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vel alium seu alios ad id per te deputandum our Realm, and all other Officers, Ministers, sive deputandos, tam ex officio mero mixto and Subjects, these our Letters hearing or quam promoto super quorumcunq; excessi- seeing, Greeting. We let you wit, That bebus, criminibus seu delictis quibuscunq; ad ing desirous to have our People at all times forum Ecclesiasticum spectantibus infra convenient, give themselves to the attaining Dioc. London. ac delinquentes sive crimi- the knowledg of God's Word, whereby they nosos, juxta comperta per te in ea parte per will the better honour him, and observe and Licita Juris remedia pro modo culpæ, prout keep his Commandments; and also do their natura et qualitas delicti poposcerit, coer- Duties better to us, being their Prince and cendum et puniendum, cæteraq; omnia et Sovereign Lord: And considering that this singula in Præmissis seu aliquo præmisso- our Zeal and Desire cannot by any mean take rum, aut circa ea necessaria seu quomodoli- so good effect, as by the granting to them the bet opportuna, ac alia quæcunq; Autoritatem free and liberal use of the Bible in our own et Jurisdictionem Episcopalem quovis modo natural and English Tongue: so unless it be respiciend. et concernend. præter et ultra ea foreseen that the same pass at the beginning quæ tibi ex Sacris Literis divinitus commissa by one Translation to be perused and consiesse dignoscantur, vice, nomine, et Autori- dered; The frailty of Men is such, that the tate nostris exequendum, Tibi, de cujus sana diversity thereof may breed and bring forth doctrina, conscientiæ puritate, vitæq; et mo- manifold Inconveniences; as when wilful and rum integritate, ac in rebus gerendis fide et heady Folk shall confer upon the diversity of industria plurimum confidimus, vices nostras the said Translations. We have therefore cum potestate alium vel alios, Commissarium appointed our right trusty and well beloved vel Commissarios, ad præmissa seu eorum ali- Counsellor, the Lord Cromwell, Keeper of qua surrogandi et substituendi, eosdemq; ad our Privy Seal, to take for us, and in our placitum revocand. tenore præsentium com- Name, special care and charge, that no manmittimus, ac liberam facultatem concedimus; ner of Person, or Persons, within this our Teq; licentiam per præsentes ad nostri bene Realm, shall enterprise, attempt, or set in placiti duntaxat duraturas, cum cujuslibet hand to print any Bible in the English Tongue congruæ et Ecclesiasticæ coercionis potestate of any manner of Volum, during the space of quacunq; inhibitione in te datam præsentium five years next ensuing after the Date hereof, emanata in aliquo non obstante Tuam Con- but only all such as shall be deputed, assignscientiam coram Deo strictissime onerantes, ed, and admitted by the said Lord Cromwell. et ut summo omnium judici aliquando ratio- The 13 Novemb. Tricesimo primo Regni. nem reddere, et coram nobis tuo cum periculo corporali respondere intendis te admonentes ut interim tuum officium juxta Evangelii normam pie et sancte exercere studeas, et ne quem ullo tempore unquam vel ad sacros ordines promoveas, vel ad curam animarum gerend. quovis modo admittas, nisi eos duntaxat quos ad tanti et tam venerabilis Officii functionem vitæ et morum integritas certissimis testimoniis approbata, literarum scientiæ et aliæ qualitates requisitæ ad hoc habiles et idoneos clare et luculenter ostenderint et declaraverint; Nam ut maxime compertum cognitumq; habemus morum omnium, et Maxime Christianæ Religionis corruptelam a malis Pastoribus in populum emanasse, sic ut veram Christi Religionem, vitæq; et morum emendationem a bonis Pastoribus iterum delectis et assumptis in integrum restitutum iri haud dubie speramus. In cujus rei testimonium præsentes Literas nos tras inde fieri, et Sigilli nostra quod ad Causas Ecclesiasticas utimur appensione jussimus Communiri. Dat. 12. die mensis Novemb. Anno Dom. 1539. et Regni nostri Anno 31.

