Acting, importance of, in Shake- spearean drama, 13; evil effects of long runs, 14; Shake- speare on, 45, 47.
Actor-manager, his merits and de- fects, 125, 126.
Actors, training of, 139; English, in France, 203. See also Ben- son, Mr. F. R., and Boys.
Æschylus, statue of, 233. Albert, Prince (consort), and Shakespeare's birthplace, 222; statues of, 237, 238. Alleyn, Edward, 191, 194. Annual Register of 1770, 194. Aristotle, Shakespeare's mention of, 144, 145; Bacon's study of, 145.
Arnold, Matthew, on Shakespeare,
Astronomy, Shakespeare on, 146. Athens, statuary at, 233.
Aubrey, John, his gossip of Shake-
Basse, William, his tribute to Shakespeare, 50.
Beeston, Christopher, Elizabethan actor, 64.
Beeston, William the first, patron of Nash, 63, 64; second, his the- atrical career, 65, 66; his gos- sip about Shakespeare, 65; his conversation, 66; Aubrey's ac- count of, 67. Beethoven, statue of, 233. Beljame, M. Alexandre, on Eng- lish literature, 201; death of, 201.
Benson, Mr. F. R., his company of actors, 111; his principles, 112 seq.; list of Shakespearean plays produced by, 114, 115 n.; his production of Hamlet una- bridged, 116-18; his training of actors, 119; his services to Shakespeare, 121; his pupils on the London stage, 130.
Berkenhout, John, 195.
Austria, subsidised theatres in, Betterton, Thomas, at Stratford- 131, 136.
Bacon, Anthony, in France, 203. Bacon, Francis, philosophical method of, 143; on memorial monuments in New Atlantis, 234, 235.
Bacon, Sir Nicholas, his fame in France, 204.
Badger, Mr. Richard, proposal for a Shakespeare monument, 219. Bannister, music for The Tempest, 106, 107.
on-Avon, 73; contributes to Rowe's biography, 73, 76; his rendering of Hamlet, 101,
Biography, art of, in England, 51 seq. Bishop, Sir William, 76. Bishopsgate
(London), Shake-
speare at, 226, 227. Blackfriars, Shakespeare's house at, 227.
Boileau and English literature, 200.
Barker, Mr. Granville, as Richard Bolingbroke (in Richard II.), ра- II., 13 n.
Bowman, John, actor, 69; at Stratford-on-Avon, 76.
Boys in women's parts in Eliza- bethan theatres, 19, 41; aban- donment of the practice, 43; superseded by women, 88,
Buchanan, George, his plays, 204. Burbage, Richard, Shakespeare's friend and fellow actor, 33. Burns, Mr. John, 131. Burns, Robert, French study of, 201; monument to, 233, 237. Byron, Lord, on Petrarch at Ar- quà, 225; statue of, 237.
Calderon, 136, monument to, 233. Calvert, Charles A., his Shake- spearean productions at Man- chester, 12, 3 п. Camoens, monument to, 233.
Capital and the literary drama,
Carlyle, Thomas, statue of, 237. Catiline's Conspiracy, by Ben Jon- son, 31.
Ceremony, Shakespeare on, 157, 158.
Chantrey, Sir Francis, and com- memoration of Shakespeare, 215. Charlecote, Shakespeare's esca- pade at, 76.
Chaucer, Geoffrey, French influ- ence on, 199.
Davenant, Robert, Sir William's brother, 70.
D'Avenant, Sir William, theatri- cal manager, 67; his youth at Oxford, 69; relations in boyhood with Shakespeare, 70; elegy on Shakespeare, 71; champion of Shakespeare's fame, 71; his story of Shakespeare and South- ampton, 72; his influence on Betterton, 72; manager of the Duke's company, 87 n.; as dram- atist, 98; his adaptations of Shakespeare, 103-05, 106 п., 108.
Deschamps, Eustace, on Chaucer,
Desportes, Philippe, and Eliza- bethan poetry, 199.
D'Israeli, Isaac, on Steevens's for- gery, 195.
Downes, John, prompter and stage annalist, 63.
Dramatic societies in England, 129.
Dress, Shakespeare on extrava- gant, 185. Drunkenness, Shakespeare on, 185. Dryden, John, on William Bee- ston, 66; as dramatist, 91; his share in the adaptation of The Tempest, 105.
DuBellay, Joachim, and Eliza- bethan poetry, 199.
Clarendon, Lord, on Shakespeare, Ducis, Jean François, his trans- 79.
lation of Shakespeare, 207, 208.
Dugdale, Sir William, 74. Dumas père, on Shakespeare, 206; his translation of Hamlet, 209- 11.
Dyce, Alexander, on Steevens's for- gery, 196, 197.
Elizabeth, Queen, summons Shake- speare to Greenwich, 31. Elizabethan stage society, 13 n.
England, Shakespeare on history of, 180.
Ennius on poetic fame, 232. Etherege, Sir George, 91.
"Grenovicus," contributor to Gen-
tleman's Magazine, 195.
Hales, John, of Eton, 78.
Eton College, debate about Shake- Hall, Bp. Joseph, French transla-
tion of works by, 199.
