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and on so very few, it cannot be expected that it can
be equally well executed, as if more had been em-
ployed. The leaves last gathered are also much larger
than they ought to be, for want of being collected and
manufactured earlier; consequently the tea is inferior
in quality. I mention this to show the inconvenience
and expense of having so few tea-makers.

middle of November, and the trees had abundance of fruit and flower on them. One of the largest trees I found to be two cubits in circumference, and full forty cubits in height. At the foot of the hill I found another tract, and, had time permitted me to explore those parts, there is no doubt but I should have found many of the Naga Hills covered with tea. I have since The samples of black tea made by the twelve assisbeen informed of two more tracts near this. In going along the foot of the hills to the westward, I was in-tants having been approved of by the Tea Committee in formed that there was tea at Tereack, or near it: this Calcutta, it was my intention to have distributed the men among the different tracts; but the late disturinformation came too late, for I had passed it, just a little to the east of the Dacca River, at a place called bances on our frontier have prevented this arrangeChiridoo, a small hill projecting out more than the ment, and I have been obliged to employ ten men in rest on the plain to the northward, with the ruins of Assam (two others having gone to Calcutta in charge a brick temple on it; here I found tea, and no doubt, of tea) at the tract called Kahung, which is becoming if there had been time to examine, I should have found a very extensive and important tea locality, so many many more tracts. I crossed the Dacca River at the others being near it, which can all be thrown into one. old fort of Ghergong, and walked towards the hills, and When we have a sufficient number of manufacturers, almost immediately came upon tea. The place is called so that we can afford to have some at each tract or Hauthoweak. Here I remained a couple of days going garden, as they have in China, then we may hope to about the country, and came upon no fewer than thir- compete with that nation in cheapness of produce, teen tracts. A Dewaniah who assisted me to hunt out nay, we might and ought to undersell them; for if these tracts, and who was well acquainted with the each tract or garden had its own tea-maker and laleaf, as he had been in the habit of drinking tea during bourers, the collecting of the leaves would not perhaps his residence with the Singphoes, informed me that he occupy more than twelve days in each crop; after had seen a large tract of tea-plants on the Naga moun- which the men might be discharged, or profitably emtains, a day's journey west of Chiridoo. I have no ployed on the tea-grounds. But now, for the want of reason to doubt the veracity of this man; he offered a sufficient number of labourers and tea-makers, there to point out the place to me, or any of my men, if is a constant gathering of leaves throughout the they would accompany him; but as the country be- month; and, as I said before, those gathered last can longed to Raja Poorunda Sing, I could not examine only make inferior teas; besides the great loss by the it. I feel convinced the whole of the country is full leaves getting too old, and thereby unfit for being made into any tea, and all this entirely for want of hands to pluck the leaves. It is true we have gained twelve black tea makers this year, in addition to the last; and twelve more native assistants have been appointed, who may be available next year to manufacture tea independently, as they were learning the art all last year. We have also had an addition to our establishment of two Chinese green tea manufacturers, and twelve native assistants have been placed under them to learn; but what are these compared to the vast quantity of tea, or the ground the tea-plants cover, or might be made to cover, in three years, but a drop of water in the ocean? We must go on at a much faster pace in the two great essentials-tea manufacturers and labourers-in order to have them available at each garden, when the leaves come into season."

of tea.

Again, in going farther to the south-west, just before I came to Gabrew hill, I found the small hills adjoining it, to the eastward, covered with tea-plants. The flowers of the tea on these hills are of a pleasant delicate fragrance, unlike the smell of our other teaplants; but the leaves and fruit appear the same. This would be a delightful place for the manufacture of tea, as the country is well populated, has abundance of grain, and labour is cheap. There is a small stream called the Jhamgy river, at a distance of two hours' walk; it is navigable, I am informed, all the year round for small canoes, which would carry down the tea, and the place is only one and a half day's journey from Jorehaut, the capital of Upper Assam. Southwest of Gabrew Purbut (about two days' journey) there is a village at the foot of the hill, inhabited by a race called Norahs; they are Shans, I believe, as they came from the eastward, where tea abounds. I had long conversations with them, and the oldest man of the village, who was also the head of it, informed me, that when his father was a young man, he had emigrated with many others, and settled at Tipum opposite Jaipore, on account of the constant disturbances at Murkum; that they brought the tea-plant with them, and planted it on the Tipum hill, where it exists to this day; and that when he was about sixteen years of age, he was obliged to leave Tipum, on account of the wars and disturbances at that place, and take shelter at the village where he now resides. This man said he was now eighty years of age, and that his father died a very old man. How true this story is, I cannot say, and do not see what good it would do the old man to fabricate it. This was the only man I met with in my journeys about the country who could give any account of the tea-plant, with the exception of an Ahum, who declared to me that it was Sooka, or the first Kacharry raja of Assam, who brought the teaplant from Munkum; he said it was written in his Putty, or history. The Ahum-Putty I have never been able to get hold of; but this I know, that the information about the tea-plant pointed out by the old Norah man, as being on the Tipum hill, is true; for I have cleared the tract where it grew thickest, about 300 yards by 300, running from the foot of the hill to the top. The old man told me his father out the plant down every third year, that he might get the young leaves.

To the west of Gabrew I did not find any tea; but

to the westward of the Dhunseerce river I found a
If the
species, though not the same as that we use.
people on the west side of the Dhunseeree river were
acquainted with the true leaf, I think tea would be
found. I planted it all along the route I went, which
may lead to its eventual discovery; but people should
be sent to search for the plant who are really ac-
quainted with it. I think a vast quantity of tea would
be brought to light if this were done."

Mr Bruce has also been engaged in experiments on the character of the tea produced in Assam. Ninety chests of the article prepared by him and his assistants were imported into London in 1838, and found, we are told, to be of good quality. In his report we find some notices respecting these operations:

money are annually spent in the United Kingdom. It
may, however, be long before such a system for its
manufacture be established in the country as to ensure
the culture of the plant on a large scale, the selection
of the proper leaves, and the many niceties required in
drying and manipulating.



IN one of the retired corners of Paris there is to be found a house with a very remarkable traditionary name, "La Maison de Malheur des Flamands," which, being translated into English, bears the meaning of "The House of Disaster of the Flemings." For centuries the dwelling in question has been familiarly known by this strange appellation. It is now one of the meanest and ugliest structures in the whole of the crowded quarter where it is placed, though it was once one of the finest and richest. The beauties of its elaborately sculptured front of wood, and its oaken doors, have been defaced and removed by the influence of time, chance, and change. Still, the incidents which connected the mansion with the Flemish people, and gave to it the title of their "House of Disaster," are not yet consigned to oblivion, though they may be Michel Watremetz, a native of Flanders, was the known, indeed, to few of those who have the traditionary designation most commonly in their mouths. occupant of this mansion some centuries ago. Like many other Flemings, he had come to Paris to exercise his trade or profession, which was that of a transcriber or manufacturer of bibles, and he had risen in the course of time to be the most wealthy and famous artisan in that department in the French capital. He had fifteen apprentices or assistants, who laboured continually in transcribing copies of the sacred writings, and also in painting them, for the majority of bibles in those days were illuminated, as it was called, or, in other words, illustrated by figures painted on the margins. The copies executed by these assistants were carefully revised by Michel himself, that the text might be preserved in perfect correctness. In this task Watremetz was always aided by his young and pretty daughter Odette, who, whilst her father had the new manuscript copy before him, read aloud from an old and standard transcription, that no forunnoticed. Yet Odette herself was often the source gotten words or mutilated passages might remain Mr Bruce has been engaged in extensive operations and origin of such errors, seeing that, when she was in introducing tea-plants from China, and transplant-present, the young transcribers were apt not only to ing those which are indigenous. Many, from various make ungainly spots upon the vellum, but also to copy causes, have failed; but he mentions his belief, that incorrectly the words of the work before them. Though the tea-plant is so hardy that it will live in almost any idolised by some of these youths, Odette, however, did soil, provided it be planted in deep shade, and with not expend a thought on them. The cause was, that plenty of water near the root. The reason for these she had fixed her whole heart and affections on a transplantations seems to be that the tea-tree is only of stranger, a young German who had come to Paris, and use within a certain age. Many of the indigenous trees requested work from her father as a transcriber of of Assam are beyond this age and otherwise unsuitable. bibles. In making this request, he had stated one On the other hand, planting seed is not calculated to condition necessary to be conceded ere he could accept be immediately satisfactory, as until the third year work from Michel Watremetz. This condition was, they produce nothing, and are only in maturity when that Michel should allow him to work at home, at his about six years old. Mr Bruce argues for the pro- own lodgings. Michel, knowing the professional skill priety of burning or cutting down the old trees, in of the Germans, agreed to the terms of the stranger, received to work upon. order to have fresh shoots from the stock, which he who left in the other's hands a massive gold chain by thinks would add greatly to their productiveness, and way of security for the vellum which he of course cause them to afford a fine and delicate leaf.

