Abbildungen der Seite

Addrefs of the Legislative Body of the Italian repub- | Army fervices for 1803, abstract of the estimates of,
lic to Buonaparté, 164

of Generals Daendels and Dumonceau to
the council of war of the Batavian republic,

Mr. Wilberforce's, to the freeholders of the
county of York, 1615

Addreffes of Mr. Coke to the freeholders of the

county of Norfolk, 1619
Affairs of India, 1457
Agricola, letter from, containing a fhort view of

the affairs of Germany, 295

Alarmift, the, on the fatal effects of the peace, 2
Algiers, Dey of, fends out eleven corfairs, 108

Dey of, details of the depredations com-
mitted by him for the laft fix months on the pow-
ers of Europe, 236

regency of, report made to the Firft Conful
elative to the differences fubfifting between
France and, 1381

Dey of, Buonaparte's letter to, 1382
Ambition of Trance, and imbecility of the British
miniftry, 1038

America, viewed in conjunction with Louisiana and
the Weft Indies; 6

treaty of reciprocal advantage and mu-
tual convenience between, and the Chickafaws, 33
treaty of friendship, limits, and accom-
modation between, and the Chactaw nation of
Indians, 34

and Great Britain, convention between,
touching the difficulties arifing in the execution
of the fixth article of the treaty of 1794, 97

favourable account of the crops in, 199
fhort sketch of the ftate of parties in, 762
account of the number of veffels entered
from, for five years, 998

account of the number of veffels cleared
out for, for five years, 999

and the British colonies, account of im-
ports from and exports to, for three years, 1003
American conful, his note relative to the re-efta-
blishment of peace with the Emperor of Morocco,

claimants, notice to, 371
Amfterdam, rumours of an infurrection in, 471-
obfervations on, 476

[ocr errors]

bank of, refolutions paffed by the go-
vernment relative to, 114


bank, interefting paper relative to,

Anecdote of Madame Lamballe, 87
Annual Regifter, profpectus of Cobbett's, 321
Aufwer, Mr. Cobbett's, to the author of a Letter
to the Proprietors of India Stock, 15

of the Diet of Schwitz to the proclamation
of Buonaparté, 525

Appointments, 29, 61, 158, 220, 256, 316, 382,
408, 432, 473, 576, 671

Arifides, letters of, on the depofition of the Nabob
of Arcot, the death of the depofed Nabob, and
the late revolution in the Carnatic, 1564
Arcot, depofition of the Nabob of, letters of Arif-
tides on, 1564

Argus, the, an English newfpaper, printed at Paris,
announced, 564, 606

the, curious extract from, relative to Fox
and O'Connor, 687

Armistice between the Helvetic troops at Berne and
the council of war of the troops which attacked
Being, 426


diftribution of, for November 1802, 759
account of the extraordinary expenses of, in
1801, 953


expense of, for 1793, 1794, 1795, and 1796,

promotions, 30, 61, 93, 125, 158, 198, 220,
285, 316, 382, 408, 432, 474

Articles, organic, for carrying into effect the Con-
cordat between the Pope and Buonaparté, 1389
Affizes, fummer, dates for holding the, 48
Auftria, opinion on the general plan of indemni-
ties, 638

Authentic narrative of the taking of the Invincible
ftandard by Antoine Lutz, 801, 865
Author of a "Letter to the Proprietors of India
Stock," his letter to Mr. Cobbett, 14
Auckland, Lord, Mr. Cobbett's letter to him, on
the abufes in the General Poft Office, 673
Aulic refcript relative to the occupation of Paffau
and other places, 333


Ballad, an excellent new one, entitled Addington
and Hawkesbury, 655

Baltimore, letter from, to the editor, containing
important remarks on the ceffion of Louisiana and
its probable confequences, 147

Bank of Amfterdam, resolutions paffed by the go-
vernment relative to, 114

Banks, Sir Jofeph, letter to the Fellows of the Royal
Society on the propriety of re-electing him to the
prefidency, 577

Sir Jofeph, Mifogalla's letter to him on his
re-appointment to the prefidency of the Royal So-
ciety, 743

Bankrupts, 30, 62, 95, 127, 159, 191, 222, 286,
319, 384, 409, 432, 475, 492, 531, 576, 671
Barbary ftates, defign of France to invade them, 248
Barthelemy, prefident of the Confervative Senate,
his addrefs to Buonaparté on his being appointed
Conful for life, 168

