Abbildungen der Seite

ing its appearance less miserable and disgusting. The child was in consequence admitted into the hospital, where, under the most discouraging circumstances, an operation was planned and performed by its distinguished chief surgeon, Mr Ferrall. We are of course unable to give any professional detail of the proceeding, but, incredible as it may appear, all the natural deficiencies of feature were under this gentleman's skilful manage

ment supplied from the flesh of the adjacent parts, and

the infant, at the time to which we refer, when it was little more than a year old, already exhibited the appear ance of perfect health and of a well-formed face. When

the child was first seen by the parents after the decided success of the operation, it would, as we were assured, be quite impossible to describe the excessive joy of the poor mother, as on her knees she presented to the anxious

at least over it, and which were intended to bow down to the vessel at a very gentle slope, as the column descended to the vessel. On the 19th of June, at four in the morning, all was ready for the embarkment of the column. Ten capstans, placed on the transverse mole already spoken of, began, at a given signal, to act upon the massive freight; while sixty workmen were placed at the cables which aided in the operation, and also in keeping the ship in its place. The column was set in motion; every thing went on well and when, in a moment, an accident occurred which threw securely; it had just touched the sides of the vessel, all into consternation. The beams upon which the column rested in its passage, cracked; the alarmed workmen fled; and the column, breaking at once through the whole of the supporting beams, fell with a terrible crash among their fragments, having one the sea.

father the altered infant, now become a really well-look-end in the boat and the other sunk deep in the bed of

ing and comely child. Such, we repeat, are among the best and noblest triumphs of the profession."-Leinster Independent.



THE Alexandrine Column, or monumental pillar erected by the Russian czar, Nicholas, in honour of his brother Alexander, is one of the most magnificent objects of its kind in modern times. Like the power and empire of Russia itself, the Alexandrine column is, in conception and execution, massive and colossal, and impressive to the mind and eye from mere material bulk. The various processes attending its erection form a very remarkable history, interesting from the difficulties, foreseen and unforeseen, which stood in the way, and which were successively overcome by the patience and skill of the architect and his assistants. The architect himself, M. de Montferrand, a Frenchman by birth, has left such a history behind him. We translate, for the entertainment of our readers, some of the most important passages in this narrative.

The Alexandrine Column is a monolithe, or formed of a single stone. It is a fine species of granite, capable of taking on a beautiful polish, and of a red colour, being also exceedingly durable. The column, which is circular, and sculptured, generally speaking, after the Doric style, measures twelve feet in its greatest diameter, and eighty-four feet in height. It is thus twelve feet higher than the obelisk of Luxor, one of the finest ancient erections of this character, and it weighs thrice as much as the same Egyptian pillar. The Alexandrine Column was cut from the quarries of Pytterlaxe, in the neighbourhood of St Petersburgh, in the year 1831. These quarries are situated no great way from the shores of the waters enveloping that region and the Russian capital. While the stone was in the course of being excavated, a vessel was also in preparation for the conveyance of its enormous mass from its native site to that chosen for it in St Petersburgh. This vessel was broad and flat-bottomed, one hundred and forty-seven feet long, and calculated to draw only about seven feet of water under a weight of two million six hundred thousand pounds, a weight considerably exceeding that of the monolithic shaft. With a greater draught, it could not have traversed the numerous shallows in the line of its intended course. On the 5th of June 1832, this vessel, in itself a work of huge bulk, was brought to anchor near to the quarries of Pytterlaxe.

It was some time before the architect and his work

men could look about them. When they did so, it was gratifying to discover that not one life had been lost, notwithstanding the numbers about the spot at the moment. Without delay, the superintendant of the embarkation commenced to remedy the evil. In consequence of the weight falling obliquely on it, the vessel was turned over sideways, and partly forced into the clayey bed of the sea. The whole power of the machinery was applied to raise the column to a fair and proper position on the vessel. The 400 fatigued labourers could not have accomplished this alone, but it chanced that some visitors of distinction had arrived from St Petersburgh to witness the operations, and diate assistance of 600 soldiers from a garrison near one of these took it upon him to order in the immethe spot. With this reinforcement, after forty-eight hours of almost incredible toil, the column was safely raised, and laid straight upon the vessel. The latter machine, to the delight of all, floated lightly and easily

with its burden.

On the 1st of July, after four days' slow sail in the Gulf of Finland, the vessel was safely towed into the required place in the harbour of St Petersburgh. The column and its vessel were now visited by immense crowds, the grandees and royal family of the country among the number. The next operation was to convey the stone to land. For this purpose, a new work of great strength, inclined in its shape, had to be constructed, into the particulars of which it is needless to enter. Suffice it to say, that on the 12th of July the debarkation of the monolithe took place. A great crowd had assembled to witness it. The emperor and empress appeared on the scene. The signal was given, and the importance of the operation may be guessed by the fact that all the workmen fell involuntarily and simultaneously on their knees before venturing on the task, and prayed for its success. Fourteen capstans were set in action to move the column, while six were devoted to the keeping of the vessel, otherwise bound also, in its place. The result was fortunate. Slowly, and amid profound silence, the column began to move, and in ten minutes, without accident, it was safely brought to a spot beneath the window of the palace, whence the empress had beheld the scene.

An inclined plane was now to be made, to bring it up to the level of the spot, where its pedestal was erected, in the centre of a square; and 600 carpenPreparations on a vast scale had been previously ters addressed themselves to this task. The inclined made for the embarkation of the columnar shaft. A plane was 490 feet long, and 100 feet in breadth, and, mole or causeway had been carried into the sea to the at its greatest elevation, rose to thirty-five feet. The length of thirty fathoms, forming in itself a goodly same difficulty which obstructed the rolling of the pier, and requiring considerable labour. It was raised column to the water, impeded its progress up this plane. upon stakes, driven into the sea-bed, and consisted of This was the inequality in thickness, and it was always strong interlaced or crossing beams, the interspaces necessary, when the thick end of the column got in adof which were filled with stones. At the end of this vance, to make it pause and revolve upon itself till the mole, a transverse embankment was formed, and by lesser end was brought forward also. After a time, the the side of this, or rather inside of it, the vessel was inclination was safely surmounted, without any accident moored. It was necessary, however, first to deepen happening to the wood-work. Before the passage of the the channel by two feet, in order to admit of the free inclined plane, it ought to be mentioned, workmen, to passage of the vessel. On the transverse mole were the number of 150, were busied in giving the finish to placed the capstans by which the embarkation was to the figure of the column. When he had brought it be effected. By land, preparations on an equally large to the top of the plane, the architect then prepared a scale were made in the meantime. In order to ad- car for its transportation along the horizontal space vance the column from the spot where it had been which still lay between it and the proposed site. This formed, it was necessary to clear the intermediate car was in two pieces, and in all eighty-two feet long ground, about a hundred yards in extent, and very by eleven in breadth. It had seventy-two cast-iron rocky and uneven. The exploding, cutting, and smooth-wheels, and was composed of metal-bound beams. By ing required for this purpose, was in itself a great work. means of this machine, the column was securely moved When a pathway had thus been made, the stone was to the necessary spot. slowly raised by the action of eight powerful capstans, and propelled a little way, rolling over and over breadthways. The greater diameter of one end made this a difficult process, for the narrow end, rolling over less space, necessarily fell behind. A peculiar application of the capstans, with the assistance of strong iron wedges, was required to bring it forward to a straight line. After four hundred men had laboured at the task for fifteen days, without any intermission, the column was at length placed at the end of the mole, in a direction parallel with the sides of the vessel upon which it was to be lodged.

The column now lay transversely upon twenty-eight beams, thirty-five feet long, and two feet square, the end of which passed from the mole to the vessel, or

* As this is translated from the French, it is probable that the weights and measures mentioned are French, which differ a little from the British.