The demoralisation produced by opium, and a liking for independent labour which characterises the Assamese, throw difficulties in the way of a large production of tea in Assam. Mr Bruce looks to the introduction of workmen from other parts of India, for the means of carrying on the manufacture on a large scale. He also thinks it not impossible that the leaves may be sent home in a certain state to this country, and here subjected, by the cheap means of machinery, to those nice and tedious processes which they have to undergo from manual labour in China. "After a year's instruction under Chinamen," says he, "it might be left to the ingenuity of Englishmen to roll, sift, and clean the tea by machinery, and, in fact, reduce the price of the green tea nearly one-half, and thus enable the poor to drink good unadulterated green tea by throwing the indigo and sulphate of lime overboard."

Gaspard Hautz, as the young German was named, in He confirms the fact lately made known, that the black and green tea are gathered from the same plant, place of passing the whole of his daily time in toiling and that the difference is entirely owing to the diffe-like the rest of Michel's operatives, seemed as if he had rent states of the leaves and the different modes of little else to do but to walk about and enjoy himself preparation. His account of the manufacture of green like a gentleman of fortune. With his handsome person viewing all its curiosities and wonders. He even came tea by his Chinamen is extremely curious, but too long elegantly attired, he strolled much about the city, to be here admitted. often to the very workshop of Michel Watremetz, and there, seated on the corner of a table, he smiled upon Odette, and murmured in her ear words which were to her a lasting pleasure and a trouble. Every now and then, on making these visits, Gaspard Hautz would carry off some of the apprentices with him to supper, and entertain them gallantly. All this sort of work Master Michel Watremets noticed, and internally felicitated himself on having in pledge the chain of Gaspard, as the vellum which the latter had got seemed to the Fleming to be most decidedly lost. In this conclusion he was far wrong. Scarcely had one Never had the month passed away, when Gaspard Hautz arrived one morning with his bible finished. characters presented such regularity; never had there been fewer errors in any copy. As he counted out his "This bible, young man, was surely never wrought by golden crowns, Michel shook his head, and exclaimed, your hands. A whole year would scarce have sufficed for such a labour in the hands of the most experienced workinan, and you bring it complete in a month!" "The work is so certainly mine," said Gaspard, "that In fifteen days the young I will produce you another ere fifteen days be over." Michel accepted the offer. e first Bible but German produced a second bible, not less perfect than the first. Old Watremetz had found in the But this did not strike Michel with any great surthree errors, and in the second he found the very same. prise, as he knew how apt the hand is to get into a habit of making fixed slips. At the end of a year as much work as thirty other workmen could have Gaspard had furnished to Michel thirty bibles, being executed. On account of this new and every way superior source of supply, Watremetz dismissed several of his ordinary assistants, who in consequence were

Five tea tracts were under culture in Assam in 1838, the produce of which amounted to 5274 pounds. Seven new tracts will be under culture in 1840, when Mr Bruce thinks the total produce will be 11,160 "Until lately, we had only two Chinese black tea pounds. These operations are at the cost of the commakers. These men have twelve native assistants; pany; but it is designed ere long to throw the busieach Chinaman, with six assistants, can only super-ness open to private speculation. Mr Bruce enters into some calculations to show the probable profits of intend one locality, and the tea-leaves from the various other tracts, widely separated, must be brought to private adventures in this line. He takes ten tracts, these two places for manufacture. The consequence each 400 by 200 yards, and reckons the whole expenses is, that an additional number of labourers must always of cultivation the first year at 16,591 rupees (which we be employed to bring the leaves from so great a dis- believe is the same as £1659), of which 4304 will tance. The leaves suffer when brought in large quan- not need to be repeated the second year; and the tities from a distance, as they soon begin to ferment, value of the produce he estimates at 35,554 rupees, and the labour of only preparing them so far in pro- thus giving a profit of upwards of cent. per cent. cess, that they may not spoil by the morning, is excessive. The men have often to work until very late to accomplish this. When labour falls so very heavy,

Upon the whole, there seems little reason to doubt that Assam is physically capable of producing that important article, on which eight or nine millions of

discontented, and menaced Gaspard with their bitterest


After their connection had subsisted for the time mentioned, Michel proposed that Gaspard Hautz should come and reside at his house. Gaspard yielded to this request the more willingly because he loved Odette tenderly and deeply, and because she had acknowledged an equal affection for him in return. The unsuspicious young German was not aware of the motives of the old Fleming for giving the invitation. Michel had become perfectly assured that Gaspard's bibles were not transcribed by him as they were done by others; he saw that there was a secret-a mystery, and it was to have it in his power. to act as a spy on Gaspard, that he brought the latter to stay with him. When that step had been for some time effected, the old Fleming watched Gaspard by night and by day. The young German said always that he wrought while others slept, and, in reality, a lamp was kept continually burning in his chamber. But Watremetz soon discovered this to be a mere feint, by watching at the youth's chamber door. Gaspard was always motionless-in fact, asleep. Not being able to penetrate the mystery notwithstanding all these discoveries, Michel began openly to press the young man for an explanation, till at length Gaspard said, "Well! it is true that there is a secret; a secret which may make the fortune of any man, or perhaps of two men. Give me your daughter Odette's hand, and I will tell you my secret, and we may soon become rich enough to require to sell no more bibles."


Gaspard received the old man's promise, and then told him that a wonderful art had been invented in Germany, which enabled any one to produce bibles and other books with inconceivable rapidity, and that the mobility of the stamps or characters employed permitted the easy correction of any blunders. have yet thirty bibles thus made," said Gaspard," in the keeping of a friend; I may have a hundred, whenever I wish them, from the same friend who made the others. Not daring to sell the works myself, because they here punish, as magical, all that they do not comprehend, I applied to you, and became ostensibly a transcriber." Gaspard at the same time told Michel that the name of the fabricator of the bibles was Schoeffer, and pointed out the means which had been established for carrying on a correspondence with him, and procuring as many bibles as might be required, at such a price as would leave the second venders a princely profit.

Michel only consented to the immediate marriage of Gaspard and Odette, on receiving a load of bibles which had been sent for from Schoeffer, who lived without the bounds of France. Thus satisfied, old Watremetz gave permission for the celebration of the wedding within eight days. But two or three mornings cre the day came, one of Michel's former apprentices entered his house magnificently dressed, and informed the old Fleming that he-the apprentice had recently got a handsome fortune by the death of a relation, that his father had just been named "Master of the Merchants," and that he himself had come to place his wealth and hand at the disposal of Odette. The dark shade in Watremetz's composition was avarice. He grew pale at the thought of his being under the necessity of renouncing an alliance with so rich a family-with the son of the chief of the merchants.


give thee thanks! Woe upon that house," continued
Gaspard, raising his hand and pointing to the dwelling
of Michel, "woe upon it! I need not say woe upon
thee, Michel Watremetz, for it is come already on thee
and thine; but woe upon all of thy race who shall
enter or dwell beneath that roof, for ever and ever!
Now, lead on to the funeral pile !"

