TRANSACTIONS OF THE SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE COLORADO BAR ASSOCIATION HELD AT COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO FIRST DAY 10-30 O'CLOCK A. M. Friday, July 10, 1911. De meeting was called to order at the Antlers Hotel, at 10:30 o'clock: a. m., by President Dubbs, On motion, duly carried, the reading of the minutes of the Sixteenth Annual Meeting was dispensed with, printed copies of such minutes having been in the hands of the members of the Association for many months. President Dubbs: The report of the Committee on Admissions does not appear on the program as the next order of business, but it has been eustomary to take that matter up at this stage of our meetings, Einest Morris: Mr. President, I have the report. President Dubbs: Is it agreeable to the Asseistion that do order i changed to that extent? If there is no objection dat will be done. The report way read by Mr. Moar (For the report, see the Appendre a TRANSACTIONS OF THE SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE COLORADO BAR ASSOCIATION HELD AT COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO FIRST DAY 10:30 O'CLOCK A. M. Friday, July 10, 1914. The meeting was called to order at the Antlers Hotel, at 10:30 o'clock a. m., by President Dubbs. On motion, duly carried, the reading of the minutes of the Sixteenth Annual Meeting was dispensed with, printed copies of such minutes having been in the hands of the members of the Association for many months. President Dubbs: The report of the Committee on Admissions does not appear on the program as the next order of business, but it has been customary to take that matter up at this stage of our meetings. Ernest Morris: Mr. President, I have the report. President Dubbs: Is it agreeable to the Association that the order be changed to that extent? If there is no objection that will be done. The report was read by Mr. Morris. (For the report, see the Appendix.) L 9417 JUN 8-192.1 President Dubbs: If there is no objection, the report will be received and filed. The next order is the matter of election of members. The Secretary has prepared ballots, and the names of the applicants have been printed on the program. Are there any remarks on this matter prior to the taking of ballots? If not, the chair will appoint Mr. Grant, Mr. Adams, and Mr. Sabin to act as tellers in taking this ballot. I call attention to the fact that it is our usual practice and custom to consider in the affirmative any name not stricken from the list. If anyone desires to vote against any applicant whose name appears on the lists which have been furnished you, he will strike out such name. The ballot being duly had, the Secretary announced the elec tion to membership in the Association of the following: Robert F. Armstrong, Denver; George H. Blickhahn, Walsenburg; Fraser Brown, Denver; C. F. Clay, Denver; John E. Fetzer, Denver; John W. Graham, Denver; Langdon H. Larwill, Denver; David Plessner, Denver; Morrison Shafroth, Denver; Barnwell S. Stuart, Denver; J. Foster Symes, Denver; James H. Teller, Denver; Philip S. Van Cise, Denver; Albert L. Vogl, Denver; Thomas R. Woodrow, Denver; W. D. Wright Jr., Denver. President Dubbs: There will be a meeting of the district judges of the State at 2 o'clock this afternoon at the Broadmoor. The meeting will be held in one of the rooms at the Casino, and will be carried on at the same time as the regular business meeting of the Association. President Dubbs delivered the annual address. (For the address, see the Appendix.) President Dubbs: Gentlemen, I believe that ends the customary order of busi |