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glorified God for the miracle which had been done, and worshiped Jesus.5


After a few days, a certain young man was cleaving wood in the corner, and the axe fell and cut asunder the sole of his foot; and losing all his blood, he died. And there was a clamor and a crowd, and the child Jesus ran thither, and by force he passed through the throng, and took hold of the young man that was wounded in the foot, and straightway he was healed. And he said to the young man, Rise now, cleave the wood, and remember me. And the crowd, who saw what was done, worshiped the Child, saying, Truly the Spirit of God dwelleth in this Child.


And when he was six years old, his mother sent him to draw water and bring it home, having given him a waterpot. And being thronged by the crowd, the water-pot was broken. But Jesus, spreading out the garment with which he was clothed, filled it with water, and carried it to his mother. And when his mother saw the miracle she kissed him, and kept to herself the wonders which she saw him do.



And again, at the time for sowing, the Child went out with his father to sow corn in their field, and when his father sowed the child Jesus also sowed one grain of corn. And having reaped and threshed it, he made a hundred quarters of it. And having called all the poor of the village to the threshing-floor, he bestowed the corn on them; and Joseph took away what was left of the corn. Now Jesus was eight years old when he wrought this miracle."


Now his father was a carpenter, and made at that time plows and yokes; and a couch was ordered of him by a

5 Pseudo-Matthew xxxii.

Pseudo-Matthew xxxiii.

VOL. XIV.-17.

7 Pseudo-Matthew xxxiv.

certain rich man, to make it for him: and one of the pieces known as a side piece, being too short, they knew not what to do, wherefore the child Jesus said to his father Joseph, Lay down the two pieces of wood, and let the center of one be upon the center of the other. And Joseph did as the child said to him; and Jesus stood at the other end, and took hold of the wood which was too short, and stretched it and made it equal to the other. And his father Joseph saw and marveled, and embracing the child he kissed him, saying: Happy am I, because God hath given this child to me.8


And Joseph seeing the understanding of the child and his growth, that he was becoming a youth, considered again that he should not remain unacquainted with letters, and he took him and handed him over to another teacher: and the teacher said to Joseph, I will first instruct him in Greek, and then in Hebrew, for the teacher knew the cleverness of the child, and was afraid of him. Nevertheless he wrote the alphabet and repeated it to him for a long time; and he did not answer him; and Jesus said to him, If thou art indeed a teacher, and if thou knowest the letters well, tell me the power of Alpha, and I will tell thee that of Beta; and the teacher, being annoyed, struck him on the head; and the child was vexed and cursed him, and immediately he became senseless, and fell upon his face on the ground; and the child returned to the house of Joseph. And Joseph was grieved, and charged his mother, saying, Thou shalt not send him outside the door, for they die who provoke him to anger.9


And after some time again another instructor, who was a near friend of Joseph, said to him, Bring me the child to school, perhaps I may be able with coaxing to teach him letters. And Joseph said, If thou art bold enough, brother, take him with thee; and he took him with him with fear and much inward conflict; but the child went cheerfully; and

8 Pseudo-Matthew xxxvii.

Pseudo-Matthew xxxviii.

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