XVI.—The Attainder of Thomas Cromwell. Item quædam alia petitio, formam cujusdam ac

tus attincture in se continens, exhibita est suæ Regia Majestati in Parliamento prædicto, cujus tenor sequitur in hæc verba. [Parliament Rolls. Act 60. Anno Regni tricesimo secundo.]

In their most humble-wise shewing to your most Royal Majesty, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and all your most loving and obedient Subjects, the Commons in this your Most High Court of Parliament assembled; That where your most Royal Majesty, our Natural Sovereign Lord, is justly, lawfully, and really entituled to be our sole Supream Head and Governour, of this your Realm of England, and of the Dominions of the same; to whom, and to none other under God the Kingly Direction, Order, and Governance, of your most loving and obedient Subjects, and people of this your Realm, only appertaineth and belongeth. And the which your most loving and obedient Subjects, your Highness prudently and quietly, without any manner of disturbance, by a long time most graciously

XV.-The King's Letters Patents for printing hath preserved, sustained, and defended: And

the Bible in English.

[Rot. Pat. 31 Hen. 8.] HENRY the Eighth, &c. To all and singular Printers and Sellers of Books within this

your Highness, for the Quietness, Wealth, and Tranquillity of your said humble and obedient Subjects, hath made, and ordained, divers and many most godly, vertuous, and wholesome Laws; and for due execution of

the same, hath not desisted to travel in your own most Royal Person, to support and maintain, as well the Laws of Almighty God, as the Laws by your Highness made and ordained, by due and condign execution of the same Laws upon the Transgressors offending contrary to the same: and your Majesty hath always most vertuously studied and laboured, by all ways, and all means, to and for the setting forth thereof, in such wise as it might be most to the Honour, Glory, and Pleasure of Almighty God; and for the common accord and wealth of this your Realm, and other your Dominions: And, for the true execution of the same, hath elected, chosen, and made divers, as well of your Nobles, as others to be of your most honourable Council, as to the honour of a Noble Prince appertaineth. And where your Majesty bath had a special trust and confidence in your said most trusty Counsellors, that the same your Counsellors, and every of them, had minded and intended, and finally purposed to have followed and pursued your most Godly and Princely Purpose, as of truth the more number hath most faithfully done; Yet nevertheless Thomas Cromwell, now Earl of Essex, whom your Majesty took and received into your trusty Service, the same Thomas then being a Man of very base and low degree, and for singular favour, trust, and confidence, which your Majesty bare and had in him, did not only erect and advance the said Thomas unto the State of an Earl, and enriched him with many-fold Gifts, as well of Goods, as of Lands and Offices, but also him, the said Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, did erect and make one of your most trusty Counsellors, as well concerning your Grace's Supream Jurisdictions Ecclesiastical, as your most high secret Affairs Temporal. Nevertheless your Majesty now of late hath found, and tried, by a large number of Witnesses, being your faithful Subjects, and Personages of great Honour, Worship, and Discretion, the said Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, contrary to the singular trust and confidence which your Majesty had in him, to be the most false and corrupt Traitor, Deceiver, and Circumventor against your most Royal Person, and the Imperial Crown of this your Realm, that hath been known, seen, or heard of in all the time of your most Noble Reign; Insomuch that it is manifestly proved and declared, by the Depositions of the Witnesses aforesaid, That the same Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, usurping upon your Kingly Estate, Power, Authority, and Office; without your Grace's Commandment or Assent, hath taken upon him to set at liberty divers Persons, being convicted and attainted of Misprision of High Treason; and divers other being apprehended, and in Prison, for Suspection of High Treason; and over that, divers and many times, at sundry places, in this your realm, for manifold Sums of Mony to him given, most traiterously hath taken upon him, by several Writings, to give and

