of the Denver Bar Association. Many of our members are also members of the Colorado Bar Association, and it has always been and is now the purpose of our Association to work in harmony with the State Association. Yours very truly, HUGH MCLEAN, Secretary. Colorado Springs, Colo., July 2, 1914. The Chairman of the Committee on Local Bar Associations of the Colorado Bar Association, Denver, Colo. Dear Sir: In compliance with your request of July 1st I hereby submit a brief report of the transactions of the El Paso County Bar Association during the year which has intervened since the last meeting of the Colorado Bar Association. The El Paso County Bar Association under its by-laws has quarterly meetings at designated times; however, the meetings are not always held at the time designated by the by-laws, yet generally speaking, the Association holds one meeting each quarter. The Association has sixty-five members and approximately fifty per cent of its membership attend all meetings. At the quarterly meeting held in July, 1913, the Association took up the question of procuring better ventilation in the court rooms in the county and appointed a committee for said purpose; said committee working in conjunction with the judges of the courts procured some changes in the court room which bettered the ventilation, and likewise the committee procured a change in the location in the large court room of the jury box, which resulted in eliminating certain unpleasant lighting which had therefore operated as a punishment upon the jurors. The Association has also during the past year bought and had placed at the graves of certain deceased attorneys, which were unmarked, neat markers with proper inscription thereon. This was done at the cost of the Association and resulted in the proper marking of seven graves. I am only mentioning the two matters referred to for the purpose of showing somewhat the line of activity which this Association pursues; not that the two things mentioned are the only things which the Association has done or is attempting to do, but only that they give some idea of our activities. You have called for a brief report and were I to attempt to go further into detail and mention the many things which the Association has taken up and discussed, the report would not be brief and I deem it best simply to give you a general statement of what our meetings and activities usually are. The Association is not very long on society and is not a social organization except as its members merely coming together at a common meeting point may be considered a social gathering; the plan of the meeting is usually a dinner served without additional cost to all members in good standing, followed by a business meeting in which is discussed any particular question of moment and likewise any question which any member desires to submit to the Association. These questions involve many different matters, such as legislation pending before the people, the legislature or the city commission, and likewise matters of procedure under discussion in the local courts or in the appellate courts. As another illustration I might mention that we have at present a committee working to report, at the next meeting of our Association, upon the divorce question and whether or not changes should be made in the law or court procedure. I believe the foregoing gives you some general idea as to the activity of the Association and the class of matters which it discusses, and is about as full a report as I can give you without further trespassing upon your inhibition that the report be brief. Harry E. Kelly, Esq., Respectfully submitted, CLARENCE M. HAWKINS, Secretary El Paso County Bar Association. Office U. S. Attorney, Denver, Colo. Dear Sir:— Boulder, Colo., July 2, 1914. I have your letter of July 1st, inquiring about the local Bar Association of this county, and can state that the Boulder County Bar Association was organized in 1907, and has at the present time about forty-four members. The present officers of the Association are: President, H. E. Rowland, Boulder; Vice-President, Edward Affolter, Louisville; Treasurer, Arthur Fitzgerald, Boulder; Secretary, Frank L. Moorhead, Boulder. During the last year the Association has held two dinners and meetings, at which time, besides the regular transaction of business, there were reports given by committees appointed by the Association, reporting upon the following subjects: Uniform court rules and fixed motion day, which subject was taken up by the judges of this district for the purpose of having them revise the present court rules of this district to provide for a fixed day each week for the hearing of motions. The second committee reported upon abstracts of legal notices, the object being to provide for the publication and a transcript of conveyances now published in Boulder and a statement of all legal notices appearing in the different papers of the county each week. The third committee reported upon a subject concerning information about jurors, providing that when the Clerk of the Court sends out notices to the jurors selected for a term that he send also a blank with each notice, for the party to fill out, giving his name, occupation, how long a resident of the county, whether he had served as a juror within the past year, and several other questions which might be of benefit to the Bar Association before the regular term opened, and thus doing away with the unnecessary questioning of the jurors upon such subjects. At the present time there is an active committee at work to report to the Association upon any errors or discrepancies which now appear in our statutes, this committee to report and bring the matter to the attention of the Senator and Representatives from this county, to be called before the next legislature for remedy. This committee is also to recommend certain revisions of the statutes, and we hope will accomplish some good. At every meeting of the Association it is the plan to assign certain questions for discussion, and has resulted in much benefit to the Association. I enclose herewith a copy of the by-laws of our Association, and hope that from that you may gain any information which will aid you in the preparation of the subject you have to report on. Yours sincerely, FRANK L. MOORHEAD. Wray, Colo., July 7, 1914. Mr. Harry E. Kelly, Denver, Colo. Dear Sir: Your letter of the first inst. addressed to Mr. Isaac Pelton has been forwarded to me. The Bar Association of the Thirteenth Judicial District of the State of Colorado was organized the last of December, 1908. Its members are composed of attorneys of the Thirteenth Judicial District. The object of the Association according to the constitution is: First. To advance the standing of the members of the Association among members of the Colorado Bar. Second. To outline and maintain a code of ethics which shall govern the members of the Association in their professional relations with each other and with the Courts. Third. To secure such rules of local practice as shall conduce to the efficient and speedy administration of justice. Fourth. To promote more intimate social relations with each other. Fifth. To encourage and promote such methods and habits of study and research as shall increase and strengthen the efficiency and usefulness of the members of the Association as attorneys. The Association has held an annual meeting since its organization, which consists in a business meeting during the day, addresses, etc. In the evening a banquet is held and the social life developed. There are about thirty or forty members of the Association, the present officers are: M. M. Bulkeley, President, Wray; J. S. Bennett, Vice-President, Holyoke; J. R. Coen, Secretary, Sterling; L. C. Stepheson, Treasurer, Ft. Morgan. Yours very truly, M. M. BULKELEY. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON LAW REFORM To the Colorado Bar Association: Your Committee on Law Reform begs to submit the following report: At the sixteenth annual meeting of this Association, this committee was directed to formulate measures providing for the establishment of a State Legislative Reference and Bill-drafting Bureau, and for the division of the sessions of the general assembly, and submit the measures so formulated at this meeting. Pursuant to such directions, we submit herewith the following bill for a proposed constitutional amendment providing for a division of the regular sessions of the general assembly of this State. A BILL FOR AN ACT TO SUBMIT TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE STATE Section 1. There shall be submitted to the quali- |