Three months afterwards, Michel Watremetz wept
and tore his hair over the tomb of a broken-hearted
girl, his daughter, his only daughter. Six months
afterwards, a fire destroyed the dwelling and all the
effects of Michel Watremetz. The growing insanity
or fatuity of the old Fleming was the cause of the fire,
and by the same agency he was soon brought to the
streets, where he passed the remainder of his days, a
beggar and an idiot. The prediction of Gaspard
Hautz was certainly strangely realised by this and
other events that signalised the future history of the
house of Michel Watremetz. Being a spot where
Flemings loved to abide, in the same manner as we
find localities taken up by Jews and by other parti-
cular races, the dwelling under notice was repeatedly
inhabited by Flemings after the occurrence of the
events related. Eleren Flemings, says the tradition
of the neighbourhood, came successively to occupy the
"Maison de Malheur des Flamands," and of all the
eleven not one escaped a sudden and violent end.
Some who have paid especial attention to the circum-
stances, can enumerate the various modes in which
the doom fell upon the inhabitants of this House of
Woe. One perished by assassination, another by the
waters of the Seine, a third was broken on the wheel,
a fourth died within the walls of starvation, and so on.
One of the last of the unfortunate Flemings who
tenanted the house of disaster, was Jean-Paul Labadie,
a man whose fate was particularly hard, and who lived
so recently that his story could have been authenti-
cated but a short time ago by living persons. He was
a flourishing man. A large sum of money which he
had brought with him from his native Flanders had
been embarked by him in trade, which he carried on
in "La Maison de Malheur." He married a most
beautiful girl, who commonly received the title of the
"belle" of the neighbourhood. But, soon after his
marriage, he was arrested, and thrown into the Bas-
tille. There he lay for twenty years, totally ignorant
of the crime for which he was thus punished. At
length a great person who chanced to visit his cell was
seized with pity, and got Jean-Paul liberated, when he
learned for the first time the cause of his confinement.
A court marquis had seen and admired his wife, and
had taken the way related of getting the husband
disposed of. Subsequently, Jean-Paul had merely
lain in prison because the marquis had utterly forgot

quently conceived and executed more in a spirit of sheer wantonness, than with any deliberate intention of annoying the parties upon whom they are practised. Yet it is obvious that this must always be their effect, and it is on this ground that we condemn the practice. We confess we cannot understand how persons addicted to this habit can derive any gratification from its exercise, seeing its evil tendency, and that they cannot, from the fear of exposing themselves, even enjoy the reputation of the authorship of the fun which they occasion. Nor could we ever join in the laugh raised at jokes of this kind, though we have been often called upon to do so. On such occasions we have thought only of the state of the feelings of persons thus wantonly and maliciously outraged, especially when we found that one of them was a female, which, in the case of a marriage or a birth, must always be the fact. Sorrow and pain, by whatever cause produced, are sacred subjects, and it were in the highest degree indecorous and unfeeling to make them matter for indecent levity. Would every one regard the practice in question in this light, we feel convinced that this would deprive the individuals addicted to it of half their encouragement, and, therefore, tend to put a stop to it in some degree.

To their want of respect for, or their reckless indifference to, the feelings of others, the individuals who practise this habit, as might be expected, add cowardice, accompanied frequently by crime. In order to succeed in the execution of their hoax, without at the same time affording any means by which they themselves may be discovered and punished, they have recourse to the anonymous by way of protection, or, rather than be baffled in their enterprise, they adopt a fictitious name, or counterfeit a real one. By this means they impose upon the genius who presides over the broadsheet, and effect their unworthy purpose, without, in by far the majority of cases, being so unfortunate as to draw down upon themselves the retributive consequences of their guilt.

The writer of these observations lately resided in an English country town, and knows that hoaxes of the kind of which he speaks are there of constant and common occurrence. In that town, indeed, the itch for personal public attacks of all kinds is beyond all bounds. We believe, in this respect, we decidedly out-do the Americans, who are notorious for black-balling their public men. The English Corporation Reform Bill, as is well known, changed our municipal constitution, and called into power a new order of men. Since then, party spirit of the bitterest kind has been exhibited in the above hitherto peaceful borough, and the privacy of domestic life is daily invaded. In corroboration of the truth of these observations, we may mention, that the common council of the place recently elected These stories of misfortune befalling the occupants from among their number an individual to fill the of the fated house, may be connected or not by our office of mayor, who is a master painter and glazier readers, just as they please, with the dying words of in the town. This circumstance occasioned the Gaspard Hautz. We have our own ideas about the following paragraph in a local newspaper, evidently matter, and, no doubt, they will also have theirs. written by a partisan. After reciting the fact of the Enough has been said, however, to explain satisfac-person mentioned having been elected to the office of torily the origin of the name of the Flemings' House of Disaster.


Almost audibly he cursed the cause of all this, poor THERE is prevalent in small towns a frequent and mis-
Gaspard. "Gaspard !" cried the enriched apprentice,
comprehending the truth at once; "what I have I achievous practice of holding private individuals up to
rival in Gaspard, the miserable wretch who has sold public ridicule, by which the inhabitants in general
his soul to the devil for the power of multiplying
manuscripts? The hand of justice hangs over him,
are grievously annoyed. The practice to which we
and will crush him soon! You, too, were accused of allude, consists chiefly in conceiving reports of births,
being his accomplice, Michel; happily, through my deaths, and marriages (which, of course, are matters
father's credit, I got the charge against you suppressed; of pure fiction), and in sending them under fictitious,
but as for Gaspard, nothing can save him!"
and frequently forged signatures, to the conductors of
local newspapers, for publication. We seldom take
up a newspaper in which we do not find the editor
intimating to his "readers and correspondents," that
the report of a particular birth, marriage, or death, to
which he had previously given insertion in his journal,
is a fabrication, and stating (by way, we suppose, of
satisfying the aggrieved parties) that he will endeavour,
by every possible means, to discover and punish the
fabricator. But we seldom hear of any instance of
this editorial search proving successful. However, we
learn that a young man in Perth was a short time ago
committed to jail, and afterwards held to bail, for
imposing on the conductors of the " Perth Constitu-
tional," by causing them to announce the demise of a
well-known gentleman in Edinburgh. The fraud, it
appears, was accomplished by forging the signature of
an official gentleman in Perth. We mention this by
way of warning to those individuals who are addicted
to the practice now under notice, and who shall read

All this, unhappily, proved but too real. Gaspard Hautz was seized and cast into prison, and the charge against him was supported by the former workmen of In vain did the poor young German invoke the testimony of Michel; Michel kept an obstinate silence. In vain did Gaspard wish that his own explanations should be heard. The cry of his judges was, "The torture !-confess!" And when subjected to the horrors of the question, poor human nature sank under it, and to ensure a speedy death and the cessation of his agonies, Gaspard Hautz admitted his association with the devil. He was condemned to death, and also to make an amende honorable, before his execution, in front of the house of Michel Watremetz, whom he had endeavoured, his judges said, to implicate in a matter where the Fleming was perfectly guiltless. All the Bibles which had been found in Gaspard's possession were given to the convent of the Benedictines, who exorcised, blessed, and then sold them for high sums.

mayor, the paragraph goes on as follows :—“ The
mayor of every borough is, during his office, and for one
year after, a justice of the peace; and formerly it used
to be the opinion that such an office ought to be filled
by a person moving in a respectable station of life,
and who could fill the duties of it with impartiality
and dignity. Whether Mr
will do either

the one or the other, remains to be proved.
Really, to raise such a man to the magistracy, is too
bad. Fancy
Esq. dressed in a fustian
jacket, daubed with all the colours of the rainbow, a
paper cap on his head, and a paint pot in his hand,
working at his business all day, and refreshing himself
with a pot of ale in the kitchen of the Bay Nag's
Head in the evening, discussing the proceedings of
the Commons; and the same - Esq., the next
day, dressed in his Sunday clothes, seated on the
judgment seat, and dealing out fines and imprisonment
before the eyes of his admiring fellow-townsmen."

Now, is not this as base as any thing which could be told of the American press, and which Mrs Trollope and others have taken care to trumpet? Such per and cannot meet with sufficient reprobation from sonalities are a disgrace to our newspaper literature, every right-thinking person.