grant, as well unto Aliens, as to your Subjects, a great number of Licences for conveighing and carrying of Mony, Corn, Grain, Beans, Beer, Leather, Tallow, Bells, Mettals, Horses, and other Commodities of this your Realm, contrary to your Highness's most Godly and Gracious Proclamations made for the Common- Wealth of your People of this your Realm in that behalf, and in derogation of your Crown and Dignity. And the same Thomas Cromwell, elated, and full of pride, contrary to his most bounden Duty, of his own Authority and Power, not regarding your Majesty Royal; And further, taking upon him your Power, Sovereign Lord, in that behalf, divers and many times most traiterously hath constituted, deputed, and assigned, many singular Persons of your Subjects to be Commissioners in many your great, urgent, and weighty Causes and Affairs, executed and done in this your Realm, without the assent, knowledg, or consent of your Highness. And further also, being a Person of as poor and low degree, as few be within this your Realm; pretending to have so great a stroak about you, our, and his natural Sovereign Liege Lord, that he letted not to say publickly, and declare, That he was sure of you; which is detestable, and to be abhorred amongst all good subjects in any Christian Realm, that any Subject should enterprize or take upon him so to speak of his Sovereign Liege Lord and King. And also of his own Authority and Power, without your Highness's consent, hath made, and granted, as well to Strangers as to your own Subjects, divers and many Pass ports, to pass over the Seas with Horses, and great Sums of Mony, without any search. And over that, most Gracious Sovereign Lord, amongst divers other his Treasons, Deceits, and Falshoods, the said Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, being a detestable Heretick, and being in himself utterly disposed to sett and sow common Sedition and Variance among your true and loving Subjects, hath secretly set forth and dispersed into all Shires, and other Territories of this your Realm, and other your Dominions, great numbers of false Erroneous Books, whereof many were printed and made beyond the Seas, and divers other within this Realm, comprising and declaring, amongst many other Evils and Errors, manifest Matters to induce and lead your Subjects to diffidence, and refusal of the true and sincere Faith and Belief, which Christian Religion bindeth all Christian People to have, in the most Holy and Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, and other Articles of Christian Religion, most graciously declared by your Majesty, by Au thority of Parliament: And certain Matters comprised in some of the said Books, hath caused to be translated into our maternal and English Tongue: And upon Report made unto him by the Translator thereof, that the Matter so translated hath expressly been against the said most Blessed and Holy crament; Yet the said Thomas Cromwe

Earl of Essex, after he had read the same Translation, most heretically hath affirmed the same material Heresie so translated, to be good; and further hath said, that he found no fault therein; and over that, hath openly and obstinately holden Opinion, and said, That it was as lawful for every Christian Man to be a Minister of the said Sacrament, as well as a Priest. And where also your most Royal Majesty, being a Prince of Vertue, Learning, and Justice, of singular Confidence and Trust, did constitute and make the said Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, your Highness's Vicegerent within this your Realm of England; and by the same, gave unto him Authority and Power, not only to redress and reform all, and all manner of Errors, and Erroneous Opinions, insurging and growing among your loving and obedient Subjects of this your Realm, and of the Dominions of the same, but also to order and direct all Ecclesiastical and Spiritual Causes within your said Realm and Dominions; the said Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, not regarding his Duty to Almighty God, and to your Highness, under the Seal of your Vicegerent, bath, without your Grace's assent or knowledg, licensed and authorized divers Persons, detected and suspected of Heresies, openly to teach and preach amongst your most loving and obedient Subjects, within this your Realm of England. And under the pretence and colour of the said great Authorities and Cures, which your Majesty hath committed unto him in the Premisses, hath not only of his corrupt and damnable Will and Mind, actually, at some time, by his own Deed and Commandment, and at many other times by his Letters, expressly written to divers worshipful Persons, being Sheriffs, in sundry Shires of this your Realm, falsly suggesting thereby your Grace's Pleasure so to have been, caused to be set at large many false Hereticks, some being there indicted, and some other being thereof apprehended, and in ward: and commonly, upon complaints made by credible Persons unto the said Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, of great and most detestable Heresies committed and sprung in many places of this your Realm, with declaration of the Specialities of the same Heresies, and the Names of the Offenders therein, the same Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, by his crafty and subtil means and inventions, hath not only defended the same Hereticks from Punishment and Reformation; but being a fautor, maintainer, and supporter of Hereticks, divers times hath terribly rebuked di. vers of the said credible Persons being their Accusers, and some others of them hath persecuted and vexed by Imprisonment and otherwise. So that thereby many of your Grace's true and loving Subjects have been in much dread and fear, to detect or accuse such detestable known Hereticks; the particularities and specialities of which said

