Abbildungen der Seite

now proceed, in order to come to any determination upon the Act; but that it should lye by, for further Consideration.

I write in more haste than is agreeable, and cannot at present recollect any thing further that is material to be said on this Occasion, save that their lordships in the Course of this affair, seem'd to have their eye more on the suspending clause, than the other point, and appeared to speak from premeditation, and that I am satisfied they will confine their future consideration, to the two points aforemention'd, presuming at the same time that they will defer the matter til the General Court's instruction herein can be received.

I am, with the greatest respect for the Great and General Court sir Your most obedient and most humble servant,



BOSTON, 6th June, 1761

SIR, - You will have sent you by this Ship the Accounts of the charges incurred by this Province since the Account for the Year 1759, which you acknowledged you had received. They are as particular as could be, unless the Copies of the Muster Rolls had been sent, but that I suppose will not be thought necessary.

As it is uncertain how far the Province may have been considered for the charge of the Forces during the Winter of 1759, whilst all the other Governments were free from the like expence, you find for that reason a Column for the pay of those Regiments from the time the Rolls in the last account were made up until the 31 of March, about which

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time the service of the last year begins; and this is not done by any uncertain computation, but I have taken every Man's Wages in the three Regiments and so made the deduction. This was a Work of a great deal of time and trouble, but I thought it necessary. The bounty of the Men who continued over the Winter added to their Wages makes the sum of £29,754.9.6. and is exclusive of the Accounts for the last Year which Amount to £186, 562.9.1. The Column for the Wages before November in Frye's Roll is intended only to shew how near the Amount is to what was computed in the Accompts of the last year.

There are some Rolls from which no deduction is made in either of these columns, and they are Rolls for Companies which were sent down the last Year by General Amherst's direction. The reason why some Rolls exceed others of the same Number of Men is this; the Men were discharged at different times, and Bagley's Regiment was much longer in service than the rest, great part of it was blown off to the West Indies or Virginia, and did not arrive until late in the Spring, and may properly be considered in the same light with the Forces we kept at Nova Scotia the Winter before.

There are 4670 Men in the Rolls for the Western Service and 318 sent Eastward the last Year: So many the Government have certainly paid Wages to for that Years service. There are 2187, besides in the three Regiments East. Of that number above 1500 were in Service the beginning of the Year 1760, and about 1000 remained the whole season; the others left the Service at different times, and their continuance can no other way be ascertained than by a copy of every Roll. The Court having committed these Accounts to my care I thought it needfull to give this explanation of them.

The Pay Rolls for the Seamen were sent by two Conveyances and I think one by a Pacquet from New York. It is unfortunate that both should miscarry. Another copy will be sent by this Ship. I am, Sir, Your most humble Servant, THOS. HUTCHINSON.



BOSTON 17th June 1761

You have herewith inclosed the Accounts of the Province charge for the general Service since the Accounts for the year 1759, together with Copies of the Pay Rolls for the Seamen, referred to in the Lieutenant Governor's Letter of 6th Instant, which I now forward to you.

I can find no original Letters either of General Amherst or of Admiral Durell relative to our men who served on board the Fleet, and have accordingly acquainted the General Court, by their Committee, of the want of this particular kind of evidence; but the agreement which Governor Pownall made with them severally appears very express upon the records of the Court. I therefore by their direction transmit you every thing that I can find in the books relative to this agreement vizt: Copy of his Excellency's Message of 6th March the Resolutions of the Court of the 13th March, 18th April, and 15th January following — which may possibly be of some use in obtaining a good proportion of the Grant of 1759, as well as in obtaining payment at the Navy Board. I likewise send you copy of my Letter of 15th January to the Treasurer of the Navy, and of the answer thereto of April following which will (at least) let you more fully into the State of this Affair.

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1 Journals of the House of Representatives, March 6, 1759.

It may be proper to observe to you the Occasion of the note annexed to the Copy of the Resolutions of the 13 March. The House in their Resolutions of 15th January, 1760, refer to a Vote of the Court of the 10th March, 1759: this reference I imagine was made, upon finding in the Journal of the House, that the House passed these Resolutions the 10 March: but as these Resolutions were not concurred by the Board till the 13th they bear that date in the General Court Books, and the Copy of said Resolutions now sent you, bear that date accordingly. I am, Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant,

AND'W OLIVER. [Memorandum,] Mr. Secr'y Oliver's Letter June 17th 1761. recd. Aug❜t 5th.


BOSTON 19th December 1761

SIR, -There will accompany this Letter, a Certificate which General Amherst has transmitted to the Governor for ascertaining the Number of the Forces paid by this Government, in the Year 1760. So far as respects the men at Nova Scotia, the Certificate has but little Tendency to answer the Purpose for which it was intended, but nothing more could be obtained. You will observe that the General says, the greatest part of the 2500 men, either returned before, or absolutely refused to do duty after the first of May, 1760. I think it most probable that this is the General Report of the State of our Forces, as it was received from the Governor or other chief Officer at Louisbourg and Nova Scotia; and that it is not collected from any regular Returns made to the General. It will appear by the Copies of the Rolls transmitted you by the Chesterfield, that

great part of the men at Nova Scotia and Louisbourg are supposed to be discharged and their Wages ceased before the first of May some of them quitted the Service without leave, others were regularly dismissed. All of them enlisted upon Assurance that they should be discharged before Winter. The Government, to induce them to be willing to continue over the Winter offered a Bounty of four Pounds, to every man who would continue untill the first of May, and it does not appear that any who received this Bounty left the Service without Leave before that time. I do not undertake to justify men in leaving the Service without a regular Dismission, although the time for which they inlisted be expired, but I think this Case should be considered with all its Circumstances. If regular Returns had been mad[e] We should have been content, to have been considered according to the Number of men from time to time in actual service, but as that is not done, you will improve the Rolls transmitted you to ascertain the numbers, and if the Certificate must be the Rule, it does not appear that there were less than 1200, of the 2500 in Service the whole of the Year 1760, as the greatest part only are said to have deserted before, or refused to do Duty after the first of May, 1760. To these must be added the 500 men sent in June, and the 4464, which actually marched Westward. There was a greater number paid by the Government, both for the Eastern and western Service, than the Certificate mentions. If the other Governments are in the same Case, it will not be material, as the Use to be made of the Certificate is only to settle the Proportion between them and us.

I write this by Order of the Governor, with the Advice of the Council. I am, Sir, your humble Servant, THO: HUTCHINSON.

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