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bud consisting merely of a naked fold, do, when transplanted to a cold climate, become dwarfed, many leaflets being arrested in their growth, and forced to degenerate into scales, in order to protect from the atmosphere, the growth of the interior leaves, that the whole may not perish. So, in the ungenial atmosphere of unsympathising guardianship or companionship, a part of the mental powers, intended to spread forth in beauty and fragrance, are forced to degenerate into mere self-defences, that all may not be lost. A fastidious reserve, where it is not affectation, is always the effect of want of sympathy and intelligent appreciation or of a forced intercourse with the rude; and it never comes from the respectfulness of the method of education, which I am defending, but is prevented by it; provided this method is pursued with good sense on the part of the instructor.

The last good influence which I shall mention, of my favorite mode of procedure, is its tendency to break up that constant reference to general opinion, which is so apt to degenerate into subserviency to it. The mind that is accustomed to commune in silence with its own ideal, and with God, is apt to forget the low views which govern the world; and by this forgetfulnes to be withdrawn from the world's dethroning influences. The soul, also, feeling how far off it is from its own standard, even in its best estate, may be entirely unconscious of how beautiful and how elevated it appears to those around it, and thus become more and more humble, have more and more of the "beauty of contrition" about it, as it advances. And what expression is there on earth, of the unseen and unknown heaven of character, to which we all aspire, that is so powerful, as the unconsciousness and humility of the holiest virtue ?

But while I bear testimony to having found that the method of individual culture, can be pursued in a school, and with all the above fine influences, I must be ingenuous, and also state its peculiar difficulties.

It requires, in the first place, that the school be small in numbers; for no instructor can take time to study out the individualities of every pupil, and feed each with appropriate food, without a greater tax upon thought and feeling,

than any individual can bear, for many successive years. It requires, also, that the instructor should be free for the school, so as to make it the first object; and free also for general culture, and for such degree of general intercourse as there is felt a need for. It is not every well disposed, or well taught person, that is capable of the attitude of friend and guardian to a company of young minds. It requires, even more than much learning, a spirit of philosophic liberality, a mind of ready and various resource, and a heart of all-comprehending sympathies.

But supposing the instructor is found, and the school is numerically within compass, it will often take years to get entire possession of some individuals, who may come into it; the general influences of whose life and companionship, out of school, may not be in harmony with the influence exerted by the instructor. Where so much is aimed at, relative success alone must be expected; and an instructor must not be surprised if every degree of want of success makes a great noise in the world, and there be little appreciation of the success actually obtained, except by the pupils themselves, who will inevitably feel and acknowledge it, as they grow older.

When I went into Mr. Alcott's school, full of the above views, and rather inclined to believe that the method I had endeavoured to pursue, was the only one that was not absolutely wrong,-my mind was forcibly turned to consider other modes.

Here was a school of thirty children, mostly boys under ten years of age, who were creatures of instinct more than any thing else, with undeveloped consciences and minds, but well-disposed, good-natured, overflowing with animal spirits, and all but intoxicated with play. It was plain enough that my plan could get no foothold in a school of such materials; at least until some other one had prepared the way. And I soon found that Mr. Alcott had quite a different way. A common conscience was the first object towards which he aimed. And this he defended on the ground that the general conscience of a school would be the highest; for which also, he had some very excellent arguments. He said that the soul, when nearest infancy, was the purest and most moral; that the artlessness of children made them

express their strongest convictions, even when it made against themselves; and that though the very young were very apt to do wrong things, they did not defend wrong in the abstract, ever. From all this, it was to be inferred, that the moral judgements of the majority would be higher than their conduct; while those few, whose conduct was more in proportion to their moral judgement, would still keep their high place, and occasionally throw their finer elements, into the general conscience, which might be called the treasury of the school.-I admitted the reasonableness of all this, and felt, that the plan would work for the benefit of the worst scholars, certainly, and might work for the benefit of the best; and I am bound to say, that no evil effects to the better portion, have transpired under my observation, quickened though it has been by my doubts; and that the majority of the school have made moral progress, which, considering their age. and the time that has transpired, is beyond all parallel in my observation-I say moral progress, and I wish to be understood, in the largest sense of that word, in which is included religious ideas, the sense of accountability, and the habit of virtuous effort.I, therefore, must acknowledge myself vanquished, as far as my skepticism regarded such a school as Mr. Alcott's, though I reserve my own opinion, respecting one of a very limited number of girls, of an age extending from the time they can read to the time when girls generally leave school. As it is the ideal of a girl's education to be educated by an accomplished mother, in the sacred retreat of home,—the nearest approach to these circumstances, is the ideal of a girl's school.