abominable Heresies, Errors, and Offences, committed and done by the said Thomas Cromwell, being over-tedious, long, and of too great number here to be expressed, declared, or written. And to the intent to have those damnable Errors and Heresies, to be inculcated, impressed, and infixed in the Hearts of your Subjects, as well contrary to God's Laws, as to your Laws and Ordinances. Most Gracious Soveraign Lord, the same Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, hath allured and drawn unto him by Retainours, many of your Subjects sunderly inhabiting in every of your said Shires and territories, as well erroneously perswading and declaring to them the Contents of the false erroneous Books, above-written, to be good, true, and best standing with the most Holy Word and Pleasure of God; as other his false and heretical Opinions and Errors; whereby, and by his Confederacies therein, he hath caused many of your faithful Subjects to be greatly infected with Heresies, and other Errors, contrary to the right Laws and Pleasure of Almighty God. And the same Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, by the false and traiterous means above-written, supposing himself to be fully able, by force and strength, to maintain and defend his said abominable Treasons, Heresies, and Errors, not regarding his most bounden Duty to Almighty God, and his Laws, nor the natural Duty of Allegiance to your Majesty, in the last day of March, in the 30 year of your most gracious Reign, in the Parish of St. Peter the Poor, within your City of London, upon demonstration and declaration then and there made unto him, that there were certain new Preachers, as Robert Barnes Clerk, and other, whereof part been now committed to the Tower of London for preaching and teaching of Leud Learning against your Highness's Proclamations; the same Thomas affirming the said preaching to be good, most detestably, arrogantly, erroneously, wilfully, maliciously, and traiterously, expressly against your Laws and Statutes, then and there did not lett to declare, and say; these most traiterous and detestable words ensuing, amongst other words of like matter and effect; that is to say, that "If the King would turn from it, yet I would not turn; And if the King did turn, and all his People, I would fight in the Field in mine own Person, with my Sword in my hand, against him and all others;" and then, and there, most traiterously pulled out his Dagger, and held it on high, saying these words, "Or else this Dagger thrust me to the heart, if I would not die in that Quarrel against them all: And I trust, if I live one year or two, it shall not lie in the King's Power to resist or lett it if he would." And further, then and there swearing by a great Oath, traiterously affirmed the same his traiterous saying and pronunciation of words, saying, "I will do so indeed," extending up his Arm, as though he had had a Sword in his Hand;

to the most perilous, grievous, and wicked Example of all other your loving, faithful, and obedient Subjects in this your Realm, and to the peril of your most Royal Person. And moreover, our most Gracious Soveraign Lord, the said Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, hath acquired and obtained into his possession, by Oppression, Bribery, Extort, Power, and false promises made by him to your Subjects of your Realm, innumerable Sams of Mony and Treasure; and being so enriched, hath had your Nobles of your Realm in great disdain, derision, and detestation, as by express words by him most opprobriously spoken hath appeared. And being put in remembrance of others, of his estate, which your Highness hath called him unto, offending in like Treasons, the last day of January, in the 31 year of your Most noble Reign, at the Parish of St. Martin in the Field, in the County of Middlesex, most arrogantly, willingly, maliciously, and traiter ously, said, published, and declared, that "If the Lords would handle him so, that he would give them such a Break-fast as never was made in England, and that the proudest of them should know;" to the great peril and danger, as well of your Majesty, as of your Heirs and Successors: For the which his most detestable and abominable Heresies and Treasons, and many other his like Offences and Treasons, over-long here to be rehearsed and declared. Be it Enacted, Ordained, and Established by your Majesty, with the Assent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That the said Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, for his abominable and detestable Heresies and Treasons, by him most abominably, heretically, and traiterously practised, committed, and done, as well against Almighty God, as against your Majesty, and this your said Realm, shall be, and stand, by Authority of this present Parliament, convicted and attainted of Heresie and High Treason, and be adjudged an abominable and detestable Heretick and Traitor; and shall have and suffer such pains of death, losses, and forfeitures of Goods, Debts, and Chattels, as in cases of Heresie and High Treason, or as in cases of either of them, at the pleasure of your most Royal Majesty. And that the same Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, shall, by Authority abovesaid, lose and forfeit to your Highness, and to your Heirs and Successors, all such his Castles, Lordships, Mannors, Mesuages, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Reversions, Remainders, Services, Possessions, Offices, Rights, Conditions, and all other his Hereditaments, of what names, natures, or qualities soever they be, which he the said Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, or any other to his use had, or ought to have had, of any Estate of Inberitance, in Fee-Simple or Fee-Tail, in Reversion or Possession, at the said last day of