Perhaps the hardest task of all now commenced. This was the conception and erection of the great scaffolding by means of which this immense mass of stone was to be safely lodged on its pedestal, there to remain till time should work its fall. This scaffolding, we shall only say, was 154 feet high, and partly composed of mason-work, and partly of wood. The mason-work formed an inferior platform, and on this sixty capstans of great power were placed for the raising of the column. Each of these machines, with the appendages belonging to it, was first tried, and found to resist a weight of 60,000 pounds. The correspondent ropes were made by machinery, each rope containing 522 threads of hemp, so strong that every thread sustained singly a weight of 180 pounds. With such preparations, the placing of the column could not fail to be successful. Yet the architect took the precaution to try all his apparatus more fully, by raising the column twenty feet in the air, and then

replacing it, previously to the final attempt at fixing it in its site.

The architect, in the beginning of September, brought his work safely to a conclusion, placing it on its pedestal amid the acclamations of the Russian people. A statue was afterwards placed on the top of it, and the Alexandrine Column now stands in the northern capital, a credit to the nation and to its crectors. As a monolithic pillar, it has no equal among the erections of modern times.


ANY thing beyond common experiences which children see for the first time, never fails to make a permanent impression upon them. I [the reader must understand that one of the editors of this paper now speaks

in his proper person] can never forget the first time

I beheld a scientific instrument used. It was a theo

dolite belonging to a gentleman who was taking levels along the vale of Tweed, with a view to the construction of a railway between Glasgow and Berwick—a work which never was commenced. This was in the early days of railways, about the year 1810 or 1811, when they were not so readily entered upon as they are now. Mr K, a land-surveyor settled in Roxburghshire, had been employed to make the necessary surveys through Peeblesshire, and when he came, in the course of his operations, to the little sequestered town in which I spent my first years, he became acquainted with my father, who was then almost singular in the place for a love of science; a feeling which he early imparted to myself, along with much valuable instruction. At his request, our surveying friend erected his theodolite in the street, and explained its uses to my brother and myself, to our infinite pleasure, and with the effect of awakening in our minds a reverence for the instruments of exact science, and indelibly impressing upon us a pleasing recollection of the kind demonstrator himself."

I am tempted to mention these circumstances, in order to give the greater assurance of the genuineness of a very interesting letter, which it has been thought worth while to communicate to the public in this sheet. Having lost much capital in farming in his emigrated in 1824, with a native county, Mr Knumber of sons and daughters, to New South Wales, where, his scientific acquirements having recommended him to the friendship of the governor, Sir Thomas Brisbane, he very quickly found himself settled in an agreeable and lucrative situation on the Emu Plains. The letter in question is one written by Mr Kat his settlement of Cardross, Goulburn, on the 5th of July 1839; the object of which was to acquaint one of his sons, who still resides in this country, with his present circumstances. It was of course not meant for publication; but as it possesses a general interest, as an account of the carcer and present situation of a prosperous emigrant, it is here, with the permission of his friends, laid before the public :

"We [Mr K and one of his sons named James] have been striving very hard for the last twelve years, and vesting what money we could realise in the purchase of land and live stock. We have now as much stock as is required for the foundation of a splendid fortune for those I leave behind; and in regard to land, we have abundance, and I only wish to obtain 850 acres more, to render my establishment on the sea-coast one of the most perfect in the colony: this must fetch a high price at auction, still it is worth double to me that it would be to any other purchaser.

Our different estates at present stand as follow:to wit, 1st, Cardross, where I now reside, contains 2000 acres, with 200 acres in cultivation; my grant.-2d, Cardross Grange, adjoining the above, contains 1000 acres, with 100 acres in cultivation; a purchase.--3d, Maxton on opposite side of Wolondilly, contains 2000 acres, with allen, adjoining on east, late Howey's, contains 960 acres, 200 acres in cultivation; grant to James.-4th, Strathwith 150 acres in cultivation; a purchase, 1000 guineas.5th, Raine Ville, on Fish River, near Bathurst, contains 2000 acres, with 200 acres in cultivation; a purchase.--6th, St Boswell's adjoining, and east from the last lot, contains 1221 acres, with 70 acres in cultivation; a purchase.-7th, Mount Jervis, on Jervis's Bay, twelve hours' sail from Sydney, contains 2560 acres; just commenced improvements. Total, 11,741 acres. On Cardross we have a post wind-mill, fine garden and vineyard of 2 acres, the scenery and surface soft and undulating, and 800 acres of rich land might be cultivated without removing

a tree.

James and the captain [another son] have been there I intend making Mount Jervis my principal residence. since February, busy in clearing and inclosing a fine park and policy of 150 acres, with vineyards and orangery of 5 acres, paddocks for tobacco, maize, hops, &c. &c., and laying the foundation of an observatory on the exact parallel of 35 degrees south latitude, and 150 degrees 50 minutes of longitude east from Greenwich. This estate commands thirty miles of sea-coast, namely, fifteen miles on the Pacific Ocean, and fifteen miles on Jervis's Bay,

which is perhaps the finest harbour in her majesty's do

age and ride in safety from every wind. The site of the minions, where the whole British navy may find anchormansion cannot be excelled in grandeur by any place I ever saw. There is a natural port, called Bunda by the natives, just under my windows, at a quarter of a mile's distance, where vessels of 200 tons anchor within a cable's length of the shore. The bay and coast abound with fish of every delicacy and variety-oysters, both rock

and mud, schnapper, mullet, bream, whiting, and a thou-reports of the Scottish parishes which were completed sand other varieties. You may often see half a dozen about fifty years ago, and are again in course of pubwhales spouting about in the bay in the calving season. lication, furnish excellent materials for such an inPart of my northern boundary is formed by an extensive quiry; and what are the changes which they exhibit and picturesque lagoon or lake, two and a half by one and In the first place, it may be observed, that since a half miles in extent, which abounds with wild geese, 1791 the wages of agricultural labour have undergone ducks, black swans, pelicans, &c. &c., swimming about in vast numbers, also plenty of mullet, perch, and bream. from 8d. to ls. per day was about the average summer a rise of from 50 to 100 per cent. At that period, Whatever we want for breakfast or dinner is brought in We have the wages of a country labourer, out of which he had to by the black fellows absolutely in loads. chief or king (Wagamy), and his two black queens or jins, provide himself with every thing. The summer wages always with us, who have their camp just beside us; he of the same class at present run from 1s. 6d. to 2s. can command us the services of a dozen more of his In some counties they are a little higher, and in tribe when they are wanted to shoot, fish, strip bark, or others a little lower, but these rates may be considered go in their canoes messages for many miles by sea; they a fair average. The wages of the manufacturing are the most faithful, gentle, and useful blacks I ever met classes are in general much higher than those of agriwith. King Wagamy has been a-whaling in the Pacific, culturists; and manufactures, which in 1791 were in has been at New Zealand, Hobart Town, and other places, their infancy, now employ a large portion of the popuand speaks English very correctly. They have their slops lation. The wages of tradesmen have also undergone and rations of flour, tobacco, tea, and sugar, served out to a similar rise. While the whole of our industrious them by us every day, and government furnishes each of classes are thus receiving much greater wages per day them a blanket every winter. Their value to us in catering, than their predecessors in 1791, their employment has fishing. &c., is worth double their rations. Their accuracy become much more constant, and the wages earned by in shooting and throwing the spear cannot be surpassed. They bring in a kangaroo for soup whenever wanted. each individual in the course of the year have risen in Wagamy is a most portly figure as he walks about armed a much higher proportion. No less remarkable an with his double-barrelled musket, shot belt, and powder improvement has taken place in the pecuniary circumflask, with my two noble kangaroo dogs Camp and stances of their employers. Many, in fact, of our most Tweedo following along, with the two jins carrying his respectable commercial men, have, much to their credit, tomahawk, boomurung, fishing lines, and spears; he has raised themselves from the humble rank of operative generally a bark canoe ready for launching in every creek tradesmen to the possession of splendid fortunes; and and inlet. the land rentals of the country have in many cases tripled and quadrupled, and scarcely any where less

Now for our live stock. We have 1000 head of horned cattle, depasturing on land rented from government at Boorowy, about 150 miles west from this; 150 head at home here; 350 head at Jervis's Bay; being 1500 head in all, of cows, heifers, bullocks, and steers of a fine breed. One of my grass-fed bullocks, Strawberry, five years old, was slaughtered at Sydney in 1835, and weighed 1470 pounds, sinking the offal. His picture, in oil, was drawn by Mr Hippkiss, and presented by your brother William to a gentleman in Van Diemen's Land.

