the boatmen were alarmed by the appearance of a very heavy squall rising; they immediately took down their little sail. The wind soon struck us, attended with a very heavy shower and extreme darkness. We found it necessary to attempt landing at the nearest shore. This we effected after some time, as we could see the shore when there was a flash of lightning, the magnitude and frequency of which gave us great relief. We reached an uninhabited island exceedingly wet; we got on shore, and attempted making a fire, which was not effected without great difficulty, and not until we had been in the rain for about two hours. About midnight we began to warm and dry ourselves as well as we could. We remained on the island until about sun-rising the next morning. No part of our situation during the night was very enviable. Sept. 2. After passing on about two miles we crossed the lines of Upper and Lower Canada. At nine o'clock we halted at Mr. McIntire's for a few minutes; we then proceeded to the island of Montreal. A little before we reached this island, we passed the rapids at the Cedars. They are the most considerable of any, but they are all too highly painted. There is nothing very alarming in passing any of the rapids on this river, notwithstanding what has been said by many people. Sept. 3. We put up at night at Grant's tavern, and in the morning we went down to Montreal city, nine miles, 200 miles from Kingston and 350 from Niagara, around which there is a pretty good wall, built by Louis XIV. of France, and perhaps six hundred houses, few of them elegant. A regiment of men are stationed there. The government borders much on the military; the citizens seem to be controlled thereby. This we discovered in an order issued in our favor, to the commanding officer of the militia on the south shore opposite to Montreal, who was directed to supply us with as many carriages as we needed to transport us and our baggage across land to St. John's. In consequence of this order he called on his neighbors for carriages, who could not refuse a supply, or set a price on their own labors. Before evening we passed across the St. Lawrence, and remained at a house near the ferry until the morning. Sept. 4. On the arrival of the carriages we passed on to St. John's, twenty-eight miles, where we dined. In our pas sage we observed the land to be very flat, and canals to draw off the water through the whole distance of the first twelve. miles. Here we met the river Chamblee; on the banks of this river we travelled the other sixteen miles, the road pretty good. Soon after we arrived on the borders of this river we passed Fort Chamblee, a handsome well-built fort. This river is made up of the waters which issue out of Lake Champlain, and are of a sufficient depth for rafting lumber, &c. spring and fall; the river is now shoal, and about three hundred yards wide. We left St. John's in the afternoon of the same day, after clearing out, giving in our names, &c. Went on about four miles with a head wind and went on shore. Sept. 5. The next morning we proceeded, and contended all day with a head wind and current. Went on about eight miles and again went on shore. The next morning we went on, called at Isle aux Noix, there reported ourselves again to a British garrison. After we continued our course with a good wind to Point au Fer. Here, though in the United States, we had to call and report ourselves again to a British garrison, thence to a British armed vessel which was anchored near the fort. These embarrassments being over, we proceeded down the lake to the American custom-house. After our report was over here, we proceeded to Gilland's Creek, off which we anchored, as there was not water enough to enter the river. Sept. 7. In the morning of the seventh, at day-light, we made sail, and reached a little house eight miles from Skeensborough. We left this place early in the morning of the 8th and took breakfast at Skeensborough, where we spent the day. Our passage across Lake Champlain was unpleasant, as our captain was sick and left on the way; the other hand, a small boy, was attacked with the fever and ague, so that he could not do any thing on board the vessel. However, we made a safe voyage, though some painful circumstances attended it. Sept. 9. This morning we left Skeensborough in the public stage for Albany. In our way we passed Fort Ann, on Wood Creek, and Fort Edward, on the Hudson. Just at dark we passed by Fort Miller; soon after we crossed the Hudson, and lodged at Saratoga. In the morning we proceeded, again crossed the Hudson at Stillwater. In our way down we visited the canal, above this place. When their whole plan shall be executed, it will be an important work, and connect the waters of Lake Champlain with the Hudson; but it will be a work of great labor and expense. We passed in our way the New City and the city of Troy, three miles one from the other; they appear in a flourishing state. [By accident there came to the hands of a member of our Society, a few