This species of mean party warfare is, of course, a different kind of anonymous writing with reference to its objects, from that with the consideration of which we began these observations, inasmuch as it is directed against public men, who are, or at least ought to be, prepared to lay their account for annoyances of this kind. It is, nevertheless, highly objectionable, as is every other kind of anonymous writing, the object of which is to ridicule or slander individuals, on the ground that it is an obvious violation of our duty towards our neighbour, whom we are enjoined not to hurt by word or deed.

When the day of execution came, Gaspard Hautz was carried to the front of the house of Michel Watremetz, and there the cavalcade stopped. The doomed youth arose from his seat, pale and wasted, with the irons this paper. They occupy a conspicuous position the printing-press, are nearly as blameable as the

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rattling still on his limbs. But in place of making the expected amende, which the solemnity of the ceremonial had compelled Michel to appear for the purpose of listening to, Gaspard exclaimed, I am the victim of treachery and ingratitude, and this thou knowest well, Michel Watremetz, who art here to listen to me, and who strugglest to appear composed. Glad wouldst thou have been had my judges spared thee this last interview. But I am here to say farewell, and to

amongst the "monsters of society," those reporters of
births, deaths, and marriages.

duce a general laugh at the expense and pain of private
The object, of course, of jokes of this kind, is to pro-
individuals; and what makes them the more cruel is,
that in nine cases out of ten a female is made the
victim. We believe that such jokes are most fre-

We cannot help giving our opinion that the conductors of newspapers, and others connected with publicity to them. writers of anonymous attacks themselves, in giving We are well aware that in the case of false reports of births, deaths, and marthese reports; yet, even in this, they should exercise riages, they are frequently imposed on, and cannot always avoid being entrapped into the publication of great carefulness, and should on no account incert reports which are not properly authenticated, or which have not come through the hands of their

agents, or of parties above all suspicion. With reference, nowever, to slanderous paragraph-writing, they can easily put a stop to it; and it is earnestly to be wished, for the advantage of all parties, that they would.

In calling attention to this subject, we are only actuated by the desire to put down such practices, and we sincerely hope that what we have written may have this effect in some degree.


SOME of the fugitive compositions of the biographer of Johnson were lately adverted to in this work: we now propose to give some notices of the humorous poetry of his eldest son, the late Sir Alexander Boswell, of Auchinleck, Baronet. The claims of this gentleman to a place amongst the poets of Scotland are by no means inconsiderable; yet his name is not nearly so much known as it deserves to be, and no collection of his many clever verses has as yet been given to the world. Sir Alexander was the eldest son of James Boswell, and was born in 1775. He and a younger brother, the late Mr James Boswell, barrister (well known as one of Shakspeare's many commentators), were, in consequence of the high-church prepossessions of their father, educated at Westminster School and the University of Oxford. The subject of this notice succeeded his father at his death in 1795, and, for the ensuing twenty-seven years, no country gentleman of the county of Ayr was more generally beloved and esteemed. A never-failing flow of pleasantry and good humour, great kindness of nature towards all dependent on him, and a certain lively enthusiasm which pervaded all he said or did, made him a general favourite, both in his own class and in those beneath it. He was a zealous literary antiquary, and long kept a printing-press in his own house, from which emanated many curious reprints, as well as several compositions of his own. He was an ardent admirer of Burns, and originated the beautiful monument to that poet at Alloway Kirk-a transaction respecting which a very curious anecdote is related. He and another gentleman, being anxious to see a proper memorial of the Ayrshire bard erected in his native county, advertised a meeting for that purpose to be held on a particular day in the town of Ayr. The day and the hour came; Sir Alexander and his friend assembled, but no one else appeared. Not at all disheartened, the one gentleman took the chair, and the other proceeded to act as clerk. Resolutions were passed and duly minuted, thanks were voted by the clerk to the chairman, and the meeting separated. These resolutions, being advertised, became the means of collecting the two thousand pounds or thereby, out of which the monument was erected! Sir Alexander married early, and became the father of a large family. The title of a baronet of Great Britain was conferred upon him in 1821, but he did not live to enjoy the honour much more than a year.

One of the earliest compositions of Sir Alexander which we have seen, is a translation of Freu't euch des libens, executed at Leipsig in 1795, when he was only twenty years of age. He aimed at being literal, but is also not inelegant, as the following verses will show:

Taste life's glad moments,

Whilst the wasting taper glows;
Pluck, ere it withers,

The quickly fading rose.

Man blindly follows grief and care,
He seeks for thorns, and finds his share,
While vilets to the passing air
Unheeded shed their blossoms.

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Some other of his poetical efforts in earlier life were of a sentimental kind, but in these in general he did not succeed nearly so well as in those of an humorous character. Yet he occasionally hits on a good thought, which he expresses with force, as in The Old Chieftain to his Sons, a Scottish song:

The auld will speak, the young maun hear;
Be canty, but be gude and leal ;*
Your ain ills aye hae heart to bear,

Another's aye hae heart to feel.

It was in humorous poetry, in the homely dialect of Lowland Scotland, that Alexander Boswell chiefly shone. Some of his songs in this style were written and had attained popularity while the author was still a very young man-for example the two following, which are set to lively Scotch airs :


At Willie's wedding o' the green,

The lasses, bonny witches,

Were busked out in aprons clean,

And snaw-white Sunday's mutches.

*True or faithful.

† Ding, preterite dang-to overcome or get the better of.

Auld Maysie bade the lads tak tent,
But Jock wad na believe her,
But soon the fool his folly kent,
For-Jenny dang the Weaver.

In ilka countra dance and reel
Wi' her he wad be babbin';
When she sat down, then he sat down,
And till her wad be gabbin';
Whare'er she gaed, or butt or ben,
The coof wad never leave her,
Aye cacklin' like a clockin' hen,
But Jenny dang the Weaver.

Quoth he, "My lass, to speak my mind,
Gude haith I needna swither,

Ye've bonny een, and gif ye're kind,

I needna court anither."

He humm'd and haw'd-the lass cried pheugh, And bade the fool no deave her,

Then crack'd her thumb, and lap, and leugh, And dang the silly Weaver.


I met four chaps yon birks amang,
Wi' hingin' lugs and faces lang;
I speer'd at neebour Bauldy Strang,
Wha's thae I see?

Quo' he, ilk cream-fac'd, pawky chiel,
Thought himsel' cunnin' as the de'il,
And here they cam, awa to steal
Jenny's bawbee.

The first, a captain till his trade,
Wi' skull ill lin'd, and back weel clad,
March'd round the barn and bye the shed,
And pap'd on his knee.

Quo' he, "My goddess, nymph and queen,
Your beauty's dazzled baith my een;"
But de'il a beauty he had seen
But-Jenny's bawbee.

A lawyer niest, wi' blathrin' gab,
Wha speeches wove like ony wab,
In ilk ane's corn aye took a dab,
And a' for a fee:

Accounts he had through a' the town,
And tradesmen's tongues nae mair could drown;
Haith now he thought to clout his gown
Wi' Jenny's bawbee.

A Norland laird neist trotted up,
Wi' bawsen'd naig and siller whup,
Cried "There's my beast, lad, haud the grup,
Or tie't till a tree.

What's gowd to me?-I've walth o' lan';
Bestow on ane o' worth yer han';"
He thought to pay what he was awn
Wi' Jenny's bawbee.

A' spruce, frae ban'boxes and tubs,
A THING cam neist (but life has rubs),
Foul were the roads, and fou the cubs,
Ah! waes me!

A' clatty, squintin' through a glass,
He girn'd, "I'faith a bonnie lass!"
He thought to win, wi' front o' brass,
Jenny's bawbee.

She bade the laird gang comb his wig,
The soger no to strut sae big,
The lawyer no to be a prig,

The fool cry'd "Tehee,

I kent that I could never fail!"
She prin'd the dishclout till his tail,
And cool'd him wi' a water-pail,
And kept her bawbee.