Our sheep stock at the different stations amounts in whole to 5500, all Merinoes and fine woolled. My last clip, 14,000 pounds, sold in Sydney at is. 8d. per pound, and brought me L.1166, payable in three and six months after delivery. Our cattle profits bring nearly as much more. We employ 20 shepherds and watchmen, 3 overseers, 3 gardeners, 15 farming men, 1 blacksmith, I carpenter and wheelwright, 2 brick-layers, 2 grooms, and 2 house-servants, being 49 in all; of whom 7 are free, and the remainder prisoners or ticket-of-leave holders. The expenses are enormous, besides what we lose by pilfering and stealing; but the annual female increase of our sheep, horns, and horned stock, which we never sell, helps well. Each man has a weekly ration of 9 pounds of beef or mutton, 10 pounds of flour, a quarter of a pound of tea, 2 pounds of sugar, 1 ounce of tobacco, and 2 ounces of soap, with two full suits of slops every year. Thank God, we have got on hitherto without ever allowing ourselves to borrow or run into debt, and we have L.1000 vested in bank shares, which yield a dividend ycarly of 163 per cent."

Such have been the felicitous consequences attending the step which Mr K--was induced to take about fifteen years before the date of his letter. It only remains that we caution our readers against receiving the history of this gentleman as any thing more than a single fact. He has been prosperous; but we do not know how far he may have been so in consequence of his own particular talents and cast of mind, of his family circumstances, or of good fortune. Similar prosperity might befall others; but it cannot be expected to be the fate of all.

than doubled.

If we look again at the articles of necessary consumption which must be purchased, we find the present average price of oatmeal, potatoes, and wheat, little if at all different from their prices in 1791; every article of dress is both much cheaper and much better; and many foreign products, which at that period were within the reach of few, are no longer esteemed luxuries, but so much reduced in price as to be enjoyed by all; yet, with these low prices, our merchants and manufacturers have made their fortunes, and our farmers, notwithstanding the high rents and high wages paid by them, and the comparatively low prices which they receive, are in much better pecuniary circumstances than in 1791. So much for the food and clothing of the population at these two periods.

The rents paid for lodging do not admit of being compared in the same way, the accommodation being entirely different. But we can be at no loss to perceive that in this respect even a more wonderful change has taken place for the better. We have before our eyes some of the town-houses occupied, at the former period, by people of the highest distinction; these houses are now possessed by persons in a very humble rank, not a few of them by beggars; while, in the same towns, families in very moderate circumstances are in possession of houses greatly superior to what they ever were. The country-houses of the higher orders have been either entirely built or altogether renovated within that period. In many counties new steadings have been erected almost on every farm, superior to the former mansions of the proprietors; and the accommodation of the cottars, though still very inferior to what we could wish, is now greatly better than most of the farm-houses of that period. There can be no doubt, then, that all classes are now infinitely better fed, clothed, and lodged, than the population of 1791. The consequences are apparent in their improved health. Ague and many other complaints then prevalent have either NATIONAL ADVANCEMENT BY A PROPER disappeared or become greatly mitigated, and there is USE OF MEANS. scarcely a parish which does not lay claim to great salubrity of climate, and adduce in proof the longevity morals and religion have advanced along with these of its inhabitants. Many of the reporters state that physical improvements, and almost all declare that in these respects their flocks are deserving of commendation. Indeed, the solemn stillness of a Scottish Sabbath, and the almost total absence of military from the country, would attest the high moral and religious character of the nation to a stranger unacquainted with the language.

THE following valuable paper is extracted from a pamphlet recently published (Blackwood, Edinburgh) under the title of the Ninth Annual Report of the Proceedings of the Glenkens Society for Improving the Condition of the Working Classes." The Glenkens Society, to which we have already oftener than once made reference, is one of truly philanthropic character, and it has the merit, too rarely allied with benevolence, of doing good by right methods, its great aim being to direct and encourage the humbler classes to do good to themselves, and that simply by making a proper use of the means which Providence has placed within their power. The report is the composition of Mr Grierson of Garroch, the society's secretary, to whom it does great credit :

"All are agreed regarding the leading points in physical science. They have been ascertained by diligent observation and careful experiment, and no room has been left for doubt. But if we turn from these subjects to the investigations which have been undertaken with the view of improving the condition of the mass of mankind, nothing can be more striking than the contrast. Here philosophers of the highest name have arrived at conclusions directly at variance with one another, and in some instances not a little astounding to the common sense of plain men. Is there no rule, then, to direct us in this matter? We see different communities, in circumstances apparently altogether similar, possessed of very different degrees of comfort; and we see differences equally great in the situation of the inhabitants of the same country at different periods of their history. May the probable causes of these differences not be discovered, and suggest what ought to be sought and what avoided, and may the actual truth not be ascertained in this as in other matters, by experiment? The statistical

it has not arisen from the adoption of Godwin's Whence this astonishing improvement? Certainly principles of political justice, for they have been entirely forgotten. Neither can we derive any aid from Malthus in answering this question, for although the country has had the benefit of his theory for the greater part of that time, all his cautions have no way retarded the progress of population. In 1755, the population of Scotland was 1,255,663, and in the thirtysix years which expired in 1791, it had only advanced to 1,514,999, being an increase of 259,336. But in the succeeding thirty years which expired in 1821, it had become 2,093,456, showing a rise of 578,457, considerably more than double that which had occurred in the preceding thirty-six years. In the next ten years, ending in 1831, it had increased to 2,365,807, the addition in that period being 272,351, considerably beyond the increase in the whole thirty-six years from 1755; and, since 1831, the progress of population has certainly not been less. Yet, rapid as its progress has been during the whole period from 1791 down to the present time, contrary to all the prognostications of Malthus, the increase of the means of subsistence has been greatly more rapid still.

The general opinion is, that this prodigious improvement can be ascribed to nothing but a better use of the gifts of Providence. The country is the same now

as it was in 1791; the materials which it contains are the same. The sole difference consists in the uses, to which they are applied. In the first place, the present generation possess much more intelligence; education is both more general and better conducted, and parish libraries, and private collections of the best authors, every where afford the means of obtaining information on all subjects. This enlargement of mind has led to better arrangements in every department of business; banishing superstition, it has diffused more correct views of the solemn truths and duties of religion, and it has withdrawn our countrymen from the gross and expensive indulgences of former times, to cheaper and more refined recreations. In the second place, our tradesmen have become much more dexterous at their different occupations. They are not only more rapid, but they are enabled to execute works to which their predecessors were altogether unequal. In the third place, they are more industrious; many no doubt are still subject to indolent habits, but, generally speaking, there is much less time now thrown away in absolute idleness than at the former period. To all this must be added, that our countrymen have not been wanting in economy. The capital of the country has very much increased. It is from the savings of individuals that this increase has arisen, and the growth of Savings' Banks is a proof that these economical habits reach to a very humble class.

