Abbildungen der Seite

1759 enough, as that "a poultice of boiled nettles" will cure the Age 56 pleurisy, and the quinsy; that erysipelas in the head or face

will be remedied by applying "warm treacle to the soles of the feet"; and that "electrifying cures all sorts of sprains"; but, being on such subjects profoundly ignorant, we forbear from further extracts.

4. "Thoughts on Christian Perfection." 12m0, 30 pages. This, at the time, was an important publication. The doctrine of Christian perfection was obtaining great attention, and the sentiments of the Methodists respecting it were not harmonious. At the conference of 1758, it had been earnestly considered; and again at the conference of 1759. Wesley saw that there was a danger of a diversity of opinions insensibly stealing in among the Methodists and their preachers; and hence the publication of his tract;-not to prove the doctrine, nor to answer the objections against it; but simply to declare his own views concerning it. He affirms that, on this subject, his thoughts are just the same as he had entertained for above twenty years. His sentiments had been controverted, and lampooned, but they were not altered. All sorts of constructions had been put upon his doctrine, but very rarely the right one. "What," he asks, "is Christian perfection?" Answer—“The loving God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength. This implies that no wrong temper remains in the soul; and that all the thoughts, words, and actions are governed by pure love."

The controversy, just at present, was chiefly on the point whether a man, who had attained Christian perfection, was still liable to ignorance and mistake, and needed Christ in His priestly office. Wesley's opinion was the affirmative of this; but some of his followers were evidently disposed to hold the negative, and thereby to set the doctrine of perfection far too high. Some talked about their attainments too much; some thought it best not to talk at all: Wesley advised those who had obtained the blessing to speak of it to their fellow Christians, but not to the unconverted; and he requested his preachers to prevent such from being unjustly or unkindly treated by their religious associates who were less advanced in grace. He specifies the proofs whereby it may be known whether an entirely sanctified man's profession is correct.

[blocks in formation]

Taking pleasant in preference to unpleasant, though equally 1759 wholesome, food; smelling a flower, eating a bunch of grapes, Age 56 marriage, attention to worldly business, were all of them things perfectly compatible with Christian perfection.

The mentioning of such matters may seem somewhat frivolous; but, in reality, it is not so. These were things seriously discussed by earnest, if not well informed, Methodists in 1759; and these and kindred questions agitated the Methodist societies for some years afterwards.

Some were disposed to doubt the high profession of their sanctified brethren, because they did nothing except what was done by "common believers"; others because they felt "no power in their words and prayers"; and others, because, notwithstanding their profession, they failed to "come up to their idea of a perfect Christian." These were objections which Wesley had to meet. His task was delicate and difficult; but he lays it down, that no one ought to believe that he is fully sanctified, till he has "the testimony of the Spirit, witnessing his entire sanctification, as clearly as his justification"; and that all ought to wait for this great change, "not in careless indifference, or indolent inactivity; but in vigorous, universal obedience, in a zealous keeping of all the commandments, in watchfulness and painfulness, in denying ourselves, and taking up our cross daily; as well as in earnest prayer and fasting, and a close attendance on all the ordinances of God." He adds: "If any man dream of attaining it any other way, yea, or of keeping it when it is attained, he deceiveth his own soul. It is true, we receive it by simple faith; but God does not, will not, give that faith, unless we seek it with all diligence, in the way which He hath ordained." 1

From the above brief notices, the reader will form an idea of the excitement created in the Methodist societies, in 1759, by the doctrine of Christian perfection. The subject will have to be repeatedly introduced in succeeding years.

1 Wesley's Works, vol. xi., p. 378, etc.


1760 WESLEY began the year 1760 at Norwich, by holding a

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service at four o'clock in the morning. On January 7, he returned to London, and preached in West Street chapel, now enlarged and thoroughly repaired.

Wesley was a philanthropist; hence the following letter, published in Lloyd's Evening Post, of February 22, 1760.

"WINDMILL HILL, February 18, 1760.

"SIR,-On Sunday, December 16 last, I received a £20 bank bill, from an anonymous correspondent, who desired me to lay it out, in the manner I judged best, for the use of poor prisoners. I immediately employed some in whom I could confide, to inquire into the circumstances of those confined in Whitechapel and New prison. I knew the former to have very little allowance, even of bread, and the latter none at all. Upon inquiry, they found one poor woman in Whitechapel prison, very big with child, and destitute of all things. At the same time, I casually heard of a poor man, who had been confined for nine months in the Poultry Compter, while his wife and three children (whom he before maintained by his labour) were almost perishing through want. Not long after, another poor woman, who had been diligent in helping others, was herself thrown into Whitechapel prison. The expense of discharging these three, and giving them a few necessaries, amounted to £10 IOS. One pound and fourteen shillings I expended in stockings and other clothing, which was given to those prisoners who were in the most pressing want. The remainder, £7 16s. was laid out in bread, which was warily distributed thrice a week. I am, therefore, assured that the whole of this sum was laid out in real charity. And how much more noble a satisfaction must result from this, to the generous benefactor, than he could receive from an embroidered suit of clothes, or a piece of plate, made in the newest fashion! Men of reason, judge!