Hart, Charles, actor and Shake- speare's grand nephew, 59, 68. Hauptmann, 135.
Henry V. on kingly ceremony, 157; patriotism of, 175, 182. Heywood, Thomas, projected Lives of the Poets, 54 n.; his affection for Shakespeare, 65; his Apol- ogy for Actors, 65.
History plays of Shakespeare, character of, 180. Hobbes, Thomas, in France, 200. Howe, Josias, on a Shakespeare tradition, 77.
Hugo, Victor, on Shakespeare, 206.
Imagination in the audience, 22, 47, 48.
Ingres, Jean, his painting of Shakespeare, 206.
Irving, Sir Henry, experience of Shakespearean spectacle, 10; and the literary drama, 123; and the municipal theatre, 132; and French drama, 200.
Irving, Washington, and commem- oration of Shakespeare, 215.
James I., his alleged letter to Shakespeare, 72.
John of Gaunt (in Richard II.),
George IV. and commemoration of James II., statue of, 237.
German drama, 129, 135, 136.
dying speech of, 115-16, 181.
Germany, subsidised theatres in, Johnson, Dr., on false patriots,
Goethe, 136; monument to, 233. Greene, Robert, French transla- tion of romance by, 199. Grendon, tradition of Shakespeare at, 77.
Jonson, Ben, testimony to Shake- speare's popularity, 29; his classical tragedies compared with Shakespeare's, 30; his elegy on Shakespeare, 50, 232;
Lincoln's Inn Fields (Portugal Row), Theatre of, 86, 87 and n. Literary drama on the modern stage, 123; antagonism of cap- ital to, 126-28.
Lives of the Poets of the seven- teenth century, 54 and n. Locke, John, in France, 200. Locke, Matthew, Shakespearean music of, 105, 108. Logic, Shakespeare on, 146. London, Shakespeare's association with, 226 seq.; statues in, 236, 237; proposed sites for Shake- speare monument, 239.
Nash, John, and commemoration of Shakespeare, 215.
Nash, Thomas, 64.
Nodier, Charles, his Persées de Shakespeare, 211-13. Norwegian drama, 129.
Obedience, the duty of, 161. Oldys, William, antiquary, 68, 69. Opera in England, 131.
Oxford, the Crown Inn at, 69; Shakespeare at, 70; visitors from, to Stratford, 75-77.
Patriotism, Shakespeare on, 170
Peele, George, alleged letter of, 189 seq.
Pepys, Samuel, his playgoing ex- periences, 82-87; on Eliza- bethan and Jacobean drama, 91-93; on Shakespeare, 94 seq.; his attitude to poetic drama, 95, 96; his musical setting of “To be or not to be," 100.
Petrarch, his tomb at Arqua, 225. Phelps, Samuel, at Sadler's Wells, 11; his mode of producing Shakespeare, 12; on a state theatre in London, 120; on pub- lic control of theatres, 140, 141. Philosophy, Shakespeare's atti- tude to, 142 seq. Pindar, on poetic fame, 232. Platter, Thomas, journal of his
London visit (1599), 38. Playhouses in London, "Black- friars," 227; Drury Lane, 86, 87, and n.; the "Globe," 227; the "Red Bull," 86; Sadler's Wells, 11; Salisbury Court, Whitefriars, 66, 86; "The Theatre" at Shoreditch, 37, 227. Pope, Alexander, and French lit- erature, 199; on the Shake- speare cenotaph, 216.
Richardson Samuel, in France,
Robinson, Richard, actor, 68. Ronsard, Pierre de, and Eliza- bethan poetry, 199; in England, 203.
Rousseau, J. J., and English lit- erature, 200.
Rowe, Nicholas, Shakespeare's first formal biographer, 54; his acknowledgment to Betterton, 73; his biography of Shake- speare, 79, 80.
Royal ceremony, irony of, 158. Russell, Lord John, on patriotism,
Sadler's Wells Theatre, 11. Sand, George, on Shakespeare, 206. Sardou, M. Victorien, work of, 200. Scenery, its purpose, 5; useless- ness of realism, 23.
Schiller, on the German stage, 136;
monument to, 233.
Scott, Sir Walter, and commemo- ration of Shakespeare, 215, 232; Edinburgh monument of, 238. Sedley, Sir Charles, 91. Seneca, on mercy, 153 n. Shadwell, Thomas, 67; adaptation of The Tempest, 106 n. Shakespeare, Gilbert, actor, 68. Shakespeare, William, his creation of the ghost in Hamlet, 27; con- temporary popularity of, 29; at Court, 31; early London career, 32; advice to the actor, 45; his modest estimate of the actor's powers, 47; elegies on death of, 49; Fuller's notice of, 52; early biographies of, 54; oral tradition of, in seventeenth century, 55; similarity of expe- rience with that of contempo- rary dramatists and actors, 57; Elizabethan players' commenda- tion of, 60; resentment with a publisher, 65; William Bee- ston's reminiscences of, 67; Stratford gossip about, 74-76; present state of biographical knowledge, 81; his attitude to philosophy, 142 seq.; his intui-
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