These causes combined are quite sufficient in our opinion to account for the very great increase which has taken place in the produce of the country, and the general comforts of its inhabitants. With the machinery furnished by the skill, dexterity, and industry of modern tradesmen, from the capital thus accumulated, one man is enabled to throw off as much cotton thread as two hundred could produce sixty years ago. Wearing, bleaching, printing, have made similar progress. Hence the low price of all kinds of cotton fabrics, and hence, too, the multitude supported by that branch of manufacture. The same may be said of all our other manufactures. Agricultural machinery may not be as yet quite so perfect, but the improvement of all the arts connected with agriculture has been very great, and the works which have been executed in that period have been wonderful. Great part of the land has been divided and fenced-much of what was waste has been reclaimed the best implements of husbandry in the world have been introduced-ploughing has been brought to perfection-the proper succession of crops has been carefully studied, and in the opinion of Mr Dudgeon, since 1784, by a mere change in the rotation, the produce has in many places been increased tenfold

almost universally the thrashing-machine has superseded the imperfect and expensive mode of separating the grain by hand-labour-and, finally, the live stock of the country has completely changed its character. As we are indebted for all this to the improved intelligence, dexterity, industry, and increased capital of our countrymen, so are we also for our improved lodging, and improved means of transit by common roads, steam-boats, and railroads, which have made it an easy matter for districts the most remote to exchange their surplus produce, and to command the luxuries of the most distant climes.

If the remarkable improvement which has taken place in the circumstances of the great body of the people is sufficiently accounted for by their improved use of the materials afforded by Providence, we believe that the misery which is still to be found in some districts may, with equal certainty, be traced to the neglect or misuse of means quite as well adapted to the supply of their wants, and many have little idea to what extent this negligence prevails.

The reports from the Lewis [an island of the in general indescribably filthy. There is only an Hebrides] state that the huts of the peasantry are annual sweeping of their houses. The people and

cattle are under the same roof, and on the same area. Very few of the country dwellings have a single pane of glass. There is one hole in the roof to allow the excess of smoke to escape, and another on the top of the wall; the latter at night, or during a storm through the day, being stopped with a wisp. * * Wood is so quantity to make a good roof. ** scarce and so dear that it cannot be had in sufficient The roofs have no eaves. The thatch in general is made of stubble or potato stalks, which are spread on the scanty wooden roof, and bound by heather or straw ropes, which again are at each side of the roof fastened by stones, called anchors, resting on the top of the broad wall. On this wall it is no unusual sight to see sheep and calves feeding, and making a short passage into the byre through the roof. The doors of the houses are so low, that whoever would gain admittance must humble himself, and continue in that posture till he reach the fire, which is always in the middle of the floor, and very often he must grope his way, or be led by the hand. From the slightness of the wooden rafters, much straw or stubble cannot be laid for thatch, but just sufficient to exclude the daylight. The thatch is not expected at first to keep out much rain until it is properly saturated with soot, but to compensate for this defect, the inmates are practical chemists; they keep plenty of peats on the fire; the interior is soon filled with smoke; the smoke and increasing heat repel the rain, for a great proportion of what falls on the roof is returned to the atmosphere by evaporation. These houses after a smart shower appear like so many salt-pans or brew-houses in operation.'

This account is said to apply very generally to the

habitations of the whole of the small farmers. Good | And even that portion of the community who have
management of any kind is not to be expected from done most, we feel assured, are capable of doing a great
people whose domestic habits are so barbarous. They deal more, and of adding still further to their own
depend upon the produce of the place for almost every comforts and the comforts of society. The knowledge
thing. Even their clothing is almost exclusively of of the wisest comprehends but a small portion of the
their own manufacture. Their time, when occupied riches of creation, and the most dexterous are far from
at all, is devoted indiscriminately to the mixed avo- having reached perfection. It follows that the most
cations of husbandry, fishing, kelp-making, grazing,' effectual way of benefiting either an individual or a
&c. Their agriculture is wretched. 'The women are community, is to induce them to cultivate those
miserable slaves; they do the work of brutes, carry mental attainments which are alike necessary for the
the manure in creels on their backs from the byre to conduct of business and the enjoyment of leisure, and
the field, and use their fingers as a five-pronged grape those arts which are required for converting to use
to fill them. The thatch of the houses saturated by the materials within their reach. The desire for this
the smoke with sooty particles is considered valuable, would make them industrious, and if industrious they
for every summer the roof is stripped, and the inner could scarcely be otherwise than economical.
layer of straw, which contains the soot, is carried But how is the aversion to labour, either mental
carefully to the potato or barley field, and strewed on or bodily, with which all are more or less infected,
the crop. Small tenants and cottars generally till the to be overcome? We must answer this question by
ground by the Chinese plough of one stilt or handle, another. What has been the motive for all the exer-
and the cas-chrom, a clumsy instrument like a large tions already made which have wrought such a change
club shod with iron at the point, and a pin at the upon this country? Not certainly the mere pressure
ancle for the labourer's foot. Its a disgrace to see of physical want, for we see many spend their whole
women working with it. Ne sickle is used for the lives in a state of misery without making the slightest
barley among the small tenants. The stalk is plucked, effort to relieve themselves; neither has it been the
the ground is left bare.' The return is very scanty wish for expensive animal enjoyments, else the
in some places, occasionally insufficient for the con- struggle would end when the means of gratifying
sumption of the population. It can excite no surprise that wish have been realised. But the desire to rise
that, with all these discomforts, the inhabitants of the becomes stronger with every advance. The grand
Lewis, in the opinion of a medical man resident on motive for all these exertions has plainly been to com-
the spot, may be said to die at an early age.' Stillmand that respect which never fails to accompany
they are deeply attached to the land of their birth; a success in any honourable undertaking. It is equally
great proportion of them are altogether uneducated, prized by the humble artisan and the rich merchant;
and it is said that the people of Barvas even keep and the labours of both only require a beginning; as
their children from school, fest, being thus made ac- a few pounds saved by the merchant lead to the accu-
quainted with better countries, they should be induced mulation of thousands, so one difficulty conquered by
to leave their own inhospitable home.
the tradesman carries him on to grapple with another,
till he arrives at proficiency. The great object, then,
is to give the first impulse; and experience has shown,
that if a man can be induced to place himself in com-
petition with others of his own standing at any kind
of work whatever, that object will infallibly be gained.
The expedient has accordingly been resorted to in all
ages. Sometimes this stimulus has been applied to
promote the arts of war, sometimes those of peace-
sometimes to the fine arts, sometimes to the useful.
We are indebted to it for the unrivalled excellence of
our ploughmen, for our improved management of
green crops, for all our improvements on stock, and
we see no reason why it may not be applied with equal
success to every art which can benefit society. Were
the whole population trained by these means to the
arts required for converting to use the materials
afforded by each locality, we do not think it possible
that any portion of them could remain without pro-
fitable employment; and were the same care taken in
the cultivation of their minds, their labour would be
applied with infinitely more effect, and a security
would be obtained against the misapplication of their

While the inhabitants of the Lewis are left in their present wretched condition, by neglecting to cultivate the means of subsistence which are within their reach, there is another much more numerous class who are from time to time reduced to even greater want, through total mismanagement of these means after they have been realised. We allude to a large por tion of the manufacturing classes, who, though earning much higher wages than the best paid of the agriculturists, are such slaves to intemperance, that they and their families are frequently left without the necessaries of life. In fact, those among them who have the best wages are most prone to this vice, and, as a necessary consequence, are really the most miserable. The child is fixed upon a loom or in a mill at nine or ten years of age without the vestige of education; he is placed among seniors as ignorant as himself, and learns like them to consume in intoxication whatever spare money and spare time may be at his disposal the rest of the Sabbath forming no exception. Not unfrequently the father of a family makes his home the scene of his debauch, and assumes his wife and children as his associates.

The amount thus squandered is almost incredible. The value of ardent spirits consumed in the parish of Stevenston in Ayrshire, with a population of 3681, exceeds the whole land rental of the parish, L.3836. In Lochwinnoch, in Renfrewshire, as in the neighbouring parishes, three or four times more money is expended in this manner than is required to support the churches and schools, and all the religious and charitable institutions.' In Glasgow there is a spirit shop for every fourteen families. In 1834, it was given in evidence to the Committee of the House of Commons on drunkenness, that the amount thus squandered in that city alone was nearly equal to the whole amount expended on public institutions of charity and benevolence in the entire United Kingdom.' It was ascertained by this committee that, throughout England, Ireland, and Scotland, there is place for retail of spirits for every twenty families, and the conclusion at which they arrived was, that, looking at the value of grain destroyed, the abstraction of labour from its proper employment, the property sacrificed by sea and land, the deterioration of mental and physical powers, the increase of pauperism, and spread of crime, and the retardation of all kinds of improvement, the loss to the country from this cause alone might be fairly estimated at little less than L.50,000,000 per annum, exceeding the whole revenue of Great Britain, and ten times greater than the amount of the poor-rates. The evil is complained of in all parts of the country, but the manufacturing classes are its principal victims. No wonder that extensive misery should be the consequence, but the existence of this misery will not be received as a proof that the produce of the country has been insufficient for the support of its population. It has evidently not arisen from a deficiency of produce, but from the destruction of what has been produced.

