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A. T. Gunnell:

I move that the report of the committee be received and adopted and the committee discharged, and that the officers named and proposed by the committee be elected by acclamation. This motion was duly seconded and carried.

The President:

The next order of business is new business. One thing that would come particularly under this head would be the selection of the place for holding the next annual meeting.

Sylvester S. Downer:

Mr. President, I desire to say one word with reference to this matter. I understand that the By-Laws of the association make it the duty of this meeting to select the place of the next meeting. It occurs to me that it would be an excellent plan to leave the selection of the place to the Executive Committee. It would enable those who have charge of the arrangements to make better terms, and circumstances might occur within a very short time before our meeting that would render it desirable to make a change in the program agreed upon theretofore. It occurs to me that we might properly fix the time, but the place might well be left to the Executive Committee.

Robert G. Withers:

It seems to me that it might be proper to discuss at the present time more or less the advisability of continuing to hold meetings here, as an assistance to the Executive Committee. I would suggest Glenwood Springs as a very desirable place for our next meeting. The first matter which suggests itself is that this association, being young, a new departure might be risky. Glenwood is some distance from Denver, and it may be that the attorneys would not go there. Another thing that I have heard suggested and considered is that most of them would be glad of an opportunity for going to Glenwood on a trip, and it would be a drawing card rather than a doubtful expedient; and while I would like to see the committee decide when the time comes that Glenwood would be a good place, still the committee can make better arrangements than we can now, and it seems to me that it would be well to consider that. I would like to know how this meeting feels about it.

Henry T. Rogers:

I echo heartily the suggestion made by Judge Downer. think there would be some risk in selecting Glenwood Springs at this time, without knowing the conditions under which the meeting can be held there, and, if it is necessary in order to accomplish the desired result, we will give the power to the Executive Committee. I hope the By-Laws may be amended in that respect.

Hugh Butler:

I think it just as well that the power to fix the place of meeting should be left somewhat to the discretion of the Executive Committee. It might be well to hear a discussion of the different places suggested by the members, and even choose the place, but invest the Executive Committee with the power to change the place in its discretion if the circumstances shall require. In my judgment, Colorado Springs is about the most convenient point to which we can go. A year ago, when this question came up, I was somewhat opposed to selecting Colorado Springs; I thought it would not be a good place; but I have come to the conclusion that it would be better for the Denver lawyers especially to have their meeting elsewhere than Denver. If the association met at Denver, the Denver lawyers will take it as a matter of course; they will be present part of the time, and absent a part, but if they take sufficient interest to leave home and business for a couple of days and come to Colorado Springs, or any other place, they will take a vacation and devote themselves entirely to the business of the association. I think that the association will grow and get better support of the Denver bar by having these meetings held outside of the city of Denver. You must remember that it would not be well to tax the ability of the Denver lawyers too much. They can all come to Colorado Springs, which is but a short ride. I therefore propose that Colorado Springs be designated as a place of meeting for next year, subject to the discretion of the Executive Committee to change, should it become desirable.

Horace G. Lunt:

I think the list of members will show that up to the present time there are comparatively few members of the Colorado Springs bar members of the association. I know that quite a number of them who are not members intend to make

application to become members. I think, as Mr. Butler says, that you will find Colorado Springs as centrally located as any place in the state, and I wish to say that I think by next year the members of the bar of this place who are members of the association will try to make that meeting a greater success than any meeting yet held. I know from a conversation with a number of them that they feel the association to be necessary and a most worthy one, and I know they will be willing to take a most active part here or elsewhere to make the meeting as great success as possible. I therefore gladly second Mr.

Butler's motion.

Charles E. Gast:

This suggestion occurs to me, also, that during the summer, at the time we hold these meetings, we can generally rely upon some distinguished lawyers and judges from abroad being within the state and upon whom we can call to respond to toasts, deliver addresses and be guests of the association at the annual meeting, and as a general thing we find them in or around Denver, Colorado Springs and Manitou, where we can call on them, as we are doing at this meeting. It might be another question and a matter of more difficulty to get them to go over to Glenwood Springs, and it seems to me that that is a very important matter to be taken into consideration by the association and the Executive Committee, if they act further upon it.

A. T. Gunnell:

We all know that men are creatures of habit. Our society is now in embryo. We have formed to some extent the habit of coming to Colorado Springs. The idea is prevalent in the minds of the members, "Well, next year we will go to Colorado Springs." Now, change it off while we are young, and go some other place, and several will fall out. They will say, "I can't go there." I think it would be really a very good idea to remain here at least another year, until our members have increased largely, and especially as the people and lawyers are in the habit of coming to this place. My friend Mr. Ewing made a suggestion the other day which I thought a wise one. He lives near Glenwood and would like to have it there, and stated one reason why it ought not to go there and another why it ought. He said Glenwood was rather distantly removed

from the center of civilization, which is a reason why it ought not to go there, and, on the other hand, the lawyers will have an opportunity to get a bath there; so he is a hung jury on those two propositions. I really think it would be well to remain. where we are for the coming year.

Edward L. Johnson: By way of contribution to what has been said in favor of Colorado Springs, I would remind the association that by this time next year the new Antlers Hotel will be completed, and we will then have perhaps the advantages of competition, and perhaps, incidentally, possibilities of pleasure which we have not had this year.

Sylvester Downer:

The only idea I had in suggesting the point which I made was that I thought it might be well for the committee not to have an ironclad resolution that we will and shall meet at such a place. It might hamper them in making their arrangements hereafter.

The President:

The motion is that the association expresses its choice for holding the next annual meeting at Colorado Springs, subject to the power of the Executive Committee to change the place of meeting for reasonably good reasons.

The motion was duly put and carried.

Henry T. Rogers:

Mr. President, I move that the Executive Committee be empowered to fix the time of holding the next annual meeting, and the place, subject to the motion that has already prevailed.

This motion was duly seconded and carried.

The Secretary:

There is one other matter that we overlooked last year, and that ought to receive attention now. The American Bar Association provides for delegates from state associations, and the provision is that each state association select two delegates, I believe, to attend the American Bar Association, and this association, it seems to me, ought to select delegates to the American Bar Association.

Robert G. Withers:

Mr. President, I move that the Executive Committee be authorized to select delegates to attend the American Bar Association.

Horace G. Lunt:

Mr. President, I would like to amend that motion by making the President, Mr. Gast, and Mr. Yeaman, our next President, delegates to attend the American Bar Association.

Charles E. Gast:

I will not be able to go.

Caldwell Yeaman:

I think the first suggestion is a better one, because the Executive Committee can ascertain from members whether they are able to go before naming them definitely.

Horace G. Lunt:

I withdraw my amendment.

The motion, having been duly seconded, was carried.

The President:

At the spring meeting of the association we had two papers read-one by Mr. Haynes, of Greeley, and one by Mr. Murfree, of Boulder, and I would suggest that in printing the proceedings of this meeting it might be well to incorporate those addresses that were delivered at the spring meeting.

Horace G. Lunt:

Mr. President, I make a motion to that effect.

This motion, being seconded by Henry A. Dubbs, was duly carried.

There being no other routine business, the meeting was adjourned by the chair to 2:00 o'clock p. m.


The meeting was called to order by the President.

The President:

I think every member of the association will join with us in expressing pleasure that we have with us a gentleman who is distinguished at the bar and in public life, the Honorable Adlai E. Stevenson, of Illinois, whom I now introduce to the audience and who will deliver an address.

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