We copy these pieces from a small volume, which the author published anonymously in 1803,+ with a preface, stating that "several of the following songs having been printed without his permission, and with alterations which he did not consider as improvements, he had been induced to present them to the public in a more correct form." He here published a song to an Irish air, "by the late James Boswell, Esq.," apparently a composition of the younger days of that gentleman, and bearing reference to his courtship of Miss Margaret Montgomery of Lainshaw, the lady who afterwards became his wife. His courtship took place in Ireland, while the parties were visiting a common relation in the county Down. There is more sentiment in the song than might be expected from a person usually esteemed so whimsical:

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-Whar is true friendship, and whar will ye see
A' that's gude, honest, and modest, and thrifty?
Tak auld age and wrinkles and hirple wi' me,

And think on the seventeen hundred and fifty. In 1810, he followed up and expanded these ideas, in a poem which he then published in a small volume, under the title of "Edinburgh or the Ancient Royalty, a Sketch of Former Manners, by Simon Gray."+ We have here some highly humorous and quaint recollections of the circumstances which characterised the old town in its days of glory, and of the manners of its strangely mixed inhabitants-for example, the following description of the High Street :

O Larghan Clanbrassil, how sweet is thy sound! To my tender remembrance as Love's sacred ground; For there Marg'ret Caroline first charm'd my sight, And fill'd my young heart with a flutt'ring delight. When I thought her my own, ah! too short seem'd the day For a jaunt to Downpatrick, or a trip onthe sea: To express what I felt then, all language were vain, 'Twas in truth what the poets have studied to feign. But too late I found even she could deceive, And nothing was left but to weep, sigh, and rave; Distracted I fled from my dear native shore, Resolv'd to see Larghan Clanbrassil no more. Yet still in some moments enchanted I find A ray of her fondness beam soft on my mind; While thus in bless'd fancy my angel I see, All the world is a Larghan Clanbrassil to me. the changes which took place in his early days in Sir Alexander's fancy seems to have been struck by Edinburgh-an old and dense city deserted by all persons of genteel condition-an elegant new one built and occupied the former mansions of the fashionable filled up by the humble-and a new and less simple style of manners generally introduced. He alludes to these circumstances in a song published in the volume above described, beginning, "Hech! what a change ha'e we now in this town!" A verse or two of his praises of the past may be quoted :-

Little was stown then, and less gaed to waste,
Barely a mullint for mice or for rattens;
The thrifty housewife to the flesh-market paced,
Her equipage a'-just a gude pair o' pattens.

*Bawbee, literally a halfpenny, but here meaning a young lady's fortune.

+ Songs chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. Edinburgh, Manners and Miller. 1803. 1 Crumb.

Tier upon tier I see the mansions rise,
Whose azure summits mingle with the skies;
There, from the earth the labouring porters bear
The elements of fire and water high in air;
There, as you scale the steps, with toilsome tread,
The dripping barrel madifies your head;
Thence, as adown the giddy round you wheel,
A rising porter greets you with his creel!
Here, in these chambers, ever dull and dark,
The Lady gay received her gayer Spark,
Who, clad in silken coat, with cautious tread,
Trembled at opening casements over head;
But when in safety at her porch he trod,
He seiz'd the ring, and rasp'd the twisted rod.
"No idlers then, I trow, were seen to meet,
Link'd, six a-row, six hours in Princes Street;"
But, one by one, they panted up the hill,
And picked their steps with most uncommon skill;
Then, at the Cross, each joined the motley mob-
"How are ye, Tam? and how's a' wi' ye, Bob?"
Next to a neighbouring tavern all retir'd,
And draughts of wine their various thoughts inspir'd.
O'er draughts of wine the Beau would moan his love;
O'er draughts of wine the Cit his bargain drove;
O'er draughts of wine the Writer pen'd the will:
And Legal Wisdom counsel'd o'er a gill.



Yes, mark the street, for youth the great resort,
Its spacious width the theatre of sport.
There midst the crowd the jingling hoop is driven;
Full many a leg is hit, and curse is given.
There, on the pavement, mystic forins are chalked,
Defaced, renewed, delayed-but never balked;
There romping Miss the rounded slate may drop,
And kick it out with persevering hop.
There, in the dirty current of the strand,
Boys drop the rival corks with ready hand,
And, wading through the puddle, with slow pace,
Watch in solicitude the doubtful race!-
And there, an active band, with frequent boast,
Vault in succession o'er each wooden post.
Or a bold stripling, noted for his might,
Heads the array and rules the mimic fight.
From hand and sling now fly the whizzing stones,
Unheeded broken heads and broken bones.
The rival hosts in close engagement mix,
Drive and are driven by the dint of sticks.
The bicker rages, till some mother's fears
Ring a sad story in a bailie's ears.

Her prayer is heard; the order quick is sped,
And, from that corps which hapless Porteous led,
A brave detachment, probably of two,
Rush, like two kites, upon the warlike crew,
Who, struggling, like the fabled frogs and mice,
Are pounc'd upon, and carried in a trice.
But, mark that motley group, in various garb-
There vice begins to form her rankling barb,
The germ of gambling sprouts in pitch and toss,
And brawl, successive, tells disputed loss.
From hand to hand the whirling halfpence pass,
And, every copper gone, they fly to brass.
Those polish'd rounds which decorate the coat,
And brilliant shine upon some youth of note,
Offspring of Birmingham's creative art,
Now from the faithful button-holes depart.
To sudden twitch the rending stitches yield,
And Enterprise again essays the field.
So, when a few fleet years of his short span
Have ripen'd this dire passion in the man,
When thousand after thousand takes its flight,
In the short circuit of one wretched night,
Next shall the honours of the forest fall,
And ruin desolate the Chieftain's hall;

Hill after hill some cunning clerk shall gain;
Then, in a mendicant, behold a THANE!
Or the description of a dancing assembly of former

Then were the days of modesty and mien!
Stays for the fat, and quilting for the lean.
The ribbon'd stomacher, in many a plait,
Upheld the chest and dignified the gait;
Some Venus, brightest planet of the train,
Moved in a lutestring halo prop'd with cane.
Then the Assembly Close received the fair;
Order and elegance presided there;
Each gay Right Honourable had her place
To walk a minuet with becoming grace;
No racing to the dance, with rival hurry-
Such was thy sway, oh fam'd Miss Nicky Murray!§
Each lady's fan a chosen Damon bore,
With care selected many a day before;
For, unprovided with a favourite beau,
The nymph, chagrined, the ball must needs forego;
But, previous matters to her taste arranged,
Certes the constant couple never changed;
Through a long night, to watch fair Delia's will,
The same dull swain was at her elbow still.

We would gladly quote more of these curious reminiscences, local as they are, if space permitted. As the case is, we must pass on to a conclusion, and do little more than allude to a facetious tale written by Sir Alexander Boswell in 1815, and printed by him in the

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succeeding year at his domestic press, under the title
of "Skeldon Haughs, or the Sow's Flitted." The
incident on which this tale was founded was said to
have occurred in Ayrshire about the close of the
fifteenth century, when the Kennedies of Carrick
were often at war with their neighbours of Kyle,
and particularly with one of these, Crawford of
Kerse. The Kennedies, by way of defying the power
of the Crawfords, determined to fix a sow upon Skel-
don haughs, the property of Crawford of Kerse, and
to keep her there, all efforts of the Crawfords to the
contrary notwithstanding. The Crawfords, again,
were determined to perish to a man rather than not
"flit" or remove the sow off their lands, and drive her
back across the Doon to the country of the Kennedies.
The poem embraces all these particulars, and at length
represents the aged Crawford sitting in the open air
at his gate, waiting anxiously for intelligence of the
contention on Skeldon Haughs. A breathless mes-
senger appears, whom, while still at a distance, the old
man addresses-

"Is the sow flitted?---Tell me, loon,
Is auld Kyle up---an' Carrick down?"---
Mingled wi' sobs, his broken tale
The youth began---“ Ah! Kerse, bewail
This luckless day !---your blithe son John,
Now, wae's my heart! lies on the loan---
An' he could sing like ony merle !"---
"Is the sow flitted?" cried the carle---
"Gie me my answer---short and plain---
Is the sow flitted---yamm'rin' wean!"*
"The sow (deil tak her) 's oure the water---
An' at their backs the Crawfords batter---
The Carrick cowts† are cow'd‡ and bitted!"§
"My thumb for Jock! The sow is flitted!"