Bafle, intelligence from, relative to the infurrec-
tion in Switzerland, 368, 404, 480, 564, 588,
660, 775, 847

Batavian republic, addrefs of Generals Daendels and
Dumonceau to the council of war of, 473
Bavaria, treaty between the French republic, Pruffia,
and, 559

Belfham, Mr. review of his remarks on the treaty of

peace, 268, 293, 385

Berne, the fmall cantons of, reject the new confti-
tution, 19

refult of the votes of eight cantons of, on
the fubject of the new conftitution, 19.

armiftice between the Helvetic troops at
Berne and the council of war of the troops which
attacked Berne, 426

proclamation of the Council of Two Hundred
relative to the infurrection in, 468

intelligence from, 426, 428, 429, 468, 469
Births, 31, 63, 95, 159, 223, 286, 319, 432, 475,
672, 761, 852, 885

Bishops, new French, letter to the Pope from thofe
who have occupied fees without being inftituted
by the Holy See, 161

new French, decree of abfolution granted.
by the cardinal legate to those who have occupied
epifcopal fees without being inftituted by the Holy
See, 161

Flicks, mulattoes, or perfons of colour of either
fex, decree of the French Confuls, prohibiting
the bringing of them into the continental terri-
tory of the republic, 1399
Black Sea, navigation of, obtained by France, 249
navigation of, by the English, copy of
the original grant relative to, 354

official note delivered by the Reis Effendi
to the English minifter relative to the navigation
of, 337
Blagdon controverfy, Mr. Cobbett's letter to Meffis.
Nares and Beloe relative to, 119
Bohemian minifter, his note delivered to the Diet-
of Ratisbon, on the convention and declaration
of France and Ruffia, relative to the occupation
of Paffau and other places, 335-counter-note
delivered in by the French and Ruffian minifters,

Bologna, account of difturbances in, 233-decree
of the Confulta of State relative to, 234
Book-fair, the first, held in New York, 17
Books, notices of new, 623

lift of new, published in Europe and Ame-
rica during the laft fix months, 1843
Bouillon, Prince of, imprifoned by Buonaparté in
the Temple, 380-releafed from the Temple, and
arrives in this country, 446--infamous pretence
made by the French government for his impri-
fonment, 446

Bowles, General, one of his privateers captures a
Spanish brig valued at 40,000l., 199
Bowles's Thoughts on the late general Election, re-
viewed, 633

[blocks in formation]

his proclamation to the French on the
14th of July, 77

reply of, to the addrefs of the Legisla-
tive Body of the Italian republic, 165

extract of the regifters of the Conferva-
tive Senate, appointing him Conful for life, 169
addrefs of Citizen Barthelemy to him
on his being appointed Conful for life, 169.

his reply to the addrefs of Barthelemy
on his being appointed Conful for life, 170

appoints his uncle to the archbishopric
of Lyons, 184

memorial addreffed to him, by the en-
gravers and printers employed in the cotton ma-
nufactories of Rouen, 203

his power of raifing and lowering the
British funds demonftrated, 252

his addrefs to the Senate of the Ligurian

[blocks in formation]

regard to Switzerland, and that of the ufurper Crom-
well, 438

Buonaparté, his conduct with regard to Switzerland
compared with that of the tyrant Attila, 438

his conduct with regard to Switzerland com-
pared, by the Morning Poft, to that of the altind
powers against France at the commencement of the
war, 439-the fallacy of this argument fully exped,
-'s interference in the affairs of Switzerland,
Mr. Cobbett's letter to Lord Hawkesbury on, 493
's conduct in Syria, 582

his journey to Rouen, 564, 591
-'s letter to the Dey of Algiers, 1382

- Madam, her curious defcription of the na-
tional character of the English, 358

Burdett, Sir F. his concluding addrefs to the clectors of
Middlefex, 11
-analyfis of his addrefs to the Middlefgn

[blocks in formation]

Cabinet of Vienna characterized, 568
Campbell, Major-general, his marrative of the operations
agaiaft Fort Timakull, 145

Cape of Good Hope, official account of, 1087
Caractacus, his letter on the fituation of affairs in Ge-
many, and the defigns of Buonaparté again tha
country, 399

his letter on the conduct of Mr. Fox, 711
Carnatic, Nabob of, papers prefented to the House of
Commons from the Eaft India Company concerning
late revolution in, letters of Ariftides on, 15o4
Caftlereagh, Lord, his obfervations on the peace, 3
Catholic clergy of Ireland, statement of their emoluments,

