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II. All records and all papers required by the laws of to be deposited with the recorders of said districts for rec as evidence of their contents in all courts of this Territory, jected for any defects in their form, when their contents ma shall be valid to the extent provided by said mining laws, e restricted: Provided, That such records and papers are corded by the clerk of the probate court of the county in w trict is located, and within three months from the time this a if said records or papers are lost or mutilated, or if such district shall neglect or refuse to deposit the same as afor their contents made by any person interested therein, or cer thereof, may be so recorded, and shall have the like effect.

III. All conveyances of mines, mining rights, mineral made prior to the time this act takes effect shall be valid the title of the grantor thereof, although defective in form a contents can be understood, and as such shall be received courts of this Territory; Provided, That such conveyance with or recorded by the clerk of the probate court of th mines are situated, within three months from the time this if lost or mutilated, copies or affidavits of their contents, e may be recorded as provided above.

SEC. 26. Every recorder, register, clerk, or other record such mining district, or who has at any time acted as su within three months after this act takes effect, shall deposit probate court of the county in which said district or greater ated, all records which he has so kept, and all papers depos record, and papers so made or deposited with his predec which are in his hands as aforesaid, or he shall so deposit same. And such records and other papers shall be securel open in office hours to public inspection, and copies of the by him shall be received in all courts of justice, and have t originals. And any such recorder, register, or other reco mining district who shall neglect or refuse to comply with section shall be liable in damages to the party injured t liable to be punished by the judge of probate of the county district, or the greater part thereof, is situated, for contemp ing five thousand dollars and imprisoned not more than of incapable of holding any such office and mining claim.

SEC. 27. Mining districts now existing may be continue tricts may be established in the manner and for the purposes I. The recorder of every mining district now existing s that he deposits the records of said districts with the clerk as the last preceding section requires, take an oath bef court that he will faithfully perform the duties of his office shall be elected and qualified in his place, which oath sha clerk of the probate court. He shall record in a book to be purpose all notices of claims or rights to veins, mineral de and auxiliary lands which may be left with him to be rec on all papers which may be received by him to be recorded were so received by him, and they shall be considered a time. He shall, when requested by any such claimant, go and see that the same is measured by metes and bounds, stantial monuments on the surface of the earth, and shall same, and of the time when it was done, and certify it t make a record and certificate of the same on the evidence who was present when the same was done, and is cogni

whose name shall be entered on the record. He shall, when requested by any such claimant, go with him to his claim and examine any shaft that may be sunk by him, or tunnels that may be opened to the same, and make measurements of the same, and a record and certificate as aforesaid; and he shall in like manner examine, measure, or estimate, and make and record a certificate of any work which is required by law to be done by a claimant. And the said recording officer shall, quarterly, file with the clerk of the probate court of the county in which said district is located a copy by him certified of all records made by him for the three months last preceding, which shall be duly recorded by said clerk, and a copy of said record duly certified by him shall be evidence of its contents in all courts of this Territory. And such recording officer shall be liable to all the penalties provided in the preceding section if he shall neglect or refuse to perform any of the acts and duties required of him by this section, but shall not be required to perform any such service until his fees for the same, to be fixed by the mining districts, are paid him, if he requests it. And if any paper deposited with him for record is required to be recorded by the clerk of the probate court, he shall at the time said paper is so deposited with him take and receive the fee fixed by law for recording such paper by said clerk, and pay the said clerk said fee when he deposits said paper with him to be recorded as aforesaid. All such mining districts may make laws not inconsistent with the laws of the Territory, may elect officers for the government of such districts, and fix their compensation, but all such acts and proceedings shall be recorded, and all records and papers thereof filed with the clerk of the probate court as aforesaid. II. Any number of persons, not less than twelve, owning mining claims in any mining district, or in any contiguous mining districts, or who have discovered and may wish to denounce a mine or mineral lands, not within the limits of any established mining district, may proceed to make a new mining district at a meeting of persons holding claims in such district so to be established, and of claimants in any districts to be divided or to be included therein. They shall cause a notice in writing, and specifying the limits of said contemplated district, signed by them, to be posted in three conspicuous places in said district, and if any part of an established district is to be included therein by leaving a copy of said notice with the recorder of said district at least ten days before the day of said meeting. At said meeting all persons holding claims as aforesaid may vote, and may determine by a majority vote of those present whether said new district shall be established, and its limits, but within the boundaries named in the notice for said meeting, and thereupon the persons holding claims in such newly established district shall proceed to select a name, and make laws therefor, and elect a recorder, who shall be qualified as aforesaid, who shall perform all the duties and be subject to all the liabilities provided in this chapter for such officers, and shall file with the clerk of the probate court as aforesaid a record of the proceedings of this and all subsequent meetings at the time and in the manner herein provided.

