any changes prior to an actual trial of the new rules, and we therefore feel that it is quite important that the State Bar Association at its coming meeting in Colorado Springs give careful consideration to the newly promulgated rules relating to the issuance of summons and stay of execution pending the application for supersedeas, and if the views of the State association coincide with those of the Denver association as hereinabove indicated, the Judiciary Committee of the Denver Bar Association will be very glad to cooperate with the Judiciary Committee of the State Bar Association or any special committee which may be appointed for that purpose, in presenting these matters to the Supreme Court. As the meeting of the State Bar Association is to be held within a few days, our committee will suspend action until after that meeting, hoping that said Association will appoint a committee with whom we can cooperate in the matter. I trust that you will favor us at an early date after the meeting of the State association with information as to the action, if any, which the State association takes upon these matters. Yours very truly, CARLE WHITEHEAD, Secretary, Judiciary Committee, Denver Bar Association. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON LEGAL EDUCATION To the Colorado Bar Association: July 11, 1914. Your Committee on Legal Education reports that since our last session but little of novelty or importance has happened necessitating report by this committee, or action by the Association. A night school of law has been started in Denver, under the patronage of Westminister College, which will afford educational advantages to law students who are unable to attend the day sessions of the other schools. At the Commencement in June, the School of Law of the University of Colorado, at Boulder, graduated thirty-five students (one a woman) and the School of Law of the University of Denver graduated twenty-nine students. These were the largest classes ever graduated in both institutions. In each case it represents the last class admitted under the old rules requiring only a highschool diploma as a preliminary educational standard. At both institutions there have been changes in the required studies and in methods of teaching, all tending toward greater efficiency. There is a friendly and healthy rivalry, or, rather, emulation, between the two schools. There were seventy-three candidates examined for admission to the Bar at the last examination before the Supreme Court in June, 1914. Respectfully submitted, H. N. HAYNES, JOHN D. FLEMING, Committee. REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON RESEARCH IN THE BEGINNINGS OF THE LAW IN COLORADO July 8, 1914. To the Colorado Bar Association: The undersigned, chairman of your committee for the collection and compilation of data relating to "The Beginnings of Law", and early history of the bench and Bar of Colorado, begs leave to report that little progress in this work has been accomplished during the past year, for the following reasons: It was contemplated that the committee, aside from their individual contributions of data from personal knowledge, should correspond with members of the Bar in all the various localities of the State where the desired information could be obtained, and from the research of such local members have gathered and sent to members of the committee or the chairman a large part of such historical data. From such source or plan nothing of consequence has been derived, and the result of such effort has been virtually fruitless. Hence, the only other mode of proceeding remaining was for the chairman, or other members of the committee, to travel over the country and gather up the material. The usual and natural drawback to this mode is, that each member is inclined to expect that the others would do this, or that the chairman would himself do all that was necessary. Your chairman is convinced that considering the peculiar character of this work, any one person alone could do it better than if left to a number, and that the work can not be so well or satisfactorily done as to have one person-in the same way as an author intending to write a history or gazetteer of the State-set out and visit each of a dozen or twenty of the first organized counties of the State, examine all the early court records, interview all the oldest lawyers of the local Bar, as well also the oldest living settlers, and from these sources glean facts, incidents, stories and even interesting legends of the first lawyers, courts, and law genesis; then have such matter collated, classified, compiled chronologically, and then submitted to the full committee for examination and revision; this work would fulfill the object of the Association in creating the committee. But such work can not be done by a committee sitting in one place, or getting together occasionally and talking about it. Correspondence by letters takes much time and considerable expense. And for even one person to go over the country, as I have suggested, would require several months of his time and cost three or four hundred dollars in railway fare and other necessary expenses. There may be some members of the Colorado Bar Association who could afford to do this at his own expense, time and labor, but the chairman of your committee regrets to say that he is not one so favored by bank account, automobile, railroad pass or independent leisure. I therefore recommend that the Association adopt some means of furnishing the necessary expense of such work to be donet by some fit member of the present committee, or of the Association, to be so designated, and continue the present committee, or appoint a new one; or discharge the committee and drop the matter indefinitely. For myself, I have, since the first years of the "Pike's Peak" settlement of Colorado, had an ambition and have cherished the hope to be able to write up such a history or sketch-book of the |