Abbildungen der Seite

Guadaloupe, operations of the French army in, 1396
Guiana, account of the exports and imports of, 1418


Hamilton, Gen. his letter relative to the conduct of
Washington and La Fayette, at the ftorming of two
redoubts at York Town, 517

Handbill, Mr. Fector's extraordinary, relative to Mr.
Hufkiffon's election, 52

Hauterive's Etât de la France, object of that work ex-
pofed, by Mr. Gentz, 624

Hawkesbury, Lord, Mr. Cobbett's letter to, on the new
partition of the ranks, honours, titles, and eftates of
Germany, 271

Lord, Mr. Cobbett's letter to, on the
general question of, policy arifing out of the new par-
tition of Germany, 361

Lord, Mr. Cobbett's letter to, containing
a detailed examination of the nature and general tend-
ency of the new division of the German Empire, 393

Lord, Mr. Cobbett's letter to, containing
his concluding obfervations on the new divifion of
Germany, and fhewing in what manner, aud to
what degree, England is concerned in this important
question, 449
Lord, Mr. Cobbett's letter to, on the inter-
ference of Buonaparté in the affairs of Switzerland,

Lord, Mr. Cobbett's letter to, on the cer-
tainty of a new war with France, and on the irretriev-
able injury to our pofition, occafioned by the peace,

Lord, Mr. Cobbett's letter to, on the
change which peace has made in our pofition, naval,
military, domeftic, and foreign, 594

Lord. Mr. Cobbett's letter to, on the
tendency of the peace to humble and dehase the public
mind, 646
Helvetia, reprefentation addressed by the leffer cantons to
Buonaparte, on the fubject of the evacuation of, 278

proclamation of the Council of Execution to
the inhabitants of, 586
Helvetic government, convention concluded between the
municipality of Zurich and the commiffry of, 430

republic, letter of the French minifter to the
inhabitants of the, acquainting them with the motives
of Buonaparte in withdrawing the French troops
from that country, 181

proclamation of the Council of Exe-
cution, on withdrawing the French troops from that
Country, 200

bellion, 368

eaftern part of, in a state of open re-

armistice between the Helvetic troops
at Berne, and the council of war of the troops which
attacked Berne, 426

Buonaparte's proclamation to the
eighteen cantons of, 423-strictures on, 437
Heriot, Mr. Mr. Cobbett's letter to him, on certain in-
finuations tending to diminith the respect due to the
rank and charter of his R. H. the Duke of Kent, 162
Highland Society, account of the proceedings of, relative
to the taking of the Invincible standard, 803
"Hiftorical Effay on the Ambition and Conquefts of
France," quotations from, 450

Hobart, Lord, his letter to Colonel Hiflop at Demarara,
relative to the grant of lands, at Trinidad, to British
fubiects inclined to remove to that ifland, 86
Holland, junction of, with France, its fatal confequences
to Great Britain, 451

Honduras and Campeche, our right of cutting logwood
in the Bay of, confidered, 732

Hops, account of the quantity of, on which duty ha
been paid from 1783 to 1801, 1008
"Howell's Familiar Letters," quotation from, 459
Hugel, M. de, refufes to ratify the conclufum of the
deputation, relative to the German indemnities, 4:3
Hull, account of an affray at, 86

Husk iffon, Mr. obfervations on his election, 52-å
his penfion, 54

Mr. memorandum relative to him and his

penfion, communicated by a friend of that gentleman,

Mr. Mr. Cobbett's anfwer to the affertion of
a "Friend" of that gentleinan, relative to has com
mercial connexions," 136

1. J.

Jamaica, fpeech of the Lieut. Governor of on opening the
feffions, 182

Colonial Affembly of, its proceedings on a pro-
pofition from his Majefty's Minifters, that the Ame
bly thould make provifion for the maintenance of
5000 additional troops, 254

Affembly of, letter from a Weft India plants
to the editor, on the difpute between it and the Britá
Minifters, 265

meffage from the Lieut. Governor to the
Houfe of Affembly of, on the propofition from ha
Majefty's Minitters, that the Affembly thould make
provifion for the maintenance of 5000 additiona
troops, 313—refolutions of the Affembly, 318

view of the fituation of affairs in, 785
Imbecility of the British Miniftry, effay on, 1038
Imports into and exports from Great Britain for 13 ye
and exports from Ireland for 18 years, valur 14,


from and exports to America and British cos
nies for 3 years, 1003

Income-tax, produce of, in Great Britain for 150.