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If you have accepted an invitation to a party, never fail to keep your promise. Especially do not break your word on account of bad weather. A cloak and a carriage will secure you from all inconvenience. [Answer a note of invitation immediately; any postponement seems as if you were waiting to make a choice between two invitations.]

side as inside. Thus, as general improvements ad- | ask for persons by their own name: to say "how is
vance, small points of etiquette drop into desuetude. your wife?" is disgustingly vulgar and familiar.]
What are we to think of the following "Nil
admirari [nothing to be wondered at]; the precept of
stoicism is the precept for conduct among gentlemen.
All excitement must be studiously avoided. When you
are with ladies, the case is different; among them, won-
der, astonishment, ecstacy, and enthusiasm, are neces-
sary, in order to be believed." Is it to be inferred
from this that American ladies are fools, who can not
or will not comprehend simple narrations of facts, and
require to be addressed in the language of affectation
and rhapsody?

The rules presented for intercourse and conversation in private society, are conceived in a different spirit, and may be read with advantage. "If you meet any one whom you have never heard of before at the table of a gentleman, or in the drawing-room of a lady, you may converse with him with entire propriety. The form of introduction" is nothing more than a statement by a mutual friend that two gentlemen are by rank and manners fit acquaintances for one another. All this may be presumed from the fact, that both meet at a respectable house. This is the theory of the matter.

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When you receive company in your own house, you should never be much dressed [so as not to outdo your guests.] This is a circumstance of the first importance in good breeding.

Avoid the use of proverbs in conversation, and all sorts of cant phrases [also any words of a foreign language.]

The members of a family, in their attentions to a company, should be very quiet and deliberate. It is a sure mark that they are unaccustomed to receiving company, when they are observed flying about, talking in a loud voice, and hoping that every body finds every thing agrecable.

Should you have the misfortune, at a dinner or evening party at the house of another, to break any thing which you take up, or to throw down a waiter Men of all sorts of occupations meet in society. As loaded with splendid cut-glass, you should not make they go there to unbend their minds and escape from an apology, or appear the least mortified, or indeed the fetters of business, you should never, in an even- take any notice whatever of the calamity. If you exing, speak to a man about his profession. The error hibited any regret on such an occasion, you would which is here condemned is often committed from seem to indicate that the loss was of importance to mere good nature and a desire to be affable. Sir your entertainer-an extremely poor compliment. Joshua Reynolds once received from two noblemen A high-bred man, if he should break a vase which invitations to visit them on Sunday morning. The cost a little fortune, would avoid showing any confirst whom he waited upon welcomed him with the cern, but would toss aside the fragments as common SOME MORE POINTS OF ETIQUETTE. most obsequious condescension, treated him with all rubbish. I need not say that the master or mistress In the small volume, formerly alluded to, defining the the attention in the world, professed that he was so of the house should treat such an event with utter inpoints and principles of American etiquette, we have desirous of seeing him, that he had mentioned Sunday difference, however deeply they may groan in spirit ; as the time for his visit, supposing him to be too much they should not even go the length of saying "that is some amusing examples of what may be styled over-engaged during the week, to spare time enough for the a matter of no consequence," that is to be taken for done politeness. In rules for good breeding, as in purpose, and concluded his compliments by an eulogy granted. rules on other subjects, it is possible to proceed to such on painting, and smiled him affectionately to the door. extremities as will make the thing which is desired Sir Joshua left him, to call upon the other. That one either ridiculous or offensive. Our Philadelphian received him with respectful civility, and behaved to Chesterfield, in his directions for conduct, occasionally him as he would have behaved to an equal in the commits this blunder. Take, for instance, the follow- peerage: said nothing about Raphael or Correggio, ing rule for gentlemen standing up as soon as a lady but conversed with ease about literature and men. This nobleman was the Earl of Chesterfield. Sir Joshua felt, that though the one had said that he respected him, the other had proved that he did, and went away from this one gratified rather than from the first. Reader, there is wisdom in this anecdote; and let this be the moral which you deduce, that there is distinction in company, but that there are no distinctions.

rises to her feet :

"It was formerly deemed a requisition of goodbreeding for a gentleman, when paying a visit, or when present at a small party, to stand up whenever the lady of the house rose to pass from one part of the room to another. This custom still lingers among a few elderly persons, and among some young men who practise the style of manners which prevailed forty years ago. It was a becoming attention, and is worthy to be yet retained in part: not continued in its rigour, but regulated by good sense. When the lady rises near you, especially if she has been previously conversing with you, you should by all means rise, though it would be observing a greater degree of ceremony than is accordant with the general system of modern intercourse, if you were to do so when she is in a distant part of the room and you are engaged in discourse with another person. It would, however, be a proper and flattering attention to observe this standing custom whenever you are at the house of an elderly woman, whom you know to be fond of keeping up the old forms. At such a house, rise the instant the lady leaves her seat, plant yourself behind your chair, and do not move until you are quite sure that she has fully seated herself: this may be very awkward, but on such an occasion as we have mentioned, do it nevertheless." This paragraph contains an explicit direction for a gentleman standing up when a lady rises near him. Now, it is quite clear that if such a rule were followed, a miscellaneous company of ladies and gentlemen would be kept in a flutter by the constant rising up and sitting down, and all peace, ease, and agreeable tranquillity, which is significant of good society, would be gone. The hint, that, in visiting elderly ladies of fashion, we should bolt round to the back of our chair, when it pleased the said ladies to rise, is too ridiculous, and gives one a curious notion of the formalities of high life in America.

Another of the same "If you speak for a short time to a woman of condition in the open air, intending to leave her immediately, you should remain uncover unless she desires you twice to put on your hat." This is French, not English manners. Το stand in the open air, for even a single minute, without any covering on the head, might be attended with the most serious consequences to health, and therefore any obligation to do so would be considered intolerable. Besides, the women of England possess more common sense than to require such obeisance. To lift the hat from the head, with a polite inclination of the body, both on approaching and leaving a lady, is all that is demanded by the strictest etiquette, and is performed by every well-bred person.

"If you are walking with a woman who has your arm, and you cross the street, it is better not to disengage your arm and go round upon the outside. Such effort evinces a palpable attention to form, and that is always to be avoided." The practice of giving ladies the inside of the trottoir is getting into disuse in England, because there is now as much safety and comfort out

† Colts; a derisive appellation.

Waining child.
ressed by fear; Jamieson.
Bitted, in allusion to the bitting of a fractious horse.

In mounting a pair of stairs [or climbing a style] in company with a woman, run up before her; in coming down, walk behind her.

If a plate be sent to you, at dinner, by the master or mistress of the house, you should always take it, without offering it to all your neighbours.

When helped to any thing at a dinner table, do not wait, with your plate untouched, until others have begun to eat. As soon as your plate is placed before you, take up your knife and arrange the table furniture around you. [And so commence.]

You should never ask a gentleman or lady at table to help you to any thing, but always apply to the servants. [Never make any remark on any article being good, &c.]



