ness this morning. If there is any special matter which any member desires to present, it will be entertained. Alfred R. King: I wish to present a motion that the press be requested to publish the president's address. (Applause.) President Dubbs: The chair appreciates the suggestion. Harry E. Kelly: Certain persons who are interested in disseminating proper views, as we think, have already made that request upon the press, and we expect to have this paper very liberally circulated. President Dubbs: Therefore, the chair declares the motion out of order. At the last meeting of the Association a resolution was adopted on the motion of Judge Rogers, who unfortunately can not be here at this time, to the effect that the Secretary procure a register in which the members of the Association should register at each session. It was commented upon that we had no such record for the years which have passed, and it was very unfortunate that we did not preserve the signatures not only of our own members, but those of our distinguished guests. The Secretary has procured this register, and I trust that you will all make it a point to place your signatures in this book, for the historic interest of the Association. There being no further matter, we will stand adjourned until 2 o'clock this afternoon, to meet at the Broadmoor Casino. AFTERNOON SESSION 2:00 O'CLOCK Friday, July 10, 1914. The meeting was called to order on the veranda of the Casino at Broadmoor by President Dubbs. President Dubbs: The first order of business this afternoon is the report of the Executive Committee of the Association. Is the committee ready to report? Secretary Wadley: That consists merely of the report of the Auditing Committee, which is a subcommittee of the Executive Committee, on the report of the Treasurer. President Dubbs: I am informed by the Secretary that such matter as customarily included in that report, is now included in the report of the Treasurer, we will hear that, or at any rate, a summary of it. Secretary Wadley read a summary of the Treasurer's report. (For the full report, see the Appendix.) On motion, duly carried, the Treasurer's report was referred to the Executive Committee. The report of the Committee on Grievances was read by the Chairman of the Committee, Mr. Worrell. (For the report, see the Appendix.) On motion, duly seconded and carried, the report was received and filed in regular course. The report of the Committee on Legal Biography was presented by the Chairman of the Committee, Mr. Gast. (For the report, see the Appendix.) The report of the Committee on Local Bar Associations was presented by the Chairman of the Committee, Mr. Kelly. (For the report, see the Appendix.) Harry E. Kelly: The reports of the various local Bar Associations are herewith presented, and if it is desired that they should be read I presume the Secretary will read them. President Dubbs: The report of the committee presents matters upon which some of the members of the Association may desire to be heard, and I am sure the Association itself will be very glad to hear from anybody upon any of these matters. Is there any gentleman who desires to comment upon the report? If not, what shall be done with it? Ernest Morris: I think this report is clear and direct and needs no comment. It speaks for itself. I move that it be received, adopted and approved. This motion prevailed. The report of the Committee on Law Reform was presented by Mr. Farrar, Chairman of the Committee. (For the report, see the Appendix.) Fred Farrar: I desire to state, gentlemen, that the committee has no pride in the opinions which have been advanced in this paper, and they are made as suggestions because of the matter referred to us, primarily, and our own ideas secondarily. I have had prepared a number of copies of these bills, and will be glad to distribute them if any of the gentlemen wish to discuss this matter further. President Dubbs: You have heard the report of the Committee on Law Reform. What is the pleasure of the meeting? The matter is now open for such discussion as may be offered. Edward S. Worrell Jr.: I move that the report be received and filed. This motion was duly seconded. Thomas J. O'Donnell: I make the further motion that the report be re-referred, to be taken up at the next annual meeting. That is offered as an amendment. President Dubbs: Do you accept that? Edward S. Worrell Jr.: Yes. Thomas J. O'Donnell: I do that for this reason. I think the criticism of the Association that the Bar has been following rather than leading as it should is timely. But I think the report shows that the Bar is inclined to follow the very worst of precedents, that is, to indulge in empirical legislation, legislation without sufficient thought or consideration. I am practically opposed to both of the bills. I do not think there is any doubt but what we have too much law at the present time. We do not need any more law now. What we need now is to devote ourselves to the enforcement of the laws which we have. Do not let us distract ourselves or the public from the present laws by placing before the people by our initiative such laws as are here suggested. I think that instead of appointing a censor for initiated measures we ought to see if we could not get rid of the initiative. (Applause.) So far as I am concerned, I have tried it long enough! (Laughter.) I am going to do what I can toward teaching those, who, as Mr. Kelly might say, are not as apt in learning as I am. I certainly am not going to follow an evil example. It seems to me that the suggestion of the committee that this State is top-heavy with commissions is very timely. I think the situation is absurd. A man can not go through the State Capitol without laughing at the signs on the doors of that building. There is that immense structure, without half enough room for all the agencies of government that we have created in our folly during the last ten years. Do not let us follow the same ignis fatuus that we have been pursuing. Let us stop. And if perchance, we find it necessary to create some new office, let us at the same time get rid of some of the useless offices which we now have. This idea of a legislative counsel, to be appointed for a term of six years, at $2,400 a year-now, think of it! And a stenographer at just half the sum-why not appoint two stenographers? (Laughter.) Let us let it wait a little while. Let us let it go over until next year and think of it. I never heard of this proposition before. I do not want to detain you here, but I have indicated briefly how the matter strikes me. President Dubbs: Gentlemen, the motion is that the report of the Committee on Law Reform be received, filed, and referred to the incoming Committee on Law Reform for further report at the next annual meeting. This motion was duly seconded. |