrow of

General Paredes-Manifesto by Santa Anna-Capture of the city of

Monterey by the American army under General Taylor-Surrender of

Tampico. THE BRAZILS.-Opening of the Legislative Chambers, and

Speech of the Emperor. RIO DE LA PLATA.-Despatch from M. Guizot

detailing grounds for English and French interference in the war against

Monte Video-Combined operations of English and French against

General Rosas, and gallant action in forcing the passage of the river

Parana in November 1845-Continuance of the siege of Monte Video [330

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