The great business in company is conversation. It should be studied as an art. Style in conversation is as important, and as capable of cultivation, as style in writing. The manner of saying things is what gives them their value. The most important requisite for succeeding here, is constant and unfaltering attention. [From the Companion to the British Almanack.] That which Churchill has noted as the greatest virtue WE have now to notice one of the most important of on the stage, is also the most necessary in company- the events connected with the Post-Office history; we to be always attentive to the business of the scene.' allude to the improvements of Mr Palmer. The cirYour understanding should, like your person, be armed cumstances connected with this affair are deeply at all points. Never go into society with your mind interesting, partly from the importance of the effects en deshabille. It is fatal to success to be at all absent resulting from Mr Palmer's arrangements, but still or distrait. The secret of conversation has been said to more from the unparalleled difficulties he had perconsist in building upon the remark of your compa-sonally to encounter at every step in his progress, and nion. Men of the strongest minds, who have soli- from the cruel injustice with which he was treated, tary habits and bookish dispositions, rarely excel in when success was no longer doubtful. At the time the sprightly colloquy, because they seize upon the thing management of the Post-Office attracted Mr Palmer's itself the subject abstractly-instead of attending to attention, he was the manager of the theatres of Bath the language of other speakers, and do not cultivate and Bristol, and in the enjoyment of a considerable inrerbal pleasantries and refinements. He who does come. The first circumstance that particularly struck otherwise gains a reputation for quickness, and pleases him was the great length of time consumed in the transby showing that he has regarded the observation of mission of a letter from London to Bath, a distance of others. It is an error to suppose that conversation one hundred and ten miles. A letter posted in London consists in talking. A more important thing is to on Monday evening was seldom delivered earlier than listen discreetly. Mirabeau said, that to succeed in Wednesday afternoon, frequently much later, whilst the world, it is necessary to submit to be taught many at the very same time coaches were leaving London things which you understand, by persons who know on Monday afternoon, and reaching Bath by breakfast nothing about them. The most refined and gratifying time the following morning. The postage of a letter compliment you can pay, is to listen. The wit of conwas 6d., the carriage of a parcel 2s.; yet Mr Palmer versation consists more in finding it in others,' says La discovered that the tradesmen continually made parBruyère, than in showing a great deal yourself: ho cels of their letters, the extra speed being of more who goes from your conversation pleased with himself consequence than the extra expense. From this indiand his own wit, is perfectly well pleased with you. vidual specimen of the existing arrangements, Mr Most men had rather please than admire you, and Palmer carried his inquiries further: he found that seek less to be instructed-nay, delighted-than to be the Post-Office was as irregular as it was slow; that approved and applauded. The most delicate pleasure its robbery was a matter of continual occurrence; that is to please another." the grossest mismanagement, and the most flagrant abuses, pervaded every department; and, in short, that a thorough reformation was required, both for the sake of the public accommodation, and the government revenue. He immediately devoted himself to the consideration of the remedy, and presented the first rude sketch of his plan to Mr Pitt, the minister, in 1782, with an intimation that he was willing to devote his entire time and attention to the carrying it into operation; that if he failed, he should not expect a shilling for his services, but that, if he succeeded, he expected 24 per cent. upon the increase on the net revenue. His proposal pleased the sagacious premier, who returned it to him in order that it might be further developed, stating at the same time that the pecuniary proposition was fair, and would not be objected to.

Some of the hints which the author proceeds to
give, suppose a low condition of manners in those
whom he addresses. "Never (he observes) ask a
question about the price of a thing; this horrible
error is often committed by a nouveau riche." Again
"You should never make use in conversation of the
words genteel or gentility." These admonitions apply
to a large class of persons in England as well as in
America. Except among a superior order of people,
conversation respecting the qualities and prices of
furniture and other commonplace articles is exceed
ingly common. A well-bred person never makes the
slightest remark upon any article in a house whatso-
ever, and, in fact, never seems to be aware that there
are any objects which can possibly excite attention.

The following points which we select and string to-
gether, with an occasional remark in addition, are all
of importance to constitute good manners:
"Never say, how is your brother to-day " [Always

Early in 1763, the plan, prepared as desired, was again presented, and about to be acted upon, when the administration was dissolved. The new minis

ters, however, took up the matter, but for the time did no more than transmit the plan to the PostOffice for the opinion of the authorities. In the interim Mr Palmer travelled through the country to clear up fresh doubts that had been expressed, and from this period appears to have determined to pursue the affair at every personal risk, satisfied that success was feasible, and that a magnificent fortune would ultimately be his reward for all the difficulty, anxiety, and pecuniary danger he had to undergo. In July following, the Post-Office authorities furnished their opinion in the shape of three volumes of objections! declaring generally that the plan was impracticable, and would be prejudicial to revenue and to commerce. Some of the objections offered show the extreme absurdities into which selfishness or bigotry may lead men, even upon matters with which above all others they ought to be the best acquainted. One declared that the coaches went too fast for the proper transaction of the business of the Post-Office in the different towns, whilst another could not even see why the Post-Office should be the swiftest conveyance in England. It was asserted that the time for the transmittal of the mails from London, namely, from midnight until two or three o'clock in the morning, could not be altered without throwing the whole correspondence of England into confusion. As to the appointment of a guard, one gentleman observed pleasantly as well as shrewdly, that "he might be waited for at every ale-house he should pass by," whilst another could not "think a guard to each mail would add to its safety;" but the climax of the argument was reached by a third, who, evidently thinking there was danger in too much security, lest the robbers should grow outrageous at such unfair conduct, observed, that when desperate fellows had once determined upon a mail robbery, the consequence would be

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murder in case of resistance !" In conclusion, it was stated generally with respect to the affairs of the PostOffice, that the constant eye that has long been kept toward their improvement in all situations, and under all circumstances, has made them now almost as perfect as they can be without exhausting the revenue arising therefrom." Seeing all this, we may excuse the merriment apparently produced among these gentlemen at the absurdity of Mr Palmer's idea, that the Bath mail could be brought to London in sixteen or eighteen hours. At all events, whether the plan was or was not practicable, there was no denying the firmness of its author. Instead of listening with humble conviction to the objections urged, he refuted them all, and decided government in its favour. Again delay was caused by a change of administration, but it was Mr Pitt who came into power, and who lost no time in visiting the Post-Office with Mr Palmer, to make the necessary arrangements. Fresh objections were here presented to the minister: the authorities were more than ever convinced that the scheme was impracticable and destructive. Nearly seven more anxious months were spent by Mr Palmer in collecting information to overcome these new obstacles: at last a meeting took place, at which the postmasters-general and their principal officers were confronted with Mr Palmer, who triumphantly answered all their objections; a trial was peremptorily ordered to be made.


On the 2d of August 1784, the first mail coach left London for Bristol, and others to different parts followed, and before many days had elapsed, it became evident to every unprejudiced person that the plan would be greatly successful. What was the conduct f the Post-Office authorities at this period? Were they anxious to atone for their previous mistaken opposition by the most cordial assistance now? Let the treasury minute of the 21st of the same month answer, which Mr Palmer was necessitated to obtain, before he could proceed any further. It was to the effect, that every assistance be afforded, and such power furnished him [Mr Palmer], as will effectually secure the obedience of the several postmasters to his direction." Scarcely any attention was paid to this command. Upon the introduction of the system upon any new line of road, every conceivable difficulty was thrown in the way; the contractors in particular were rendered unable to fulfil their engagements, and were in consequence terribly harassed in mind, as well as seriously injured in circumstances. In July following, therefore, Mr Palmer, whose spirit no opposition, however malignant or unceasing, could subdue, no injustice, however flagrant, turn aside from the path he had chosen, was again compelled to appeal to the treasury for assistance. Their lordships in conscquence issued a peremptory order to enforce the further extension of the plan; and circular letters were addressed to the principal postmasters of the kingdom, requiring that all directions from Mr Palmer or his agents should be obeyed as their own, and threatening punishment, should they in future be neglected or misconstrued. By the autumn of the same year, that is, within twelve months of the commencement of the plan, it had been carried into execution with complete success on the principal and direct cross roads.


