Abbildungen der Seite

Shakespeare's Predecessors in the English Drama, J. A. Symonds


History of English Dramatic Poetry, three vols., J. P. Collier


The Elizabethan Theatre. The Elizabethan Stage and Modern


*Introduction to edition of Shakspere's A Midsummer Night's Dream, G. P. Baker (Longmans).

Early London Theatres, T. F. Ordish (Stock, London). In "The Camden Library."

A Chronicle History of the London Stage, 1559-1642, F. G. Fleay (Reeves and Turner, London).

Vol. III of Collier's History, mentioned above.

Die Entwickelung des Scenischen Theaters, R. Genée (Cotta, Stuttgart).

Die Shakespeare-Bühne im Jahre 1898, Alfred, Frhr. Mensi von Klarbach, Jahrbuch der deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, XXXV, pp. 362-375. This article and the preceding book treat of the "Shakespeare stage” at München.

Welches System der Scenerie ist am besten geeignet für die Darstellung. der Shakespearischen Dramen? E. von Possart, Jahrbuch, XXXVII, pp. xviii-xxxvi. Concerning "the revolving stage" at München.

General Commentaries

*Shakspere, in Literature Primers, E. Dowden (Appleton). The best brief introduction to the study of the dramatist. *Shakespeare, his Life, Art, and Characters, in two vols., H. N. Hudson (Ginn).

*Five Lectures on Shakspere, B. ten Brink, - translated by Julia Franklin (Holt).

Shakspere, his Mind and Art, E. Dowden (Harpers).

William Shakespeare, a Critical Study, George Brandes (Mac millan). The one-volume edition is satisfactory.

William Shakspere, Barrett Wendell (Scribners).

Shakspere and his Predecessors, F. S. Boas (Scribners).

Shakespeares Julius Cæsar (in German), H. Viehoff, in Jahrbuch der deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, V, 6-36.

Special Works

*Shakespeare the Boy, W. J. Rolfe (Harpers).

Philips' Handy Atlas of the Counties of England (Philips and Son, London); also Philips' Handy Volume Atlas of London.


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