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conditions of this treaty; and the faid Madhoo Row Scindia, from a regard to the welfare of both tates, hath taken upon himfelf the mutual guarantee. If either of the parties fhall deviate from the conditions of this treaty, the faid Maha Rajah will join the other party, and will to the utmost of his power, endeavour to bring the aggreffor to a proper underftanding.

Art. XVII. It is hereby agreed, that whatever territories, forts or cities in Guzzerat, were granted by Ragonaut Row to the English, previous to the treaty of Col. Upton, and have come into their poffeffion, the reftitution of which was ftipulated in the 7th article of the faid treaty, fhall be restored, agreeable to the terms of the faid treaty.

This treaty, confifting of feventeen articles, is fettled at Salbey, in the camp of Maha Rajah Subadar Madhoo Row Scindia, on the 4th of the month Jemmad ul Saany, in the year 1187 of the Hiegera, correfponding with the 17th of May, 1782, of the Chriftian æra, by the faid Maha Rajah, and Mr. David Anderfon. A copy hereof fhall be fent, by each of the above-named perfons, to their respective principals at Fort William, and Poonah; and on both copies being returned, the one under the feal of the Hon. the Eaft India company, and fignature of the Hon. governor-general and council of Fort William, fhall be delivered to Maha Rajah Madhoo Row Scindia Behader, and the other under the feal of the Peshwa Madhoo Row Pundit Purdhan, and the fignature of Baliagee Pundit Nana

Furnavefe, fhall be delivered to Mr. Anderfon; this treaty fhall be deemed complete and ratified, and the articles herein contained hall become binding on both the contracting parties.

(Written in the Mahratta character, by Ragoo Bhow Dewan.) "In all 17 articles, on the 4th of Jemmad ul Akher, or the 5th of Jeyt Adeck, in the Shukul Pattah, in the year 1182."

Subfcribed in the Mahratta character, by Mahajee Scindia, on the fame day. Agreed to what is above written, (Signed) Witnesses,



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has made, with Charles Gravier de Vergennes, counfellor of the king in all his councils, commander of his orders, minifter and fecretary of state, vefted alfo with full powers by his moft Christian majefty for that purpofe, concluded and figned a contract between his faid moft Chriftian majefty and the United States of North America, in the terms following:

Contract between the King and
the thirteen United States of
North America, concluded by
Mr. de Vergennes and Dr.

As it has pleafed the king to comply with the requests made to him in the name, and on the part of the United Provinces of North America, by affifting them in the war and invafion under which they have groaned during feveral years; and his majefty, after having concluded a treaty of amity and commerce with the faid confederated provinces, on the 6th of February, 1778, having had the goodness to fuccour them, not only by his fea and land. forces, but alfo by means of advancing them money as bountifully as in its confequence efficaciously, at a time when their affairs were in a very critical fituation; it has been judged proper and neceffary to fix the exact a mount of thefe advances, the conditions upon which the king has made them, the different periods, at which the congress of the United States have agreed to pay them into his majefty's royal reafury; and finally, to regu

late this matter fo, that no difficulties may hereafter arife to interrupt that good harmony which his majefty is refolved to fupport on his part with the United States. For the purpose, therefore, of accomplishing to defireable an end, and with a view of ftrengthening thofe bonds of a. mity and commerce which fubfift between his majesty and the United States: we Charles Gravier de Vergennes, &c. counfellor to the king and all his councils, commander of his orders, minifter and fecretary of state to his command and finances, vefted with full powers by his majefty: and we Benjamin Franklin, minifter plenipotentiary of the United States of North America, vefted equally with full powers by the congrefs of the faid ftates, after having each communicated our refpective powers, have agreed upon the following articles;

Art. I. It is agreed upon and certified, that the fums advanced by his majesty to the congrefs of the United States, under the title of a loan, in the years 1778, 1779, 1780, 1781, and in the prefent year 1782, amount together to the fum of eighteen millions of livres, of French money, as appears by the twenty-one receipts following, figned by the faid minifter of the congrefs, and given by virtue of his full powers; namely,

1.28 Feb. 1778
2.-19 May
3.- 3 Aug.
I Nov,








5.-10 June

in their names, and in virtue of our refpective full powers, the prefent definitive treaty, and have caufed the feals of our arms to be affixed thereto.

Done at Versailles, the third
day of September, one thou-
fand feven hundred and

Gravier de Vergennes. (L.S.)


Art. I. Some of the titles made ufe of by the contracting parties, whether in the full powers, and other inftruments, during the course of the negociation, or in the preamble of the prefent treaty, not being generally acknowledged, it has been agreed that no prejudice should ever refult therefrom to either of the faid contracting parties; and that the titles taken or omitted, on either fide, upon occafion of the faid negotiation, and of the prefen't treaty, fhall not be cited, or quoted as a precedent.

Art. II. It has been agreed and determined, that the French language, made ufe of in all the copies of the prefent treaty, fhall not form an example which may be alledged, or quoted as a precedent, or, in any manner, pre. judice either of the contracting powers; and that they fhall conform, for the future, to what has been obferved, and ought to be obferved, with regard to, and on the part of powers, who are in the practice and poffeffion of giving and receiving copies of like treaties in a different language from the French; the prefent

treaty having, nevertheless, the fame force and virtue as if the aforefaid practice had been therein observed.”

In witnefs whereof, we the under-written ambassador extraordinary, and minifters plenipotentiary of their Britannic and moft Chriftian majefties, have figned the present separate articles, and have caused the seals of our arms to be affixed thereto.