Chactaw nation of Indians, treaty of friendship, links,
and accommodation between, and America, 34
Chaptal, his circular letter relative to the fête of the 14th
July, 22
his letter to Jourdan, the counsellor of fitate in
Piedmont, enclofing the decree of the French govern-
ment relative to that country, 110

minifter of the interior, his letter to the prefect
of the Somme, relative to a treaty of commerce with
England, 244

Character of the Swifs, 350
Charmilly, Colonel, on the fatal confequences of the
peace, 1082
Chickafaws, treaty of reciprocal advantage and manual
convenience between, and America, 33
Cinnamon and Caffia Lignea, account of the quantity
imported for three years, 1000

Clergy, Catholic, of Ireland, ftatement of their emnia-
ments, 637

Cobbett, Mr. his introductory addrefs to the public, 1
his anfwer to the author of a Letter to the
Proprictors of India Stock, 15

extract of a letter addreff d to him, by a
gentleman in New York, relative to the peace in gene-
ral, and the consequences of the ceffion of Louifions in
particular, 43

his anfwer to the above letter, 45
his addrefs to the public, relative to Mr.
Hufkiffon and his penfion, 65

his letter to Mefirs. Nares and Belos, rel
tive to the Blagdon controversy, 119

[ocr errors]


Cobbett, Mr. his letter to the "Friend of Mr. Hufkif- | Commiffions, 30
fon," containing an anfwer to his affertions relative to
that gentleman's "commercial connexions," 136

his letter to Heriot, on certain infinuations
tending to diminish the refpect due to the rank and
character of his Royal Highnefs the Duke of Kent,

his letter to the Right Hon. William Pitt,
expofing the bafe flattery of the True Briton, 196

his letter to Lord Hawkesbury on the par-
tition of the ranks, honours, titles, and estates of
Germany, 271

Cobbett's Annual Regifter, profpectus of, 321

Mr. his letter to Mr. Fox on the motives and
probable confequences of his journey to Paris, 338
his letter to Lord Hawkesbury on the gene-
ral queftion of policy, arifing out of the new partition
of Germany, 361

his letter to Lord Hawkesbury, containing
a detailed account of the nature and general tendency
of the new divifion of the German Empire, 393

his letter to Lord Hawkefbury, containing
his concluding obfervations on the new divifion of
Germany; and thewing in what manner, and to what
degree, England is concerned in this important quef-
tion, 449
his letter to Lord Hawkesbury on the in-
terference of Buonaparté in the affairs of Switzerland,

his letter to Lord Hawkefbury on the cer-
tainty of a new war with France, and on the irre-
trievable injury to our pofition, occafioned by the
peace, 532

his letter to Lord Hawkesbury on the
change which peace has made in our pofition, naval
and military, domeftic and foreign, 594

letter to Lord Hawkesbury on the tend-
ency of the peace to humble and debafe the public
mind, 646

his letter to Lord Auckland on the abufes
in the General Poft Office, 673

his letter to Mr. Fox on his mifreprefenta-
tion, in the Houfe of Commons, of a paffage in the
Register, 714

[ocr errors]

his letter to Mr. Wilberforce on his poli-
tical opinions, conduct, and motives, 745
Coke, Mr. (Member for Norfolk) receives a letter from
Mr. Fox at Paris, detailing the favourable reception
he had met with from Buonaparté, 416

his addrefs to the freeholders of the county
of Norfolk, 1619
Collection of the debates in both Houfes of Parliament,
on, and relative to, the preliminary and definitive
treaties of peace between Great Britain and France,

Collection of the debates in both Houfes of Parliament,

from the opening of the feffion on the 16th of Novem
ber to the Christmas recefs of 1802, 1625
Cologne and Mayence, ports of, decree of the French
Confuls relative to, 241

Colonies, French, obfervations of the Minister of Ma-
rine relative to the commerce of, 143
Commerce of the French colonies, obfervations of the
Minifter of the Marine relative to, 143

treaty of, between France and England;
Chaptal's letter to the Prefect of the Somme relative
to, 244

of Saint Domingo, French decree relative to,

of the East Indies, interefting extract from

a French work relative to, 1845

Communication from the Imperial plenipotentiary at the
Diet of Ratisbon, 586

Concert of mufic, vocal and inftrumental, to be per-
formed at the great room, 709

Conclufum, definitive, adopted by the deputation of the
Diet at Ratisbon, and opinion of Auftria on the gene-
ral plan of indemnities, 638

