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3. Two substantives, when they come together, and do not signify the same thing, the former must be in the genitive case. Virtue, however it may be neglected for a time, men are so constituted as ultimately to acknowledge and respect genuine merit.

4. The crown of virtue is peace and honour.

His chief occupation and enjoyment were controversy

[blocks in formation]

Two or more nouns, &c. in the singular number, joined together by a copulative conjunction, expressed or understood, must have verbs, nouns, and pronouns, agreeing with them in the plural number: as, "Socrates and Plato were wise; they were the most eminent philosophers of Greece;"" The sun that rolls over our heads, the food that we receive, the rest that we enjoy, daily admonish`us of a superior and superintending Power.”

See Vol. 1. p. 149 and the Key, Part 3. Chap. 1. Rule 2.

Idleness and ignorance is the parent of many vices. Wisdom, virtue,happiness,dwells with the golden mediocrity. In unity consists the welfare and security of every society. Time and tide waits for no man.

His politeness and good disposition was, on failure of their effect, entirely changed.

Patience and diligence, like faith, removes mountains. Humility and knowledge, with poor apparel, excels pride and ignorance under costly attire.

The planetary system, boundless space, and the immense ocean, affects the mind with sensations of astonishment. Humility and love, whatever obscurities may involve religious tenets, constitutes the essence of true religion.

Religion and virtue, our best support and highest honour, confers on the mind principles of noble independence.

What signifies the counsel and care of preceptors, when youth think they have no need of assistance?

The examples which follow are suited to the notes and observations under RULE II.

1. Much does human pride and self-complacency require


Luxurious living, and high pleasures, begets a languor and satiety that destroys all enjoyment.

Pride and self-sufficiency stifles sentiments of dependence on our Creator: levity and attachment to worldly pleasures, destroys the sense of gratitude to him.

2. Good order in our affairs, not mean savings, produce great profits.

The following treatise, together with those that accompany it, were written, many years ago, for my own private satisfaction.

That great senator, in concert with several other eminent persons, were the projectors of the revolution.

The religion of these people, as well as their customs and manners, were strangely misrepresented.

Virtue, joined to knowledge and wealth, confer great influence and respectability. But knowledge, with wealth united, if virtue is wanting, have a very limited influence, and are often despised.

That superficial scholar and critic, like some renowned critics of our own, have furnished most decisive proofs, that they knew not the characters of the Hebrew language.

The buildings of the institution have been enlarged; the expense of which, added to the increased price of provisions, render it necessary to advance the terms of admission.

One, added to nineteen, make twenty.

What black despair, what horror, fills his mind!

3. Thou, and the gardener, and the huntsman, must share the blame of this business amongst them.

My sister and I, as well as my brother, are daily employed in their respective occupations.


The conjunction disjunctive has an effect contrary to that of the conjunction copulative; for, as the verb, noun, or pronoun, is referred to the preceding terms taken separately, it must be in the singular number : as,“ Ignorance or negligence has caused this mistake" "John, James, or Joseph, intends to accompany

me;" " There is, in many minds, neither knowledge nor understanding"

See Vol. 1. p. 151, and the Key, Part 3. Chap. 1. Rule 3.

Man's happiness, or misery, are, in a great measure, put into his own hands.

Man is not such a machine as a clock or a watch, which move merely as they are moved.

Despise no infirmity of mind or body, nor any condition of life: for they are, perhaps, to be your own lot.

Speaking impatiently to servants, or any thing that betrays unkindness or ill-humour, are certainly criminal.

There are many faults in spelling, which neither analogy nor pronunciation justify.

When sickness, infirmity, or reverse of fortune, affect us, the sincerity of friendship is proved.

Let it be remembered, that it is not the uttering, or the hearing of certain words, that constitute the worship of the Almighty.

A tart reply, a proneness to rebuke, or a captious and contradictious spirit, are capable of imbittering domestic life, and of setting friends at variance.

The following sentences exemplify the notes and observations under RULE III.

1. Either thou or I art greatly mistaken, in our judgment on this subject.

I or thou am the person who must undertake the business proposed.

2. Both of the scholars, or one of them at least, was present at the transaction.

Some parts of the ship and cargo were recovered; but neither the sailors nor the captain, was saved.

Whether one person or more was concerned in the business, does not yet appear.

The cares of this life, or the deceitfulness of riches, has choked the seeds of virtue in many a promising mind.


A noun of multitude, or signifying many, may have a verb or pronoun agreeing with it, either of the singular or plural num

ber; yet not without regard to the import of the word, as conveying unity or plurality of idea: as, "The meeting was large;" "The parliament is dissolved" "The nation is powerful;" "My people do not consider: they have not known me;" "The multitude eagerly pursue pleasure as their chief good;" "The council were divided in their sentiments."

See Vol. i. p. 152, and the Key, Part 3. Chap. 1. Rule 4.

The people rejoices in that which should give it sorrow. The flock, and not the fleece, are, or ought to be, the objects of the shepherd's care.

The court have just ended, after having sat through the trial of a very long cause.

The crowd were so great, that the judges with difficulty made their way through them.

The corporation of York consist of a mayor, aldermen, and a common council.

The British parliament are composed of king, lords, and


When the nation complain, the rulers should listen to their voice.

In the days of youth, the multitude eagerly pursues pleasure as its chief good.

The church have no power to inflict corporal punishment, The fleet were seen sailing up the channel.

The regiment consist of a thousand men.

The meeting have established several salutary regulations. The council was not unanimous, and it separated without coming to any determination.

The fleet is all arrived and moored in safety.

This people draweth near to me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. The committee was divided in its sentiments, and it has referred the business to the general meeting.

The committee were very full when this point was decided; and their judgment has not been called in question.

Why do this generation wish for greater evidence, when so much is already given?

The remnant of the people were persecuted with great severity.

Never were any people so much infatuated as the Jewish


The shoal of herrings were of an immense extent.

No society are chargeable with the disapproved misconduct of particular members.

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Pronouns must always agree with their antecedents, and the nouns for which they stand, in gender and number: as, "This is the friend whom I love," "That is the vice which I hate ;” “The king and the queen had put on their robes ;"" The moon appears, and she shines, but the light is not her own."

The relative is of the same person as the antecedent, and the verb agrees with it accordingly: as," Thou who lovest wisdom;" "I who speak from experience."

Sce Vol. i. p. 154, and the Key, Part. 3. Chap. 1. Rule 5.

The exercise of reason appears as little in these sportsmen, as in the beasts whom they sometimes hunt, and by whom they are sometimes hunted.

They which seek wisdom will certainly find her.

The male amongst birds seems to discover no beauty, but in the colour of its species.

Take handfuls of ashes of the furnace, and let Moses sprinkle it towards heaven, in the sight of Pharoah; and it shall become small dust.

Rebecca took goodly raiment, which were with her in the house, and put them upon Jacob.

The wheel killed another man, which is the sixth which have lost their lives, by this means.

The fair sex, whose task is not to mingle in the labours of public life, has its own part assigned it to act.

The Hercules man of war foundered at sea; she overset, and lost most of her men,

The mind of man cannot be long without some food to nourish the activity of his thoughts.

What is the reason that our language is less refined than those of Italy, Spain, or France?

I do not think any one should incur censure for being tender of their reputation.

Thou who has been a witness of the fact, can give an account of it.

In religious concerns, or what is conceived to be such, every man must stand or fall by the decision of the Great judge.

Something like what have been here premised, are the conjectures of Dryden.

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