Indemnities, decree of the Imperial commifiion relativa
to, 201

general plan of, converted at Paris, and ra
tified by the Emperor of Ruta, 238

new plan of, as conce.ted between the F.
Conful of France and the Emperor of Ruža, 25e

German, M. de Hugel refults to ratış Ha
conclufum of the deputation relative to, 403

plan of, decree of the Imperial committ
at the Diet at Ratisbon, againit, 417

German, letter of the French and Ruf
minifters to the directorial miniiter at Ratifbon, tr
tive to, 526

India, affairs of, 1457

extract from the Moniteur respecting, *-1
Indies, Eaft, commerce of, interefting extract from 1
French work relative to, 1843
Invincible standard, authentic narrative of the taking t
by Antoine Lutz, 801, 865
Intelligence, foreign, 17, 71, 108, 137, 164, 197
233, 299, 346, 367, 403, 424, 463, 431, 52
560, 586, 659, 688, 724, 753, 774. 845, 880
Jones, Mr. obfervations on his propofal of cutting
the allowance to the French emigrants, 617
Ireland, Catholic clergy of, statement of their ema
ments, 637

Ifle of France, letter of the commander in chuf in,
Buonaparté, 1398

alian republic, addrefs of the Legiflative Body of, to | Letter of the French and Ruffian minifters to the direc-
Buonaparté, 164

aridical proceedings, 1589


ent, Duke of, Mr. Cobbett's letter to Heriot, on cer-
tain infinuations tending to diminish the respect due to
the rank and character of his Royal Highnefs, 162

his Royal Highnefs the Duke of, defended from
the calumnies of Heriot, 513

ing's fpeech from the throne, 690


amballe, Madame, anecdote of, 87
Sand-tax, report of the commiffioners for the fale of,

afnes, General, his fudden departure from Lisbon, 242-
copy of the note of the Minifter for Foreign Affairs,
to the different minifters refident at the court of Portu-
gal, relative to, 243-obfervations on, 253
aufanne, intelligence from, relative to the infurrection
in Switzerland, 425, 430, 479, 485, 530
eclerc, General, his letters to the Minister of Marine,
detailing the operations of the French army in Saint
Domingo, 79, 81

letter from him to the Minifter of Ma-
rine, on fending Touffaint and his family to France,
his addrefs, relative to Touffaint's

confpiracy, 141
Leiffegues, Rear-admiral, his letter to the French Mini-
fter of Marine, relative to his operations at Tunis,

Letter from the author of a "Letter to the Proprietors
of India Stock," to Mr. Cobbett, 14

to Mr. Cobbett, extract from a, relative to the
ceffion of Louifiana, 43

interefting, from an American merchant, con-
taining an account of the prefent ftate of the French
=colony of St. Domingo, 73

Mr. Livingston's, to Mr. Skipwith at Paris,
informing him that the Emperor of Morocco had
commenced hoftilities against the United States, 113

