Abbildungen der Seite

William thwarted by his English parliament-Parliamentary
commission for enquiring into the value of the forfeited estates


Contest between the court and parliamentary interest bene-
ficial to Ireland-Yet Ireland suffers on both sides-The act
of resumption seriously affects King William-Tolerant dis-
position of William towards the Irish-Death of William.


The Reign of Ann.

p. 34
Accession of Ann-The Queen open to the ascendancy of each
party-Act for preventing the growth of popery-Force of anti-
catholic prejudice-Complaints of the violation of the articles
of Limerick-Protestant dissenters petition against the sa-
cramental test-The Irish persecuted by the Stuarts and their
friends-The penal laws executed with severity against the
catholics-Impolitic government of Ireland-The Irish house
of commons inveterate against the catholics-The catholics
treated as common enemies by the Earl of Wharton-The
Tories address the Queen against: the: presbyterians-Effects
of the lords' address against the presbyterians-Address of the
lords against the commons-Natute of the original protestant
ascendancy in Ireland-Prevalence of the whigs in the com-
mons, supported by the dissenters Dissolution of parliament,
and whigs still have a majority-The English parliament
legislates for Ireland-Schism bill brought into the English
house of commons by Sir William Windham-Strong protest
of the lords against the schism bill-The court adverse to the
dissenters-Violent struggles of parties in Ireland about the
chancellor-Queen Ann indisposed to the Hanover succession
-Her character and death.

[blocks in formation]

Accession of George I.-Parliament of Ireland convened and
passes several acts in favour of the Hanover succession-Ho-
nourable testimony of Irish loyalty from the lords justices-

[blocks in formation]

Accession of George III. and his speech to the parliament —Ori-
gin of White Boys - Causes of the riots of the White Boys-
Commission to enquire into the riots-The White Boys com-
plain of tythes-Encrease of establishment and of lord lieute-
nants's allowance-Other risings succeed the White Boys-
Oak Boys-Steel Boys-Address to Mr.Pitt on his resignation--
Failure of patriotic bills in the commons-The Earl of Ha-
lifax succeeded by the Earl of Northumberland-Further
efforts of the patriots to regulate the pension list-First effort
in favour of catholics fails through Primate Stone-Deaths of
Primate Stone and Lord Shannon--The last lords justices in
Ireland-The patriots renew their efforts-Ungracious answer
to the address-Patriotism of Dr. Lucas-Lord Townshend
succeeds Lord Hertford-The ancient system of governing Ire-
land-Particular views of Lord Townshend's administration--
Lord Townshend's address in managing the system-An octen-
nial bill obtained-New system of Lord Townshend-Aug-
mentation of the army--Lord Townshend's management of

the new system-Opposition of the commons encreases-More
alarming opposition of the commons--Lord-lieutenant's un-
gracious answer, and parliament prorogued-Effects of these
unusual prorogations-Lord-lieutenant's success in encreasing
his party during the cessation-Lord Townshend meets the
new parliament-Lord Townshend secures a sure majority of
one-third of the house-Fiscal resources of Ireland inadequate
to Lord Townshend's plan-The only two acts affecting the
Roman catholics during Lord Townshend's government-Ad-
ministration of Lord Harcourt-Absentee tax proposed by
government and rejected-Lord Harcourt opens the door to
catholic rights-Analogies of Ireland to America-Effects of
American rebellion upon Ireland-First step towards the Irish
revolution of 1782-Parliament dissolved-Distressed state of
the nation-Alliance of France with the American colonists,
and it's consequences upon Ireland-The Irish follows the liberal
example of the British parliament towards the catholics-The
application of the dissenters for indulgence remitted to another
session-Mr. Gardiner's act-Message from the crown to ease
Ireland of the payment of her troops serving out of the king-
dom -The long recess gives rise to the volunteers-Mr. Grat-
tan opposes the speech of the lord-lieutenant-Effects of the
weak administration of Lord Buckinghamshire-State of Ire-
land debated in the British house of lords-The affairs of Ire-
land debated in the British house of commons-Change of
feelings in the Irish commons-Resolution of the Irish com-
mons brings the British parliament to grant the Irish proposi-
tions-Effects of the Irish volunteers-Commons vote a longer
morey bill-Imprudent conduct of government to Ireland-
Encrease of popular discontent-Close of the sessions-Ad-
ministration of Lord Carlisle: Debate in the British commons
-Lord Carlisle meets the parliament: its first proceedings-
State of parties at this juncture in Ireland-Debate on
mutiny bill-Mr. Yelverton moves for an address to the throne
-Mr. Grattan's motion for an examination of the national
expenses-Mr. Flood's motion for the explanation of Poyning's
law-Mr. Gardiner introduces the subject of catholic relief
-Mr. Gardiner gives notice of the heads of his bill-Con-
duct and resolutions of the volunteers-First meeting of the

volunteers-Substance of the Dungannon resolutionsmPeace-
able conclusion of the Dungannon meeting-Mr. Gardiner's
bill in favour of the catholics-Mr. Grattan moves an address
to the King on the legislative independence of Ireland-Mr.
Flood's two resolutions negatived-Mr. Gardiner's catholic bills
-Nature of the opposition to the catholic bills-Decline of Lord
Carlisle's administration and his resignation-Last act of Mr.
Eden-Appointment of the Duke of Portland, and Mr. Eden's
conduct in the British commons-His Majesty sends a mes-
sage to both houses of the British parliament concerning Ire-
land-Mr. Fox proposes thanks to his Majesty-Duke of Port-
land meets the parliamen-Reflections on the versatility of the
Irish house of commons-Addresses voted to the Duke of
Portland and Lord Carlisle-Adjournment of the Irish parlia
ment and proceedings of the British-Lord Carlisle supports
Lord Shelburne's motions-Duke of Portland meets the par-
liament-Patriotic donation to Henry Grattan-Mr. Flood's
jealousy of Mr. Grattan-Mr. Flood's objection to simple repeal
-Change in the British administration by the death of Lord
Rockingham-Acts under the Duke of Portland's administra-
tion-Influence of the volunteers-Gracious reception of the
delegates from the volunteers.










Administration of Earl Temple.

p. 235

Lord Temple selected by Lord Shelburne to govern Ireland-
Earl Temple begins to reform the departments of government-
Peace with America-Proceedings of the British parliament-

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