Our conclusion, then, on the whole, would be, that the same Providence which brought man into the world has provided amply for his wants, and that if they remain unsatisfied or imperfectly satisfied, it is because man does not apply the materials afforded to the uses for which they were intended. Had the energy of the present generation been possessed by their fathers, they would have enjoyed equal comforts. Were the inhabitants of the Lewis endowed with the intelligence, dexterity, industry, and economy, which distinguish a large portion of our countrymen, their miseries would be at an end; to also would those of the manufacturing classes, could they only be taught to apply the money in their hands to its proper use.


It would be impossible to describe the shades of expression that passed over Darby Moore's face during this piece of eloquence; the merry twinkle of his keen grey eye; the movement of the muscles which contract, expand, and twist his mouth; the action of his hand, which does duty for two; the shrug of his shoulder, and hint about the twopence takes. the anxious leer from under his eyelid, to see how the

"Darby, I do not think I ever gave you more than a

Penny at a time in my life."

Well, the masther gives me a penny, and yer honour gives me a penny, and sure that's twopence; bedad! if yer ladyship will give me the twopence now, I'll tell the masther next time---if yer ladyship wishes it--if not, why, as the fool said, We'll let it stand a penny for Johnny, a penny for Jacky.'


Darby, as he says himself, "is not altogether behoulden to sweepin'" he has been a “souldier"-talks with contempt of the "French," and declared the other day, "that th' Almighty never created but one real man respect), and that man was the great Juke of Wellington, in the world (barrin' her majesty, for whom he had great God bless him!" So Darby has a pension. What it is, he has never been heard truly to declare; it may be much, it may be little: if you inquire, he has the most ingenious way of telling and not telling.

"The pension, ma'am? Oh, bedad! it's little I get for the beautiful arm-flesh, blood, and bone, it was, my lady, that I lost For my country's cause, And England's glory!'

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"Why, ye see, her sweetheart always came to see her twice a-day, and though the buste (horse) was nothing but


hack, still I'd a regular sixpence to hould it. She's married now, and faith I don't think he's plazed with his bargain; for when they come to see the ould lady and gentleman in the shay-which is more responsible to hould than the baste-I never get any thing but coppers!"

Pray admire Darby's "tact;" it is so Irish! how well he manages to turn curiosity from his pension to Miss Joy that was the proprietor of "the sliny" that is-andthe bridegroom's probable unhappiness, either presont

or to come.

story to our cook, about their father having left his bones The little match-children who made up such a piteous at Waterloo, were Darby's offspring. I reminded cook that the battle had been fought more than twenty-three years ago, and she was so angry, that, even at the risk of spoiling our dinner, she pursued the urchins, and found them in the very act of dutifully sharing the pie-crusts and meat she had bestowed, with my old friend Darby Moore. This was not to be borne; she called them little story-tellers, but not in those words-and their father took their part.

"I ax yer pardon, ma'am, but here is some of what ye gave them. God bless ye!" and he held up the remains of a shoulder of mutton. "That's a bone, ma'am. Sorra a much mate on it; ye'll not say that's not a bone !" "Certainly not."

"Well, then, the childre tould no lie; they said their

THE ROAD-SWEEPER. [BY MRS S. C. HALL.]* THERE he stands, leaning against the palisades opposite a long rambling edifice, called, time out of mind, Bof the long crossing," his broom resting on his arm---for Hall. There stands Darby Moore, the legitimate sweeper he has but one---and the corresponding sleeve of his coat father left his bones at Waterloo, and so I did. God help pinned by a large corking-pin to the fold of his red waist-ne!-the bones of my beautiful arm and my five fingers; coat; his hat is so evidently, if not of Irish manufacture, they tould no lie, ma'am. It wasn't their fau't, ma'am, twisted by Irish hands, that, even if our sweeper's name if ye could'nt understand English.” was not Darby Moore, or we had never heard his mellifluous brogue, no doubt could be entertained as to where he came from-the brim of the hat is bent over his left eye, impressed by the mark of his finger and thumb, pinched in by perpetual bowing, so as to have a knowing, roguish twist; the crown has disagreed with the round, or they have come to an almost separation by mutual consent. I have seen “a handful of hay," symptoms of bone, peeping through the slit-nay, even staring out a red handkerchief, crusts of bread, and even a mutton for Darby says, "that sorra a pocket has he, but the crown of his hat; for Judy says she can't affoord pockets

to his coat!"

The weather has been so fine, that one might imagine

"Othello's occupation o'er."

Not so-in winter Darby sweeps the mud from "the
long crossing," and in summer waters the dust. I found
he had been so liberal of the pure fluid, that I said,

"Darby, why, you have converted the dust into

"Mud! oh, ma'am dear! do ye call that sprinkling' mud? Och hone! well, but my ladies is hard to plaze! The pleasure I takes in making the long crossing' agreeable-just a little thickening, and softening, and cooling, and to call it mud! Oh my, my! Well, to be sure! Why, thin, how would yer honour like it? Sure, it isn't in regard of the halfpence I get-and sure enough the sight of a silver fourpence would do the sight of my eyes good-'tisn't in regard of the halfpence, but the honour of sweepin' for the best and handsomest ladies, and the finest gentlemen in England, that's what I think of; and, my lady, if ye'll plaze to bespake the natur of the damp, I always says to Judy, Judy, says 1, the Irish lady it shall be as ye like, ma'am; good raison I have, too. always brings me good luck; if it's only twopence she gives me, it's the regular seed of wealth-it grows, so it docs, God bless her! And now, my lady, how would you like the long crossing' to-morrow ?"

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* We extract this little sketch of a point in town-life from the Britannia, a London weekly newspaper, to which it had been contributed by Mrs Hall.


There are some troublesome neighbours who are the plague of a man's life. They borrow your umbrella when you want to go out, come and pay you a visit when you want to work at home, play the French horn when you want to go to sleep, and give a party on the very evening of these faults, but he contrives to incommode me every you want to finish a tragedy. My neighbour has none moment. He pries into every thing in my room, destroys my papers, and devours my breakfast. Butter, cheese, poultry, game, almost every thing is acceptable to him; and he never eats bread when he can get cake. He is neither a landowner nor elector, he pays no rent for his apartments, yet lives very comfortably. My neighbour is very gentlemanly in his habits, but never comes home till after midnight, and is fond of serenades and nightly meetings with the objects of his affections. In other respects, his character is good; he is neither a fop nor a bully, and avoids rather than seeks quarrels. He bears no malice towards those who treat him ill, and if you turn him out at one door, he will come back by the other. He goes from house to house, making himself comfortable wherever he goes, and staying till he is tired, without ever waiting for an invitation. Familiar as he is with your provisions, only take the trouble to put the stoppers in your decanters, and he will not meddle with them. He is always well dressed, his boots never creak on the floor, for their soles are of the finest chamois, and the upper leathers of India-rubber. My neighbour, though he knows I must wear a coat out at the elbows, never wears any thing but the softest furs. He never lays in All this I have to put up with. In fact, I think myself fuel, but spends the cold season in my chimney-corner. lucky, if he does not invite his friends to his nocturnal orgies, but contents himself with abusing hospitality rummaging among my furniture, and plundering my larder. My neighbour is one of those personages who must be well treated. It is well known that whenever he leaves a residence, it is sure to tumble down soon. This troublesome neighbour, dear reader, is—a mouse From the French.