The methods of discipline, which I mentioned, as having been questioned, all arise out of this principle of having a common conscience, and these objections I will now briefly consider.

Mr. A. has an office of superintendent of conduct, including attitude, appearances of inattention, &c. This is delegated to scholars, selected for the day, whom sometimes he chooses himself, and sometimes the scholars choose, and to whom the whole always agree, promising to submit without complaint to any punishments Mr. Alcott may found on their judgements, experience having proved to them,

that this office generally creates that sense of responsibility, which makes the marks strictly just; especially as they know that Mr. Alcott always reserves a right of judgement, over and above that of the superintendents. Of this office, I was very jealous at first. I predicted various evils. But the result has proved that Mr. Alcott was right in expecting from it excellent effects. The worst boys, when put into that office, become scrupulously just, and get an idea of superintending themselves, which nothing else can give them.

General discussion of the conduct of individual scholars, is also another method of discipline, arising out of the principle of forming a common conscience. The objections to this course are obvious. And I have fo't some; though not those usually urged. And, with respect to the objections I made, I cannot say that any positive evil has been done, while I must admit that positive good does certainly arise. A degree of honesty, simplicity, self-surrender, and general acknowledgement of a standard of action beyond the control of any individual, are produced, such as no other school in the land, I will venture to say, can show; while all false pretensions, vanity, and self-exaltation, are completely taken down. Some persons have thought vanity was cherished in the school. But I think there can be no greater mistake. The first display of a new scholar, is that of all his vanity, and this is so uniformly the case, that the development is quite amusing to a constant spectator. But this blossom is indeed short-lived. It soon falls, and the infant fruit of a sober estimate of himself appears. In short, there can be no doubt, at all, that the immediate effect of this part of Mr. Alcott's plan, is favorable to self-knowledge and humility, when the scholars compare themselves with one another. It has been said, that the children are vain of the school, and think it is the only place where the right method is pursued, and that they are the only persons, in the world, who have the right standard, &c. A sort of party spirit about a school, is not uncommon with children, especially when there is any thing peculiar in the school. And if this is stronger than usual in this instance, it must be said, in defence of the children, that they constantly hear the most absurd misrepresentations of it, and of Mr. Alcott, from

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people who judge without knowing the truth; and the most
wild criticisms and enquiries concerning it, from those who
are inclined to take marvellous views of it.
They often
tell Mr. Alcott, that people do not understand him or his
school. And this is perfectly true. However, let the case
be as it may, if the children overrate the school while they
are in it, they are so much more liable to receive all its
advantages; and they will soon be undeceived, after they
have left it.

Having spoken thus elaborately of the school, with respect to the principles and methods of moral culture, I will proceed to speak of it, with respect to its intellectual effects; and here, I, for one, have never had any doubts, in any particular. I think it can be proved a priori, and a posteriori, that the intellectual influences are, in all respects, salutary.

In the first place, the cultivation of attention as a moral duty, with the constant exposition of all which interferes with it in instinctive habits, is of the first importance to the intellectual life. The mode in which this state of mind is cultivated, is not merely that of stating it as a duty, but stating it as a duty, after having used all the resources of his own and others' genius to attract and reward their attention. When a child has been led to enjoy his intellectual life, in any way, and then is made to observe whence his enjoyment has arisen,-he can feel and understand the argument of duty which may be urged in favor of attention. Those who commonly instruct children would be astonished, to witness the degree of attention which Mr. Alcott succeeds in obtaining from his scholars constantly. Indeed, the majority of adults might envy them. It is, generally speaking, complete, profound, and as continuous as any would wish the attention of children to be.

The first object of investigation is also in the highest degree fruitful for the intellect. Spirit, as it appears within themselves, whether in the form of feeling, law, or thought, is universally interesting. No subject interests children so much as self-analysis. To give name to inward movements of heart and mind, whether in themselves or others, is an employment of their faculties which will enchain the attention of the most volatile. There is no one class of objects

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