March, in the said thirtieth Year of your most Gracious Reign, or at any time sith or after, as in Cases of High Treason. And that all the said Castles, Lordships, Mannors, Lands, Mesuages, Tenements, Rents, Reversions, Remainders, Services, Possessions, Offices, and all other the Premisses forfeited, as is abovesaid, shall be deemed, invested, and adjudged, in the lawful, real, and actual possession of your Highness, your Heirs, and Successors for ever in the same, and such estate, manner, and form, as if the said Castles, Lordships, Mannors, Mesuages, Lands, l'enements, Rents, Reversions, Remainders, Services, Possessions, Offices, and other the Premisses, with their Appurtenances, and every of them, were specially or particularly founden, by Office or Offices, Inquisition or Inquisitions, to be taken by any Escheator, or Escheators, or any other Commissioner or Commissioners, by virtue of any Commission or Commissions to them, or any of them, to be directed in any County or Counties, Shire or Shires, within this your Realm of England, where the said Castles, and other the Premisses, or any of them, been, or do lay, and returned into any of your Majesties Courts. Saving to all and singular, Person and Persons, Bodies politick and corporate, their Heirs and Successors, and their Successors and Assignees of every of them, other than the said Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, and his Heirs, and all and every other Person and Persons, claiming by the same Thomas Cromwell, and to his use, all such Right, Title, Entrie, Possession, Interest, Reversions, Remainders, Lease, Leases, Conditions, Fees, Offices, Rents, Annuities, Commons, and all other Commodities, Profits, and Hereditaments whatsoever they or any of them might, should, or ought to have had, if this Act had never been had nor made. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that this Act of Attainder, ne any Offence, ne other thing therein contained, extend not unto the Deanery of Wells, in the County of Sommerset; nor to any Mannors, Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments thereunto belonging; nor be in any wise prejudicial or hurtful unto the Bishop of Bath and Wells, nor to the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of St. Andrew of Wells, nor to any of them, nor to any of their Successors; but that the said Bishop, Dean, and Chapters, and their Successors, and every of them, shall and may have, hold, use, occupy, and enjoy, all and singular their Titles, Rights, Mannors, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Reversions, and Services, and all and singular other their Hereditaments, Commodities, and Profits, of what nature, kind, or quality, or condition soever they he, in as ample and large manner and form, as tho this Act of Attainder, or any Offence therein mentioned, had never been had, committed, nor made; and that from hence-forth the Dean, and his Successors, Deans of the said

Cathedral Church that hereafter shall be prefected, elected, and admitted to the same, Shall, by the Authority aforesaid, be Dean of the said Cathedral Church, fully and wholly incorporated with the Chapter of the same, in as ample, large, and like manner and form, to all intents and purposes, as the Deans before this time hath been and used to be, with the said Chapter of the said Cathedral Church of Wells. And that the same Dean and Chapter, and their Successors, shall have, occupy, and enjoy, all and singular their such Possessions, Mannors, Lands, Tenement, Rents, Reversions, and Services, and all and singular their Hereditaments, of what nature, kind, name or names they be called or known. And shall be adjudged, and deemed in actual and real possession and season of, and in the same Premisses, to all intents and purposes, according to their old Corporation, as tho this Act of Attainder, or any thing, clause, or matter therein contained had never been had, committed, nor made. This said Act of Attainder, or any other Act, Provision, or any thing heretofore had or made to the contrary notwithstanding. Cui quidem petitioni cum provisione prædict. perlect. et intellect. per dictum Dominum Regem ex Authoritate et consensu Parliamenti pradicti sic Responsum est,

Soit faict come il est desiré.