"I am, sir, your humble servant,

On the 3rd of March, Wesley left London, on a tour which occupied the next six months.

At Towcester, he found one converted person; and at Birmingham, a society of a little more than fifty. At Wednesbury, he preached in the new chapel, whose congregation, either in number or seriousness, had few superiors. In fact,

Wesley and Rev. John Newton.


the five o'clock morning congregation exceeded that of the Foundery in London. Here, also, he found two females professing to have received the blessing of entire sanctification, and prayed, "May God increase the number a thousand fold!" At Burslem, "a scattered town, inhabited almost entirely by potters," he preached thrice. Some of his congregation "seemed quite innocent of thought; five or six laughed and talked nearly all the time; and one threw a clod of earth, which struck his head, but which neither disturbed him nor his congregation." At Congleton, he preached from a scaffold, fixed in the window of the chapel, to a crowd assembled in an adjoining meadow. In making his way from Stockport to Leeds, his horse was "embogged," on the top of a high mountain; he was thrown into the morass; and then had a walk which, "for steepness, and bogs, and big stones intermixed," was such as even he had not before encountered.

From Leeds, Wesley proceeded to Liverpool, where he had a lengthened interview with John Newton. "His case," says he, "is very peculiar. Our Church requires that clergymen should be men of learning, and, to this end, have a university education. But how many have a university education, and yet no learning at all! Yet these men are ordained! Meantime, one of eminent learning, as well as unblamable behaviour, cannot be ordained, because he was not at the university! What a mere farce is this! Who would believe that any Christian bishop would stoop to so poor an evasion!"

At this period, there existed between Newton and Wesley the sincerest friendship. Hence the following letter, written a few months after.

"September 9, 1760.

"REVEREND AND DEAR SIR,-I have taken a double journey since I saw you, to London and to Yorkshire. I had a very agreeable progress, found a happy revival in several places, and made many valuable acquaintance, particularly among the clergy. It gave me much pleasure to see the same work promoted by very different instruments; all contentions laid aside; and the only point of dispute, amidst some variety of sentiments, seeming to be this, who should labour most to recommend and to adorn the gospel.

"It was with some regret, I heard you were so near as at Parkgate, without coming over to us at Liverpool. Had I known it in time, I would gladly have met you there, but you were gone. Our next pleasure will


Age 57

1760 be to hear from yourself of your welfare. I inquired several times after Mr. Charles Wesley, when in London, but he was in the country, and out

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of the reach of a stranger's importunity; though, had he been in health,

I believe the distance would not have secured him from a visit. I should be glad to hear the Lord has restored him to his former strength and usefulness.

"I hope, dear sir, you will still allow me a place in your friendship, correspondence, and prayers; and believe me to be your obliged and affectionate servant in our dear Lord,


On March 30, Wesley embarked for Ireland, and, on April 6, Easter Sunday, introduced, at Dublin, the English custom of beginning religious service at four o'clock in the morning. The Dublin society was larger now than it had been for several years, consisting of more than five hundred members.

After three weeks' labour in Dublin, he started for the provinces. At Terryhugan, he "spent a comfortable night in the prophet's chamber, nine feet long, seven broad, and six high, the ceiling, floor, and walls all made of clay." At Moira, his pulpit was a tombstone near the church. At Lisburn, the people were "all ear." Newtown had usually the largest Methodist congregation in Ulster. At Belfast, he preached in the market-place "to a people who cared for none of those things."


On the 5th of May, he came to Carrickfergus. months before, John Smith, one of Wesley's itinerants, was preaching in an inland town, in the north of Ireland, when he made a sudden pause, and then exclaimed, "Ah! the French have just landed at Carrickfergus!" The mayor heard this, and, sending for the preacher, reprimanded him for exciting a needless alarm and disturbing the public tranquillity. Strangely enough, however, Smith's utterance was correct; and, in a few hours, an express arrived with the intelligence, that Thurot had landed a thousand soldiers, commanded by General Cavignac, and that they had taken possession of the town.2 Thurot had been tossed about by storms, till he and all his men were almost famished, having only an ounce of

'Methodist Magazine, 1780, p. 390.

2 Irish Evangelist, Nov. 1, 1860.

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