Mr. Cobbett's, to Meffrs. Nares and Beloc, rela-
tive to the Blagdon controverfy, 119

interesting, from Stockholm, relative to the gi-
gantic pro ects of France, &c. 129

of "Obferver," containing an analysis of Sir F.
Burdett's addrefs to the Middlefex electors, 132


of Touffaint Louverture to Citizen Fontaine,

official, from Major-general Campbell to the
government of Madras, with particulars relative to
the operations against Timakull, 145

from Baltimore to the editor, containing import-
ant remarks on the ceffion of Louifiana, and its pro-
bable confequences, 147

to the Pope from thofe new French bishops who
have occupied epifcopal fees without being inftituted
by the Holy See, 161

of the French minifter to the landamman of the
Helvetic republic, acquainting them with the motives
of Buonaparté in withdrawing the French troops from
that country, 181

from a Weft India planter to the editor, on the
difpute between the British Minifters and the Affem-
bly of Jamaica, 265

fecond interefting, from Stockholm, on the gi-
gantic projects of France, in conjunction with Rusia,

torial minifter at Ratisbon, relative to the German
indemnities, 526

to Lord Hawkesbury, Mr. Cobbett's, on the cer
tainty of a new war with France, and on the irre-
trievable injury to our pofition, occafioned by the
peace, 532, 770, 871

Mr. Tietenfer's, on the Reading ball on the
peace, 545, 770, 871

interesting, from Swenfka, on the imbecility of
our diplomatic agents, the dangers with which Eng-
land is threatened, and the means of avoiding them,

of the Diet of Schwitz to General Rapp, on
Buonaparte's proclamation to the Swifs, 563

to the Fellows of the Royal Society, on the pro-
priety of re-electing Sir Jofeph Banks to the prefi-
dency, 577

on the peace, by Swenfka, first inferted in the
Times, 609

to the editor, on the emoluments of the Catholic
clergy, 637

from Caractacus, on the conduct of Mr. Fox,
&c. 711

to Mr. Fox, Mr. Cobbett's, on his misrepresent-
ation of a paffage in the Register, 714

to Mr. Wilberforce, Mr. Cobbett's, on his poli-
tical opinions, conduct, and motives, 745

to Earl Spencer, on the celebration of Mr. Pitt's
birthday, 1029

from Sir F. Burdett to Dr. Parr, with Dr. P.'s
anfwer, 1070

Letters of Ariftides, on the depofition of the Nabob of
Arcot, the death of the depofed Nabob, and the late
revolution in the Carnatic, 1564

Levant, French merchants in the, arrêté of the French
Confuls relative to, 472

[ocr errors]

merchants, their application to Lord Hawkef-
bury, relative to the Turkish trade, 115
Ligurian republic, Buonaparte's addrefs to the Senate of,


Lifbon, fudden departure of the French minister Lafnes
from, 242-obfervations on, 253

Lift of the members returned to ferve in the fecond Par-
liament of the United Kingdom, 1609

of the Court of Directors of the East India Company
for 1802, 1586

of the East India fhips for the feafon 1802-3, 1587
of patents enrolled in 1802, 1041

of new books, publifhed in Europe and America
during the laft fix months, 1848

Liverpool, ftatement of the lefs occafioned by the dread-
ful fire at, 407

Livingston, Mr. his letter to Mr. Skipwith at Paris,
informing him that the Emperor of Morocco had
commenced hoftilities against the United States,

Logwood, our right of cutting, in the Bay of Honduras
and Campeche, obfervations on, 732

London course of exchange, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192,
224, 288, 320, 352, 384, 410, 434, 475, 493,
568, 594, 662, 694, 761, 784, 853

Gazette, extracts from, 29, 61, 93, 125, 158,
190, 219, 256, 285, 316, 352, 381, 408, 432,
473, 492, 531, 576, 671

city of, election for, 9
Bishop of, his conduct contrafted with that of
Mr. Addington, 184

Cyprian's letter to, on "the Chrif
tian Ladies Pocket Book, 827
London and Westminster, population of, 901

Lover of Truth and Decorum, his letter on Mr. Ad-
dington, and the Reading ball on the peace,

Louifiana, ceffion of, to the French, interefting
obfervations on, 38

obfervations on the ceffion of, in a letter
addreffed to Mr. Cobbett, by a gentleman in New
York, 43

important remarks on the ceffion of, and
its probable confequences, in a letter from Balti-
more to the editor, 147