SEC. 28. It shall be the duty of all claimants of mineral tracts to sink at least one shaft of thirty feet in depth, or to run a tunnel of fifty feet in length, in the body of the vein or in the adjoining rock, so as to test the vein from the surface, for the purpose of ascertaining the character and, capacity of such mineral deposit, within the space of one year from the day of first taking possession thereof, and they shall notify the recorder of the mining district that said shaft or other work is completed, and that they intend working the vein or mineral deposit. And the recorder shall examine said work in person, and make and record a certificate of the result of such examination, which shall contain a statement of the condition and quality of the vein or mineral deposit, the amount of labor performed, and a general view of the results obtained. Said report shall be accompanied by three specimens taken from different parts of the work, which said specimens, with a copy of the record so made by him, shall be filed


by him within the time required by this act in the offic probate court. And said clerk shall make a record of the mens shall be numbered and described by him, and be pre the mineralogical professorship of the University of Arizon

SEC. 29. The judge of the probate court, at any time wi the record made by the clerk of said court, as provided in t upon complaint in writing made to him by such claimants, claims, stating the labor performed by them, and the ce that the registration of the same has been made as required ing that their title thereto may be confirmed, shall cause a seal of his court, to be issued, requiring all persons intereste named therein, and which shall not be less than sixty da same was issued, and show cause why the title of such con ants should not be confirmed, a copy of which complaint attested by the clerk of the probate court, shall be publish torial newspaper, and be kept posted in the office of said c issuing the same to the return day thereof; and if no person return day to contest the right of the claimants to such clai bate shall examine all the records filed in the office of his c claims, and if he finds that the said claimants have in a with the provisions of this chapter, he shall make a decree i complainants having complied with the laws of this Ter denouncement and registration of mines, have acquired a claims (describing the same) until the 1st day of Janua forever after unless abandoned by them. And the said cler claimant a copy of such decree, under the seal of the court, clusive evidence of title in any proceedings relating to su are abandoned. And unless the persons adversely intere the title of the complainants shall appear on the day name and proceed as hereinafter provided, they shall be forever ing the title of said complainants to such claims. And if so appear they shall on that day or some day to be fixed by to file an answer, setting forth their claim and case, and th then be conducted in conformity to the provisions of this o of civil practice. And whenever a final decree is made t the title to said claim or mine, by said judge, or by any of the said judge shall cause a record to be made in the office decree, and a certified copy thereof may be made as afor effect. And any claimants of mineral lands who before have in any way or under any law acquired a title to such filing with the clerk of the court their evidence of title and as required by this chapter, may cause an examination of them or other work done by them to be made as aforesaid proceedings for the confirmation of their titles, with the sam This section shall not apply except when the complainants such mine or mining rights, claiming title thereto.

SEC. 30. By reason of the Indian wars and unsettled cond the time within which a shaft is required to be sunk, or ot on a claim, shall not commence until two years from the effect, and all the provisions of this chapter relating theret that time; but any claimant my sink a shaft or do such any time after the record of their claims with the probate c institute proceedings to confirm their titles, and be entitled privileges provided for in this chapter.

SEC. 31. No single person or company shall be compelle make other improvements on more than one of the tracts

him or them for the same vein or mineral deposit; and any number of claimants on the same vein or mineral deposit, who may unite for said purpose, shall be allowed to concentrate labor, capital, and energy to any one single point which to him or them shall be best suited to ascertain to the best advantage the general character, quality, and capacity of that particular vein or mineral deposit, and may take the like proceedings to confirm their titles.

SEC. 32 After the work required by section 28 of this chapter has been performed, and the record thereof made as therein provided, two years shall be allowed the claimants of mineral lands to develop the same, and procure machinery and provide for working the same; and during that time the same shall not be considered abandoned, although no work be done thereon: Provided, That in such an event, they shall annually, and before the first day of June in each year, file with the clerk of the probate court an affidavit signed by them that they have not abandoned such claims, but intend, in good faith, to work them; and said term of two years shall not commence until the first day of January, A. D. 1868. And after the expiration of said term of two years, it shall be obligatory upon claimants to such mineral lands to hold actual possession of them and work the vein, which obligation shall be considered as complied with by doing at least thirty days' work thereon in each year; but if such claimants are prevented from working such vein by the hostility of Indians or other good cause, rendering said working difficult or dangerous, they may, by authority of the judge of probate first obtained, be relieved from performing labor thereon from time to time, but for not more than one year at any one time, during the continuance of such cause.

