regarded by many as an authority on mining law, and took a prominent part in many of the cases involving apex rights in the day when the law on this subject was being developed by the courts. William Henry Bryant died at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore on April 6, 1914, in his fifty-first year. His death can not be regarded but as a calamity to the State and a distinct loss to the legal profession, which he constantly adorned and which found in him one of its most brilliant members. His love and devotion at home, his professional courtesy and ability, his uniformly genial, pleasant and accommodating manner, and his devotion to and energetic work for the community in which he lived. and whose welfare he ever sought, will always be missed. Charles Wesley Franklin Charles Wesley Fklin die Denver, Co MENS ber 26, 1913, aged fity five Veals. bori of Booneville, Missouri, aupat hasiat Sedalia, th Early in life he entered a sting estabest ent at Sa after service as “devil", ty reporter and editor. He was enac the public schools of Sedalia, Missoni and sindied at Central College, Fave versity of Missouri at Columbia, In 1880 he came to Lead iFe C: early mining boom, and there worked a Hall", and as manager of the ich phy The following year he reset the st o printer, bec. ne Curry schools an Lernworth, Kansas, nd the Uni + the midst of its r on the ‚f the “Chronlaw and for a time vas in the office of Patterson & Thomas at jeg ville and of G. G. Wai e at the same place. He was also assistent district atterrey In those turlesent days of Leadville's history. Equipped with ar vellent practical Knowledge of the law, he once more its technical side, th's time at the University of Michian and, upon graduation fi nest to Leadville and was cok up inted assistant dista Franklin had been one f camp of Aspen. He was ... That sountry over the Indepen": rship for the practice of law Aspen. which shared in all the suc |