XVII.-Cromwell's Letter to the King concerning his Marriage with Ann of Cleve. An Original. To the King, my most Gracious Sovereign Lord his Royal Majesty.

[Cott. Libr. Otho C. 10.]

MOST Merciful King, and most Gracious Sovereign Lord, may it please the same to be advertised, That the last time it pleased your benign Goodness to send unto me the Right Honourable Lord Chancellor, the Right Honourable Duke of Norff. and the Lord Admiral, to examine, and also to declare unto me divers things from your Majesty; among the which, one special thing they moved, and thereupon they charged me, as I would answer before God at the dreadful day of Judg. ment, and also upon the extreme danger and damnation of my Soul and Conscience, to say what I knew in the Marriage, and concerning the Marriage, between your Highness and the Queen. To the which I answered as I knew, declaring unto them the Particulars, as nigh as I then could call to remembrance. Which when they had heard, they, in your Majesty's Name, and upon like charge as they had given me before, commanded me to write to your Highness the truth, as much as I knew in that Matter; which now I do, and the very truth, as God shall save me, to the uttermost of my knowledg. First; After your Majesty heard of the Lady Ann of Cieves arrival at Dover, and that her Journies were appointed toward Greenwich, and

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that she should be at Rochester on New years Even at night, your Highness declared to me, that you would privily visit her at Rochester, upon New-years-day, adding these words, To nourish love;" which accordingly your Grace did upon New years-day, as is abovesaid. And the next day, being Friday, your Grace returned to Greenwich, where I spake with your Grace, and demanded of your Majesty, How ye liked the Lady Ann: your Highness answered, as me thought, heavily, and not pleasantly, Nothing so well as she was spoken of;" Saving further, "That if your Highness had known as much before as ye then knew, she should not have come within this Realm;" saying, as by the way of lamentation, What Remedy?" Unto the which I answered and said, I know none but was very sorry therefore; and so God knoweth I was, for I thought it a hard beginning. The next day after the receipt of the said Lady, and her entry made unto Greenwich, and after your Highness had brought her to her Chamber, I then waited upon your Highness into your Privy-Chamber; and being there, your Grace called me unto you, saying to me these words, or the like, " My Lord, is it not as I told you? say what they will, she is nothing so fair as she hath been reported; howbeit she is well and seemly." Whereunto I answered and said, By my Faith, Sir, ye say truth; adding thereunto, that I thought she had a Queenly manner; and nevertheless was sorry that your Grace was no better content: And thereupon your Grace commanded me to call together your Council, which were these by name; The Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, the Dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk, my Lord Admiral, and my Lord of Duresme, and my self, to commune of these Matters, and to know what Commissions the Agents of Cleves had brought, as well touching the performance of the Covenants sent before from hence to Dr. Wotton, to have been concluded in Cleves, as also in the declaration how the Matters stood for the Covenants of Marriage, between the Duke of Lorrain's Son, and the said Lady Ann. Whereupon Olisleger and Hogeston were called, and the Matters purposed; whereby it plainly appeared, that they were much astonished and abashed, and desired that they might make answer in the next morning, which was Sunday; And upon the Sunday in the morning your said Counsellors and they met together early, and there eftsoons was proposed unto them, as well touching the Commission for the performance of the Treaty and Articles sent to Mr. Wotton, as also touching the Contracts and Cɔvenants of Marriage between the Duke of Lorrain's Son, and the Lady Ann, and what terms they stood in. To which things so proposed, they answered as men much perplexed, That as touching Commission, they had none to treat concerning the Articles sent to Mr. Wotton. And as to the Contract and

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