THE following is an account given by Major Bevan, in his work, "Thirty Years in India," of a scene which occurred at the conclusion of a battle in which he was engaged:"Near midnight, when about to retire to rest, an order was received from the commander-in-chief to detach an officer and one hundred pioneers for the purpose of collecting the wounded, and also such arms and accoutrements as could be found on the field of battle. This severe duty devolved upon me, as the other officers were all laid up from the fatigue they had undergone throughout the day. Several palanquins belonging to the headquarters and staff were kindly sent to bring in the wounded, as none of the public dooly boys could be procured, they having dispersed in search of plunder.

The scenes of woe and misery I experienced during this dark and dismal night, in my progress over the field of battle amidst the carnage of the day, will never be effaced from my memory.

The groans and screams of the wounded and dying constantly struck my ear, as also the piteous wailings of the wives, daughters, fathers, or sons of those who had fallen, or the cries of others in search of their missing relatives. With these heart-rending sounds were often mixed the wild execrations of the dying, who were attempting to repel the marauders who came for the purpose of plunder and rapine.

We found many bodies of our own soldiers in a perfect state of nudity, which plainly evinced they had not escaped those indignities offered to the dead and dying by the profligate followers of a camp.

Our enemies were treated in the same manner; the wretches who wandered over the field in search of plunder spared neither friend nor foe when there was a prospect of booty. We rescued a considerable number of the wounded from this lonely death, the most terrible to the imagination; but several of them had fallen victims to the cowardly assassins or the inclemency of the weather before we could afford them rescue or relief. The ground was soft clay, which had been saturated by the heavy rains and trodden into a quagmire by the passing and repassing of men, animals, and carriages; a misty, drizzl ing rain fell incessantly, and these circumstances rendered our toil exceedingly difficult and tedious. We had to wait a considerable time for the return of the palanquins from the field-hospital, whither our wounded were conveyed, so that the morning dawned ere our task was completed.

The scenes which I witnessed in the hospital were scarcely less harrowing to the feelings than those in the field. Dr A. and the rest of the medical staff employed all that skill and energy could suggest for the relief of the sufferers. I saw them perform several very difficult operations and amputations, and especially one on Licutenant H., whose knee was severely shattered. He sustained the operation with unflinching courage, but expired soon after it had been completed. Few, indeed, of those who had received gunshot wounds survived, for the fractures they had suffered were generally so extensive as to bring on lock-jaw. Many young aspirants for military fame, dazzled by the pride, pomp, and circumstance of glorious war,' would have their ardour sadly damped by witnessing the scenes on the field and in the hospital of Mahedpoore."

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Captain Patterson of the 50th, or Queen's Own regiment, presents in his " Adventures" a description of what came under his observation during the war in the Peninsula, which is equally affecting. As the narration of such incidents may be of use in creating a just horror of war, we here offer it for the perusal of the reader :"Soon after nightfall, and when the clash of arms was no longer heard, an interment of the dead took place, and many a poor fellow, who had a few hours before been full of life and strength, was now deposited in his narrow bed. The remains of Major Stanhope were lowered to the grave by his brother officers and comrades, with their sashes. He had worn this day a suit of new uniform, and a pair of bright silver epaulets; in which, with his military cloak around him, upon the same hour as his lamented chief, he was consigned to an honourable tomb. While we were engaged in the performance of this melancholy duty, the Honourable Captain Stanhope of the Guards, aide-de-camp to Sir John Moore, rode up, directed by the torch-light, to the mournful group. was the first intimation which he received of his brave relation's fate. Dismounting, and overcome with grief, he took a last farewell; and having obtained his ring, together with a lock of hair, he tore himself hastily away from the heart-rending scene.


On our march across this ground, an incident occurred which made a deep impression on the minds of those who happened to be present at the time. Across the pathway, and on either side, men and officers were lying; and one of the latter was extended on his face among the heath and brushwood, so close to where we passed, that Major Malcolm Mackenzie of the 70th, prompted as it were by intuition, suddenly dismounted to ascertain who was the individual. Stooping to observe the features, that were partly concealed by the long broom, he started back with grief and consternation, on perceiving that the young soldier, who had thus fallen an early victim, was his brother, Lieutenant Colin Mackenzie, of the same regiment.

A party of the officers of the 50th, who were collected in a knot discussing the affairs of the eventful day, were quickly seen by those marksmen, who, from behind the rocks, despatched with deadly aim a few rifle missiles, each with its billet; and the balls were so faithful to their errand, that the congress was soon dissolved, some of the members being sent to that bourne from which no traveller returns,' and the remainder wounded. Among those who fell on this occasion, was Lieutenant Hugh Birchall, of the fourth battalion company, which he had commanded for some time. Having fallen ill, he was in his bed at Elisonda when the battle commenced; and hearing the noise of musketry, he thought that some

thing was going forward in the lines in which he ought to bear a part. With a mind endued with strength superior to that of his weakly frame, he arose from the couch of sickness, and calling all the vigour that he could muster to his aid, tottered with feeble pace to the field of action, arriving at a late hour upon the hill. Exhausted, pale, and like one risen from the dead, he resumed his former place; and scarcely had he joined the group assembled in the front, when, by a fatal bullet, this spirited young man was numbered with the slain."



[BY S. C. HALL.]

It came from out the silent glen
The mingled prayer of armed men ;
Their swords in sheath for one calm day,
"And let us worship God," they say.
They met--in fear, but not of man;
In hope---but not of human aid;
In faith--that dreads no mortal ban;
In trust-mid perils undismayed.
As wearied travellers seek the brook,
They ask refreshment from "the Book!"
The fountain gives them strength for strife,
And Freedom will be bought with life.
No Temple made by human hands
Is that in which the Pastor stands;
Around him mighty mountains rise,
Pillars to yon vast roof, the skies;
But Freedom consecrates the glen;
And girlhood, boyhood, age, and youth,
Utter or breathe a stern " Amen"

To words that Reason stamps with Truth;
For God and Nature bade them be
All--like their free forefathers---free;
Such message yon good Pastor brings---
A message from the King of kings!
Say, grandsire---thou should'st know it best...
Say, matron, with the babe at breast;
Say, girlthy lover still is near---
Can Patriot-passion banish fear?

Old man, what councils thy grey hairs?
Mother, what dost thou tell thy son?
Boy, knowest thou what thy father dares?
Girl, say how must thy heart be won?
ALL answer, with a shout and sigh,
"Go strike for freedom---do or die!
Nor let your children's children name
Old Scotland's mountain-men with shame!"
Thanks, Painter, for a lesson taught!
Thanks for a pictur'd store of thought!
Thus ART works out her great design,
Shapes the rough ore of Nature's mine;
Gives Beauty a perpetual youth;

Bids Virtue teach and never tire;
Shows that a halo shines round Truth;
Tells what to shun and what desire;
And makes EXAMPLE bear to ages---
More forceful than a thousand pages---
Of good or ill, a painted story

To warn froin shame or win for glory.
From the Art-Union.


The following remarks on the love of affectation and show in English fashionable life, are made by Count de Melfert, in his "Impressions of England :”—

"If, in order to attain pleasure and really to enjoy it, it was only necessary to make continual sacrifices of time and money, then the English would be the gayest people in the world-the people who best know how to amuse themselves. The persons in different classes who thus run after pleasure, are indeed innumerable in England; it is like a determination, a continual desire, a real entétement. Let it cost what it may, gaiety must be had: but, through all these efforts, the coldness and reflectiveness of the national character always pierce; and one might almost suspect that this undeviating constancy only arises from the impossibility of ever attaining the desired end. In the highest, as well as in the least distinguished society, I have always received the same impression: there exists always in every reunion a restraint, an indifference too marked (particularly towards those who do not form the same clique, and in that case it goes so far as to become rudeness); there is a want of general ease and of general amiability, and this only becomes the more apparent from one's seeing all the trouble which has been taken that every one should be gay, very gay, and very much amused; which, alas! happens but rarely, not to say never.