Louifville, exports from the port of, to the Floridas
and Louifiana, 42

Lutz, Antoine, authentic narrative of the taking of
the Invincible ftandard by, 801, 865

Lyons, merchants of, extract from their address to
Buonaparté, 21

Mahon evacuated, 22


Mainwaring, Mr. his concluding addrefs to the elec-
tors of Middlefex, 116

Malt, account of the produce of duties on, from
1795 to 1801, 1007

account of the quantity of, on which duty has
been paid, from 1783 to 1801, 1008
Malta, guarantee of, refufed by the Emperor of Ruf-
fia, 351-obfervations on, 351

the importance of retaining it pointed out,
in A Plain Speaker's Letter to the editor, 635

Tyrtæus's letter on the retention of, 838
memoir containing the fentiments of the
imhabitants of, on its evacuation by the English,

grand mastership of, effays relative to, 1076,

Manifefto of Count Mocenigo, minifter plenipoten-
tiary, on his arrival at Corfu, 523

Ruffian, concerning the new formation of
the department of adminiftration, 1412
Marriages, 31, 63, 95, 127, 159, 223, 286, 319,
433, 475, 492, 531, 672, 852
Marfeilles, port of, decree of the French government
relative to, 20

port of, decree of the French Confuls re-
lative to veffels arriving in, 1397
Martinico, Rear-admiral Villaret's letter on taking
poffeffion of, 1416

Mayence and Cologne, perts of, decree of the
French Confuls relative to, 241

Meeting of the Emperor of Ruffia and the King of
Pruffia at Memel, account of, 71

of fhip-owners for the repeal of the tonnage
duty, 489
Memoir, containing the fentiments of the Maltefe
on the evacuation by the English, 1073
Memel, meeting of the Emperor of Ruffia and the
King of Pruffia at, account of, 71
Memorial of the engravers and printers employed
in the cotton manufactories of Rouen, to Buona-
parté, 203

Merchandife, account of the real value of foreign
exported, and all imports into Great Britain for
1800 and 1801, 990

Méry, M. de Saint, the decree iffyed by him at
Parma, 658

Meffage of the French Confuls to the Confervative
Senate, on their appointing Buonaparté First Con-
ful for life, 167

Middlefex election, 146-obfervations on, 122
Milan, fubftance of the report of the government

of, to the Legislative Body upon the fituation of
the republic, 1401

Miniftry, British, imbecility of, 1038
Mobs in the weft of England, depredations com-
mitted by, 206

Moniteur, infamous article extracted from the, re-
lative to the English newspapers, 179

ftrictures on the infamous article in the,
relative to the English prefs, 208-its effect on
the British ministry, 210-base conduct of the
True Briton in regard to this article fully ex-
pofed, 210

afferts that feveral of the brigands of the
Côtes du Nord have taken up their refidence in
Jerfey under special protection, 245

infamous philippic againft England ex-
tracted from the, 565, 592-remarks on the
above article, extracted from the Morning Chro-
nicle, 554

extract from, refpecting India, 773
the, charges the English government
with having caufed the affaffination of Robert
and Bonnier at Radftadt, 848, 857

the, ftyles the King of Great Britain the
rewarder of affaffins, 858

the, its mifrepresentation of an expref-
fion of Mr. Windham's relative to Ruffa ex-
pofed, 859

extract from, containing obfervations en
the fpeeches at the opening of the prefeat Par-
liament, 875-ftrictures on, 887
Monfieur, of France, extract of a letter from Edin-
burgh relative to his reception at the theatre, $7
of France, account of his vifit to Hunt-

ley Lodge, 347
More, Mrs. Hannah, proved to be a Methodist, 119
Morning Chronicle, extract from, on the extinction
of the influence and confideration of Great Br
tain on the continent of Europe, 412

interefting extract from, com-
taining remarks on the infamous philippic again
England in the Moniteur, 554
Morning Poft, extract from, comparing the co-
duct of Buonaparté with regard to Switzerland,
to that of the allied powers against France arte
commencement of the war, 439—the fallacy of
this argument fully expofed, 439

various extracts from, on the ota-
duft of Mr. C. J. Fox, 1420
Morocco, Emperor of, commences hoftilities again
the United States, 113

