It's Never Too Late: Leading Adolescents to Lifelong Literacy

Heinemann, 1995 - 218 Seiten
It's Never Too Late is a research chronicle that offers not only proven methods but also inspiration. Anyone working with "at risk" students - those for whom school has not been a place of success - will find here a reflection of their own experiences, plus thoughtful and creative strategies for making those experiences positive ones.

When Janet Allen, a respected lecturer, researcher, and award-winning teacher, began teaching in 1972, she was wholly unprepared for the challenges she encountered: motivating the unmotivated, developing a curriculum with no models to draw from, building an environment that supported strategic learning, finding creative resources with limited means, and dealing with reluctant, even rebellious students. More daunting, perhaps, was the challenge of constantly rekindling her own fervor for teaching. But she persevered and found ways to break through those obstacles.

It's Never Too Late is at once a story and a "how to" book. Readers will find absorbing case studies, photographs, quotes from educators, surveys, activities, and step by-step strategies for teaching reading and writing to the most reluctant middle and secondary school students. Most important, they will find affirmation for the powerful role they play as teachers.

Im Buch


New UnderstandingSame Challenges
Meeting the Students Where They Are
Voices Within and Without

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Autoren-Profil (1995)

After teaching high school reading and English in Maine for twenty years, Janet Allen relocated to Florida, where she currently teaches English education courses at the University of Central Florida. A recipient of the Maine Educator Award and the Milken Foundation National Educator Award, Dr. Allen has always had a special interest in working with students who are at risk in terms of literacy and has spent much of her teaching career researching and working with these students.

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