Concordat between the Pope and Buonaparté, organic
articles for carrying into effect, 1389
Conduct of Mr. C. J. Fox, 1420

Confervative Senate, extract from the registers of, rela-
tive to the department of the Po, &c. 1386
Conftitution of France, project of a Senatus Confultum
for organizing the, 171

Conftitution, new French one, regulation for the exe-
cution of the Senatus Confultum relative to, 1404
Continental connexions, dangerous prejudices against,
combated, 449

Convention between Great Britain and America, touch-
ing the difficulties arifing in the execution of the 6th
article of the treaty of 1794, 97

concluded between the municipality of Zurich
and the Commiffary of the Helvetic government, 430
Convoy duty, produce of, from its commencement tơ
its termination, 997

Copy of the original grant relative to the navigation of
the Black Sea by the English, 354

of a letter from the French Minister of Foreiga
Affairs to Mr. de Cetto, the Bavarian Minister at
Paris, relative to the affairs of Switzerland, 525
Corfu, ruanifefto of Count Mocenigo, minifter plenipo
tentiary, on his arrival at, 523

Corn and rice, accourt of all bounties on, from 1st Ja-
nuary 1801, 1010

Coutts, Mr. cleared from the charge of having promoted
the election of Sir F. Burdett for Middlefex, 164
Courfe of exchange, London, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, .
224, 288, 320, 352, 384, 410, 434, 475, 493, 56B,
594, 662, 694, 761, 784, 853

Counties of Great Britain, population of, 897
Current prices, in London, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192,

224, 288, 320, 352, 384, 410, 434, 475, 493, 532,
568, 662, 694, 761, 784, 853, 885
Cyprian's letter to the Bishop of London, on "The
Chriftian Ladies' Pocket Book," 827


D'Auvergne, Captain, ftatement of the circumstances
relative to his arreft at Paris, 797

Deaths, 31, 63, 95, 127, 159, 223, 287, 319, 433, 492,
531, 672, 852

Debates in both Houfes of Parliament, on and relative to
the preliminary and definitive treaties of peace between
Great Britain and France, 1089

collection of, in both Houfes of Parliament,
from the opening of the feffion on the 16th of Novem-
ber, to the Chrifmas recets of 1802, 1625
Debt, funded, account of, 915

unfunded, account of, 905

Decrease of British fhipping employed in the fisheries,
from 1790 to 180c, obfervations on, 140
Decree of the French government relative to the port of
Marseilles, 20


relative to Piedmont,

of abfolution granted by the Cardinal Legate to
thofe of the new French bithops who have occupied
epifcopal fees without being inftituted by the Holy
See, 161

Decree of the Imperial commiffion relative to the indem- | Domingo, St. intelligence from, 369

nities, 201

of the French Confuls relative to the ports of Co-
logne and Mayence, 241

of the French government relative to the com-
merce of St. Domingo, 300


of the Imperial commiffion, addreffed to the ex-
traordinary deputation of the Empire at the Diet at
Ratisbon, against the plan of indemnities propofed by
France and Ruffia, 417

- of the French Confuls relative to French merchants
in the Levant, 472

relative to the commerce of St. Domingo, 481
of the Senate of the Ligurian republic, for erect-
ing ftatues of Buonaparté and Columbus in the vesti-
bule of the palace, 561

of the Executive Council of the Helvetic repub-
lic relative to Buonaparte's proclamation to the Swifs,

- of the Organic Senatus Confultum for the encou-
ragement of foreign artists fettling in France, 564
of M. L. E. M. de Saint Méry, issued at Parma,


of the French Confuls relative to veffels arriving
in the port of Marseilles, 1397

of the French Commander in Chief, that the
Roman Catholic religion should be the only one autho-
rized in St. Domingo, 1399

of the French Confuls prohibiting the bringing
of, into the continental territory of the republic, any
black, mulatto, or perfon of colour, of either fex,

of the French Confuls relative to the formation of
a municipal guard at Paris, 1418

of the French Confuls relative to the duty on
woollens in imitation of cottons, from the Levant,

Defence of the French emigrants against the malicious
attacks of the True Briton and Sun, 617
Definitive conclufum adopted by the deputation of the
Diet at Ratisbon, and the opinion of Auftria on the
general plan of indemnities, 638

Demofthenes, ftriking extracts from the orations of, 458
Depredations committed by the mobs in the west of Eng-
land, 206

committed by the Dey of Algiers for the
laft fix months on the powers of Europe, details of,