THE following extraordinary act was performed by a child in Lyons not long ago, according to a continental


L.240,000. And now commences that part of the affair
which is nationally disgraceful. This appointment was
delayed upon different pretexts from time to time, and
was ultimately done away with altogether, and an
annuity large in itself, but which was infinitely below
the amount Mr Palmer was entitled to, settled upon
him in professed compensation. The first objection deprived of work by the depressed state of his trade
An unfortunate artisan, the father of a family, was
to the legal instrument required, was, that the appoint- during a whole winter. It was with great difficulty
ment must be under the Post-Office, or require a new
act, consequently a treasury warrant was issued for that lie could get a morsel of food now and then for
his famished wife and children. Things grew worse
the time to prevent any cessation of Mr Palmer's en-
and worse with him, and at length, on attempting to
deavours. Now, the very reason here given proves rise one morning for the purpose of going out as usual
decisively Mr Palmer's position as independent of the in quest of employment, he fell back in a fainting
postmasters-general, and establishes beyond question condition beside his wife, who had already been con-
the injustice of the subsequent treatment he expe- fined to her bed by illness for two months. The poor
rienced. The plan was now successful, in some points
man felt himself ill, and his strength utterly gone.
even more so than its author had ventured to anticipate :
will it be believed, then, that the Post-Office autho-le had two boys, yet in mere childhood, and one girl
about twelve or thirteen years old. For a long time
rities had by this time grown so desperately shameless the whole charge of the household had fallen on this
as to come forward once more, in 1786, and declare their girl. She had tended the sick bed of her mother, and
opinion that, from the trial which had taken place, had watched over her little brothers with more than
the plan was and must be prejudicial to the revenue
and to commerce! However, they appear now to ill, there seemed to be not a vestige of hope for the
parental care. Now, when the father too was taken
have been entirely unsupported in the position they had family, excepting in the exertions which might be
so pertinaciously defended; the government treated made by her, young as she was.
the opinion with the contempt it deserved. The trea-
sury warrant we have mentioned was now sent to for work proportioned to her strength. But that the
The first thought of the poor little girl was to seek
the Post-Office, but it was not ratified, because the post- family might not starve in the meantime, she resolved
master-general, Lord Tankerville, had "doubts about
the per centage." His doubts were ultimately removed, to go to one of the Houses of Charity, where food was
but too late to produce any beneficial effect, for he given out, she had heard, to the poor and needy. The
person to whom she addressed herself accordingly, in-
quitted office, leaving the appointment unsigned. scribed her name in the list of applicants, and told her
Lord Clarendon, his successor, had also his doubts, and
endeavoured to induce Mr Pitt to authorise a differ- would have been deliberated upon. Alas, during this
to come back again in a day or two, when the case
ent arrangement, but the minister wisely as well as deliberation, her parents and brothers would starve!
justly refused, observing, that it would be a spur to The girl stated this, but was informed that the for-
exertion, and equitable and beneficial to both sides. malities mentioned were indispensable. She came
On the 11th of October 1786, Mr Palmer received a
limited appointment, which ultimately proved to be again to the streets, and, almost agonised by the know-
as worthless as it was limited. He now introduced home, she resolved to ask charity from the passengers
ledge how anxiously she was expected, with bread, at
the plan into Scotland. He next went to France to in the public ways.
arrange a better system of communication between
that and our own country. From this time until
1792, he continued his exertions, perfecting and con-
solidating the plan he had already brought into ope-
ration, and preparing new ones, when he was suddenly
suspended by the postmasters-general, Lords Carteret
and Walsingham. He denied their authority over
him, but discovered that their influence at all events
was paramount. It would be useless entering into
the details of the alleged causes of this proceeding, for
it is evident that, from the very commencement of his
exertions, his true opponents were the postmasters-
general. It is perfectly inconceivable that any officer
of the establishment would have dared for one moment
to thwart Mr Palmer, if there had not been generally
understood impunity for so doing, although, on the
other side, there is no doubt Mr Palmer was somewhat
captious and irritable. In fact, when it was discovered
that Mr Palmer was determined there should be no
longer such impunity, by his discharging Mr Bonner,
his deputy, for writing letters against his plan, the post-
masters-general restored the contumacious officer, on
the plea that Mr Palmer had given them no reasons
for his suspension. Mr Palmer now demanded his per
centage; and had this been given cheerfully, he would
still have experienced great injustice in being com-
pelled to depend for his profits on the exertions of
individuals in the highest degree hostile to him.
Perhaps the treasury saw this, and being unwilling to
do what it ought to have done, that is, restore him
with full power to his position, it settled upon him an
annuity of L.3000 a-year.

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We conclude our notice of this important era in the
history of the Post-Office, with a short summary of
the beneficial effects of Mr Palmer's arrangements,
incomplete as he was compelled to leave them. First,
as to the revenue: for the nine years ending 1774, the
average net amount was L.162,534, 68. ; for the nine
years ending 1783 (prior to the commencement of the
new system), the net amount was only L.149,333, 18s.,
showing a decrease of L.13,198, 13s. This was the
state of the revenue when Mr Palmer commenced
operations; what was it afterwards? In 1793, that
is, the year immediately following that of his sus-
pension, the net revenue was L.391,508; and in
1797, the year in which he petitioned Parliament, it
was L.541,833! The facilities afforded for the speedier
transmission of correspondence is no less remarkable:
generally speaking, the mails were conveyed in one-half
of their previous time; in many cases, in one-third of
the previous time; and in some of the cross posts,
in one-fourth! Posts were made daily to above five
hundred places, which had before only received them
thrice a-week! Lastly, the delivery of letters became
as conspicuous for its regularity and adaptation to the
public convenience, as it had been previously notorious
for the opposite qualities. The safety enjoyed by
correspondents contrasts in an equally extraordinary
manner with the previous insecurity.
important alterations were made in the domestic ma-
nagement of the Post-Office. Many gross abuses and
equally gross frauds were checked or destroyed for
ever; the health and confort of the clerks were in-
night employment; and, generally, the entire system
was simplified and improved. Lastly, whilst the re-
venue had increased as we have seen, the number of
newspapers carried free had increased from 2,000,000


Mr Palmer now asked for his reward; he applied for
the legal instruments of the appointment which had
been promised to him, and received a draft thereof, by
which he was declared Surveyor and Comptroller-calculably improved by the abolition of so mach mid-
General of the Post-Office during life, with full autho-
rity to suspend any officers for neglect of his own or
the postmaster-general's instructions. His salary was
fixed at L.1500 a-year, with a commission of 24 per
cent. upon the surplus of the net revenue beyond | to 8,000,000.

her outstretched hand. Her heart was too full to No one heeded the modest unobtrusive appeal of permit her to speak. Could any one have seen the torturing anxiety that filled her breast, she must have been pitied and relieved. As the case stood, it is not perhaps surprising that some rude being menaced her with the police. She was frightened. Shivering with cold, and crying bitterly, she fled homewards. When she mounted the stairs and opened the door, the first words that she heard were the cries of her brothers for something to eat "bread! bread!" She saw her father soothing and supporting her fainting mother, and heard him say, "Bread :—she dies for want of food."

"I have no bread !" cried the poor girl with anguish in her tones.

The cry of disappointment and despair which came at these words from her father and brothers, caused her to recall what she had said, and conceal the truth. « I have not got it yet," she exclaimed, "but I will have it immediately. I have given the baker the money; he was serving some rich people, and he told me to wait or come back. I came to tell you that it would soon be here."

After these words, without waiting for a reply, she left the house again. A thought had entered her head, and, maddened by the distress of those she loved so dearly, she had instantaneously resolved to put it in execution. She ran from one street to another, till she saw a baker's shop in which there appeared to be no person, and then, summoning all her determination, she entered, lifted a loaf, and fled! The shopkeeper saw her from behind. He cried loudly, ran out after her, and pointed her out to the people passing by. The girl ran on. She was pursued, and finally a man seized the loaf which she carried. The object of her desires taken away, she had no motive to proceed, and was seized at once. They conveyed her towards the office of the police; a crowd, as usual, having gathered in attendance. The poor girl threw around her despairing glances which seemed to scek some favourable object from whom to ask mercy. At last, when she had been brought to the court of the police office, and was in waiting for the order to enter, she saw before her a little girl of her own age, who appeared to look on her with a glance full of kindness and compassion. Under the impulse of the moment, still thinking of the condition of her family, she whispered to the stranger the cause of her act of theft.

"Father and mother, and my two brothers, are dying for want of bread!" said she.

"Where?" asked the strange girl anxiously. "Rue -, No. 10" She had only time to add the name of her parents to this communication, when she was carried in before the commissary of police.

Meanwhile, the poor family at home suffered all the miseries of suspense. Fears for their child's safety were added to the other afflictions of the parents. At length they heard footsteps ascending the stair. An eager cry of hope was uttered by all the four unfortunates, but, alas! a stranger appeared, in place of their own little one. Yet the stranger seemed to them like an angel. Her cheeks had a beautiful bloom, and long flaxen hair fell in curls upon her shoulders. She brought to them bread, and a small basket of other provisions. "Your girl," she said, "will not come back perhaps to-day; but keep up your spirits! See what she has sent you!" After these encouraging

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