weeks since, a sketch of the scene at the conference with the Indians at Buffalo Creek, on Lake Erie, in 1793, mentioned on page 125 of the preceding Journal, drawn by a young British officer who was present, and by him preserved until it was given to a friend at Gibraltar in 1819. Being deemed worthy of accompanying the narrative in the Journal, we have obtained a lithographic copy of it. An exhibition of that occurrence so many years since, multiplied by an art then undiscovered, is a suitable appendage to the relation of a tour in the land, where all the objects which then solicited the traveller's attention, except Ontario, Erie and Niagara, are totally changed. The following is a copy of the letter and description which accompanied the drawing. “Col. Pilkington presents his best respects to Mr. Henry, and in making an offer of the sketch he spoke of the other day, Col. P. trusts Mr. Henry will excuse the unfinished state of it, because an attempt to do more after a lapse of between twenty and thirty years might destroy the little character it now assumes. Gibraltar, 12th April, 1819. "A Sketch taken at a Talk with the Indians of Buffalo Creek, on Lake Erie. Present, Mr. Randolph, Gen. Lincoln, Mr. Pickering, Gen. Chapin, and Quakers, as peace-makers, who were in the suite of the American Commissioners. To the right of Mr Randolph, an interpreter, an officer of the 24th British regiment, the Indian orator, and another officer of the 24th Grenadiers." These Quakers are mentioned on page 123 of the Journal, fifth line, "where the Friends are encamped.' Their presence at the interview is accounted for by the following extract of a letter written by Washington to Jefferson, March 22, 1793, "As it has been suggested to me that the Society of Quakers are desirous of sending a deputation of their body to be present at the aforesaid treaty, which, if done with pure motives, may be a means of facilitating the good work of a peace, you will consider how far, if they are approved characters, they ought to be recognized in the instructions to the Commissioners, and how proper it may be for them to participate therein, or be made acquainted therewith."-Pub. Com.] 1 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THE REV. JOHN BARNARD. [The original MS. Autobiography of the Rev. John Barnard, of Marblehead, has been for some years in the archives of the Massachusetts Historical Society. From the date at the end, it appears to have been drawn up in 1766, when the writer was in the 85th year of his age. It was formerly in the possession of the Rev. Dr. Stiles, President of Yale College; and he undoubtedly is the person alluded to towards the close, at whose "earnest desire" it was prepared. In a letter to Mr. Barnard, dated Newport, Oct. 3, 1767, Dr. Stiles says, "On the first of last month I received a packet from you, containing five volumes of your works, two pamphlets, the MS. of your own Life, and your kind letter of 12th August. With great pleasure I have read your Life again and again. It has proved a feast to me. So long a Life of a gentleman of your figure and extensive connections must contain much ecclesiastical history, abound in political anecdotes, and involve very interesting participations in the public occurrences and transactions, concerning which you have the honor to say, Quorum pars magna fui." The Rev. Dr. Chauncy, of Boston, in a letter to Dr. Stiles, dated May 6, 1768, in which he gives a sketch of the eminent men of New England, says, "Mr. John Barnard, of Marblehead, has been a long and near friend and acquaintance of mine. He is now in his eighty-seventh year, and I hear is seized this winter with blindness. I esteem him to have been one of our greatest men. Had he turned his studies that way, he would perhaps have been as great a mathematician as any in this country, I had almost said in England itself. He is equalled by few in regard either of invention, liveliness of imagination, or strength and clearness in reasoning." (1 Hist. Coll. X. 157, 166.) The MS. appears to have been used by the author of the Historical Account of Marblehead, contained in 1 Hist. Coll. VIII. 54, in which may be seen a sketch of Mr. B.'s life and character. It was also in the hands of Dr. Eliot, while preparing his Biographical Dictionary, who says of Mr. Barnard, that he was a burning and shining light for many years; his praise was in all the churches; and he seemed like a high-priest among the clergy of the land." Mr. B. is numbered among the benefactors of Harvard College. On the burning of the Library in 1764, he presented many books from his own library, and imported others from England to the value of £10 sterling; and in his will bequeathed £200 to the same institution. He died Jan. 24, 1770, in the 89th year of his age. The first leaf of the MS. is somewhat mutilated, and it has been found rather difficult to fill the chasms. Whenever words or parts of words are inserted from conjecture, they are printed in italics.-Publishing Committee.] |