Munfter, proclamation of the government of,
lative to the entrance of the Pruffian troop,
that country, 203

Mutiny of the 8th Weft India regiment at Domi
nica, general orders relative to, 24

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

New York, firft book-fair held in, 17

intelligence from, 424

New books, lift of, published in Europe and Ame-
rica during the last fix months, 1848
Newspapers, English, infamous article extracted
from the Moniteur relative to, 179

-, their circulation ftopped at

Paris, 1281
New regulations in the government of Ruffia, 1410
North Carolina, infurrection of the negroes in, 17
- Wales fummer circuit, 86

Note of the Minifter of Foreign Affairs to the differ-
en minifters refident at the court of Portugal,
relative to the fudden departure from Lifbon of
General Lafnes, 243

of the Bohemian minifter on the convention
and declaration of France and Ruffia relative to
the occupation of Paffau and other places, 335
Notes of the minifters of France and Ruffia, ad-
dreffed to the extraordinary deputation at the
Diet of Ratifbon, in reply to the decree of the
Imperial commiffion against the plan of indem-
nities, 418

Note of Baron de Hugel, plenipotentiary of his Im-
perial Majefty, to the minifter of the French
republic at the Diet of Ratifbon relative to the
German indemnities, 466

addreffed by the Imperial plenipotentiary at
the Diet of Ratifbon to the Ruffian minifter rela-
tive to the German indemnities, 466

given in to the deputation of the Empire by
the French legation relative to the plan of indem-
nities, 522

addreffed by Baron de Hugel, the Imperial
plenipotentiary at Ratifbon, informing the depu-
tation of his acceffion to the conclufums of the
Diet, 559

prefented to the Diet of Ratisbon by the Swe-
dih deputy for Anterior Pomerania, 640

addreffed by the Diet of Schwitz to General
Ney, 658

addreffed by the French minifter at Ratisbon
to the Imperial plenipotentiary, and to the fub-
delegate for Bohemia, 693

addreffed by the French minifter at the Diet
of Ratisbon to the Imperial plenipotentiary and
the sub-delegate for Bohemia, 1388
Notice to American claimants, 371
Notices of new books, 623

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Official note delivered by the Reis Effendi to the
English minifter relative to the navigation of the
Black Sea, 337

account of the ftate of the Cape of Good
Hope, 1087

On the fituation of Europe and the parties of Great
Britain, 641, 737

Opinion of Auftria on the general plan of indemni-
ties, 638

Orange, Prince of, treaty concluded between him
and France, 225

- Prince of, indemnity to, remarks on, 795
Orations of Demofthenes, ftriking extracts from,
Ordinance, royal patent, relative to the occupation
of Ofnaburgh, 659

Organic articles for carrying into effect the Concor-
dat between the Pope and Buonaparté, 1389
Ofnaburgh, royal patent relative to the occupation
of, 659

Ottoman Porte and the French republic, treaty of
peace between, 289


Palladium, extracts from the, on the ambition of
France, the ceffion of Louisiana, and the expe-
dition to St. Domingo, 7

the (an American newspaper), excellent
extract from, on the fituation of airs in Europe,

Panin, Count de, vifits Sweden, 199-is ordered
by the King of Sweden not to continue his jour
ney through that country, 200-letter to him
from the Emperor of Ruffia relative to the above
circumftance, 278

Parma, decree of M. de St. Méry iffued at, 658
dutchy of, defcribed, 664

Papers, parliamentary, 897

prefented to the Houfe of Commons from
the Eaft India Company, concerning the late Na-
bob of the Carnatic, 1457