THREE BAD HABITS. There are three weaknesses in our habits which are very common, and which have a very prejudicial influence on our welfare. The first is giving way to the ease or indulgence of the moment, instead of doing at once what ought to be done. This practice almost diminishes the beneficial effects of our actions, and often leads us to abstain from action altogether; as, for instance, if at this season of the year there is a gleam of sunshine, of which we feel we ought to take advantage, but we have not the resolution to leave at the moment a comfortable seat or an attractive occupation, we miss the most favourable opportunity, and, perhaps, at last justify ourselves in remaining indoors on the ground that the time for exercise is past. One evil attendant upon the habit of procrastination is, that it produces a certain dissatisfaction of the mind which impedes and deranges the animal functions, and tends to prevent the attainment of a high state of health. A perception of what is right, followed by a promptness of execution, would render the way of life perfectly smooth. Children should be told to do nothing but what is reasonable, but they should be taught to do what they are told at once. The habit will stand them instead all their lives. The second weakness is, when we have made a good resolution, and have partially failed in executing it, we are very apt to abandon it altogether. For instance, if a person who has been accustomed to rise at ten, resolves to rise at six, and after a few successful attempts happens to sleep till seven, there is great danger that he will relapse into his former habit, or probably even go beyond it, and lie till noon. It is the same with resolutions as to economy or temperance, or any thing else; if we cannot do all we intended, or make one slip, we are apt to give up entirely. Now, what we should aim at is, always to do the best we can under existing circumstances; and then our progress, with the exception of slight interruptions, would be continual. The third and last weakness to which I allude, is the practice of cating and drinking things because they are on the table, and especially when they are to be paid for. How seldom it happens that two men leave a few glasses of wine in a decanter at a coffee-house, though they have both had enough! and the consequence of not doing so is frequently to order a fresh supply; but, at any rate, even the first small excess is pernicious. Excess, however slight, either in solids or liquids, deranges the powers of digestion, and of course diminishes the full benefit of any meal. A very small quantity will cause the difference between spending the remainder of the day profitably or agreeably, and in indolence and dissipation.The Original.


He who is of the silver fork school, will not find much comfort out of the American cities and large towns. There are no neat quiet little inns, as in England. It is all the "rough and tumble" system, and when you stop at humble inns, you must expect to eat peas with a twopronged fork, and to sit down to meals with people whose exterior is any thing but agreeable, to attend upon yourself, and to sleep in a room in which there are three or four beds (I have slept in one with nearly twenty), most of them carrying double, even if you do not have a companion in your own.

A New York friend of mine travelling in an extra with his family, told me that at a western inn he had particularly requested that he might not have a bedfellow, and was promised that he should not. On his retiring, he found his bed already occupied, and he went down to the landlady, and expostulated. "Well," replied she, "it's only your own driver; I thought you would'nt mind him!" Another gentleman told me, that having arrived at a place called Snake's Hollow, on the Mississippi, the bed was made on the kitchen floor, and the whole family and travellers, amounting in all to seventeen, of all ages and both sexes, turned into the same bed together. Of course this must be expected in a new country, and is a source of amusement rather than of annoyance, Marryat's Diary.


In the celebrated French scientific periodical, the "Annales de Chimie," there was published some years ago an account of some interesting experiments made by M. Leibig on rain water, with the view of ascertaining its various impurities. Among other foreign matters a perceptible quantity of nitric acid, combined with lime or ammonia, was found in all the specimens of rain water collected during storms. The saine was the case with regard to snow and hail. Small traces of iron, mangaOne might add, on the subject of the fashionable circles, nese, and muriate of soda, are generally found in rain that the principal thing is not precisely to enjoy per- water during thunder-storms. The formation of the sonally, but to have it believed that you do so; that nitric acid in rain water is referred by M. Leibig to the every body should know or think you do so, this is the agency of the electric fluid in passing through the atmoimportant thing. There is not a brilliant party in Lon-sphere. It is well known that nitric acid and common air don, or at one of the magnificent country seats, or at the are composed of the same elemental gases, oxygen and mansion of a man of fashion, which is not immediately nitrogen-but of course they are combined in different detailed in the newspapers; even the great dinners are proportions in the two different substances. described. After a royal drawing-room, the name and toilet of each lady who appeared is mentioned, one after another; ribands, laces, feathers, diamonds, pearls, even to the kind of silk or satin of which the dress was composed, how it was trimmed, with the technical and scientific expressions in French of the Parisian marchandes des modes-all is printed in the papers, and sometimes fills two or three of their enormous pages: if the occasion be a fancy or masked ball (where no masks are worn), then the dress of the gentlemen shares the same publicity, even to the form and colour of their inexpressibles; every thing being thus exhibited to the face of day, placed under the public eye, and detailed to attract the attention of the millions-even of those who, banished to the Indies, receive and devour the English papers. There must exist then, I think, more vanity and show, prepared for public effect, than for the pleasure of the moment; besides, it is absolutely de rigueur in the supreme bon ton to have an air of indolence, satiety, and nonchalance, which implies that all this is not enough, that show and magnificence are so habitual that they are become quite fatiguing."

In Number 413 of the Journal, published December 28th last, appeared a paragraph quoted from a newspaper, and entitled "Railway Compensations," referring to the Directors of the Lunatic Asylum of Glasgow. We have been satisfied by documentary evidence, that the statements made in that paragraph are not correct; and we have therefore to express our regret for having added to their publicity.

We may at the same time state, that we some time ago, and with the best intentions, copied a paragraph from a London newspaper, purporting to describe some remarkable cures in deafness, performed by a doctor of medicine whose name was mentioned, and which we are now satisfied had been originally put in circulation as a quackish puff. The very vile practice of which nearly all newspapers are guilty, of inserting paid puffs, renders it extremely difficult to know what is true from what is false, in our public prints. In future, we shall endeavour to be more cautious in quoting any piece of information from them which appears worthy of a wider circulation than their pages afford.

LONDON: Published, with permission of the proprietors, by W.S. ORR, Paternoster Row; and sold by all booksellers and newsmen.-Printed by Bradbury and Evans, Whitefriars.

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ST PAUL. "Mind not high things: but condescend to men of low estate."

not aware that he had done what was exceedingly improper, exclaimed, "As good a right to justice as me! Oh, mother honey, hear to that! You who lived under his honour's father and grandfather a'most before the world was a world, hear to his honour PART THE FIRST.-Showing how John Leahy, commonly called saying that Abel Carr, the circumvinter, the depopuJohnny the Giant, would go to law.


"WELL, well, John Leahy, will you just stick to the one point, and before you take an oath, explain to me what you want to swear to ?"

John Leahy, a tall muscular Irishman, stood before the gentleman who put this question (a good-natured magistrate, Mr Richard Russel, who resided for the shooting and hunting season on his estate called Russel Court, not quite three miles from the ancient city of Limerick); John Leahy stood before the foxhunting but most peace-loving magistrate, his long grey frieze coat thrown back from his ample chest, his green neckerchief, so loosely tied that the brawny muscles of his neck, heaving and swelling with the impetuosity that sent the red blood rushing to his face, were fully seen; while that face, so powerful, and yet generally so pleasing in its expression, was wrought into painful distortion by exceeding wrath; his nostrils were distended, like those of a war-horse scenting the battle from afar; his large grey eyes were absolutely flashing; his mouth was not only closed, but clenched. And so firmly did he grasp his shillala, in "fist" that would have served Vulcan as a sledge hammer, that his fingers had become perfectly white from the exertion. He had removed his hat upon entering the magistrate's breakfast room, but in his eagerness had crushed "the bran new beaver" into a most unnatural shape.


Mr Russel was so accustomed to these vehement displays of temper, or whatever they may be called, that he proceeded very quietly to finish his breakfast, regardless of the half-open door, through which five or six anxious faces were seen poking one over the other all friends and allies of Johnny Leahy's; and regardless also of the widely opened window that was only between five and six feet above the level of the lawn, for every now and then a head popped up, and then as quickly disappeared, anxious to ascertain what was going on within.