Done at Verfailles, the third of
September, one thousand fe-
ven hundred and eighty-three.
Gravier de Vergennes. (L.S.)


THE king having entirely agreed with his moft Chriftian majefty upon the articles of the definitive treaty, will feek every means which fhall not only enfure the execution thereof, with his accustomed good faith and punctuality, but will befides give, on his part, all poffible efficacy to the principles which fhall prevent even the leaft foundation of difpute for the future.

To this end, and in order that the fishermen of the two nations may not give caufe for daily quarrels, his Britannic majefty will take the most pofitive measures for preventing his fubjects from interrupting, in any manner, by their competition, the fishery of the French, during the temporary exercife of it which is granted to them, upon the coafts of the ifland of Newfoundland; and he will, for this purpofe, caufe the fixed fettlements, which shall be formed there, to be removed.

it fhall be made at the time of each of the partial reimbursements of the capital, and fhall diminish in proportion in the reimburfements; the congrefs are neverthelefs at liberty to free themfelves from this obligation fooner, by anticipating payments, in cafe the ftate of their finances fhould permit.

Art. V. Although the loan of 5,000,000 of the Dutch florins, granted by the States General of the United Provinces of the Netherlands, on the terms of the obligation paffed on the 5th of November, 1781, has been made in his majesty's name, and he has pledged himself for the payment of it; it is nevertheless acknowledged by thefe prefents, that the faid loan has been made in reality on account of, and for the fervice of the United States of North America; and that the capital amounting, according to a moderate valuation, to the fum of 10,000,000 livres Tournois, has been paid to the United States, agreeable to receipt given for the payment of the faid fum by the underfigned minifter of congrefs, on the 7th of last June.

Art. VI. By the faid convention of the 5th of November, 1781, it has pleafed the king to promife and to engage himfelf to furnish and to pay to the general office of the States General of the Netherlands the capital of the faid loan, together with the intereft of five per cent. without any charge or deduction whatfoever to the lenders, fo that the faid capital be entirely reimburfed within the fpace of five -years, the payments to be made at ten equal periods, the first to

begin the fixth year after the date of the loan, and from that time, during every year till the final payment of the faid fum; but it is likewife acknowledged by the prefent act, that this engagement has been entered into by the king, on the entreaty of the underwritten minifters of the United States, and upon the promise made by him in the name of the congrefs, and on the part of the thirteen United States to reimburse and pay into the royal treafury of his majefty at Paris, the capital, intereft, and expences of the faid loan, agreeable to the conditions and terms, fixed by the convention of the 5th of November, 1781.

Art. VII. It has been agreed upon and regulated in confequence, that the faid fum of ten millions of livres Tournois, making, at a moderate eftimate, five millions of Dutch florins as above mentioned, fhall be reimbursed and paid into his majesty's royal treafury at Paris, with the intereft at five per cent. in ten equal payments of one million each, and at the feveral periods, the firft of which fhall be made on the 5th of November, 1787, and thus from year to year till the final payment of the faid fum of ten millions, the intereft diminifhing in proportion with the partial payments of the capital. But from the regard which his majefty bears to the United States, he has been pleafed to take upon himself the expence of the commiffion, and of banking, attending the faid loan, of which expence his majefty makes a prefent to the faid United States; and their underwritten minifter ac


cepts, with thanks, in the name of the congrefs, as an additional proof of his majesty's generosity, and of his friendship for the United States.

Art. VIII. With respect to the intereft on the faid loan, as the king had engaged to pay, during the five years preceding the first reimbursement of the capital, four per cent. on the whole, into the, general office of the States General of the Netherlands, annually, from the 5th of No. vember, 1781, agreeable to the convention entered into on that day, the minifter of congrefs acknowledges, that the reimburfe ments of the faid intereft is due to his majefty from the United States; and he engages, in the name of the faid ftates, to caufe the payment thereof to be made at the fame rate into the royal treafury of his majefty; the intereft of the first year to be paid on the 4th of next November, and fo on annually during the five years preceding the firft payment of the capital, fixed on as above, for the 5th of November, 1787...

The high contracting parties reciprocally bind themfelves to

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Given at Verfailles, the 16th of July, 1782.



Be it known to all and every one, that we the faid United States affembled in congrefs, penetrated with the moft lively ideas of the generofity and affection manifefted by his moft Chriftian majetty in the above contract, have ratified and confirmed it; and by thefe prefents we do ratify and confirm the faid contract; and every article and claufe therein. And we do by thefe prefents authorife our minifter plenipotentiary at the court of Verfailles, to remit our present act of ratification, in exchange for the ratification of the faid contract on the part of his mott Christian majefty.

In faith of which we have caused our feal to be affixed hereunto, in prefence of his excellency Elias Bourdimot, president, this zzd of January, in the year of grace, 1783, and the 7th of our fovereignty and independence:

the faithful obfervance of this The PETITION of the People called contract, the ratifications of which fhall be exchanged within the


in Parliament.


HAT your petitioners met

fpace of nine months from the To the Commons of Great Britain, date hereof, if poffible. In faith of which, we the faid plenipotentiaries of his moft Chriftian majefty, and of the thirteen United States of North America, by virtue of our refpective powers, have figned thefe prefents, and have thereto put the feal of our arms.


in this their annual affembly, having folemnly confidered the ftate of the enslaved negroes, conceive themselves engaged in religious duty, to lay the fuffer

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