Defpot, Mr. Fox's definition of, 1455
Diet of Prefbourg, proceedings of, 137
Dietrichstein-Profkau, Count, his obfervations on two
articles in the Times, 1367

Diplomatic agents, imbecility of the British, 550
Difpenfations, 1897

Docks, Weft India, melancholy aceident which hap-
pened at, 92

[ocr errors]

Domestic occurrences, 22, 48, 85, 144, 182, 206, 279,
302, 347, 371, 405, 431, 473, 489, 531, 567, 593,
661, 689, 776, 849, 882

Domingo, St. prefent state of the French colony in that
ifland, in a letter from an American merchant, 73

General Leclerc's account of the operations
of the French army in, 79, 81

ifland, 198

proceedings of the French army in that

[blocks in formation]


French decree relative to the commerce of,

lift of French and foreign fhips at, 483
view of the fituation of affairs in, 784

Dominica, general orders relative to the mutiny of the
8th West India regiment at, 24
Dundas's ftatue, 1038

Mr. his budget fpeech on the affairs of the Est
India Company, 1559

Duties paid on French colonial produce, 115


Eaft Indies, extract of a letter from Fort St. George, an
the probable effects of the peace in that quarter, 245
Eaft India Company, Mr. Dundas's fpeech on the affairs
of, 1550

Court of Directors for 1802, 1386
fhips, lift of, for the season 1802, 3, 1587
Eaft Indies, commerce of, interefting extract from a
French work relative to, 1845

Edinburgh, extract of a letter from, relative to the re
ception of Monfieur of France at the theatre, 87
Egyptian expedition, Talleyrand's avowal with refpect
to the object of, 353

Election for the city of London, 9

for the city of Westminster, II
general, obfervations on, 50, 89

of the Peers of Scotland, account of, 208
Emigrants, French, defence of, against the malicious
attacks of the Tree Briton and Sun, 617
obfervations on the Senatus Conful-
tum concerning them, 618
Empire of Germany divided into departments under the
prefecture of the Elector of ****, with a military
memoir on the state of the continent, 18co
England, in what manner and to what degree concerned
in the new divifion of Germany, Mr. Cobbett's letter
to Lord Hawkesbury fhewing, 449
English newspapers, infamous article extracted from the
Moniteur relative to, 179


newspapers, their circulation stopped at Paris,

- national character of the, as described by Madam
Buonaparté, 358

Engravers and printers employed in the cotton mangiac-
tories of Rouen, their memorial to Buonaparré, 203
EsTnon, his two letters to Mr. C. J. Fox, containing a
review of his conduct, 1420

Europe, on the fituation of, and the parties of Great
Britain, 641, 737

fituation of affairs in, extracted from the Pala
dium, an American newspaper, 823
Exchange, London course of, 32, 64, 96, 128, 15,
192, 224, 288, 320, 352, 384, 410, 434, 475, 4:3
568, 594, 662, 694, 761,784, 853

Exports of British produce and manufactures in 1801
and 1802, comparative statement of, as published by
Government, 376-fallacy of the above ftatuat
expofed, 377-further proofs of its fallacy, 446
Extract from the Moniteur respecting India, 773
Extracts from the orations of Demofthenes, on the war
between the Olynthians and Philip of Macedon, 458

: F.

Fector, Mr. his extraordinary handbill relative to Mr.
Hufkiffon's election, 52

Fête of the 14th July, Chaptal's circular letter relative
to the, 22

Fife, Earl of, his letter to the publisher of the Aberdeen
Journal, 88


landers, conquest of, by France, its fatal confequences
to Great Britain, 451

foreign intelligence, 17, 71, 108, 137, 164, 197, 233,
= 299, 346, 367, 403, 424, 468, 481, 527, 560, 586,
659, 688, 724, 753, 774, 846, 880
official papers, 845

ox, Mr. his addrefs to the electors of Westminster, 12
obfervations on his vifit to Paris, 280

at Paris, ridiculous embarraffment to which
he has reduced his friends in England, 312

Mr. Cobbett's letter to him, on the motives
and probable confequences of his journey to Paris,


account of his presentation to Buonaparté,

further obfervations on the motives and pro-
bable confequences of his vifit to Paris, 378

fends a letter from Paris to Mr. Coke, detail-
ing the favourable reception he had met with from
Buonaparte, 416

and O'Connor, Meffrs. extract from the Argus re-
lative to, 688

Mr. Mr. Cobbett's letter to, on his mifreprefenta-
tion, in the Houfe of Commons, of a paffage in the
Register, 714