Parliament, proceedings in, 657, 690, 720, 751,
776, 849, 882

collection of the debates in both Houfes
of, on and relative to the preliminary and defi-
nitive treaties of peace between Great Britain
and France, 1089


collection of the debates in both Houses
of, from the opening of the feffion on the 16th
of November to the Chriftmas recefs of 1802,

lift of the members returned to ferve
in the new, 1609
Parliamentary papers, 897

Parr, Dr. his letter to Sir F. Burdett, 1071
Paffau, Bishop of, his proclamation, 292
Paffwan Oglou, capitulation figned between him
and the Sublime Porte, 405

Patents, account of all places for lives held by, 971
enrolled in 1802, lift of, 1041
Pays de Vaud, proclamation of the confederate ge
nerals to the inhabitants of, 470
Peace, the bleffed effects of, 253, 254

Peace, probable effects of, in the East Indies, 245
treaty of, review of Belfham's remarks on, 268,

letter on the, by Swenska, fust inserted in the
Times, 609

the, tendency of, to humble and debase the pub-
lic mind, 645 **

eftablishment, remarks on, 792

fatal confequences of the, as it regards our pof-
feffions in the Eaft and West Indies, 1082
Peers of Scotland, account of the election of, 208
Pells, clerkship of, given by Mr. Addington to his fon,

Peltier, Mr. profecution commenced against him at the
defire of Buonaparté, 255

further particulars relative to the profecu-
tion commenced against him for the publication of
L'Ambigu, 284

obfervations on the profecution commenced
against him for a libel on Buonaparté, 858
Penfions and allowances to the Royal Family, 967

account of all, charged on any other fund than
the Civil Lift and the 4 per cent, duties, 965
account of all granted fince 1797, 963.
Péroufe, La, information relative to the fate of, 118
Perfia and Ruffia, report of a war between, 243-ob-
fervations on the probability of, 246
Picture of France in 1801, 705

Piedmont, decree of the French government relative to,

[blocks in formation]

Plain Speaker, his letter to the editor on the importance
of retaining Malta, 635

Po, department of, extract from the registers of the
Confervative Senate relative to, 1386-
Politics, fummary of, 25, 50, 89, 122, 151, 182, 208,
303, 347, 373, 410, 434, 476, 510, 568, 605, 663,
695, 727, 762, 784, 853, 886

Pope's brief to the archbishops and bifhops of France,

Population of England and Wales, general total of, 902
of the counties of Great Britain, fummary

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


iffued by the King of Pruffia at Hildesheim,

to the Helvetic people from the govern
ment of Helvetia, 722
Produce of the French colonies, duties paid on, 115
lift of ports into which

it is admitted, 115

of the duties of cuftoms, excife, ftamps, &c. in
1801, 953

Programma for the diftribution of the great prizes
the general affembly of the three central schools of
Paris, 242

Project of a fenatus confultum for organizing the French
conftitution, 171

Promotions, military, 30, 61, 93, 125, 158, 190, 220,
285, 316, 382, 408, 432, 474, 1882
Profpectus of Cobbett's Annual Register, 322
Pruffia, King of, account of his meeting with the Ems-
of Ruffia at Memel, 71


treaty between the French republic, Bavana,
and, 559

King of, proclamation iffued by him at H
defheim, 694

Prince Henry of, his will, 1375
Public debt, account of the annual charge of, 959
income of Great Britain, 923

offices, account of the increafe or diminution of
the falaries of, 957

papers, 33, 97, 161, 193, 225, 257, 289, 311.
353, 417, 466, 522, 559, 586, 633, 658, 693, 844

Ratisbon, full powers of the Empire for the deput
affembled at, 238

Diet of, obfervations on the proceedings of, 411
intelligence from, 425
proceedings of, relative to the Germ

indemnities, 417, 466

communication from the Imperial p

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