John Leahy remained silent after Mr Russel had put his question, not for want of words, but literally because he could not speak, from the quantity and quality of those which arose to his lips, and well-nigh choked his utterance. Mr Russel repeated the question. "Well, now, let me understand what it is you want to swear?" At last out it came, like a thunderbolt from the angry heavens

"Any thing, any thing, by the blessed book! for satisfaction!"

"Oh !" said the magistrate, upon whom the confession had no effect," oh! it is I suppose the old story about the quarter of an acre; any thing particularly


"If yer honour will be plazed to hear me, and listen to rason, I'll put the rights of it before you at onst; and there's my mother, poor ould craythur, without, and two or three more neighbours, and its ourselves that have been waiting on yer honour since break of day, and got into the house, hoping favour from yer honour, seeing you ought to lane towards ould residenters, that have a natural claim on the gintry." "Hav'nt I often told you," interrupted the magistrate peevishly," that all this has nothing to do with the justice of the case? Where is Abel Carr?"

"Oh, the little bla'guard (saving yer honour's presence), it's without he is. He thought to make his way in, but I did'nt want yer honour to be put in a passion with his lies-the thief of the world!-so I jist made bould to draw the boult of the hall door." "Draw the bolt of my house against your neighbour, who has as good a right to justice as yourself!" Mr Russel rang the bell after so saying, and John Leahy,

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lating vagabone, the fella' who could never count back
to his grandfather, the half-withered little leprehawn,
that's grow'd up like a musharoon under our noses,
the little insinuating bla'guard, stealing my beautiful
strame of spring wather, turning it away from my
of bog-not only axing the right of turbary, but
meadow, and laying claim to as beautiful a half acre
wanting the half acre, to the very foundation of the
earth-only jist, mother honey, think of his honour's
to justice as me-his father, his grandfather, his great-
saying that that scum o' the earth has as good a right
"His honour manes no sich thing," said Mrs Leahy,
grandfather's tenant's son, John Leahy !"
honour manes no sich thing as that, I'll go bail! not
advancing into the room by a series of curtsies; "his
he indeed. Let me spake, and I'll lay it out afore him
setting a case, that yer honour will give Peggy's hus-
like print. We're ould tenants, yer honour; and
it come altogether of that vagabone threat of Aby
band, that is to be-but I'm not at that yet. Ye see
Carr's wife before she was married-she wanted
Peggy's batchelor for her own, and the turf bog that
is'nt big enough for a"

At this moment, and just as Mr Russel was going
to desire Mrs Leahy either to come to the point at
once or to hold her tongue-neither of which, experience
might have taught him, she would do the servant
forced his way through the crowd at the door to
answer the bell.

"Unbolt the hall door," said the magistrate; "unbolt the hall door directly, and call to Abel Carr to

come in."

"It's not naided-many thanks to yer honour all
It's not naided by any manner o' manes,"
exclaimed a squeaking voice from the open window.
the same.
"I'm here, yer honour's worship, to the confusion
of my inimies, and the establishment of law and jus-
tice. I'm here, yer honour !"

And, truly, astride on the window seat, one leg in,
and the other out of the window, flourishing his hat
above his shaggy crop of yellow hair, was Abel Carr,
forming in voice, manner, and appearance, a singular
and ludicrous contrast to the Herculean Irishman
who complained of his "innovations." Any one with
the commonest observation could perceive, that though
Abel was but a pigmy to his giant foe, yet the full
broad forehead-the blue, cold, almost cruel eye that
twinkled beneath the overhanging brows of the little
man-the firm, inflexible mouth, that could close in
its thoughts as if with the seal of death-any one, I
say, could see that Abel "had a head," while John
handsome "animal developement." Strong passions,
Leahy's powerful frame was only surmounted by a
rash, daring, were stamped upon a high but narrow
brow, over which his rich brown hair curled in pro-

beg the English reader to understand, that
a few years ago no man ever went near a magistrate
without being accompanied, at all events to the hall
steps, by a tribe of "friends," who either had, or
fancied they had, something to do with the affair in
question; while others followed because they had no-
thing to do; thus, two contending factions have fre-
quently met, and not unfrequently "done battle"
upon a magistrate's lawn; this has occurred within
my own memory; they are better behaved now-a-days,
and would wait, at all events, until beyond the entrance
gate. Having said so much, it can be easily imagined
that when Abel Carr's "friends" saw him waving his
hat triumphantly, they set up a yell of delight and
defiance, while "John the Giaunt," as he was called,
made a plunge towards the window, which caused
the worthy Mr Russel to spring from his chair, and


to declare, heading his declaration with an oath that
would have shaken into atoms the whole bench of
Middlesex magistrates, that "if they did not keep
the peace, he would give them forty-eight hours in
Limerick jail."

"Axing yer honour's worship's pardon," observed Abel Carr, speaking with great rapidity in a thin shrill voice, bringing his other leg into the room, and edging round so as to interpose the worthy magistrate's person between himself and his foe, "axing yer honour's pardon, it's you ought to be sint there, or pay a fine-that is, if the swearing of a justice of pace is as sinful as the swearing of a poor man, which in coorse it is not; if it was, yer honour's worship would'nt have rapped out sich a one as that, yer honour !"

The scene was curious. The room was hung round with sporting prints, of various dates and orders of merit. Above the long narrow glass which surmounted the old black marble chimney-piece, were suspended a couple of fowling-pieces, crossed above a couple of swords; and each side of the glass was garnished by what I should call a horse pistol-I mean a large determined pistol, done up with bright steel; not one of the finikin gilt-edged little gentlemen which I see in London, seeming only fit for Cupids to shoot with, but a sturdy, blood-thirsty looking fellow. Not even a good-tempered magistrate in that fire-eating county Limerick would consider himself quite safe without fire-arms in his sitting-room. And the wild group outside, backed by the distant mountains, while the noble Shannon-that most boisterous yet most gracious of rivers, foamed and fretted as it dashed over its native rocks in the foreground-always confirmed my imagination in the belief, that the county Limerick, rich in the bounties of overflowing nature, is still an awkward place in which to pitch a tent, and play at Arcadians. Within the magistrate's room the scene was as wild as without; the furniture seemed well fitted to bear the knocking about of careless guests; the shaggy wolfdog and the sleek pointer were stretched with a couple of superannuated fox-hounds upon the ample hearth.

John Leahy seemed as though the concentrated anger of half a century had exaggerated his features, and agitated his entire frame; if looks could have destroyed, Abel Carr would have been annihilated; but he had crept round with the stealth of a cat, and the crawl of a reptile, behind Mr Russel's chair. Mrs Leahy's figure and face were a study; the hood of her genuine Irish cloak had fallen from the rich and abundant lace that garnished her lawn cap; her withered arms were thrown forward in the attitude of entreaty, and her features expressed both rage and anxiety. Those of " Johnny the Giaunt's" friends who had remained in some degree outside the breakfast room, had entered when Abel Carr made his descent, and a little in advance of the rude group was Alice Irish beauty as ever spun at a wheel or plaited a hat. Alice's fair hair was banded beneath a cap of finer Leahy, the plantiff's wife, as lovely a specimen of fair texture than that of her mother-in-law; her cloak was of bright scarlet, and a little girl of five or six years old clung to it so as to draw it more than half towards her, leaving the womanly symmetry of her mother's perfect form, which otherwise would have been quite concealed, somewhat exposed. There was no bitterness, no revenge, no strong passion, written on that gentle woman's face. The one expression was interest in her husband, towards whom her eyes were directed; while the child looked with evident terror up to her mother, and then, as if reassured by her gentleness, advanced a little more into the room; not, however, loosing her hold of the cloak.

Mac Manus, who has painted some Irish scenes most capitally, would do admirable justice to such an interior; but I do not know of any living artist who could Alice Leahy. Her clear and lovely features were per faithfully set upon canvass the extraordinary beauty of fect, and, hallowed by an expression of the most

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