C. J. review of his conduct, 1420
his definition of a defpot, 1455

extract from his inflammatory harangue at

the Whig Club, 1455

Freeholder, his letter on the fituation of Europe, and
=the parties of Great Britain, 641, 737
France, conftitution of, project of a Senatus Confultum
for organizing the, 171

gigantic projects of, interesting letter from
Stockholm relative to, 129

gigantic projects of, in conjunction with Ruffia,
letter from Stockholm on, 355

- picture of, in 1801, 705

treaty of peace between, and the Duke of Wir-
temberg, 37

treaty concluded between, and the Prince of
Orange, 225

French colony in St. Domingo, interesting account of
the prefent flate of, 73

colonies, produce of the, lift of ports into which
It is admitted, 115

colonies, duties paid on the produce of, 115
colonies, obfervations of the Minifter of the Ma-
rine relative to the commerce of, 143

conftitution, new, obfervations on, 184
emigrants, defence of, against the malicious
attacks of the True Briton and Sun, 617

emigrants, obfervations on the Senatus Conful-
tum concerning them, 618


funds, information refpecting, 1072
government, decree of the, relative to Piedmont,

republic and the Sublime Ottoman Porte, treaty
of peace between, 289

republic, treaty between Pruffia, Bavaria, and
the, 559

royalifts in Jerfey, infamous article in the Morn-
ing Chronicle relative to, 281-their fituation fully
difcuffed, 303

Fanded debt, account of redemption of, 907
Funds, French, information refpecting, 1072

prices of the public, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192,
224, 256, 320, 352, 384, 410,434, 493, 53, 568,
594, 662, 694, 761, 784, 853, 885



Gazette, London, Jee London Gazette
Gentz's Effay on the State of Europe, reviewed, 623
Mr. on the confequences of an alliance between
France and Ruffia, 652


General election, obfervations on the, 50, 89

orders relative to the mutiny of the 8th Weft
India regiment, at Dominica, 24

---, allowing general officers to grant leave of
abfence to officers, to the roth of March 1803, 144
General Poft Office, Mr. Cobbett's letter to Lord Auck-
land on the abuses in, 673

George, Fort Saint, extract of a letter from, on the effect
of the peace in the East Indies, 245
German Empire, new organization of, ftrictures on, 250
--- new divifion of, Mr. Cobbett's letter to
Lord Hawkesbury, containing a detailed account of
the nature and general tendency of, 393
Germany, new plan of indemnities for, as concerted
between the First Conful of France and the Emperor
of Ruffia, 260

new divifion of, as concerted between the
First Conful and the Emperor of Ruffia, 260

new partition of the ranks, honours, titles,
and eftates of, Mr. Cobbett's letter to Lord Hawkef-
bury on, 271

fhort view of affairs in, 295

new partition of, Mr. Cobbett's letter to
Lord Hawkesbury on the general question of policy
arifing out of, 361

fituation of affairs in, in a letter from Carac-

tacus, 399
German indemnities, M. de Hugel refufes to ratify the
conclufum of the deputation relative to, 403
Germany, probable confequences of a renewal of the war
in, 435
new divifion of, Mr. Cobbett's letter to Lord
Hawkesbury on, thewing in what manner, and to
what degree, England is concerned in this important
qucition, 449

Empire of, divided into departments under
the prefecture of the Elector of ***, with a military
memoir on the state of the continent, 1800

Gobert, commander in chief at Guadaloupe, to the Mi-
nister of Marine,giving an account of the operations of
the French army in that colony, 1396

Good Hope, Cape of, official account of, 1087
Great Britain and America, convention between, touch-
ing the difficulties arifing in the execution of the 6th
article of the treaty of 1794, 97

extinction of her influence and confidera-
tion on the continent of Europe, confiderations on,,
contained in an admirable extract from the Morning
Chronicle, 412

of, 641, 737

towns of, 903

on the fituation of Europe, and the parties

population of the counties of, 897
population of the principal cities and

total expenditure of, 911.
public income of, 923
permanent taxes of, 927

Grégoire, the Abbé, his arrival in England-is received
with great honour by Sir Jofeph Banks-character of
him, 29

Guadaloupe, proclamation of General Richepanfe to the
inhabitants of, 140

proceedings of the French army in that
ifland, 197

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