1.97 Brant was a member of the Board sice University, an office which he filled with and with great honor and benefit to the State. ssppented Assistant United States District Attor , and in May, 1912, was appointed City Attorhe City and County of Denver. On the day he left Denof relief from the sickness which finally claimed death he was appointed qecial attorney for the Public es Commission in Denver, and these offices constitute the #cial positions be ever in ld. In 1889 Bryant was married to Miss Birdie Routt, daughter ffuer Governor Resatt. Four children were born to them, of whom Routt A. Bryant, Minnie Bryant Hutchinson, and Dorothy Bryant, with the widow, survive him. Bryant's tremendous strength of will is shown by the fact that during the last four years of his life, with full knowledge that death was imminent, he kept at his work with a grim courage that never faltered, and even in the midst of pain and suffering, which certainly would have crushed most men, he always wore the cheery smile and perpetrated the quibs and jokes which so endeared him to the hearts of his friends. Even after death had set its hand upon him, and noted specialists gave him practically no encouragement, he accomplished much brilliant work in his chosen profession. As city attorney he handled successfully a number of the city's most important cases, including the cases involving the franchises of the Water, Tramway and Telephone companies. Harry Bryant was always a conspicuous figure in public movements and in the social life of Denver, in which, through the Denver, University and Country Clubs, he took a prominent part. The Grand Lake Yacht Club was organized by him, and he was its Commodore at the time of his death. Bryant was always a student; he loved his books, and it was his constant desire and aim to place the University of Colorado on a high plane of efficiency, particularly in the law department." For many years he delivered a series of lectures on mining law at the State University, and always gave to his work as Regent his undivided attention and constant effort. Bryant was a man who made very little show, but his personality was such that those who knew him loved to associate with him, and his companionship was always sought. Bryant was a man of unblemished character, of personal and professional integrity, and devotion to his family and fidelity to his friends. He was an able lawyer, a genius in mastering details, and possessed a wonderfully retentive memory. He was |