SEC. 33. Any person who may discover a mineral vein or deposit as aforesaid, which is not included within a mining district, or which may be in a mining district in which there is no legally authorized recorder, may acquire title thereto, and to auxiliary lands, by giving notice as aforesaid, and recording the same with the clerk of the probate court of the county in which the same is situated, and may take the same proceedings, with the like effect, with the clerk of the probate court that are required to be taken with the recorder of a mining district.

SEC. 34. Discoverers of mines on lands in the legal ownership or possession of others, and not public lands, before doing the work of sinking the shaft required by section 28 of this chapter, shall pay to such parties such compensation for the use of the same as may be awarded by the judge of probate upon complaint of either party, or shall give bond to such parties for payment of the same, and sureties to be approved by said judge; and whenever it becomes necessary or advantageous to construct tunnels for the purpose of drainage, ventilation, or the better hauling of ores or other subterraneous products or mining materials, it shall be lawful for any party or parties to construct such tunnel or drift through all private and public property: Provided, That all damages arising from such subterranean works to the other parties, to be determined as provided above, shall be paid by the parties for whose benefit such tunnelling is done, to be paid before such work is commenced, or security given to the satisfaction of the judge of probate for the payment of the same; but no damages shall be paid on public lands when claims for such lands shall be set up after such tunnel shall have been projected or actually in process of construction : Provided, That the lapse of time between projection and actual work shall not exceed ninety days, and that the tunnelling parties give timely notice of their project to any new claimant of the so affected ground.

SEC. 35. Whenever such tunnel as mentioned in the preceding section shall intersect or traverse mineral deposits, or run along lodes claimed and held by other parties, then it shall be at the option of the owners of stich other mineral deposits either to pay one-half of the expense of excavation for the distance that such tunnel runs through their mineral deposits, and secure the whole of


the ores excavated, or to divide the ores with the tunnelli paying all expenses of excavation; or it shall be optional abandon all claim to the ores excavated.

SEC. 36. If, in the construction of such subterranean deposits are encountered in ground not claimed or owned b shall become the property of the party for whom such tunn shall be denounced and registered as is required of new governed by the same laws as are prescribed in this chapt

SEC. 37. Any claimant or claimants not complying with conditions and obligations shall forfeit all right to any su corded claims to mineral and auxiliary tracts; and it shall or them to register such claims anew within a period of t forfeiture. All such tracts shall be free for working an those excepted in this section.

SEC. 38. All veins and mineral deposits situated on pul not been worked and occupied from the time of the acquis by the United States up to the time of the passage of th herein provided, shall be considered as abandoned and s denouncement.

SEC. 39. All veins and mineral deposits that have been hereafter shall, in all cases and respects, be governed by th opening and working of new veins and deposits, as presc

SEC. 40. Whenever any min,e vein, or mineral deposit doned or forfeited in accordance with the provisions of th tered anew by other parties, it shall be obligatory upon su former owners warning thereof, so as to remove from the of three months anything he or they may think valua warning shall be given in the nearest newspaper published by posting it at three of the most conspicuous places in mine is situated. Three months after the expiration of su all buildings, furnaces, arrastras, metals, and every othe which may still remain on the ground of such mine, vei shall become the undisputed property of the new claima tion of any kind to any person whatever.

SEC. 41. Any person taking possession of or entering u auxiliary lands, registered according to the provisions of fore it is abandoned, shall be ousted therefrom in a sum order of the probate judge, and the malfeasor shall be adj ages and costs consequent thereon.

SEC. 51. It shall be the duty of persons who may disco rights or mineral lands, at the same time that they may d their claim or claims to any lode or mine as required by chapter, to lay off and define the boundary of one perter the provisions of this chapter, adjoining their claim or c the property of the Territory of Arizona. And at the sa sent their notice of claim or claims to be recorded by the r district, they shall also present to such recorder the clai And if said discoverers and claimants shall neglect or ref recorder the claim of said Territory as aforesaid, they sh claim to the mine or ledge so discovered by them. An cording the claim or claims of such discoverers and claim of said Territory is not filed therewith as aforesaid, shal penalties provided in section 26 of this chapter. Suc corded as provided in this chapter for like claims, but no v to be done thereon, nor shall it be considered to be aband the property of the Territory; and if sold, the time within

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